VOLUME 51, NO. 2 SEPTEMBER 2020 IN THIS ISSUE The United States and World Health Organization Searching for Bob McNamara Impacts of the Nazi Spy Case of 1938 AND MORE... Passport THE SOCIETY FOR HISTORIANS OF AMERICAN FOREIGN RELATIONS REVIEW Editor Andrew L. Johns, Brigham Young University Assistant Editor Brionna Mendoza, The Ohio State University Production Editor Julie Rojewski, Michigan State University Editorial Advisory Board Heather Dichter, DeMontfort University (2020) Kelly McFarland, Georgetown University (2019-2021) Michael Brenes, Yale University (2020-2022) Founding Editors Mitchell Lerner, The Ohio State University (2003-2011) William J. Brinker, Tennessee Technological University (1980-2003) Nolan Fowler, Tennessee Technological University (1973-1980) Gerald E. Wheeler, San Jose State College (1969-1973) Cover Image: ca. 1918 or 1919. “Precautions taken in Seattle, Wash., during the Spanish Influenza Epidemic would not permit anyone to ride on the street cars without wearing a mask. 260,000 of these were made by the Seattle Chapter of the Red Cross which consisted of 120 workers, in three days.” Call Number: LC-A6195- 3955 [P&P], Collection: American National Red Cross photograph collection, Library of Congress. Digital Id: anrc 02654, LOC Control Number: 2017668638. Passport Editorial Office: SHAFR Business Office: Andrew Johns Amy Sayward, Executive Director Department of History Department of History Brigham Young University Middle Tennessee State University 2161 JFSB, Provo, UT 84602 1301 East Main Street, Box 23
[email protected] Murfreesboro, TN 37132 801-422-8942 (phone)
[email protected] 801-422-0275 (fax) 615-898-2569 Passport is published three times per year (April, September, January), by the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations, and is distributed to all members of the Society.