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Ecce Romani I B– Lesson by Lesson Vocabulary Info for cards page 1 1. All this information should appear on the vocabulary flashcards, including derivatives 2. Latin on one side of the card, English meanings and derivatives on the other 3. Learn definitions of derivatives for tests. See Chapter 26 (pages 105-106) ātrium, ātriī N = main entrance hall [atrial, triomegaly, atrioseptoplasty, atrioseptostomy, atriotomy, atrioventricular, atrium (s), atria (pl), sinoatrial, sinuatrial] praedō, praedonis M. = robber [compensatory predation, depredate, depredates, depredating, depredated, depredation, depredator, depredatory, obligate predator, predacious, predaciousness, predation, predation pressure, predator, predatorily, predatory, predatory behavior, prey, preyer, preying] custōs, custōdis M. = guard [ custodial , custodian, custodianship , custodier, custody, noncustodial, non-custodial] bona, bonōrum N pl. = goods, property bonus, bona, bonum = good [bona fide, bonanza, bonbon, bonhomie, Boniface, bonification, bonny, bonus, bonuses, bon vivant, bon voyage, boon, bounteous, bountiful, bounty, debonair, magnum bonum , superabound, superabounding; see also “bene”] terra, terrae F. = earth, ground, land (if capitolized: Terra, Terrae F. = Mother Earth) [circumterrestrial, disinter, disinterring, disinterment, extraterrestrial, extraterritorial, extraterritorially, extraterritoriality, fluvioterrestrial, inter, interring, interment, lex terrae = “The law of the land.”, mediterranean, Mediterranean Sea, nonterritorial, parterre, semiterrestrial, Sit tibi terra levis. = “May the earth rest lightly upon thee.” (An ancient inscription often found on Roman tombstones.), subterraneal, subterranean, subterraneous, subterrestrial, terestrialness, Terra Australis = Terra Australis Incognita, Latin for "the unknown land of the South", terrace , terraceous, terracing, terra cotta, terraculture, terra firma = “Solid ground, dry land”, terraform, terraforms, terraforming, terraformed, terraformer, terraforming, terraformist, terrain, terra incognita (s); terrae incognitae (pl) = “an unknown land; an unexplored region.”; terramara, terramycin, Terramycin ™, terrane, terraneous, terra nullius, terraqueous, terrarium (s), terraria (pl), terra (s); terrae (pl), terrazzo, Terre Haute, terrella, terremotive, terrene, terreous , terreplein, terrestrial, terrestrially, terrestrial planet, terrestrial radiation, terrevert, terre-vert, terricole, terricole, terricoline, terricolous, terricolous, terriculture, terrier, terrigenous, terriginous, terrine, territorial, territorialism, territorialist, territoriality, territorialize, territorially, territorial waters, territory, territories, tureen] lutum, lutī N. = mud [lutaceous, lutarious, lute (mud, not the instrument), luteous, luter, luticolous, luticole, lutit, lutose, lutulent, pollutant, pollute, polluted, pollution] gladius, gladiī, M. = sword [gladiatary, gladiate, gladiator, gladiatorial, gladiatorian, gladiatorism, gladiatorship, gladiatory, gladiatrix, gladiature, gladioli (plural), gladiolous, gladiola, gladius, Orca gladiator] oculus, oculī M = eye [antler, autoinoculation, binocle, binocular, binocularly, binocularity, binoculus, cerebro-ocular, circumocular, dextrocular, dextrocularity, electrooculography, exoculate, exoculation, infraocular, inoculable, inoculability, inoculant, inocular, inoculate, inoculating, inoculated, inoculation, inoculator, inoculum, interocular, intraocular, inveigle, inveiglement, inveigler, levocular, levocularity, monocle , monocular, monoculous, multocular , ocular , ocularist, ocularly, oculary, oculate, oculentum, oculiform, oculist, oculistics, oculocutaneous, oculodynia, oculography, oculogyration, oculogyric, oculomancy, oculomotor, oculomycosis, oculonasal, oculopathy, oculopupillary, oculus (s), oculi (pl), periocular, photosensor oculography, sinistrocular , sinistrocularity, sinistro-ocular, telebinocular,
Continued Ecce Romani I B– Lesson by Lesson Vocabulary Info for cards page 2 1. All this information should appear on the vocabulary flashcards, including derivatives 2. Latin on one side of the card, English meanings and derivatives on the other 3. Learn definitions of derivatives for tests. See triocular] mors, mortis F. = death [abmortal, admortal, amort, amortality, amortization, amortize, ante mortem, benemortasia, biomort, biomortia, immortable, immortal, immortality, immortalizable, immortalize, moratia, moratic, moribund, moribundity, mortal, mortality, mortgage, mortician, mortient, mortiferous, mortific, mortification, mortified, mortify, mortinality, mortisemblant, mortuary, neomort, neomortia, nomomortia, oxymortia, postmortem, premortal, premortient, premortuary, rigor mortis, tychemortia] metus, metūs M. = fear, dread [ meticulosity , meticulous , meticulously , meticulousness ] mulier, mulieris F. = woman, wife [muliebral, muliebria, muliebrile, muliebrious, muliebrous, muliebrity, mulier, mulierly, mulierose, mulierosity, mulier puisine , mulierty] domī = at home domus, domūs F!!!! = house, home (domum = to home, homeward; domō = from home) [domain, domestic, dominance, dominant, dominate, dominatrix, domineering, dominion, dungeon, predominance, predominant, predominate] VERBS: iaceō, iacēre, iacuī, (iacitus/a/um) = to lie down [adjacent, adjacently, circumjacent, gist, interjacent, subjacent, subjacently, superjacent] noceō, nocēre, nocuī, nocitūrus/a/um (+ dative) = harm [ innocent, innocuous, innoxious, nocent, nocuous, noxious, obnoxious , obnoxiously , obnoxiousness ] aperiō, aperīre, aperuī, apertus/a/um = to open [aperture, aperitif, pert, overt] accidit, accidere, accidit, _____ = (it) happens (impersonal) [ acc idence, accident, accidental, accidentally, accidently, cadaver, cadavericole, cadavericolous, cadaverous, cadaverousness, cadence, cadent, cadenza, caducity, caduceous, cascade, case, casual, casualism, casualist, casually, casualty, casuist, casuistry, chance, cheat, chute, coincide, coincidence, coincidences, coincident, coincidental, coincidentally, coincidently, decadence, decadent, decadently, decay, deciduous, escheat, escheatable, incidence, incident, incidentally, ocassionally, occasion, occasional, occidental, occidental, occidentalism, recidivism, recidivist] stringō, stringere, strīnxī, strictus/a/um = draw (a sword), pull [astrict, astriction, astrictive, astrictively, astringe, astringency, astringent, astringently, boa constrictors, constrain, constrainable, constrainedly, constrainer, constraining, constraining order, constrainingly, constraint, constrict, constriction, constrictor, constringency, constringent, distrain, distrainable, distraint, distress, distressful, distressfully, distressing, distressingly, district, obstriction, obstriction, perstringent, prestige, pupilloconstriction, restrain, restrainable, restrainedly, restrainedness, restrainer, restraint, restrict, restriction, restrictively, restrictivre, strain, strainer, strait, straiten, straitly, strand, strangle, strangulate, stress, stressful, strict, striction, strictly, strictness, stricture, stricture, string, stringency, stringent, stringently, technostress] claudō, claudere, clausī, clausus/a/um = to shut, close
[aclusion, aquiclude, buccoclusion, clause, claustral, claustrophilia, claustro-phobia, claustrophobic, cloister, close, closet, closure, conclude, concluded, conclusion, conclusive, conclusively, conclusiveness, disclose, disclosure, enclose, enclosure, excludable, exclude, excluded, excluding, exclusion, exclusionary, exclusive, exclusiveness, foreclose, foreclosure, inclose, inclosure, includable, include, included, including, inclusion, inclusive, inclusively,
Continued Ecce Romani I B– Lesson by Lesson Vocabulary Info for cards page 3 1. All this information should appear on the vocabulary flashcards, including derivatives 2. Latin on one side of the card, English meanings and derivatives on the other 3. Learn definitions of derivatives for tests. See inclusiveness, infraclusion, linguoclusion, malocclusion, mesioclusion, mesio-occlusal , occlude, occluded, occluding, occlusion, occlusive, preclude, preclusion, preclusive, recluse, reclusion, reclusive, seclude, secluded, seclusion, seclusive, supercluster] vetō, vetāre, vetuī, vetitus/a/um = forbid (+ accusative + infinitive) [veto, vet] arripiō, arripere, arripuī, arreptus/a/um = to grab hold of, to snatch
[correption, enrapt, enrapture, enraptured, fluviraption, rapacious, rapaciously, rapaciousness, rape, rapid, r apidity, rapidly, rapidness, rapids, rapine, rapt, raptorial, rapture, rapturing, raptured, raptures, rapturist, rapturous, rapturously, rapturousness, ravage, raven, ravening, ravenous, ravenously, ravenousness, ravin, ravine, ravines, ravish, ravisher, ravishingly, ravishment, surreption, surreptitious, surreptitiously, usurp, usurping, usurpant, usurper, usurpation, usurpatory, usurper, usurpingly] servō, servāre, servāvī, servātus/a/um = to keep, save, keep safe [archaeological conservancy, archeological conservancy, Arte conservatus = “Preserved by skill.”, conservation, conservatism, conservative, conservatively, conservator, conservatorium, conservatory, conserve, cryopreservation, cryopreserve, deserve, inobservance, inobservant, inobservantly, observable, observably, observance, observant, observantly, observation, observatory, observe, observer, observingly, preservable, preservation, preservative, preservatory, preserve, preserver, reservation, reserve, reservedly, reservedness, reserver, reservoir, ultraconservative, unreserved, unreservedly, unreservedness] faveō, favēre, fāvī, fautūrus/a/um (+ dat.) = favor, support (+ dative) [ disfavor, disfavored, disfavorer, favor (s) , favors (pl) ; favour (British), favorable, favorableness, favorably, favored, favoredness, favorer, favoress, favoring, favorite, favorites; favourite (British), favoritism, favorless, unfavorable, unfavorableness, unfavorably ] ADJECTIVES: parvulus, parvula, parvulum = very small, very little [parvalbumin, parvalbumins, parvanimity, parvanimous, parvenu, parvicellular, parvifolious, parvilocular cyst, parvipotent, parvipotence, parvipsoas, parvipsoatic, parvirostrate, parviscient, parvitude, parvity, parvity, parvocellular, parvoviral, parvovirus, parvule, parvum (small) opus (work); see also paucus, Paul, minor, minus] ADVERBS: nōnnumquam = sometimes postrīdiē = the next day, on the following day [a combination of post and dies] [anything with post: anteroposterior, dorsoposterior, postbellum, postcibal, postclassical, postconnubial, postscript ( post scriptum ); P.S. postdate, post diem, postdiluvian, postdoctoral, posterior, posterity, postfebrile, postfix, postglacial, postgraduate, Post hoc, posthumous, posthypnosis, postilion, postlude, postmeridian (P.M.), postmeridiem, postmillennial, post mortem, postnatal, postnuptial, postobit, post obitum, postorbital, post partum, postparturitional, postpneumonia, postpone, postponement, postpositive, post postscriptum; PPS, postprandial, post scriptum; PS, preposterous] …+…[ antemeridian (A.M.), antemeridiem , carpe diem, circadian, dial, diary, dies non, dismal (dies + malus), diurnal, diurnally, diurnation, journal, meridian, meridional, per diem, postmeridian, quodian, quotidian, semidiurnal, sine die, sojourn (French), terdiurnal] Prepositions sine (preposition + Abl.) = without [conditio sine qua non = “Indispensable condition.” When an agreement stands or falls on the inclusion of a particular condition, that condition may be called a conditio sine qua non, literally "a
Continued Ecce Romani I B– Lesson by Lesson Vocabulary Info for cards page 4 1. All this information should appear on the vocabulary flashcards, including derivatives 2. Latin on one side of the card, English meanings and derivatives on the other 3. Learn definitions of derivatives for tests. See condition without which not". decessit sine prole; d.s.p. = “Died without issue or offspring.” Ille dolet vere, qui sine teste dolet. = “He mourns honestly who mourns without witnesses.” – Martialis Nil sine magno labore. = “Nothing without great labor. “ Nulla dies sine linea. = “Not a day without a line.” (Apelles) nulla poena sine lege = “No punishment without a law.” Quid est vita sine philosophia? = “What is life without philosophy? or What is life without a love of/for wisdom?” sine anno; s.a. = “Without the [year] date (of publication).” sinecure; sine cura = “Without cares.” (An office [or position] that requires no work, yet provides compensation) sine die; s.d. = “Without a day.” (Without any day being specified) sine dubio = “Without doubt.” sine invidia = “Without envy.” sine ira = “Without anger.” sine loco et anno = “Without place and date.” sine loco; s.l. = “Without a place.” sine mora = “without delay.” sine praeiudicio (praejudicio) = Without prejudice. sine prole; s.p. = “Without issue, i.e., no children.” (A legal term usually found in some wills.) sine qua non = “Without which not; without which nothing.” Vita sine litteris mors est. = “Life without literature is death.”] Conjunction: nisi = unless, except; if not OTHER: ut Marco videbatur = as it seemed to Marcus; as Marcus thought quōcum = With whom? hūmī = on the ground …(from: hūmus, hūmī F.!!!!! = the ground, the earth) [ dehumanization, dehumanize, errare humanum est (To err is human ), exhume, exhumation, homage, homicidal, homicidaly, homicide, homicidal, homicidomania, homiculture, hominid, hominoid, hominzation, Homo erectus, Homo habilis, Homo sapiens, homunculus, human, humane, humanely, humaneness, humanism, humanist, humanitarian, humanity, humanize, humanoid, humid, humidity, infrahuman, inhuman, inhumane, inhumanely, inhumanitarian, inhumanitarianism, inhumanity, inhumation, inhume, superhuman, superhumanely, superhumanity,theohuman, transhumant, transhumance, transhume, transhumation] dēvertō, dēvertere, dēvertī, dēversus/a/um = to turn aside [adversa, adversary, adversative, adversatively, adversativeness, adverse, averse, adversely, adverseness, adversion, adversity, adversus; adv., advertence, advertency, advertent, advertently, adverter, advertise, advertisement, advertiser, advertising, advertive, alopecia universalis, ambiversion, animadversion, animadversive, animadversiveness, animadvert, animadverter, anniversary, anteversion, antevert, aquatic vertebrate, autocholecystotransversecolostomy, averse, aversely, averseness, aversion, avert, avertible, bioconversion, biodiversity, contraversialist, contraversially, controverse, controversial, controversialism, controversialist, controversially, controversion, controversy, controvert, controvertible, controvertibly, conversable, conversableness, conversably, conversant, conversantly, conversation, conversational, conversationalist, conversationally, converse, conversely, converser, conversibility, conversible, conversion, conversive, convert, converter, convertibility, convertible, convertibly, convertive, costotransversectomy, costovertebral, dextrorse, dextroversion, divers, diverse, diversely, diverseness, diversifiable, diversification, diversifier, diversify, diversiloquent, diversiloquence, diversion, diversity, diversivolent, divert, divertingly, divertingness, divertisement, divertive, divorce, divorceable, divorcee, divorcement, divorcer, electrothermal energy conversion, electroversion, eversion, evert, evertebrate, ex adverso = “from the opposite side.”, extraversion, extrorse, extrovert, inadvertence, inadvertent, inadvertently, incontrovertible, incontrovertibleness, incontrovertibly, inconversant, inconvertible, inconvertibleness, inconvertibly, introrse, introversion, introversive, introvert, inverse, inversely, inversion, inversive, invert, invertebrate, inverter, invertible, ipsiversive, irreversible,
Continued Ecce Romani I B– Lesson by Lesson Vocabulary Info for cards page 5 1. All this information should appear on the vocabulary flashcards, including derivatives 2. Latin on one side of the card, English meanings and derivatives on the other 3. Learn definitions of derivatives for tests. See irreversibleness, irreversibly, lateroversion, levocycloversion, levoversion, linguoversion, malversation, mentotransverse, mesioversion, mesioplacement, mesial displacement, obverse, obversely, obversion, obvert, obvert, perverse, perversely, perverseness, perversion, perversity, perversive, pervert, pervertible, prosaic, prosaically, prosaicness, prosaism, prosaist, prosy, quaquaversal, reconvert, reconvertibility, reconvertible, retrorser, retroversion, revers, reversal, reversatile, reverse, reversely, reverser, reversible, reversibly, reversicon, reversion, reversionary, reversioner, reverso, revert, sacrovertebral, seroconversion, seroreversion, sinistrorse, subversary, subversion, subversive, subvert, subverter, subvertible, suzerain, suzerainty, tergiversate, tergiverse, tetrovert, thermal inversion, transversal, transversality, transversally, transverse, transversectomy, transverse suture, traversable, traverse, traverser, universal, universalism, universalist, universalistic, universality, universalize, universally, universalness, universe, university, versatile, versatilely, versatileness, versatility, verse, versed, versicle, versicolor, versifier, versify, versify, version, verso, versus; vs., vertebra, vertebral, vertebrally, vertebrate, vertebrectomy, vertex, vertical, verticality, vertically, verticil, verticillation, vertiginous, vertiginousness, vertigo, vervel, vice versa = The other way round; the change being turned, vortex, vortical, vorticism, vortiginous] vincō, vincere, vīcī, victus/a/um = to conquer [convict, conviction, convince, convincing, evict, eviction, evince, Invictus, invincibility, invincible, province , vanquish, victim, victimization, Victor, Victoria, Victorian, victoriophilist, victorious, victory, victrix, Vincent, vincible]