Held at the Town Council Offices, St. Margaret’s Hall, St. Margaret’s Street, Bradford on Avon on Tuesday 8th November 2005 Present: Cllr J Feilding (Chairman) Cllr V Landell Mills Cllr P Leach Cllr P O’Callaghan* *left at 8.40p.m. Cllr J Repton Cllr P Sutton Mrs S Bartlett (Assistant Town Clerk)

Apologies: Cllr M Bowen.

344. Minutes of the last meeting

RESOLVED: That the minutes of the last meeting held on 18th October 2005 be signed as a correct record.

345. Matters arising

(i) Minute number 330 (6) Cllr Leach to report his findings on the West Wiltshire Local Development Framework – Statement of Community Involvement. This document is open for public consultation until 11th November 2005. RESOLVED: That a comment be sent to Mr. M. Russell objecting to the guidelines frontloading approach to developers which will sideline statutory consultees such as the Town Council. Also to comment that the site notices for proposed planning applications should include a colour picture on the postcard notification to advise the end result of the application. A Copy of the Statement of Community Involvement to be forwarded to Bradford on Avon Preservation Trust. (ii) Minute number 341 (2) Letter to Dr. Murrison – Clerk seeks clarification on whether to send the history of the Gas Works to Dr. Murrison. RESOLVED: That the history of the site should be sent.

346. Declarations of interest (i) All members declared an interest in planning application number 05/W/TCA/2479, as it was the Town Council’s application for works to a sweet chestnut tree in Victory Field. (ii) Cllrs. Feilding, Landell Mills and Sutton declared a personal interest in planning application number 05/W/LBC/1552 at the Mount Pleasant Centre because they represent the Town Council on the Mount Pleasant Committee. (iii) Cllr Leach declared a personal interest in planning application 05/W/CON/2470 at the Former Depot, Frome Road because he lives in Frome Road. (iv) Cllr Repton declared a personal interest in planning application 05/W/TCA/2477 at Priory Steps, Newtown because she is a near neighbour.

347. Members of the Public to Address the Committee

1. Mr. John Holbourne of 11 Crown Court addressed the committee regarding planning application number 05/W/FUL/2185 for Bradford on Avon Hospital. 2. Mr. David Cook of 1a Belcombe Place addressed the committee regarding planning application number 05/W/FUL/2482 at 2 Belcombe Place. 3. Mr. Gordon Finch of 40 Palairet Close addressed the committee regarding planning application number 05/W/CON/2470 Former Depot, Frome Road and the Former Gas Works site in respect of new car parking implications.

Planning Minutes 8th November 2005 118 4. Mrs. C. Steel of Southway Park addressed the committee regarding 05/W/CON/2470 Former Depot, Frome Road and 05/W/FUL/2341 at 3 Piplar Ground.

348. Correspondence relating to planning applications to be considered at this meeting

1. Copy letter from Mr. John Holbourn of 11 Cedar Court regarding erection of chain link fence between Bradford on Avon Hospital and Cedar Court. Planning application number 05/2185/FUL. 2. Letter dated 3rd November from Mrs. S.A. Andrew of 1A Newtown supporting the application to fell a cedar tree at Priory Steps, Newtown. Planning application number 05/TCA/2477. 3. Copy letter dated 3rd November from Mr. N. Ley, Mrs. C. Steel, T. Tees and Mr and Mrs Nicholls concerning the Former Depot (Old Coal Wharf) Frome Road. 4. Comments from Bradford on Avon Preservation Trust on the hospital fencing and gates, application 05/2185/FUL and the revision at 69 Woolley Street 05/1304/FUL.

349. Planning Applications

RESOLVED: that the planning recommendations attached be forwarded to WWDC. To note delegated decision made 24th October regarding 69 Woolley Street to repeat previous comment from 13th September 2005 because the revision did not address any of the Town Council’s original concerns. Planning application number 05/W/FUL/1304.

350. Kingston Mills (standing item)

The Chairman reported that the planning application was expected at the end of November 2005.

351. Public Realm Working Group (standing item)

1. The Chairman reported that he had been approached by a neighbour in Church Street who had requested that British Telecom remove an unsightly aluminium telephone mast in Church Street between Druce’s House and Church House.

RESOLVED: To ask B.T. to remove the mast to improve the Public Realm. Also to ask Mrs. Caroline Power, Conservation Officer at WWDC her opinion on the matter.

2. Clerk had asked Mr Cadwallader to install the new bollard outside the Three Horseshoes free of charge together with a keep left sign but had received no reply to this request.

RESOLVED: Clerk to pursue this matter.

3. The Chairman explained that Mr. Mark Stansby had requested that the sign for the toilets in St. Margaret’s Hall car park be removed because in his opinion, it was obvious you would find toilets in a public car park.

RESOLVED: To ask Mr. Stansby to remove the sign and set it aside.

352. Correspondence for action

Details Summary Action 1 Various decisions letters from WWDC. RESOLVED: Noted. 2 Copy letter from Mr. Colin Johns This item will be RESOLVED: The regarding public consultation on discussed at Chairman reported Trowbridge Road, St. Margaret’s Street Highways and that he would attend and Station Approach pedestrian Transport Committee the Highways and improvements. on 15th November Transport Committee

Planning Minutes 8th November 2005 119 2005. meeting. 3 Letter dated 2nd November 2005 advising RESOLVED: Noted that the service of Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages at the Health Centre will close with effect from 1st January 2006. Any objections to be lodged in writing to the Proper Officer before 17th November 2005. 4 WWDC’s Council Agenda for 9th RESOLVED: Noted. November 2005 when the new Trowbridge Town Centre Conservation Area Character Assessment will be discussed. 5 Letter dated 3rd November 2005 from Mr. RESOLVED: That a N. Ley, Mrs. C. Steel, T.Tees, Mr and Mrs reply be sent N. Nicholls requesting an accurate record advising the public of Public Views in Council Minutes. views do not need to be recorded in full only the decisions of the Council 6 Letter dated 29th September 2005 from Town Council RESOLVED: That Mrs S Jenkins, Administration Planning Committee comments in Officer(Planning) at WWDC advising of had no objection to triplicate be sent to Planning Appeal at 1 Hare Knapp for a this second the Planning first floor extension. application. Inspectorate. 7 Letter dated 3rd November 2005 from Letter copied to RESOLVED: That Fleur de Rhé-Philipe concerning Ms P. Roberts. the letter be noted. pollarding of trees in the Bull Pit 8 Copy letters from Ms. P. Roberts RESOLVED: that the concerning pollarding trees in letters be noted. A Christchurch from Councillor Rosemary reply sent to Ms. Brown and Ms Roberts’ reply. Cllr Brown, Roberts and the Environmental Services Portfolio Holder Preservation Trust at WWDC suggested that the Town advising that the Council or other local organisations Town Council did not contributes to the tree maintenance to wish to contribute for provide an improved standard of care. the time being. 9 Letter dated 2nd November 2005 from Dr. RESOLVED: that a Andrew Murrison MP asking for a reply to reply be sent with an his previous letter dated 30th September apology for the delay. 2005 regarding the Former Gas Works, Minute number 345 Frome Road. (ii) refers. 1 Email dated 8th November 2005 from RESOLVED: That 0 Colin Johns concerning his comments on Cllr Sutton prepare a the WWDC’s Draft Residential Design reply to WWDC Guide. incorporating Mr. Johns comments.

353. Correspondence for note

Details Summary Action 1 WWDC Planning Agenda for 27th October RESOLVED: Noted. 2005. One Bradford application at Great Elms, Elms Cross for a side extension, planning application number 05/FUL/1789. 2 Appeal allowed at 46 Southleigh for erection RESOVLED: Appeal of a conservatory and disallowed for decision noted. provision of dormer windows. -

Planning Minutes 8th November 2005 120 3 Letter dated 18th October 2005 from RESOVLED: Noted. Mr Mark Russell, Planning Policy Manager WWDC concerning Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Guidance. This document has now been adopted to policies H2 and H22 of the adopted West Wiltshire District Local Plan 1st Alteration. 4 Email dated 26th October 2005 from Mrs Town Council RESOVLED: Noted. Gillian Ellis-King and letter dated 26th comments have October from Mr. Kurt Paulus, Chair of been sent in Friends of Woolley regarding lowering part triplicate. of the historic wall 49 Woolley Street. This application has just gone to appeal. 5 Letter dated 23rd October 2005 from Mr. and RESOVLED: Noted. Mrs Vaughn Pennington regarding revision at 69 Woolley Street

354. Reports

(i) The Clerk reported that Mrs. Caroline Power would be meeting Mr. Colin Johns this week regarding the new WWDC’s Bradford on Avon Conservation Area Character Assessment. She has asked for a list of interested parties to be invited to a new Working Group. To advise that Mr. Colin Johns, Town Council Planning Committee, Friends of Woolley and Bradford on Avon Preservation Trust should be invited. Also the preferred time for meeting to be daytime. (ii) The Clerk reported that Mrs. Ann Polden the Enforcement Officer at West Wiltshire District Council would be retiring at the end of November 2005. Clerk to take card (signed by the Mayor) and present to Mrs. Polden. (iii) The Clerk reported that a General Meeting of Wilts Racial Equality Council would take place on Monday 28th November 2005 in Bridge House, Trowbridge. The guest speaker will be Mrs Shiena Bowen, Chair of West Wilts Primary Care Trust on future plans of PCT. Meeting expected to last one hour. (iv) Cllr. Leach reported that an elderly resident had complained to him about the condition of the pavement in The Shambles as she had fallen on a number of occasions. To ask Mr. Andy Cadwallader of Wiltshire County Council Highways for his help and advice as the Town Council is minded to do something about the surface in The Shambles. (v) Cllr. Leach reported that another member of the public had advised him that there were two loose slabs near the Kings Arms. Clerk to ask Mrs Caroline Philpott if there were regular tripping in that area. (vi) The Chairman reported that he had attended a three-day conference by English Historic Towns Forum in Oxford. He said 22 lectures were given. He will report to the Highways and Transport meeting next Tuesday on his findings from the conference, which was about traffic in historic towns. Most of the solutions were not suitable for a town the size of Bradford on Avon, which included park and ride, congestion charges, trams etc. but he was sold on the idea of shared space, where the pedestrian takes priority over the motorist.

The meeting closed at 9.40p.m.

DisRef./Year/App.No Revision Applicant Location W/ADV/2005/2466 1 of 1 Mr Barrow Unit 1, The Bike Shop, St. Katherines Court, Frome The Lock Inn Cafe Received 31/10/2005 Frome Road

Planning Minutes 8th November 2005 121 Type 8 Advertisement consent Bradford on Avon Grid Reference Code 13 Householder BA15 1LE : Description 1. Hanging sign 91cm x 46cm 2. Four x wall mounted display signs 84cm x 58cm Parish recommendation:- Permit on 08/11/2005 No objections.

DisRef./Year/App.No Revision Applicant Location W/CON/2005/2470 1 of 1 Wela Invest (UK) Ltd Former Depot Frome Road 1-2 Queens Parade Place Received 31/10/2005 Type 6 Listed building consent BATH Grid Reference Code 13 Householder BA1 2NN : Description Demolition of existing office and warehouse. Construction of 2/3 storey office/studios/workshops and 4 three storey houses Parish recommendation:- Refuse on 08/11/2005 The application for demolition consent is premature in the absence of acceptable plans for redevelopment and is therefore contrary to the advice given in paragraph 4.27 of PPG15. The Town Council recommends refusal of this application on the grounds that: 1. The site should not be considered for any use other than employment and specificallylight industrial and the proposal is contrary to Policy E.5 2. By virtue of its design, appearance and choice of materials it will adversely affect the character of the Conservation Area contrary to policy C.18 3. The proposal constitutes overdevelopment of the site. It is too high, too massive,changes the views of the almshouses,threatens the amenity of the almshouse residents and overwhelms the canal tow path. 4. There is not sufficient parking for the number of proposed offices and dwellings 5. The entrance into Frome Road is already dangerous and will become more so with the proposed use as the site is In close proximity to a school, an important tourist area with a bicycle shop and hire centre, cafe, public house, restaurant and canal wharf. 6. The tall buildings so close to the road will produce a canyon effect and change the nature of the area 7. The proposal does not enhance and maintain the character and environment of the canal and is contrary to policy KA.7

DisRef./Year/App.No Revision Applicant Location W/FUL/2005/2108 1 of 1 WWDC and District Leisure Bradford on Avon Swimming Pool C/O King Sturge Received 31/10/2005 2 Wood Street Queen Sq Type 1 Full Permission BATH Grid Reference Code 13 Householder BA1 2JG : Description Reroofing of existing flat roof coverings Bradford on Avon Town Council Planning Committee need to see a sample of the proposed green felt before a recommendation can be made as this roof will be visible from all parts of the town. (Confirmation of telephone call requesting sample on 9.11.05 for Mark Reynolds taken by Mr. David Cox at WWDC).

DisRef./Year/App.No Revision Applicant Location W/FUL/2005/2185 2 of 2 West Wiltshire PCT NHS Bradford on Avon Hospital, Berryfield Road Epsom Square Received 31/10/2005 White Horse Business Park Type 1 Full Permission TROWBRIDGE Grid Reference Code 13 Householder BA14 0XG : Description Revised plans Parish recommendation:- Refuse on 08/11/2005 This area of parkland in the curtilage of a listed building has been unfenced for many years, probably always. It has not been dedicated to the public but has been an important part of the visual amentity of the residents of Berryfield Road and of the elderly residents in the sheltered accomodation of Cedar Court. The Town Council recognises that it is necessary that some temporary fencing is necessary for the security of the, presently unoccupied, Community Hospital whilst it remains thus. However, full perimeter fencing is not necessary for that purpose and a tighter routing could preserve amenity. The Town Council, who were not consulted by the PCT about the hospital's closure, is inviting the PCT to discuss a route that would be satisfactory to all parties. The fence is in any case out of keeping with the character of the building and is only acceptable at all as a temporary expedient. The Council recommends refusal of the present proposal on the grounds of loss of neighbourhood amenity. The Town Council recommends that any future permission for chain link fencing should be temporary, on the grounds that it would not preserve or enhance the character of the listed building.

DisRef./Year/App.No Revision Applicant Location W/FUL/2005/2204 1 of 1 Mr & Mrs Watson 3 Grange View, Bradford on Avon, BA15 1BQ 3 Grange View Received 24/10/2005

Planning Minutes 8th November 2005 122 Type 1 Full Permission Bradford on Avon Grid Reference Code 13 Householder BA15 1BQ : Description Erection of white UPVC conservatory to rear Parish recommendation:- Permit on 08/11/2005 No objections.

DisRef./Year/App.No Revision Applicant Location W/FUL/2005/2316 1 of 1 Mr Howard 3 Woolley Terrace 3 Woolley Terrace Received 17/10/2005 Type 1 Full Permission Bradford on Avon Grid Reference Code 1 Major residential BA15 1AY : Description Lowering the front four panels and posts to one metre in height and removal of finials. Parish recommendation:- Permit on 08/11/2005 No objection in principle to 1 metre high fence provided it is set back from the face of the wall at least half a metre to allow planting to develop and provide a screen.

DisRef./Year/App.No Revision Applicant Location W/FUL/2005/2341 1 of 1 Mrs Law 3 Piplar Ground 3 Piplar Ground Received 17/10/2005 Type 1 Full Permission Bradford on Avon Grid Reference Code 13 Householder BA15 1XF : Description Garden shed and build up fence panels Parish recommendation:- Refuse on 08/11/2005 The Town Council recommends refusal on the grounds that this is an open plan estate and that enclosing parts of the common ground between the houses damages the visual integrity and the street scene and furthermore, it would be a very bad precedent to set. The Town Council also regrets that this application is retrospective.

DisRef./Year/App.No Revision Applicant Location W/FUL/2005/2388 1 of 2 Ms Melanie Sproat 1 Tory, Bradford on Avon, BA15 1NN 1 Tory Received 24/10/2005 Conigre Hill Type 1 Full Permission Bradford on Avon Grid Reference Code 13 Householder BA15 1NN : Description Take down corner of wall at junction of Conigre Hill and Tory, stabilise and rebuild. Parish recommendation:- Permit on 08/11/2005 No objection subject to a condition being imposed requiring the work to be undertaken using an appropriate lime mortar approved by the Conservation Officer and a correct flush finish.

DisRef./Year/App.No Revision Applicant Location W/FUL/2005/2447 1 of 1 Bradford on Avon Bowls Club Bradford on Avon Bowls Club, Pound Lane Culver Close Received 31/10/2005 Type 1 Full Permission Bradford on Avon Grid Reference Code 13 Householder BA15 1LF : Description Erection of shed for equipment storage Parish recommendation:- Permit on 08/11/2005 No objections.

DisRef./Year/App.No Revision Applicant Location W/FUL/2005/2463 1 of 1 Mr Stone 222a WInsley Road (land adjacent) 222a Winsley Road (land adjacent) Received 31/10/2005 Type 1 Full Permission Bradford on Avon Grid Reference Code 13 Householder BA15 1QT : Description Erection of chalet style dwelling with integral garage Parish recommendation:- Refuse on 08/11/2005 The scheme is contrary to Policy H1 in that his proposal attempts to create a building plot where there is insufficient space to do so, where access is unsatisfactory and the resulting building form and design are inappropriate in their surroundings.

DisRef./Year/App.No Revision Applicant Location W/FUL/2005/2482 1 of 1 Mr Sharland 2 Belcombe Place 2 Belcombe Place Received 31/10/2005 Type 1 Full Permission Bradford on Avon Grid Reference Code 13 Householder BA15 1NA :

Planning Minutes 8th November 2005 123 Description Glazed lantern structure: as built - in relation to existing ridge Parish recommendation:- Refuse on 08/11/2005 The Town Council Planning Committee recommends refusal on the grounds that: 1. the relative height of the lantern to the adjacent front roof showed the lantern height at or below the roof ridge height on the original drawings. 2. Unfortunately the original drawings are misleading. There was a fault in the calculation of the roof ridge elevation. Consequently the lantern appears over the ridge height and is thus very intrusive from the main rooms of No.5, 7 and 17 Belcombe Place. Furthermore all the glass in the lantern and dormer should be frosted as they intrude into neighbours bedrooms. Therefore this application should be refused and that the height of the lantern be reduced to be in line with the roof ridge. The windows of the lantern and the dormer to be taken out and replaced by frosted glass.

DisRef./Year/App.No Revision Applicant Location W/LBC/2005/1552 2 of 2 Mount Pleasant Community Centre Mount Pleasant Social Club, Bradford on Avon Mount Pleasant Received 31/10/2005 Type 6 Listed building consent Bradford on Avon Grid Reference Code 28 BA15 1SJ : Description Revised plans Parish recommendation:- Permit on 08/11/2005 No objections. The Town Council Planning Committee still think the original plans were incomparably better.

DisRef./Year/App.No Revision Applicant Location W/LBC/2005/2446 1 of 1 Dr Crossland 10B Newtown 10B Newtown Received 31/10/2005 Type 6 Listed building consent Bradford on Avon Grid Reference Code 13 Householder BA15 1NE : Description Replacement of two casement bedroom windows as existing- single glass/softwood Parish recommendation:- Permit on 08/11/2005 No objection in principle subject to confirmation by the Conservation Officer that the window and glazing bar profile is correct and is an exact copy of the existing.

DisRef./Year/App.No Revision Applicant Location W/TCA/2005/2405 1 of 1 Mrs Bird 14 Regents Place, Bradford on Avon, BA15 1ED 14 Regents Place Received 24/10/2005 Type 12 Tree Preservation Bradford on Avon Grid Reference Code 13 Householder BA15 1ED : Description Felling of plum tree Parish recommendation:- Permit on 08/11/2005 No objections.

DisRef./Year/App.No Revision Applicant Location W/TCA/2005/2417 1 of 1 Mr Marshman 13 Regents Place, Bradford on Avon BA15 1ED 13 Regents Place Received 24/10/2005 Type 12 Tree Preservation Bradford on Avon Grid Reference Code 13 Householder BA15 1ED : Description Works to trees Parish recommendation:- Permit on 08/11/2005 No objections.

DisRef./Year/App.No Revision Applicant Location W/TCA/2005/2477 1 of 1 Mr Chapman Priory Steps Newtown Priory Steps Received 31/10/2005 Newtown Type 12 Tree Preservation Bradford on Avon Grid Reference Code 13 Householder BA15 1NQ : Description Felling of cedar tree Parish recommendation:- Permit on 08/11/2005 No objections.

DisRef./Year/App.No Revision Applicant Location W/TCA/2005/2479 1 of 1 Bradford on Avon Town Council Victory Field Playing Field St. Margarets Hall Received 31/10/2005 St. Margarets Street Type 1 Full Permission Bradford on Avon Grid Reference Code 1 Major residential BA15 1DE :

Planning Minutes 8th November 2005 124 Description To prune and crown thin a Sweet Chestnut tree No comment as this is a Town Council application.

DisRef./Year/App.No Revision Applicant Location W/TCA/2005/2480 1 of 1 Mr Passfield 41a St. Margarets Street 'Olivers' Received 31/10/2005 41a St. Margarets St Type 1 Full Permission Bradford on Avon Grid Reference Code 1 Major residential : Description Works to Sycamore tree Parish recommendation:- Permit on 08/11/2005 No objections and at the same time the ivy should be stripped off the tree.

Planning Minutes 8th November 2005 125