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St Mary Church – Ottawa SS Group’s name : ………St. Mina……………….. – Grade : …3……
Preparation date May 03, 2012 Service date May 6, 2012 Lesson’s title The Power Of Christ When Crucified Revealed General purpose ( ) Love (/ ) Faith (/) Hope Specific purpose Verses of the lesson “Most assuredly I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the Kingdom of God.” (John 3:5)
References Mahragan Book Bible illustration tool PPT
Psalm of the week Personal meditation My dear Father please lighten your holy spirit inside me and help me to walk in your way and follow your steps not to run after my desires. I know my father that you love me so much, let me understand this and all what you did and still doing for me, and am very sure will do as well. You never leave me my father to a dead end you always hold my hand and walk me through all hardships. Give me my dear father a strong will to be a good daughter and to be holy as you asked me to be.
Introduction Theme this year for mahragan is to :“Be Transformed” what does transformed mean?
To be truly transformed, we need to answer the following questions: * 1. Do I want to be changed? * 2. Why should I change? * 3. Who should I ask so I can change? * 4. How do I change? * 5. How can I change others?
The summer break just started, and the kids are ready to have some fun and can’t wait to start the Mahragan competition this summer. The kids decide to participate in the Drama competition and today is their first practice.
Lesson Bishoy: Hannah let’s go! We’re gonna be late. Michael, our servant, said we should be there at 5 sharp. Hannah: Okay Bishoy, I’m almost ready. Bishoy: I’ll call Raymond to check if he’s ready too. Bishoy: Hello, hi Raymond. Are you ready? We don’t want to be late for the practice. Raymond: I’m ready. I’m leaving with Phoebe now. I’ll see you in Church. They arrive at Church and go to the theatre. Michael: Hey guys! I just want to welcome everyone to this year’s Mahragan competition. Before we start our meeting, let’s pray and ask for God’s blessings. After they pray… Michael: This year, the title of our play is “A new way of living”. We’ll present it as a puppet show. I’ll hand out the script and you can go to the storage room and pick the puppet that matches your role. Then, we can start our practice. Bishoy: Hmmm… Which one should I pick? This one! No maybe this one? Yes! This one is perfect! Oh no! It’s ripped. It’ll take a long time to be fixed. What should I do? Okay, I’ll try to fix it so I can use it. Bishoy starts to fix the puppet. He’s determined to make it look nice so he can use it for the play. While he’s working on it, Michael enters the room. Michael: Hey Bishoy, which puppet did you pick? Michael: Wow! This puppet was ripped, but you fixed it and made it look like new. Good Job! Bishoy, do you know that you have to have a strong will to be able to change anything in your life? Bishoy: What do you mean? Michael: If someone wants to change anything or learn something new, he has to have a strong will. Bishoy: Really? Michael: Yes, just like Nicodemus, and what he did with our Lord Jesus. Let me tell you his story... Michael: Nicodemus was a Pharisee and a member of the Sanhedrin. The Pharisees considered themselves righteous and the most knowledgeable in the Law of Moses. Michael added: Many were surprised that our Lord Jesus was able to do all these miracles. Nicodemus didn’t know with what authority Jesus was doing all these miracles. So one day, he decided to go and meet Jesus. Bishoy: Was he able to meet Jesus? Michael: Yes, but he went at night so no one can see him Bishoy: What did Nicodemus do when he met with our Lord Jesus? Michael: He asked Him about everything that was confusing him. He told Him, “We know that You are a teacher sent by God; for no one can do these signs that You do unless God is with him.” Bishoy: What did Jesus tell Nicodemus? Michael: Jesus’ answer was very strange. It made Nicodemus change his thinking. Bishoy: Change his thinking? Why, what did He tell him? Michael: Our Lord Jesus told him: “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” (John 3:3) Bishoy: This is a very strange answer! What did our Lord Jesus want to teach him? Michael: He wanted to teach him that in order to enter the kingdom of God, we have to be born again. But Nicodemus understood something totally different. Bishoy: What did he understand? Michael: the person has to re-enter his mother’s womb. Bishoy: Yeah, that’s what I understood too. What did our Lord Jesus mean? Michael: The birth of water and the Spirit refers to Baptism. That’s the key to all sacraments. It changes us; it makes us children of God so we can partake in all the sacraments. There are seven sacraments in our Coptic orthodox church:
(Priesthood- Baptism- confirmation- Eucharist-repentance and confession- anointing the sick- Marriage)
Bishoy: Did Nicodemus change his way of thinking about Jesus after he met with Him? Michael: Yes. Nicodemus also defended our Lord Jesus in front of the Pharisees. He also anointed Jesus’ body at His burial together with Joseph of Arimathea. Bishoy: That’s an amazing story. It taught me that change begins with a strong will. I also learned that without the second birth, I cannot enter the Kingdom of God. Michael: Exactly! Our Lord Jesus taught us that: * “He who believes and is baptized will be saved.” Mark 16:16 * With baptism, we become children of God. * Also with baptism, we receive forgiveness of sins.
Conclusion Michael: Exactly! Our Lord Jesus taught us that: * “He who believes and is baptized will be saved.” Mark 16:16 * With baptism, we become children of God. Also with baptism, we receive forgiveness of sins.
What to learn from the story?
* This bible story shows us how wonderful our God is and how he want us to be with him. * It is very important for us to be born again. By our second birth we get transformed to a new a creature that is filled up by the holy spirit. * We have to keep it up by taking communion and to trust in Jesus words.
Lesson application Quiz There was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews“ True or False
When did Nicodemus meet with Jesus? * After all the city had slept * Early in the morning before dawn "This man came to Jesus by night and said to Him, 'Rabbi, we know that You are...' * A teacher come from God * From Nazareth What did Jesus say to Nicodemus that surprised him? * Nicodemus you are a trouble maker * Uncles you come to me during the day you can’t see the kingdom of God * “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God” What question did Nicodemus ask Jesus? * How can anyone understand these sayings * How can a man become young when he is old * How can a man be born when he is old?
What did Jesus say to Nicodemus that surprised him? * Yes, you have to enter a second time into his mother’s womb and be born?” * Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God
Nicodemus believed in what Jesus said that he defended our Lord Jesus in front of the Pharisees and he also anointed Jesus’ body at His burial together with Joseph of Arimathea (John 19:39 True or False
Today we learn that second birth means that we all have to go back to our mommy's womb to be born again. True or False
Baptism is important..... * For our salvation. * With baptism, we become children of God. * By baptism our sins are forgiven * All of the above * The Christian life is . . . * A modification or improvement of the old * A transformation of nature, a death sin, and a new life with Jesus
In order for someone to change he needs: * Powerful muscles * To wear different cloth everyday * Strong will * FILL IN THE BLANKS: Most assuredly I say to you, unless one is born of ------and the-----, he cannot enter the Kingdom of God.” (John 3:5)
Homework ______
Weekly report # of kids : Atten. : Commun. Personal notes Confes. Date : Commun. ( ) # of visited kids : Bible ( ) Spiritual book : Notes of servant’s ______servant ______