Enfield Board of Education s8

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Enfield Board of Education s8


A regular meeting of the Enfield Board of Education was held at Nathan Hale Elementary School, 5 Taylor Road, Enfield, CT. The meeting was called to order by Mr. Hilinski at 7:30 PM.

MEMBERS PRESENT Donna Corbin Sobinski, Kristen P. Hamilton, Albert Harrison, Kenneth Hilinski, Roger Jones, Sharon Racine, Carol Santoski, Lynn Scull, Nicholas Sinsigalli, Jr.


ALSO PRESENT Dr. John Gallacher; Superintendent of Schools, Anthony Torre; Assistant Superintendent of Schools

CALL TO ORDER Kenneth Hilinski




Mr. Sinsigalli moved that the minutes of December 9, 2003 be approved. Seconded by Mrs. Scull. There were no corrections, changes or omissions. A vote by show of hands 9-0-0, motion passes.

BOARD GUESTS a. Building Committee

Mr. Randy Daigle, Chairman of the School Building Committee, presented an overview of the School Building Committee history and expense summary. The report was distributed to the Board. The summary stated that a total of $5,371,168 was saved and the projects are finished a year earlier than expected. Mr. Daigle thanked all the members of the School Building Committee and Art Pongratz for their great team effort in seeing these projects through. Mr. Daigle stated the Committee has fulfilled it’s charges and he feels confident with turning the authority and the over-site of the project to the Town of Enfield.

Mr. Hilinski thanked Mr. Daigle and the School Building Committee on behalf of the Board for the fantastic job in completing such a huge task. b. CAPT & SAT Presentations

Mary Henderson, Director of Curriculum, 7-12, presented an in-depth review of the district-wide approach to support student learning.

Tom Duffy, EHS Principal and Paul Newton, FHS Principal reviewed the CAPT purpose, mechanics, and implementation schedule for each high school. Mr. Newton reviewed samples items of the test provided in the Board packet.

Michael Austin, EHS Math Chairman, presented an overview of the CAPT practices and efforts in Mathematics.

Steve Olson, FHS Science Chairman, presented an overview of the CAPT practices and efforts in Science.

1 January 13, 2004 2 attachments Susan Gray, EHS English Chairman, presented an overview of the CAPT practices and efforts in English (Reading).

Eric Jackson, FHS Social Studies Chairman, presented an overview of the CAPT practices and efforts in Social Studies (Writing).

Joy DiMaggio, EHS Guidance Chairman, presented the Enfield High School and Fermi High School SAT Report Form.

Miriam Lappen, FHS Guidance Chairman, presented the Fermi High School and Enfield High School Profile.


Mr. Sinsigalli moved that the Enfield Board of Education Suspend the Rules and move item 9A, Thank You Hale School Family to item 5C under Board Guests. Seconded by Mr. Jones. A vote by roll call 9- 0-0, motion passes. c. Thank You Hale School Family

Leann Beaulieu, Principal of Nathan Hale Elementary School, welcomed the Board and introduced Hale staff in attendance at tonight’s meeting. Mrs. Beaulieu stated that the Hale Staff and PTO are very involved and well invested in the students’ academic and social well being. Principal Beaulieu introduced Hale PTO President, Terry Hallas, to the Board. Mrs. Hallas is very instrumental in organizing several of the Hale activities and also helped organize the refreshments being served tonight.


1. Memo from Mr. Sinsigalli regarding a Parliamentary Law Procedure Report as it concerns Committees. 2. FHS invitation to the CAPT Recognition Breakfast Presentation to be held on February 5th.


Laurie Ellis, Enfield Mrs. Ellis requested that the Board look into reinstating full day kindergarten. Mrs. Ellis stated that her older children have benefited from the full day kindergarten experience. She stated she is confused at how the town can afford to build new classrooms to accommodate full day kindergarten and then not give the schools enough funding to fill them. Mrs. Ellis suggested that one way to reduce the budget expenditure would be to have parents supplement the cost of all day kindergarten. She is concerned that there is not enough time in a ½ day session to adequately do all the extras, i.e. gym, art and music, to ensure that the children will be prepared for first grade.

Jennifer Stone, Enfield Mrs. Stone stated she is also in support of bringing back full day kindergarten and supports all the reasons that Mrs. Ellis has spoken of.


Mrs. Scull commented that the parents who want full day kindergarten reinstated should attend the next community conversation to be held in February. The Community Conversation will center on the budget making process and your input will be of great value. Mrs. Scull stated that the reality of this year’s budget process will be to take away something else to bring back full day kindergarten. She asked that the audience come up with suggestions for that. This is going to be another tight year for the Board.

Mr. Harrison commented that he would like to commend FHS Principal, Paul Newton, for his diligence in 2 January 13, 2004 2 attachments showing the State that FHS is in compliance with the Annual Yearly Progress Report (AYP) and removing FHS from the list.

Mr. Harrison commented that the FHS Indoor Track Team and the FHS Junior Class collected nearly 1000 LBS. of food for the Enfield Food Shelf and a truckload of toys for the community during the ‘Enfield Police Toys for Joy campaign’.

Mr. Jones commented that the parents speaking tonight notify all the PTO’s to come to the next Community Conversation to state their position on full day kindergarten.

Mr. Jones stated that EHS donated over 2200 LBS. of food to the Enfield Food Shelf.

Mr. Sinsigalli presented an overview of the memo that he distributed on Parliamentary Law Procedure Reports as a benefit to new Board Members. He stated that if anyone has any questions, he would be happy to assist.

Mrs. Corbin Sobinski commented that in regards to the audience suggestion of parents supplementing full day kindergarten, she believes there is a State Policy that says tuition cannot be paid for public school education. She asked Dr. Gallacher to look into that.

Mr. Hilinski commented that he thinks there is a certain type of criteria that has to be met before a Board can collect supplemental contributions. He would like Dr. Gallacher to look into that. He also urged parents to speak at the Community Conversation with any budget item they are interested in.

Mr. Hilinski commented that he recently attended the Hazardville Memorial PTO meeting. They are an active group of parents with a lot of vibrant activities currently in progress. They met in the new library and he participated in a good discussion of the upcoming budget process.

Mr. Hilinski also commented that he had attended the 42nd Concert Festival of the CT Music Educators Association, Eastern Region. Students try-out for this Eastern Regional Band, and then have the honor of participating in a concert at UCONN. We were well represented by both our vocal and instrumental students of FHS and EHS and our staff. He congratulated all students who participated in this experience.

SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT as presented in the Board Packet.


Mrs. Corbin Sobinski reported that she has met with Charlene Bond, IT Manager for the Town of Enfield, and Joanne Kneiss, IT Manager for EPS. She familiarized herself with what goes on in both departments. The IT Subcommittee also met last Wednesday and reported that the wiring of the 8 elementary computer labs is complete for the internet, as well as making email available for all the secondary teachers. This was all completed over the holiday vacation.


Mr. Sinsigalli moved, seconded by Mr. Harrison, that the Enfield Board of Education accepts the Superintendent’s certification as follows:

“I hereby certify that in the month of December for FY 2002-2003, total expenditures amount to $27,851.55 broken down between payroll totaling $0 and other accounts totaling $27,851.55. All payments have been made in accordance with the approved budget and are properly accounted for within the books of accounts. Copies of approval for check invoices are properly documented.” A vote by show of hands 9-0-0, motion passes. 3 January 13, 2004 2 attachments Mr. Sinsigalli moved, seconded by Mrs. Santoski, that the Enfield Board of Education accepts the Superintendent’s certification as follows:

“I hereby certify that in the month of November, for FY 2003-2004, total expenditures amount to $6,531,888.82 broken down between payroll totaling $3,868,898.79 and other accounts totaling $2,662,990.03. All payments have been made in accordance with the approved budget and are properly accounted for within the books of accounts. Copies of approval for check invoices are properly documented.” A vote by show of hands 9-0-0, motion passes.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS a. Budget Discussions

By consensus, the Enfield Board of Education decided on Tuesday, January 20th at 7:00 PM to begin budget deliberations. The meeting will be held in the Barnard School Conference Room.

Mr. Hilinski explained the selection process of appointing members to the Budget Advisory Committee.

The Board approved the make-up of the committee on November 25th as follows:

2 Enfield Citizens 2 Board of Education Members 2 Town Council Members 1 Tax Payer Association Member 1 ETA Member 1 AFSCME Rep 1 School Administrator and 1 Business Manager

All Councils, Associations and Unions appointed their own representative. Mr. Hilinski and Dr. Gallacher chose Mr. Neville as the Administrative Rep and through newspaper advertising, there were six applications to review. One applicant withdrew and some of the applicants were employees of the school system in some capacity. Mr. Hilinski stated that he did not feel that because they were school employees, they would be precluded from the committee. All the applicants followed procedure and all the applicants are taxpayers in Enfield. Mr. Hilinski stated there are 13 members on the committee who will offer a diverse view of budget items. He is positive that there will be productive dialogue and controversial topics discussed that will produce good recommendations. This committee will not preclude the responsibilities of the Board’s budget process.

NEW BUSINESS a. Approve Stowe School Energy Conservation Project

Mr. Sinsigalli moved that the Enfield Board of Education approve the resolution (see attached) authorizing the Superintendent to forward an ED049 form to the State for the Harriet Beecher Stowe Elementary School Energy conservation Project as presented. Seconded by Mrs. Hamilton. A vote by roll call 9-0-0, motion passes.

Mr. Sinsigalli moved that the Enfield Board of Education approve the resolution pertaining to Educational Specifications for the Harriet Beecher Stowe Elementary School Energy Conservation Project as presented. Seconded by Mrs. Hamilton. A vote by roll call 9-0-0, motion passes. b. Administrator job Descriptions

4 January 13, 2004 2 attachments Mr. Sinsigalli moved that the Enfield Board of Education approve the rewritten job descriptions for:

1. Secondary School Principal; 2. Secondary Assistant Principal; 3. Pupil Services Director; 4. Special Education Director; 5. Elementary School Principal; 6. Elementary Assistant Principal; and, 7. Academic Intervention Coordinator, as presented and dated 12/1/03. Seconded by Mr. Harrison. Mrs. Scull asked why the job description for Curriculum Director was left off the approval list. Mr. Sinsigalli stated that there were some reservations regarding the description that needed to be addressed. Mrs. Scull stated that her questions regarding the job description was for the Pupil Services Director, not the Curriculum Director, and has been answered to her satisfaction.

Mr. Sinsigalli amended his motion to include the rewritten job description for Curriculum Director. Seconded by Mr. Harrison. A vote on the amendment by roll call 9-0-0, amendment passes. A vote on the main motion as amended, roll call 9-0-0, main motion passes. c. SAFE GRAD Contributions

Mrs. Racine moved that the Enfield Board of Education approve their contribution of $500.00 to each of the two SAFE GRAD Committees on behalf of the Graduating Class of 2003. Seconded by Mrs. Hamilton. A vote by roll call 9-0-0, motion passes. d. Matters Related to Grievance

Mr. Sinsigalli moved that The Enfield Board of Education of Education enter into Executive Session for Matters Related to Grievances. Seconded by Mr. Jones. The Board remained in the Cafeteria for Executive Session.

The Board entered into Executive Session at 10:45 PM.


Dr. Gallacher, Mr. Torre, Mr. Cooke and Patricia West joined the Board in Executive Session. Mrs. Santoski moved to end executive session and return to open session. Seconded by Mr. Jones. All ayes, motion passes. There were no other actions taken by the Board while in executive session.

The Board returned to open session at 11:10 PM.

Mrs. Santoski moved to extend the meeting of the Enfield Board of Education past 11:00 PM. Seconded by Mrs. Corbin Sobinski. A vote by show of hands, 8-1-0, with Mr. Harrison in dissent. Motion passes.

Mr. Jones moved that the Enfield Board of Education deny the ETA Grievance on Elementary Preparation time. The Board finds that the administration has met the ‘strive to’ language in the contract by providing a daily preparation to elementary teachers 95% of the time. The bargaining history between the two parties is clear. There has never been a requirement for the Board to provide daily preparations to all elementary teachers. The Board has been required to make a strong effort, which the administration has shown occurred. The Board was able to provide daily preparation periods to all elementary teachers during the 2001-02 and 2002-03 school year. However, due to budget cuts and the resulting elimination of four specialist positions for the 2003-04 school year, the Board was no longer able to provide the daily preparation periods.

5 January 13, 2004 2 attachments The Board does not accept the ETA’s argument that ‘strive to’ means you must. ‘Strive to’ language occurs in other areas of the contract and no where does it mean you must. The Board also rejects the ETA’s claim that once it provided all elementary teachers’ daily preparation periods, it must continue to do so. There is no labor law or bargaining history that backs up this claim.

The Board does appreciate the ETA’s time and effort in reviewing the master schedule and building specialists schedules. However, both the ETA and the Administration believe that additional staff would need to be hired to provide daily preparations to all teachers. The Board finds no requirement in the collective bargaining agreement to hire additional staff.

Seconded by Mrs. Santoski. A vote by roll call 9-0-0, motion passes.


Mr. Sinsigalli moved that the Enfield Board of Education enter into executive session to discuss the following items:

Matters Related to Grievance Matters Related to Collective Bargaining Matters Related to Confidential Student Records Matters Related to Pending Claims and Litigation

Seconded by Mr. Jones. A vote by show of hands 9-0-0, motion passes.

The Board adjourned to the Nathan Hale Library for executive session at 11:10 PM.

Dr. Gallacher, Mr. Torre and Patricia West joined the Board in Executive Session. Mrs. Racine moved to end Executive Session and return to Open Session. Seconded by Mrs. Hamilton. All ayes, motion passes. There were no other actions taken by the Board while in executive session.

The Board returned to open session at 11:35 PM.


Mrs. Santoski moved that the Enfield Board of Education adjourn the Board Meeting. Seconded by Mr. Osborn. All ayes motion passed unanimously.

Meeting stood adjourned at 11:35 PM.

Roger Jones Respectfully Submitted, Secretary Enfield Board of Education

Patricia West Recording Secretary

3 attachments

6 January 13, 2004 2 attachments ENFIELD PUBLIC SCHOOLS H.B. Stowe Elementary School Energy Conservation Project Enfield Board of Education Resolution

WHEREAS, the Administration of the Enfield Board of Education has determined that there is a need to replace the existing single pane windows at the H.B. Stowe Elementary School with energy efficient windows;

AND WHEREAS, the Board of Education has accepted the recommendation of the Administration as meeting the Board of Education’s stated long term educational goals for the School District;

AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the Superintendent of the Enfield Public Schools be authorized to execute Form ED049, “Grant Application and Executive Summary of Educational Specifications for a School Building Project”, on behalf of the Board of Education in connection with the H.B. Stowe Elementary School Energy Conservation Project.

Presented: January 13, 2004 Enfield Board of Education Meeting

7 January 13, 2004 2 attachments ENFIELD PUBLIC SCHOOLS H.B. Stowe Elementary School Energy Conservation Project Enfield Board of Education Resolution Educational Specifications

WHEREAS, the Enfield Board of Education has determined that there is a need to replace the existing, single pane windows at the H.B. Stowe Elementary School with energy efficient windows;

AND WHEREAS, it is the expressed desire of the Enfield Board of Education to continue operation of the H.B. Stowe Elementary School for substantially the same nature and purpose;

NOW THEREFORE IT BE RESOLVED, that the Enfield Board of Education does hereby adopt this resolution with the intention of establishing and approving Educational Specifications, as required for the proper submission to the State, as a part of the school construction grant process, for the H.B. Stowe Elementary School Energy Conservation Project.

Presented: January 13, 2004 Enfield Board of Education Meeting

8 January 13, 2004 2 attachments Educational Specifications:

H.B. Stowe Elementary School: Energy Conservation Project

A. Project Rationale – As a result of the continued volatility of energy markets, the Enfield Board of Education and the Town Council of the Town of Enfield have developed a long-term energy conservation plan for the Enfield Public Schools. This plan is based on the U.S. Department of Energy’s “Rebuild America” Guideline and includes initiatives in the areas of building shell, mechanical, and electrical components of the Enfield Public Schools. The replacement of existing single pane windows, at the H.B. Stowe Elementary School, with insulated low-emissivity windows represents a part of this energy conservation plan.

B. Long Range Plan – The Enfield Public Schools and the Town of Enfield have developed a long- term Energy Conservation Program, which includes the replacement of single pane windows with insulated low-emissivity windows at the schools.

9 January 13, 2004 2 attachments

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