Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (Cedaw)

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Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (Cedaw)


This Convention, adopted in 1979 by the UN General Assembly, is often described as an international bill of rights for women. It consists of a preamble and 30 articles and defines what constitutes discrimination against women and sets up an agenda 2008-2010 for national action to end such discrimination.

Countries that have ratified or acceded to the Convention are UNITED NATIONS legally bound to put its provisions into practice. They are also committed to submit national reports, at least every four years, on measures they have taken to comply with their treaty COMMITTEE obligations. ZONTA INTERNATIONAL has: The Australian Government signed this Convention on 17 July 1980 but has not signed the Optional Protocol which includes an  Category I Consultative Status with the UN Economic and enquiry and a complaints procedure. Social Council (ECOSOC)  Consultative Status with UNESCO, UNlCEF, ILO and Websites for further Information Council of Europe

Member Resource Cente Zonta International site: GUIDELINES FOR YOUR COMMITTEE Program Committees Members Section District 24 website: United Nations years/days To access these you will first have to register as a memebr on both Project Five - O sites. Environment, Ageing, Beijing Platform for Action Beijing Plus Ten

United Nations: District Chairman: Division for the Advancement of Women: Allison Tait PO Box 1612,Toowong. Q 4066 Development Fund for Women: Ph. (H) 07 3876 4660 (B) 07 3406 7042 Childrens Fund: (M) 0439 996 492 Email: [email protected] Page 8 COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN DUTIES 49th SESSION OF COMMISSION ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN (CSW) 28 February-11 March 2005 . Send your name and contact details to your District UN Chairman As the preparatory body for the 1995 Fourth World Conference on . Read Guidelines for Action for the International United Women in Beijing, the CSW was mandated by the General Assembly to play a central role in monitoring, within the UN system, the Nations Committee implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action and advise the . Educate your members about UN Economic and Social Council thereon. From 1996, the main focus of . Visit Websites of UN Agencies for information on work of the Commission on the Status of Women has been the follow- programs and new initiatives up to the Fourth World Conference on Women and implementation of . Set a Budget for all projects the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. Following the adoption . Prepare an Annual Report, send a copy to the District by the General Assembly, at its twenty-third special session in June UN Chairman 2000, of the Political Declaration, and Further actions and initiatives to . Use the Club Newsletter to inform members about UN implement the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (i.e. the issues/days "outcome document"), the Commission's work now focuses on the implementation of both, the Platform for Action, and the outcome SUGGESTED CLUB ACTIVITIES document.

. Organise Events/functions to promote UN special days In 2005 the CSW will: . Have a guest speaker to coincide with UN days . Use 1 or 2 of the 'Critical Areas' from 'Beijing Platform for . Review of the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action 1995' in your status of women projects ie Women Action and the outcome documents of the special session of the General Assembly entitled "Women and Poverty, Education and Training, Women and Health, 2000: gender equality, development and peace for the Violence against Women, Women and Armed conflict, twenty-first century"; and Women and the Economy,Women in Power and Decision . Current challenges and forward looking strategies for Making, Institutional Mechanisms, Human Rights of the advancement and empowerment of women and girls Women, Women and the Media, Women and the Environment,The Girl ChiId In 2006 the CSW themes under its mandate will be: . Consider a guest speaker on "Reconciliation” . Include the focus areas in your club Programs and service . Enhanced participation of women and development: an . Include in your program a discussion on CEDAW and the enabling environment for achieving gender equality and Optional Protocol the advancement of women, taking into account, inter . Discuss Beijing + 10 alia, the fields of education, health and work; and . Discuss the various ZI servcies projects conducted in . Equal participation of women and men in decision- partnership with UN Agencies and their impact on the making processes at all levels. lives of women in over 30 countries UNITED NATIONS YEARS / DAYS PROJECT FIVE- O

2000 - 2010 - Decade for Culture of Peace, non-violence for Project Five-O was established in 1975 and is a co-operative the chi Idren of the World project between 5 NGOs (non government organisations) 2003-2012 – United Nations Literacy Decade 2004 - Year of Thanksgiving, Year of Cultural Peace . Zonta International 2005 - Year of Microcredit . Business and Professional Women International . International Council for Women March - . Soroptimist International 8th - Women's Day . International Federation of University Women. 21st - Day for Elimination of Racial Discrimination April - 7th - World Health Day AIM: May - . To use the skills and expertise of these organisations to 28th - Women's Health bay provide training in: June - . Income-generating skills 4th - Day of Innocent Children and Victims of Aggression . Marketing and small business 5th - Environment Day . Health, nutrition, hygiene, child care, and literacy. 26 - Day against Drug Abuse and Trafficking July - Funding aims at self-sufficiency within 5 years. 11th - World Population Day September - . Your Club can become involved by submitting a 8th- Literacy Day proposal to Zonta International, detailing: Third Tuesday - Day of Peace . How participants will be identified and assisted October - . Who will assist them 1st - Day for the Elderly 24th - United Nations bay . Budget . The amount of any donations to this project November - 25th - Day of No Violence against Women . Who will evaluate the project . Evaluation criteria December - 10th December - Human Rights Day . Brief history of the administering agency 11th December- UNICEF Day (Details are available on the Zonta International website) ZONTA INTERNATIONAL SERVICE PROJECTS "Women, Water Supply and Sanitation" Workshop in cooperation with INSTRAW held in Nigeria PARTNERED THROUGH UN AGENCIES Textile Production Project in cooperation with UNICEF in Guatemala 2004-2006 ZI-UNICEF Eliminating Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus (MNT) Young Mothers Hostel Project in cooperation with UNESCO in Afghanistan in Uruguay 2002-2004 ZI-UNIFEM Reinventing India: Preventing Violence (Phase 2) 1986-1990 Technical Training and Introduction of Appropriate Agricultural 2000-2002 ZI-UNICEF Prevention of Female Genital Circumcision (FGC) in Technology to Increase Women's Productivity project in Burkina Faso (Phase II) cooperation with UNIFEM in Mexico ZI-UNICEF Eliminating Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus (MNT) 1986-1988 Training Women as Health Promoters project in cooperation in Nepal: with UNIFEM in Argentina ZI-UNIFEM Reinventing India: Preventing Violence Training and Income Generating Project to Improve Fish 1998.2000 ZI-UNICEF Prevention of Female Genital Circumcision (FGC) Processing Methods and Organize a Marketing System in Project in Burkina Faso cooperation with UNIFEM in Botswana 1996.1998 ZI-UNICEF Girls' Education Project in South Africa The Hirondelles Training Center for Women project in Zonta International Strategies to Eradicate Violence Against cooperation with UNIFEM in the Comoros Islands Marketing Women and Children (ZISVAW). Network for Women's Handicrafts project in cooperation with 1994.1996 Gender, Women, and Development, Phase IV project in UNIFEM in Thailand cooperation with UNIFEM and UNICEF in Guatemala and Training and Support for Women in Food Processing Central America Technologies project in cooperation with UNIFEM in 1994.1996 Technical and Technological Support to Rural Women's Groups Zimbabwe project in cooperation with UNIFEM in Senegal 1982-1986 The Well Water project in cooperation with UNICEF in Sri 1992.1994 Enhancing Opportunities for Women in Development project in Lanka cooperation with UNIFEM in Ghana 1976-1982 The Colombian Urban Slum project in cooperation with Organization of Mapuche Peasant Women project in UNICEF and the Colombian Government cooperation with UNIFEM in Chile 1974-1976 The Pan African Training and Research Center for Women Women and Pesticides: Training and Education project in project, in cooperation with UNICEF cooperation with UNIFEM in India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh 1972-1974 Mobile Medical Units project in cooperation with UNICEF 1990-1992 Integrated Development for Women in Sericulture project in served the health needs of children and mothers in rural cooperation with UNIFEM in India areas of Ghana Agricultural Training of Young Rural Women project in 1962-1974 ZI supported the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for cooperation with UNIFEM in Togo the Vocational and Teacher Training Center for Women in Revolving Loan Fund for Village Women project in cooperation Ramallah, Jordan with UNIFEM in the Delta and Upper Egypt 1959-1961 ZI, in cooperation with the United Nations World Refugee 1988-1990 Production, Processing and Marketing of Rootcrops project in Year, supported the Anne Frank Village to aid refugee cooperation with UNIFEM in the Philippines Women's families in the Federal Republic of Germany. Agricultural Cooperative project in cooperation with UNIFEM in 1956 ZI provided direct aid for Hungarian refugees Brazil Assistance to the Strengthening of Women's Association for Full details of these Zonta International Service Projects are available on National Development (WAND) in cooperation with UNIFEM in the Fact Sheet produced by the ZI UN Committee and LA&A SubCommittee Sierra Leone and published on our District Website

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