Ideas for Final Exam

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Ideas for Final Exam


Exercise and Performance


Final Exam

Examiner: Zali Yager

Time Allowed: 1 ½ Hours SECTION A Multiple Choice 20% Each question is worth 1/2 mark Please Circle your answer

1) Which of the following best summarises convection? a. The transfer of heat directly through contact b. The transfer of heat along air currents c. The exchange of heat on electromagnetic waves d. The loss of heat as fluids are converted from liquid to vapour

2) The difference between the oxygen required during a given rate of steady-state work and the oxygen actually consumed is referred to as the a. Maximal oxygen uptake b. Excess postexercise oxygen consumption c. Oxygen deficit d. Oxygen surplus

3) The following diagram shows the sliding filament model of muscle contraction. Which of the following correctly describes the actions at X, Y, and Z?


y z

a. X = ADP + PC form ATP so that Myosin head can detach Y = Actin filament Z = Myosin head releasing energy so that it can attach

b. X = ADP + PC form ATP so that Actin head can detach Y = Myosin filament Z = Actin head releasing energy so that it can attach

c. X = ADP + PC form ATP so that Myosin head can attach Y = Actin filament Z = Myosin head releasing energy so that it can detach

d. X = ADP + PC form ATP so that Actin head can attach Y = Myosin filament Z = Actin head releasing energy so that it can detach 4) Human growth hormone a. Blunts skeletal growth b. Increases carbohydrate utilization c. Facilitates protein synthesis d. Is an illegal ergogenic aid

5) Children are not as effective in dissipating heat as adults. Which of the following is incorrect? a. Children produce more heat relative to body mass b. Children have higher sweat rates at rest and during exercise c. Children have greater energy expenditure during exercise relative to body size d. Children rely more on convective heat loss than evaporative cooling

6) Which of the following is not an ergogenic effect of ingesting 330 mg of caffeine? a. It increases alertness b. Stimulates epinephrine release from the adrenal medulla c. It increases the ability of muscle to contract sub maximally d. It assists the utilisation of glucose rather than lipids for fuel

7) Which description of the side effects of Anabolic steroid use in males is most correct? a. Heart disease, prostate reduction and increased testicular size b. Impotence, infertility, hypertension and liver damage c. Acne, altered glucose tolerance and breast enlargement d. Improved mood, less aggression and less violent behaviour

8) You have a diabetic child in your class. They have just done their blood glucose reading test and it is 12 mmol/L. Your reaction would be: a. Not to worry, this is the average reading b. To urgently administer emergency glucose such as jelly beans c. To keep an eye on them, this reading is high but not high enough to administer insulin d. To be concerned, this is a low reading and they may require some sugar soon to prevent hypoglycaemia

9) Myofibrillar hypertrophy of the biceps muscle would result from: a. Inactivity b. More than 12 repetitions of 50% 1RM of a bicep curl c. Plyometric training involving a series of vertical jumps d. 2-8 reps of 80% RM of a bicep curl 10) In the relex arc for the patellar reflex, which is most correct?

a. The tap on the patellar tendon causes the Golgi tendon organ to detect a stretch which is sent to the CNS via X the afferent nerve (X). The Y efferent nerve (Y) then carries the message to contract or shorten the quadriceps to prevent a tear in the muscle

b. The tap on the patellar tendon causes the muscle spindle to detect a stretch which is sent to the CNS via the afferent nerve (X). The efferent nerve (Y) then carries the message to contract or shorten the quadriceps to prevent a tear in the muscle

c. The tap on the patellar tendon causes the Golgi tendon organ to detect a stretch which is sent to the CNS via the afferent nerve (Y). The efferent nerve (X) then carries the message to contract or shorten the quadriceps to prevent a tear in the muscle

d. The tap on the patellar tendon causes the muscle spindle to detect a stretch which is sent to the CNS via the afferent nerve (Y). The efferent nerve (X) then carries the message to contract or shorten the quadriceps to prevent a tear in the muscle

11) During exercise, children have: a. Lower maximal heart rates than adults b. Lower maximal cardiac output c. Lower submaximal heart rate than in adults d. Higher stroke volume during submaximal exercise

12) Systolic blood pressure is not

a. The consequence of relaxation of the heart b. Elevated in hypertension c. Increased when peripheral resistance is greater d. The pressure wave that registers as a person's pulse

13) Golgi Tendon organs respond primarily to muscle:

a. Depolarization b. Fatigue c. Tension d. Stretch 14) Which of the following answers would complete the table correctly?

Type Type I Type IIa Type IIb Description Slow oxidative [X] Fast Glycolytic Example Walking, marathon 400m swim 100 m Sprint Activity Contractile Low High [Y] Force Fatigues [Z] Moderate Fast Colour Red “Dark Meat” White/red White “White meat”

a. X = Fast Oxidative glycolytic Y = Low, Z = Fast b. X = Fast Glycolytic, Y = Moderate, Z = Slowly c. X = Fast Oxidative-glycolytic, Y = High, Z = Slowly d. X = Slow Oxidative, Y = High, Z = Slowly

15) Which elite athletes would be expected to have a higher Vo2 Max? a. Volleyballers, lawn bowlers and gymnasts b. Long distance cyclists, runners and cross country skiers c. Figure skaters, 200m hurdlers, rock climbers d. Long jumpers, shot putters and discuss throwers

16) A female takes 15 breaths per minute and has a minute ventilation volume of 7.5 L. Her tidal volume is: a. 150 ml b. 700 ml c. 300 ml d. 500 ml

17) The female in question 16 is likely to be: a. At rest b. Exercising sub maximally c. Sprinting d. Unconscious

18) In the conductive portion of the ventilatory system (eg. the trachea), all of the following choices happen to air except: a. it adjusts to body temperature b. it is filtered c. it is humidified d. it is vaporized

19) Jaime is an elite athlete who is exercising at maximum heart rate of 200 bpm and has a stroke volume averaging 180 ml of blood per beat. According to the Fick equation, Jaime’s Cardiac output is: a. 62 000 beats/minute b. 24 000 ml/minute c. 36 000 ml/minute d. 33 000 beats/ minute 20) Which of the following is also referred to as voluntary muscle? a. Skeletal muscle b. Smooth muscle c. Visceral muscle d. Cardiac muscle

21) Which of the following is not a function of insulin? a. Facilitates glucose transport into the cells, especially those in muscle b. Promotes glycogenesis c. Promotes glycogenolysis d. Inhibits gluconeogenesis

22) Which of the following physiological changes is caused by parasympathetic stimulation? a. Increased heart rate b. Increased sweating c. Dilation of coronary blood vessels d. Constriction of bronchial airways

23) The normal "pacemaker" of the heart is the a. Atrioventricular node b. Sympathetic nervous system c. Sinoatrial node d. Atrioventricular valve

24) Blood oxygen-carrying capacity a. Is dependent on blood hemoglobin concentration b. Is relatively high in an anemic individual c. Is the minimum amount of oxygen the blood can transport d. All of these are true

25) The largest volume of air that can be exhaled after a maximal inspiration is a. residual volume b. tidal volume c. vital capacity d. total volume

26) Under normal resting conditions, almost half of the circulating blood goes to a. The liver and kidneys b. The skeletal muscles c. The brain d. The skin

27) Recovery of blood lactate to resting levels is facilitated by a. Continued low-intensity exercise b. Passive recovery c. Continued exercise at 75% d. Sitting down after exercise so no more lactate is produced 28) Acidosis a. Is a condition where H+ concentrations are above normal b. Is a condition where pH is low c. Is a condition where pH is high d. a and b e. a and c

29) Which statement is incorrect about a concentric muscle contraction? a. It occurs in dynamic activity. b. The muscle lengthens while generating force. c. Joint movement occurs as tension is developed. d. An example is raising a dumbbell from extended to flexed elbow position. e. All of these are incorrect.

30) A training technique that attempts to improve jumping ability by using the stretch reflex to facilitate recruitment of additional motor units is called a. Eccentric training b. Interval training c. Plyometrics d. Static-contraction resistance training

31) The "pumped-up" state of a muscle immediately after a single intensive bout of resistance training is caused by a. Increased size of muscle fibers b. Increased number of muscle fibers c. Increased fluid accumulation in the muscle d. All of these

32) The heart of a highly trained endurance athlete would be characterized by all of the following except a. Increased end-diastolic pressure b. Increased maximal heart rate c. Increased left ventricular wall thickness d. Increased ejection fraction

33) Under resting conditions, the primary means by which excess heat is removed from the body is ______, but during exercise, the majority of the excess body heat is removed via ______. a. Conduction; radiation b. Radiation; convection c. Evaporation; conduction d. Radiation; evaporation

34) An acute response to high-altitude exposure is a. A decrease in plasma volume b. A decrease in the concentration of red blood cells c. A lower hematocrit d. All of these are correct. 35) Recent research appears to support the notion that a person can improve endurance performance at sea level by a. Living at high altitude and training at high altitude b. Living at low altitude and training at high altitude c. Living at high altitude and training at low altitude d. Living at low altitude and training at low altitude

36) High humidity seriously impairs your ability to a. Sweat b. Evaporate sweat c. Radiate heat d. Conduct and convect heat

37) The glycaemic index is a. The ratio of carbohydrate calories to fat calories of a food b. An indicator of the blood glucose response to the ingestion of a food c. The number of calories per gram of a food d. The amount of glucose in a food

38) The major limiting factor in cardio-respiratory performance in prepubescent children is a. Stroke volume b. Heart rate c. a-vO2 difference d. Stride length

39) The simplest and most rapid method to generate ATP is through a. Glycolysis b. The ATP/PCr system c. Glycogenolysis d. Aerobic metabolism

40) The primary reason maximal oxygen uptake (Vo2 max) increases in response to aerobic training is a. Increased cardiac output and muscle blood flow b. Increased maximal heart rate c. Increased oxidative enzymes in the muscle d. Increased lung volumes SECTION B Short Answer 80% Each question is worth 10 marks

1) Ella is pregnant and she comes to you for some advice on safe exercise that she can do to maintain her body weight, muscular strength and cardiovascular fitness. What are the 3 major concerns for exercising while pregnant, and what specific recommendations can you give her to maintain fitness but avoid harm to her baby and herself?

 Concern: ______ Recommendation______

 Concern: ______ Recommendation______

 Concern: ______ Recommendation______2) You are to compete in the school cross country (40 minutes through local area) with your students to motivate them and act as a positive role model- however your competitive PE attitude means that you want to do well. The race is 8 weeks away. Indicate briefly what your training program would involve, and how it adheres to the Principles of Training.

Training program: ______

Principles of Training ______3) You landed your dream job as an advisor to an elite sporting team. You are to go on a round the world competition tour. Explain the considerations specific to your sport of the impact of the environment on impact training and competition.

Which sport does your team play? ______

- Hot, dry environments


- Hot, humid environments


- Cold climates


- High altitudes

______4) Observe the following graph from our lab measuring the LIP in our participants.


1 8 . 0

1 6 . 4 1 6 . 0 e

t 1 4 . 0 a

t 1 2 . 0 1 2 . 0 c

a 1 0 . 0 L

8 . 0

d 7 . 1

o 6 . 0 o l 4 . 0 3 . 8 3 . 4

B 3 . 0 2 . 6 2 . 0

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0 . 0 Speed a) What happens to the participant’s blood lactate level when the intensity of exercise is increased beyond the LIP? ______b) What contributes to fatigue at exercise intensities beyond the LIP?


c) What mechanisms does the body use to avoid lactate build-up?

______5) You are helping out your dad by assisting him in coaching an under 12’s AFL footy team. At half time (games are composed of 20 minute halves) he brings out a huge packet of killer pythons, and gives 2 killer pythons to everyone on the team “That’ll boost your energy for the second half” he says. The kids love it, but you are not so sure that it will help them. You check the back of the pack and see the nutrition information below.

Does this positively or negatively affect the kids’ performance? Why? What recommendations would you make to your dad?

Per 1 killer Per 100g python Energy (Kj) 630 1400 Protein (g) 2.2 4.9 Fat-total(g) <1 g < 1g Carbohydrate (g) 34.8 77.3 - sugars (g) 20.7 46.0 Sodium (g) 42 94

______6) You have decided that you want to demonstrate the 3 energy systems to your year 12 class rather than just go over the theory in class. Give an outline of the brilliant activity you come up with in the space below. You can choose to present this in lesson plan format, or just describe the activity. 7) As a potential PE teacher, you will have to explain complex concepts on many levels. Demonstrate this by responding to the question: “how do muscles contract” at three different levels.

a) Give the physiological explanation in as much detail as possible ______b) Give an explanation suitable for a year 12 VCE PE class ______c) Give an explanation to a year 3 or year 4 class ______8) Billy is a 25 year old male studying PE at La Trobe uni. For exercise and performance he did the following simplified training program.

Monday Tuesday Wednesda Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday y

Cardio: Resistance Rest day Cardio: Resistance Cardio: Rest day 30 : 3 sets of Spin class : 10 sets of 30 minute 15 squats at the gym 6 bench minute run at at 60% (interval press at run at 70% 1RM training at 80% 1RM 70% MHR (increment 60-90% (increment MHR s each MHR) s each week) week)

What adaptations would you expect to see in each of the physiological systems if he stuck to that program and why?

System What Why

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