Present: Mayor Mike Giles

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Present: Mayor Mike Giles


Present: Mayor Mike Giles Councilman Dan Murphy Pat Rowe Tom Donaldson City Clerk Lisa Booth Chief of Police Michael Mancebo Public Works Director Joe Crim Animal Control Officer Sherri Crim Legal Counsel Kent Maher

Visitors: Heidi Lusby-Anvik (Pershing County Economic Development Authority), Dave Kitchen (Shaw Engineering), Debra Reid (Lovelock Review Miner), Rory Munns (Lovelock Meadows Water District), Kris Beck, Chuck Rasco (Lovelock Volunteer Fire Department), and Jon Allen.

Mayor Giles called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

APPROVAL-CORRECTION OF MINUTES: Councilman Rowe moved to approve the January 21, 2014 regular meeting minutes as submitted. Motion carried unanimously

PUBLIC-PERSONAL COMMUNICATION-CORRESPONDENCE: Mayor Giles: (i) introduced the new Lovelock Meadows Water District Manager, Rory Munns; (ii) presented retired Fire Chief Chuck Rasco with a plaque of appreciation; (iii) read a letter of resignation, effective immediately, from Chairman of Pershing County Economic Diversification & Community Center Board Jeff Campbell; (iv) received a Letter of Engagement from Kafoury Armstrong & Co.; and, (v) received a letter from Lover’s Aloft requesting funds.

Heidi Lusby-Anvik, Pershing County Economic Development Authority (PCEDA) representative, reported the new billboards are up and should have a life span of about five years. She thanked Public Works Director Crim for the loan of a longer ladder to put up the billboards. Lusby-Anvik attended the School TV Board open house this afternoon; there will be a Recycling Board breakfast at 7:30 a.m. this Friday at the Community Center; and, there is a PCEDA Board meeting on February 10, 2014.

There were no other public or personal communications or correspondence.

BUSINESS IMPACT DETERMINATION: After review and consideration of the probable effect that each agenda item for this meeting could have on a “business” as defined by statute, Councilman Donaldson moved to make a finding that no item on this meeting agenda appears to impose a direct and significant economic burden on a business or directly restrict the formation, operation or expansion of a business.

Motion carried unanimously

SEWER-DISPOSAL ACCOUNT DELINQUENCIES / ADJUSTMENTS-REFUNDS: City Clerk Booth reviewed the delinquent accounts list.

Page 1 of 4 02-04-2014 regular meeting Staff was directed to continue with the delinquent account protocol. APPOINTMENT OF CITY SAFETY COORDINATOR: Currently, Office Assistant Eva Foster is tracking safety training classes and Police Clerk Kris Beck is putting together all safety data sheets for the City.

The consensus of the Council is to combine the duties and assign the position to one person. Mayor Giles appointed Kris Beck as the City Safety Coordinator.

Councilman Murphy moved to confirm the appointment of Kris Beck as City Safety Coordinator. Motion carried unanimously

PUBLIC HEARING / NUISANCE DETERMINATION / 855 ELMHURST AVE. / ABATEMENT ORDER: The Council reviewed several photographs taken today which depict the condition of the property at 855 Elmhurst Ave.

Jon Allen, son of the property owner, was present. In response to a question from Councilman Murphy, Allen stated he did not know why he was called before the Council. Murphy (using the photographs to demonstrate) explained there are ordinances which require residents to keep control of the weeds and trash on their property, and the utility easement strip in front of the property cannot be used for storage of trash and inoperable vehicles.

Councilman Murphy moved to find that the condition of the property at 855 Elmhurst Ave. constitutes a menace based on the photographs taken today which depict the condition of the property. Motion carried unanimously

Councilman Donaldson moved to order that the conditions constituting a nuisance on the property (as explained to the property owner) be abated by the February 18, 2014 Council meeting. Motion carried unanimously

Mayor Giles asked Allen to put forth some effort to keep the property clean, noting that the poor maintenance of the property has been an ongoing problem for several years.

POOL-PACT GRANT MATCH CONTRIBUTION / POLICE VEHICLE DIGITAL SYSTEMS: Mayor Giles noted that the initial City proposal for grant funding to purchase in-vehicle cameras for the police department received no response. A similar request was submitted to POOL/PACT, and the City was awarded a grant in the sum of $18,750 to provide video equipment for all police patrol vehicles (at a total cost of $24,775), conditioned upon the City providing the $6,025 matching funds portion.

Councilman Murphy moved to approve expenditure of $6,025 from the Capital Project Fund as City match funds to the POOL/PACT grant of $18,750 for purchase of in-vehicle cameras for police department patrol vehicles. Motion carried unanimously

SURPLUS VEHICLES DISPOSAL: Mayor Giles reported it was determined that one of the vehicles which was declared a surplus vehicle at the last Council meeting, the 1997 GMC pickup, is still titled in the name of Pershing

Page 2 of 4 02-04-2014 regular meeting County. It was reported the County is planning on having a surplus equipment-vehicle auction this coming summer and 1997 GMC will be disposed of through the County auction.

The Council agreed the City should wait until after the joint meeting with the County on February 18, 2014 (to find out for certain if the County auction is still planned for this year) to determine how the two City surplus vehicles will be disposed of.

FRANCHISE AGREEMENT / SOUTHWEST GAS CORPORATION: Mayor Giles reported he and the City Clerk, and City Legal Counsel Maher by teleconference, met with Southwest Gas Corporation Engineer Dave Flaten and Legal Counsel Carla Kolebuck to discuss the new franchise agreement proposed by Southwest Gas. Giles stated he has concerns with the proposed agreement and is not comfortable with all the conditions. Maher suggested the Council take some additional time to review the proposed agreement and compare it to the existing agreement found in the City code before proceeding further.

The consensus of the Council was to continue the matter pending further review.

PUBLIC WORKS SHOP BUILDING PROJECT CLOSEOUT / SEWER PLANT SOLAR RENEWABLE ENERGY PROJECT / FRANKLIN AND 17 TH STREET BRIDGE PROJECT / OBTAINING AND EXPENDING FUNDS FOR WORK OR SERVICES RELATED TO THE PROJECTS AND ACCEPTANCE OR APPROVAL OF AGREEMENTS, AMENDMENTS AND FUNDING DOCUMENTS: Mayor Giles reported he and Dave Kitchen of Shaw Engineering met last week to discuss pursuing the 17th St.-Franklin Ave. bridge project. Kitchen will review the project and come back with updated costs. Giles said he also asked Kitchen to further research the federal and state discharge permits dealing with the Humboldt River, the Toulon Sink and the Carson Sink.

Kitchen advised he conversed with the Army Corp of Engineers and was told the Humboldt River is an unclassified water way and is considered not navigable (which means the discharge permits may not be subject to federal regulation); however, he will continue researching the discharge permits conditions to verify if the federal regulations apply. Kitchen stated the Franklin Ave. and 17th St. bridge project was almost ready to go to bid before being put on hold in 2009; at that time the engineer’s estimate was $65,600 for construction costs; and, using current estimated costs, the engineer’s estimate is $80,000. Additional administration costs will be about $13,000 to get the project going again.

Councilman Donaldson moved to proceed with the Franklin Ave. and 17th St. bridge project when RTC approves the funding. Motion carried unanimously

The sewer treatment plant tanks need recoating at an estimated $125,000 cost. They have had no work done on them since they were built in 1999. They are starting to show wear.

Giles advised that he received an email stating meters had been set for the solar panels at the treatment plant. Public Works Director Crim said he was unaware they (NV Energy) had come out and set the meters.


The City Council reviewed the following business license: #902909 – Daphne Mills -940 Cornell Ave. - Hairstylist

Page 3 of 4 02-04-2014 regular meeting There were no other business licenses or building permits for review.

PROCLAMATIONS AND AWARDS: There were no proclamations or awards. STAFF-COUNCIL REPORTS AND PROPOSALS: Mayor Giles reported: (i) he had a teleconference with the mayors and chairman of the Nevada League of Cities; (ii) he and City Clerk Booth met with POOL/PACT representative John Bates to discuss policy updates; and, (iii) the Lovelock Food Bank is in need of a new location, and he suggested the old office and police storage area at the old City shop building as a possible site. The Food Bank item will be put on the next City-County joint meeting for discussion. Giles questioned if the City should offer the old City shop property for temporary recycling storage. Councilman Murphy said he had talked to Mitch Nielsen at the County Landfill about some solutions to haul away recycling. This item will be on a future agenda for discussion.

Councilman Murphy reported he attended the Recycling Board meeting last Thursday. Jennifer Osborn has a metal balloon sculpture in her yard and will trailer it to the Community Center for the Recycling Breakfast on Friday, February 7, 2014. Murphy checked with Public Works Director Crim to make sure the 15 foot sculpture (including trailer) will not interfere with overhead wires. Murphy was selected as vice chair for the Recycling Board. County Commissioner Carol Shank will place a discussion item on the City-County joint agenda to discuss the status on the recycling center. Murphy said he had a request from the Fire Department to have the City consider putting in two more horseshoe pits at Amherst Park to help with a planned horseshoe tournament at the Nevada State 79th Fire Conference which will be held in Lovelock on June 18-21, 2014. The pits can be temporary. Murphy said the fire conference committee asked if the Mayor will provide a welcome letter for the program.

Police Chief Mancebo advised that Officer Valentin Zazhitskiy resigned effective February 9, 2014 to take a position in California. Mancebo said he is moving part time employee Geoff Rivera into the vacant position.

Public Works Director Crim reported the house on Amherst Ave. had been boarded up.

VOUCHERS-PAYROLL: Councilman Donaldson moved to approve vouchers and payroll through number 41443. Motion carried unanimously

PUBLIC-PERSONAL COMMUNICATION-CORRESPONDENCE: There were no public or personal communications or correspondence.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. until the next scheduled City Council meeting on February 18, 2014 at 7:00 p.m.

______Michael R. Giles, Mayor Lisa Booth, City Clerk

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