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eleot™ MARSHALL A. Equitable Learning Environment: 1. Has differentiated learning opportunities and activities that meet C-h Differentiates and scaffolds instruction and uses peer and adult helpers to accommodate most students’ her/his needs learning needs 2. Has equal access to classroom discussions, activities, resources, A - j Organizes classroom furniture, materials, and displays to support unit and lesson goals. technology, and support 3. Knows that rules and consequences are fair, clear, and consistently applied B-a Clearly communicates and consistently enforces high standards for student behavior 4. Has ongoing opportunities to learn about their own and other’s A-h Designs lessons that use an appropriate, multicultural mix of materials and technology. backgrounds/cultures/differences B. High Expectations Environment: 1. Knows and strives to meet the high expectations established by the C-a Conveys to students: This is important, you can do it, and I’m not going to give up on you. teacher 2. Is tasked with activities and learning that are challenging but C-g Has students actively think about, discuss, and use the ideas and skills being taught. attainable 3. Is provided exemplars of high quality work C-e Uses clear explanations, appropriate language, and examples to present material D-a Posts criteria for proficiency, including rubrics and exemplars of student work. 4. Is engaged in rigorous coursework, discussions, and/or tasks C-f Orchestrates effective strategies, questions, materials, technology, and groupings to foster student learning. 5. Is asked and responds to questions that require higher order C-a Conveys to students: This is important, you can do it, and I’m not going to give up on you. thinking (e.g., applying, evaluating, synthesizing) C. Supportive Learning Environment: 1. Demonstrates or expresses that learning experiences are positive C-b Actively inculcates a "growth" mindset: take risks, learn from mistakes, through effective effort you can and will achieve at high levels. 2. Demonstrates positive attitude about the classroom and learning C-d Hooks virtually all students in units and lessons by activating knowledge, experience, reading, and vocabulary. D-a Posts criteria for proficiency, including rubrics and exemplars of student work. 3. Takes risks in learning (without fear of negative feedback) C-b Actively inculcates a "growth" mindset: take risks, learn from mistakes, through effective effort you can and will achieve at high levels. 4. Is provided support and assistance to understand content and C-b Actively inculcates a "growth" mindset: take risks, learn from mistakes, through effective effort you can and accomplish tasks will achieve at high levels. 5. Is provided additional/alternative instruction and feedback at the C-a Exudes high expectations, urgency, and determination C-I Deftly adapts lessons and units to exploit teachable appropriate level of challenge for her/his needs moments and correct misunderstandings. D-c Uses a variety of effective methods to check for understanding; immediately unscrambles confusion and clarifies. that all students will master the material.

D. Active Learning Environment: 1. Has several opportunities to engage in discussions with teacher and C-f Uses a wide range of well- chosen, effective strategies, questions, materials, technology, and groupings to other students accelerate student learning. 2. Makes connections from content to real-life experiences J-j Consistently has students summarize and internalize what they learn and apply it to real-life situations and future opportunities. 3. Is actively engaged in the learning activities C-g Gets virtually all students involved in focused activities, actively learning and problem- solving, losing themselves in the work. C-j Consistently has students summarize and internalize what they learn and apply it to real-life situations and future opportunities.'

E. Progress Monitoring and Feedback Environment: 1. Is asked and/or quizzed about individual progress/learning D-b Gives students a well- constructed diagnostic assessment up front, and uses the information to fine-tune instruction. D-c Uses a variety of effective methods to check for understanding; immediately unscrambles confusion and clarifies. 2. Responds to teacher feedback to improve understanding D-c Uses a variety of effective methods to check for understanding; immediately unscrambles confusion and clarifies. 3. Demonstrates or verbalizes understanding of the lesson/content D-c Uses a variety of effective methods to check for understanding; immediately unscrambles confusion and clarifies. 4. Understands how her/his work is assessed D-a Consistently posts and reviews clear criteria for good work, with rubrics and exemplars of student work at each level of proficiency. D-c Uses a variety of effective methods to check for understanding; immediately unscrambles confusion and clarifies. 5. Has opportunities to revise/improve work based on feedback D-d Has students set ambitious goals, continuously self-assess, and take responsibility for improving performance. D-g Relentlessly follows up with struggling students with personal attention so that virtually all reach proficiency.

F. Well-Managed Learning Environment: 1. Speaks and interacts respectfully with teacher(s) and peers B-c Wins almost all students’ respect and discipline problems are few and far between. B-b Is fair and respectful toward students and builds positive relationships. 2. Follows classroom rules and works well with others B-d Fosters positive interactions among students and teaches useful social skills. 3. Transitions smoothly and efficiently to activities B-e Teaches routines and has students maintain them all year. B-h Maximizes academic learning time through coherence, lesson momentum, and smooth transitions. 4. Collaborates with other students during student-centered activities B-d Fosters positive interactions among students and teaches useful social skills. 5. Knows classroom routines, behavioral expectations and B-a Clearly communicates and consistently enforces high standards for student behavior. consequences G. Digital Learning Environment 1. Uses digital tools/technology to gather, evaluate, and/or use C-f Uses a wide range of well- chosen, effective strategies, questions, materials, technology, and information for learning groupings to accelerate student learning. 2. Uses digital tools/technology to conduct research, solve problems, A- -h Designs lessons that use an effective mix of high-quality, multicultural learning materials and and/or create original works for learning technology. C-f Uses a wide range of well- chosen, effective strategies, questions, materials, technology, and groupings to accelerate student learning. 3. Uses digital tools/technology to communicate and work C-f Uses a wide range of well- chosen, effective strategies, questions, materials, technology, and collaboratively for learning groupings to accelerate student learning.

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