'Open Doors, Open Hearts, Open Minds'

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'Open Doors, Open Hearts, Open Minds'

Forest Hill United -1- Church Gathering 'open doors, open hearts, open minds' At the **, you are asked to rise in body or in spirit. www.foresthillunited.com Prelude: How Gentle God's Commands by H. G. Nageli, arr. by S. DeFord

Pentecost Sunday Welcoming the Light: May 24, 2015 at 10 am One: When we heard his voice, All: our hearts burned within us! "When you really listen to another person from their One: When the Spirit arrived, point of view, and reflect back to them that All: it came as bright flame! understanding, it's like giving them emotional oxygen." One: Let this light be our Christ light. All: A moment of Pentecost, carried with our lives! Stephen Covey (1932 - 2012) American Educator and Businessman **Introit: (Sung Together) #115 MV

Welcome to worship! It is good that you are here. Today is special day Behold, behold, I make all things new, as we celebrate the disciples being sent out into the world to be the beginning with you and starting from today. church. As we remember the story of Pentecost, may we feel the Spirit Behold, behold, I make all things new, shaking up our lives too, so that we might also be sent out in the world my promise is true, for I am Christ the way. to do good. After worship, please join us for coffee, tea, juice, and conversation. Welcome & Church News

Children and teachers are asked to go Call to Worship: directly to Sunday School at the beginning of the service and to return during the Communion Hymn. One: We celebrate the birthday of the Christian church; we celebrate Pentecost. All: We celebrate with surprise. Our greeters this morning are Joe Rideout and Lorna McKnight, One: We can hardly believe our tellers are Diane Robinson and Inez Higgins, that the Holy Spirit is with us. our hospitality host is Diane Robinson, All: We celebrate with enthusiasm. our Sunday School teachers are Margie Roxborough, One: We celebrate as different persons Christine Hughes and Rachel Neville, come together in Christ. and our music is led by Deborah Park and the FHUC Choir. All: Joined in faith community, neither gender nor status, neither wealth nor poverty, neither racial origin nor states of health matters in the least. -3- -2- continued--> Responding One: We celebrate with the faithful of all the ages. Time is swept away! Minute for Mission Diane Robinson All: Those who have gone before us, those here with us, and those who will come after us, Presentation of Our Gifts join in this celebration of the church's birthday. One: Come, let us celebrate and worship God. **Offering Verse: (Sung Together) #376 VU, verse 2

Gathering Prayer: Spirit of the living God, move among us all; make us one in heart and mind, make us one in love; With the beat of a wild wing, with the rush of a mighty wind, humble, caring, selfless, sharing. with the Pentecost flame, touch us, Holy Spirit! Spirit of the living God, fill our lives with love! Love us into being, Spirit of God. Love us into wholeness, Spirit of wisdom. Love us into newness, Spirit of Christ. **Prayer over the Gifts Alleluia! May it ever be! Celebrating Opening Hymn: #156 MV Dance with the Spirit

Exploring **Communion Hymn: #375 VU Spirit, Spirit of Gentleness When invited, please come forward to receive communion Words from Our Bible: Jean Fisher from either of the stations. If you prefer, remain at your seat and a Psalm 104 - Part 2 Page 827 VU (with Refrain 2) server will come to you. Rice bread is also available. Acts 2:1-13 The Story of Pentecost Communion Prayer:

One: This is the Word of God for the People of God. One: God be with you. Inviting All: Thanks be to God! All: And also with you. One: Open your hearts. Words from Our World: "Our Mother-Tongue is Love" All: We open our hearts to God. by Malcolm Guite One: We embrace all that is holy as we enter into this meal. Special Music: O God, Send Out Your Spirit (#25 MV) All: All are welcome at God's table. One: On this Day of Pentecost, we gather Thanking Reflection: "The Language of the Spirit" in celebration of the gift of God’s Spirit. From deep within us and around us and beyond us, we can be **Hymn of Reflection: #150 MV Spirit God, Be Our Breath touched by this Spirit. By the power of Spirit, faith is born. Like the first Christians so long ago, we have many languages for faith, many gifts of the Spirit. -4- continued--> -5- continued--> All: We speak from our hearts, And all the trees of the field will clap their hands, of what we know and love. the trees of the field will clap their hands, We speak from our minds, of our doubts, the trees of the field will clap their hands of our skepticism, searching for truths to live by. while you go out with joy. We speak from our faith, be it fragile or firm; we speak of how it shapes our lives. Postlude: Come, Ever Smiling Liberty by G. F. Handel We speak from compassion, reaching to one another, Welcoming the Light & Gathering Prayer by Richard Bott and Call to Worship by David Sparks and, both from Gathering - Pentecost 1, 2015. Communion stretching for understanding. Liturgy by Susan Flanders from ProgressiveChristianity.org. The music played during communion was Arioso by Bach. One: We remember the great story... Remembering

One: By the power of the Holy Spirit... Invoking OFFICE HOURS ...And now, we sing out the words Jesus taught: Our Administrative Assistant, Kris Yarych, is in the Church Office #959 VU The Lord's Prayer (Sung Together) Tuesdays & Thursdays from 12:45 - 3:45 pm. She can be reached at 455-0988 or [email protected]. The bread is broken and the cup is lifted and all are invited to the table. Our Minister, Rev. Ali Smith, is usually in her Office Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, & Fridays from 9 am - Noon. One: Let us pray together. Blessing You can reach her any time at 292-2369 or [email protected]. All: God of power, may the boldness of your Spirit transform us, Church News may the gentleness of you Spirit lead us, may the gifts of your Spirit be our goal and strength, now and always. Amen. COMING UP @ FHUC

**Closing Hymn: #23 MV Come, O Holy Spirit Choir Practice Today at 11:20 am in the Parlour

**Blessing & Sharing the Light Quilt Group Every Monday 10 am - Noon every Monday except holiday Mondays or Storm days **Choral Response: (Sung Together) #884 VU Movie Night Friday May 29th at 7pm “The Last Mimzy” You shall go out with joy and be led forth with peace; *suitable for youth. the mountains and the hills will break forth before you; there'll be shouts of joy, and all the trees of the field Out of the Office: Rev. Ali will be out of the office from May 28 - June 7 to will clap, will clap their hands! attend Maritime Conference AGM and for Study Leave. If an emergency arises and you need to speak to someone, please phone our Pastoral Care Chair Diane Robinson at 459-8779 or Rev. Ricky Bowley at 262-2150. -6- -7- Potential Scripture Readers, please help by marking on the date sheet when you would be available with a check mark. Please also mark when you would not be available with an x. If there is more than one person per date, a check mark of the one who will read will be circled.

Ushers Needed: I am looking for ushers/greeters for the months of June, July and August (and beyond). There is a sign-up sheet on the cabinet where the hymn books are stored. Please contact me if you have any questions. Thank you for your help. Lorna McKnight

Movie Night will be held on Friday May 29th at 7pm. Siblings discover a box full of strange items they believe are toys. As the children play with the objects, their parents and a teacher notice that their intelligence level is growing by leaps and bounds. Emma reveals that her favorite toy, a stuffed rabbit called Mimzy, talks to her and has an important message from the future. This film is suitable for youth.

Donations to Nepal Earthquake Relief will be applied directly to sup- port relief, rehabilitation, and restoration efforts in the country. Here’s how you can donate: Online via www.united-church.ca, Phone 416- 231-5931 ext. 2738 or toll-free 1-800-268-3781 ext. 2738 and use your Visa or MasterCard. Send a cheque, money order, or Visa or Master- Card information with donation amount to: The United Church of Canada Philanthropy Unit—Emergency Response 3250 Bloor Street West, Suite 300 Toronto, ON M8X 2Y4

Please be sure to note “Emergency Response—Nepal Earthquake Re- lief” on the face of your cheque. Note: As part of the United Church’s Emergency Response Fund, 85 percent of your donation will go directly to Nepal Earthquake Relief, while 15 percent will be used to support emergencies that do not receive intense media coverage and response. No administration fees will be deducted from your donation. All donations made by May 25 will be matched by the government.

The members of your M&P Committee are: Bob Fisher, Annemarie Manson, Lorna McKnight and Margie Rogers. We welcome your input if you have any concerns or suggestions.

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