Hi Folks,

The Vermont Medical Society's Council has resolved the apparent confusion of the members' vote last month on 2 mutually exclusive resolutions. Below is a cut-and-paste of the VMS announcement to the membership:

"In a meeting held around the state via Vermont Interactive Television on Dec. 2, the Vermont Medical Society Council, by a vote of 20-2, reaffirmed the results of the recent membership mail-in ballot. The Council adopted the same policy that garnered over 74 percent support from the voting membership -- that the VMS will oppose any laws concerning physician-assisted suicide in its testimony before the Vermont Legislature.

The Council's decision makes it clear that the VMS continues to believe there should be no laws concerning physician-assisted suicide and that the society in no way endorses euthanasia. As a result of the action, this policy supersedes any contradictory earlier VMS policy on physician-assisted suicide and settles any lingering confusion over the vote on two separate resolutions last month.

In the mail-in vote results announced Nov. 12, the resolution opposing any laws on physician-assisted suicide passed resoundingly 522-175. However, a separate resolution stating that the society should take a position of neutrality on the physician-aid-in-dying issue also passed by a slight margin of 348-340. Many members afterwards indicated that they found the ballot confusing, particularly the lack of definition of the term physician-aid-in-dying.

In taking this action, the Council was acting in its capacity as the policy setting body for the VMS in the intervals between annual meetings."

Executive Director, Paul Harrington, and President, Jamie O'Brien, both did an excellent job of leading the very congenial meeting. The Council's action received positive press in at least the Burlington Free Press and the Rutland Herald (

While this is a major step in the current process, we must continue to express our opinions and concerns to our legislators, friends, newspapers --- by letter, phone call, informal discussion, at PTA, Rotary, place of worship, over the back fence (no, too cold; come in and sit by the fire). I have been very pleased to see and hear about multiple letters to the editor appearing in several papers around the state, many written by you folks. Keep it up.

In other news, I learned recently that the Vermont Ecumenical Council voted in March a position of opposition to PAS. While I believe it possible to argue successfully against PAS from a sectarian consequential position, it is reassuring to know that this group of religious thinkers from a variety of denominations agree on this vital issue. The text of the VEC statement is: The members of the Vermont Ecumenical Council and Bible Society share a common concern on the matter of physician assisted suicide. After careful reflection and prayer, members of the Board of Trustees seriously doubt, and some reject categorically, that physician assisted suicide is an ethically responsible action. The dialogue about end of life issues must continue. We are committed to work together to articulate a position about end of life issues for women and men of faith today. This position is based on our faith in the Author of Life and the role of Jesus Christ and his Spirit in our lives. Physician assisted suicide is not the answer. A right and good answer is found in the creation of measures that will effectively diminish suffering, so that the terminally ill patient can live and die with a maximum of consciousness and a minimum of pain. Continue also to recommend to like-minded individuals a visit to our website ( and to "join" VAEH by sending an e-mail note to [email protected] requesting addition to this 3-mail distribution list (you can also be removed from this list in the same way). No membership dues, but contributions accepted at P.O. Box 2145; South Burlington, VT 05407.

Bob Orr, president, Vermont Alliance for Ethical Healthcare