Adquest Millennium Server Installation Guide

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Adquest Millennium Server Installation Guide


1* Introduction

This section describes the flow of data in the AdQuest Millennium system. It should give you an indication of how data is processed, prepared, stored and delivered.

AdQuest Millennium Processing System

When you process AdQuest Millennium data, the AdQuest Millennium Processing System reads in the input AdEx Data and Master Files (provided by the data supplier), and input System Files (provided by Landsberry And James) and produces a set of data files ready for use in AdQuest Millennium. There are two sets of output files, master files (which are used by the AdQuest Millennium Client software when running over the web) and data files (which are used by the AdQuest Millennium Server and the AdQuest Millennium Client when running standalone). The data files include index files, spot data files and summary data files.

Additionally, if ratings data is provided in Microsoft Access format, there is a ratings processing system which needs to be run. In this case, the input MDB files, along with a set of demographic definitions, are transformed into AdQuest eTam data files. This also produces a demographic list file, which is used as an input to the AdQuest Millennium Processing System.

The output files for distribution will be located in a folder called:


The flow of data in this process is shown below.

Input AdQuest Data Millennium Files Master Files

AdQuest Millennium Processing System Input AdQuest Master Millennium Files Data Files (Indexes, Spots and Summaries)

Input System Files

Demographic Definitions

Ratings MDB AdQuest eTam AdQuest Files Processing System eTam Ratings Files


The table below lists the standard set of master and data files generated by the AdQuest Millennium Processing System.

Filename Type Description

AmC000.dat Master Control File

AMCET.dat Special Data Entitlements File

AmDemo.dat Master Demographic Master File

AmDm*.dat Master Dictionary Master Files

AmDm.dat Master Dictionary Relationship Master File

AmDma.dat Master Dictionary Master Definition File

AmFileControlList.da Special File Control List For Master File Updating t

AmG*.dat Data Ratings Data Files (some system only)

AmI*.dat Data Index Files

AmLanguage.dat Master Language Master File

AmMd00.dat Master Media Days Master File

AmMm*.dat Master Media Master Files

AmMm.dat Master Media Relationship Master File

AmMma.dat Master Media Master Definition File

AmNameType.dat Master Name Type Master File

AmS*.dat Data Summary Data Files

AmSp*.dat Data Spot Data Files

AmSpotDef.dat Master Spot Definition Master File

AmSys.dat Data System Definition File

AmV*.dat Master Volume Master Files

AmWc00.dat Master Week Commencing Definition File

AmXm*.dat Master Spot Master Files

AmXma.dat Master Spot Master Definition File


Note: The AMCET.dat file is updated whenever a user logs in, or a new set of CD data is distributed (see the data entitlements description below). The AmFileControlList.dat file is used when generating master file updates to determine which files need to be included in the update. The ver.dat file indicates the version of the data.

AdQuest Millennium Master File Update

After the AdQuest Millennium Data Files are generated, the AdQuest Millennium Server needs to be updated with the new data. This task is performed using the AdQuest Millennium Master File Updater. This program also generates master file update files which are used by the client software (see below). The Master File Updater takes in the AdQuest Millennium Master, Data and Ratings Files, and generates the AdQuest Millennium Client Master File Update files. It also updates the AdQuest Millennium Server’s database, and restarts the server.

The flow of data in this process is shown below.

AdQuest Millennium Master Files

AdQuest Millennium Server AdQuest Millennium Master File Updater AdQuest Millennium Data Files

AdQuest Millennium Server Database

AdQuest AdQuest eTam Millennium Ratings Files Client Master File Update

The AdQuest Millennium Server Database can be located in the following folder:


This folder may contain a number of folders named “MF_nnnnnnnnnn”, where nnnnnnnnnn is a 10-digit number. The number indicates the data version. In the Data folder there is also a file called version.dat. This indicates the current database version. Therefore, after performing a number of master file updates, you may have multiple MF folders (one for each update), but the version.dat file indicates the latest one.

The master file updates generated for clients to download will be located in the following folder:


Like the data folder, this will contain a number of MF folders, but unlike the data folder, these will contain only one or two files each. The files will be named MF_nnnnnnnnnn.ljz or UF_nnnnnnnnnn.ljz. These are the complete set of master files for a given version of data, or the update file from a previous version of data. For example, if the server has two data versions (80 and 100), your Update folder might look like:

Update\ MF_0000000080\ MF_0000000080.ljz (master files for version 80) UF_0000000100.ljz (update from version 80 to 100) MF_0000000100\ MF_0000000100.ljz (master files for version 100)

A client logging in who has version 80 master files can download the update file UF_0000000100.ljz rather than the (larger) MF_0000000100.ljz file. However, a user with version 60 data would have to download the full MF_0000000100.ljz file since there is no update from version 60.

In practice, you may want to go through and delete some of the older version of data, both in the server’s Data folder, and in the Update folder. These files are unlikely to be required unless a client is logging in extremely rarely (in which case, they will only be forced to download the entire set of master files, rather than just an update).

AdQuest Millennium Site Registration

To prevent unauthorized access to the AdQuest Millennium Server, each “site” using the system must be registered with the server. A “site” is a location where AdQuest Millennium is installed. Usually this will be a client’s network drive, where the installed location may be shared by multiple computers over the network. This allows for the sharing of group and report files, and prevents each user needing to download master files (the master files only need to be downloaded once per site).

The site is registered during the installation process. The AdQuest Millennium client installer generates an AdQuest Site key. This key contains information about the site. This key then needs to be provided to the data supplier (ie. The group responsible for administering the AdQuest Millennium Server). This key is entered into the Site Unlock program (AmUnlock.exe), which generates an unlock key, and also updates the server’s list of registered sites (called AmSiteList.dat).

The unlock key is entered into the installation program which sets up the local client registration file. When someone logs in to AdQuest Millennium, this file is checked to ensure that the site has been registered. ADQUEST MILLENNIUM SERVER INSTALLATION GUIDE LANDSBERRY AND JAMES PTY LTD

This is shown in the diagram below.

Client Site Server Site

AdQuest AdQuest Millennium Registration Client Installer Key

AdQuest AdQuest Millennium Millennium Unlock Program Server Registered Site List

Client Site Unlock Key Registration

AdQuest Millennium Data Entitlements Editor

Some users of the AdQuest Millennium system may not be entitled to view the entire AdQuest Millennium database. For example, a site may be limited to only view:

 Only certain categories, advertisers or products

 Only certain media types, regions or outlets

 Only a certain date range

 Spot data for certain systems only

Additionally, you can limit which AdQuest Millennium functions are available and which demographics can be applied to a report. For more details, see the section on Data Entitlements later in this document.

When processing data you can specify whether or not data entitlements should be used. If data entitlements are applied, then a set of data entitlements needs to be created for every registered site (if entitlements are not set up for a site, any login from that site will be rejected by the server).

The AmDataEntitlements program is used to create and modify data entitlements files. It uses the registered site list which is located in:




where is the hexadecimal site identifier of the site.

This process is shown in the diagram below.

AdQuest AdQuest Millennium Millennium Data Entitlements Editor Server AdQuest Registered Millennium Site List Site Data Entitlements

Logging In To AdQuest Millennium

When someone from a client site logs in to AdQuest Millennium, the client software firstly validates the client site registration (to ensure it matches the site). If this is OK, then the client registration information is sent to the AdQuest Millennium Server along with other login information, including the version of client software being used, and the client’s current data version.

When the AdQuest Millennium Server receives a login request, the Server checks the client registration information and makes sure that the client site exists in the server’s site list (AmSiteList.dat). If the site cannot be found, an unregistered site error is returned to the client software (which then displays an error message).

If the site is valid, the server then checks the client’s software version number against the version currently available on the server. To determine this version, the server has two extra files in the Update folder:



The ClientVersion.dat file stores the current version of AM client software expected. If the version number the client login sends is less than the version number in ClientVersion.dat, then the server sends a “Client Update Needed” response to the client, and includes the path to the AmClientUpdate.ljz file. This file is a compressed copy of the current client software, along with a small program to actually update the client software. If this client update is required, the client software is updated and restarted, and the user needs to log in again. This time, though, the version number will be correct, and no client update will be required.

Next, the server checks the version of master files being used by the client software. This version is stored in the file:


If the client’s master file version is lower than the number in the version.dat file, then the server sends a “Master File Update Needed” response to the client, and includes the path to the correct update file (see the section “AdQuest Millennium Master File Update” above for more information about which update file is sent). The client software then downloads and applies the master file update. ADQUEST MILLENNIUM SERVER INSTALLATION GUIDE LANDSBERRY AND JAMES PTY LTD

Whether or not a master file update is needed, the server also sends back the site’s data entitlements file if data entitlements are applied. This file is sent back with every login (it is a very small, compressed file), so that any updates to the data entitlements for a client will be applied from their very next login.

The flow of this entire process is shown in the diagram below.

Client Site Server Site

AdQuest AdQuest Millennium Millennium AdQuest Millennium Client Software (Login) Login Server Request

Client Site AdQuest AdQuest Registration Millennium Is Site Millennium Login Error Registered? Server N Registered Site List


AdQuest Millennium Client Software Client Update Required? Software Y Update


AdQuest Millennium Master File Master File Update Required? AdQuest Update Y Millennium Site Data Entitlements N


2* Installing The AdQuest Millennium Processing System

Before installing the AdQuest Millennium Processing System, ensure that you have the following:

1) The Btrieve software is installed on the machine you will use for processing (if BTrieve is required). 2) The AdQuest Millennium Server Installation setup program AmProcessingSetup.exe. 3) Approximately 5Mb of space available on your intended installation disk. NOTE: This does not include the space required for temporary, output and data files. 4) The full path to the location of the AdEx input files and AdEx master files (if using an existing path). 5) The full path to the location of the TAM input MDB files (if TAM input files are being used, and if using an existing path).


To install the AdQuest Millennium Processing System:

1) Run AmProcessingSetup.exe and press the “Setup” button. The files needed for installation will be unzipped to a temporary folder. When this is finished, the first page of the installation wizard will appear, as shown below.

2) Enter the path to the folder where the AdQuest Millennium Processing System will be installed. You can press the button with three dots on it (…) to browse for a folder.

3) Press Next to continue. The Input Data Location page will appear, as shown below. ADQUEST MILLENNIUM SERVER INSTALLATION GUIDE LANDSBERRY AND JAMES PTY LTD

4) You can select the folder where the PC AdEx input data files will be read from. This can either be a folder that already exists on your system, or you can let the installer create a default one for you. If you use the default option, you will need to copy the PC AdEx input data files into this folder before processing. By default, the installer will create this folder in the following location:


Select whether or not to use the default folder. If you specify a folder, enter the full path to the folder in the Edit box, or press the (…) button to browse for the folder.

5) Press Next to continue. The Input Masters Location page will appear, as shown below.

6) This page operates in an identical way to the input data folder, except that this path specifies where the input Masters and XMasters will be read from. This folder may be the same as the Input folder specified in step (4). By default, the installer will create this folder in the following location:


7) Press Next to continue. The Input System Location Page will appear, as shown below. ADQUEST MILLENNIUM SERVER INSTALLATION GUIDE LANDSBERRY AND JAMES PTY LTD

8) This page operates in an identical way to the input data folder, except that this path specifies where the input System files will be read from. By default, the installer will create this folder in the following location:


9) Press Next to continue. The Finished page will appear, as shown below.

10) Review the settings shown on this page, and press Finish to perform the installation. A message box will notify you when installation is complete. ADQUEST MILLENNIUM SERVER INSTALLATION GUIDE LANDSBERRY AND JAMES PTY LTD

3* Installing The AdQuest Millennium Server

Before installing the AdQuest Millennium Server, ensure that you have the following: 1) The AdQuest Millennium Server Installation setup program AmServerSetup.exe. 2) Approximately 12 Mb of space available on your intended installation disk. NOTE: This does not include the space required for data files. 3) The full path to the location of the processing system distdata files. This is likely to be:


4) The full path to the location of the processing system eTam files (if this is required). This is likely to be



To install the AdQuest Millennium Server:

1) Run AmServerSetup.exe and press the “Install” button. The files needed for installation will be unzipped to a temporary folder. When this is finished, the first page of the installation wizard will appear, as shown below.

2) Enter the path to the folder where the AdQuest Millennium Server will be installed. You can press the button with three dots on it (…) to browse for a folder.

3) Press Next to continue. The Install Country page will appear, as shown below. ADQUEST MILLENNIUM SERVER INSTALLATION GUIDE LANDSBERRY AND JAMES PTY LTD

4) Select the Country whose server you wish to install. NOTE: The country you select actually installs the same software, but for technical reasons, a server with a unique identifier is needed for each country to allow for multiple country’s servers to be installed on the same computer.

5) Press Next to continue. The Install Website page appears, as shown below.

6) Enter the URL for the website that clients will use to access AdQuest Millennium. As this page notes, there are some further steps needed to set up the Internet Virtual Directories that AdQuest Millennium uses, which are described in this Installation Guide below.

7) Press Next to continue. The Processing System Location page will appear, as shown below. ADQUEST MILLENNIUM SERVER INSTALLATION GUIDE LANDSBERRY AND JAMES PTY LTD

8) Enter the path to the generated distribution data files created by the AdQuest Millennium Processing System. This is likely to be:


9) Press Next to continue. If you have eTam ratings to include in the AdQuest Millennium data, the AqeTam.ini File Location page will appear, as shown below.

10) Enter the path to the AqEtam.ini file created by the AdQuest Millennium Ratings Processing System. This is likely to be:


11) Press Next to continue. The Finished page will appear, as shown below. ADQUEST MILLENNIUM SERVER INSTALLATION GUIDE LANDSBERRY AND JAMES PTY LTD

12) Review the settings shown on this page, and press Finish to perform the installation. A message box will notify you when installation is complete.

13) Internet Virtual Directories for the AdQuest Millennium Server now need to be setup. The process for this is described in the following section of this document.

NOTE: During the Installation, the AdQuest Millennium Server service will be registered and configured to start automatically, but will not be started. It is not started because the service requires a set of valid data to start correctly. By default, the installer does not include any data. Once you have generated and updated a valid set of data for the service, you may start it as described later in this document. ADQUEST MILLENNIUM SERVER INSTALLATION GUIDE LANDSBERRY AND JAMES PTY LTD

4* AdQuest Millennium Server Web Server Configuration

There are two possible methods of setting up AQX Server on a web server. The first method is to run the web server on the same physical computer as the AQX Server. The second method is to run the AQX on a separate machine to the web server. (THIS DOCUMENT MAY REFER TO TE AQX SERVER OR ADQUEST MILLENNIUM SERVER, THE ARE THE SAME THING)

AQX needs two Internet Virtual Directories – one for the main processing DLL, and one for the update files.

If you have eTam ratings data processed, you also need to set up a virtual directory for clients to download the eTam data.

NOTE: This installation procedure shows screenshots of Internet Information Services running on Windows XP Professional. The process of installation for Windows 2003 Server should be almost identical.

If you are IIS version 6.0 or later, you should also follow the instructions specific to this version of IIS. The security settings on this version have changed significantly.

Setting Up A Web Server On The AdQuest Millennium Server Machine

Windows Server 2003 and earlier with IIS 6.0

1) Install AdQuest Millennium Server from the installation CD as described above.

2) Start the Internet Information Services configuration tool by selecting

Programs → Administrative Tools → Internet Information Services

This should be done on the machine you have installed the AQX Server on. The configuration tool is shown below. ADQUEST MILLENNIUM SERVER INSTALLATION GUIDE LANDSBERRY AND JAMES PTY LTD

3) View your web site by opening the tree item representing the computer, and then the Web Sites folder, then the Default Web Site folder.

4) Right-click on Default Web Site and select New->Virtual Directory… The Virtual Directory Creation Wizard will appear.


6) Enter an Alias name of ‘AQX’ (without the quotes). Press the Next button. The Content Directory page will be shown.

7) Press the Browse button and locate the ‘Web’ subfolder under the folder where the AQX Server was installed. By default, this will be:

C:\Program Files\Landsberry And James\AdQuest Millennium Server\Web\

8) Press the Next button. The Access Permission page will be shown. ADQUEST MILLENNIUM SERVER INSTALLATION GUIDE LANDSBERRY AND JAMES PTY LTD

9) Ensure that the ‘Read’ and ‘Execute’ boxes are the only ones checked. Press the Next button to add the new virtual directory.

10) Right-click on the “AQX” folder you just created and select New->Virtual Directory… The Virtual Directory Creation Wizard will appear.

11) Press the Next button. The Alias page will be shown.

12) Enter an Alias name of ‘Update' (without the quotes). Press the Next button. The Content Directory page will be shown.

13) Press the Browse button and locate the ‘Update’ subfolder under the folder where the AQX Server was installed. By default, this will be:

C:\Program Files\Landsberry And James\AdQuest Millennium Server\Update\

14) Press the Next button. The Access Permission page will be shown.

15) Ensure that the ‘Read’ box is the only one checked. Press the Next button to add the new virtual directory.

16) If you have eTam ratings data which needs to be downloaded by clients, you also need to another Virtual folder with the following settings:

Alias: AqeTam Directory: \AqeTam\ Permission: ‘Read’ only

17) AQX Server should now operate correctly on this web server. You can now configure AdQuest Millennium clients with the new web server.

(Note: additional instructions 4.3 and 4.4 required due to security update)

Windows Server 2008 with IIS 7.0


2) Start the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager tool by selecting

Start → Administrative Tools → Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager

This should be done on the machine you have installed the AQX Server on. The configuration tool is shown below.

3) View your web site by opening the tree item (on the left hand side pane) representing the computer, and then the Sites folder, then the Default Web Site folder.

4) Right click on the "Application Pools" item and select "Add Application Pool". The "Add Application Pool" window will be displayed:

5) Enter a name of "AQXServer", select a .NET Framework version of "No managed code". Click OK.

6) Left click on the "Application Pools" tree item, and select the "AQXServer" item ADQUEST MILLENNIUM SERVER INSTALLATION GUIDE LANDSBERRY AND JAMES PTY LTD

7) Click on the "Advanced Settings..." link on the right hand side pane. The "Advanced Settings window will appear. ADQUEST MILLENNIUM SERVER INSTALLATION GUIDE LANDSBERRY AND JAMES PTY LTD

8) Change "Enable 32-Bit Applications" under the "(General)" heading to "True". Change "Identity" under the "Process Model" heading to "Local System". Click "OK"

9) Right-click on Default Web Site and select "Add Application…" The Add Application window will appear. ADQUEST MILLENNIUM SERVER INSTALLATION GUIDE LANDSBERRY AND JAMES PTY LTD

10) Enter an Alias name of ‘AQX’ (without the quotes)

11) Click the "Select..." button, and choose the "AQXServer" Application Pool. Click "OK"

12) Press the Browse button ("...") and locate the ‘Web’ subfolder under the folder where the AQX Server was installed. By default, this will be:

C:\Program Files\Landsberry And James\AdQuest Millennium Server\Web\

13) Press the OK button.

14) Select the newly created "AQX" application folder, which is under the "Default Web Site" folder.


16) Click "Add..." from the right hand side pane. The "Add MIME Type" window will appear.

17) Enter ".ljz" (without the quotes) into the "File name extension" field.

18) Enter "application/" (without quotes) into the "MIME type" field.

19) Click "OK"

20) Click "Add..." from the right hand side pane. The "Add MIME Type" window will appear.

21) Enter ".dat" (without the quotes) into the "File name extension" field.

22) Enter "application/" (without quotes) into the "MIME type" field. ADQUEST MILLENNIUM SERVER INSTALLATION GUIDE LANDSBERRY AND JAMES PTY LTD

23) Click "OK"

24) Select the "AQX" application folder again, which is under the "Default Web Site" folder.

25) Double click on the "Handler Mappings" icon in the middle pane.

26) Click the "Edit Feature Permissions..." on the right hand side pane. The "Edit Feature Permissions" window will appear.

27) Ensure all checkboxes are selected. Click "OK".

28) Right click the "AQX" application folder again, which is under the "Default Web Site" folder. Select the "Add Virtual Directory" item. The "Add Virtual Directory" window will appear.

29) Enter "Update" as the alias.

30) Press the Browse button ("...") and locate the ‘Update' subfolder under the folder where the AQX Server was installed. By default, this will be:


31) Press the OK button.

32) Click on the item from the left hand side tree.

33) Double click on the "ISAPI and CGI Restrictions" item in the middle pane.

34) Click "Add..." from the right hand side pane. This will open the "Add ISAPI and CGI Restriction" window.

35) Press the Browse button ("...") and locate the "AmProcessQuery_.dll" file in the ‘Web' subfolder under the folder where the AQX Server was installed. By default, this will be:

C:\Program Files\Landsberry And James\AdQuest Millennium Server\Web\AmProcessQuery_.dll

36) Enter a description of "AQXServer ISAPI Dll". Ensure the "Allow extension path to execute" is checked. Click "OK".

37) You can now close the "Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager" window.

38) Browse to the following folders (using Windows Explorer), and ensure the "IIS_IUSRS" windows user account has read/execute/list permission. Adjust the folders below if you have not installed the AQXServer to the default path:

C:\Program Files\Landsberry And James\AdQuest Millennium Server\Update\

C:\Program Files\Landsberry And James\AdQuest Millennium Server\Web\

39) AQX Server should now operate correctly on this web server. You can now configure AQX clients with the new web server.


In these instructions, the computers being installed are given the following names:

Web Server Machine: AMWEB AM Server Machine: AMSERVER

These may be replaced with whatever machine names you will be using in your configuration.

Similarly, it is assumed that you are installing the Australian version of the AmServer, which has the name AmServer_Australia.exe. Please substitute your country name in this server name.

1) Install AdQuest Millennium Server from the installation CD onto AMSERVER, as described above.

2) On AMWEB, create a folder to hold the AdQuest Millennium Server files, for example:

C:\Program Files\Landsberry And James\AdQuest Millennium Server\

3) Open Windows Explorer, and navigate to the AM Server installation folder on AMSERVER.

4) Copy the AmServer_Australia.exe from the bin subfolder of the installation folder into the folder you created on AMWEB.

5) Open a command prompt by selecting Start->Run… and typing ‘cmd’ on AMWEB

6) Navigate to the folder you created on AMWEB

7) Type the following command:

AmServer_Australia /regserver

8) Close the command prompt

9) Run the DCOM Configuration Tool by selecting Start → Run… and typing ‘dcomcnfg’ on AMWEB. The DCOM Configuration Tool is shown below. ADQUEST MILLENNIUM SERVER INSTALLATION GUIDE LANDSBERRY AND JAMES PTY LTD

10) Locate the AmServer_Australia entry in the list and press the Properties… button. The Properties dialog appears, as shown below.

11) In the Properties dialog, switch to the Location tab, as shown below. ADQUEST MILLENNIUM SERVER INSTALLATION GUIDE LANDSBERRY AND JAMES PTY LTD

12) Turn off the checkbox next to ‘Run application on this computer’ and turn on the checkbox next to ‘Run application on the following computer:’

13) Type in AMSERVER, or press Browse and locate AMSERVER in the dialog box.


15) Ensure that ‘The launching user’ is selected.

16) Press OK to close DCOM Configuration.

17) You can now proceed to set up the two virtual directories required by AdQuest Millennium Server as described above. However, when you set them up this time, you must run Internet Information Services on AMWEB, however, the Web Site Content Directory fields should always point to the folders on AMSERVER.

Configuring Internet Information Services 6.0

In IIS v6.0, Microsoft introduced a number of security features which require additional configuration before AQX Server will operate correctly. To configure IIS 6.0:

1) Open Internet Services Manager.

2) Locate the "Update" folder. (this will be under the "AQX" folder.)

3) Right click on "Update" and select Properties.

4) Select the HTTP Headers tab.

5) Press the MIME Types button.

6) Press New… and enter an Extension of “.dat” and a MIME type of “application/”. Press OK.

7) Repeat step (6) for an Extension of “.ljz” and a MIME type of “application/”.

8) Press OK.

9) Press OK.

10) In Internet Services Manager, locate the item “Web Service Extensions”.

11) Right click on Web Service Extensions and select “Add a new web service extension…”

12) Set the Extension Name to “AQX”.

13) Ensure that the “Set Extension Status To Allowed” option is turned on.

14) Press the Add… button, then press the Browse… button. Browse to the file:


15) Press Open.

16) Press OK.

17) Press OK.

18) Close Internet Services Manager

IIS 6.0 should now be configured to work with AQX Server.

Extra configuration steps for IIS 6.0 running on Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 ADQUEST MILLENNIUM SERVER INSTALLATION GUIDE LANDSBERRY AND JAMES PTY LTD

or above

In IIS 6.0, when running on Windows Server 2003 SP1 or above, there are additional security features that require additional steps to allow the AQX Server component to function

1) Open Internet Services Manager.

2) Locate the “Application Pools” item.

3) Right click on the “Application Pools” item and select “New” -> “Application Pool”

4) Set the “Application Pool ID” to be “AQX”

5) Ensure the “Application Pool settings” is set to “Use default settings for new application pool”

6) Click “OK”

7) Right click on the newly created “AQX” application pool item and select “Properties”

8) Go to the “Identities” tab

9) Change the “Application Pool Identity” to be “Predefined” and select the “Local System” item from the drop-down list.

10) Click “OK”. Click “Yes” to the warning message that is displayed

11) Locate the "AQX" folder. Right click and select "Properties"

12) Change the "Application Pool" to "AQX". Click "OK"

13) Close Internet Services Manager

Additional notes when using IIS 6.0 on Windows Server 2003 x64

In Windows Server 2003 x64 (the 64 bit version), the IIS service can only be run exclusively in either 32 bit or 64 bit mode. To allow the AM Server to function, IIS must be in 32 bit mode. To change this setting after installation of IIS is a manual process that is documented in this Microsoft article: b5-87a3-43d2-8138-54b75db73aa1.mspx?mfr=true

In addition to the requirement to have IIS in 32 bit mode, you must ensure that ANY software components installed onto the server, that install files or components that integrate with IIS are in 32 bit native format, otherwise IIS will not function correctly, and therefore cause the Am Server to also not function correctly. These software components can include (but are not limited to) the .NET family updates. ADQUEST MILLENNIUM SERVER INSTALLATION GUIDE LANDSBERRY AND JAMES PTY LTD

5* Setting Up TAM Demographics

If you are using TAM ratings data, you need to set up some TAM demographics before you process either ratings or expenditure data.

To set up TAM demographics:

19) Navigate to the folder:


20) Run the “Edit Demographics” shortcut (NOTE: You must use the shortcut to ensure you run the demographic editor in supervisor mode). The demographics editor is displayed, as shown below:

21) To add new demographics, right-click in the list on the left hand side of the screen and select “Add Demographic”. The Add Demographic window will appear, as shown below:

22) Enter a short name for the demographic. To ensure that this is readable in AdQuest Millennium, you should ensure that the name is less than 8 characters long. Leave the “Type” as “Individual”. Press OK to add the demographic.

23) The demographics screen will show you a tree showing all of the demographic attributes on the right-hand side of the screen. If you wish to apply some of the ADQUEST MILLENNIUM SERVER INSTALLATION GUIDE LANDSBERRY AND JAMES PTY LTD

attributes to your demographic, click the checkbox next to the attribute. You can then select which attribute values will be relevant for your demographic. For example, to create a demographic for men aged 40 and over with an income of over $40000 per year, select the “Age” attribute, and highlight all of the ages over 40, select the “Sex” attribute and highlight “Male”, and select the Personal Income attribute and highlight incomes over $40000 (NOTE: These attributes may not be relevant for your country – your own particular attributes will be displayed in the editor).

24) You can modify the “Demographic Long Name” in the bottom right hand corner of the screen (by default, it is the same as the short name). This name can be up to 50 characters long in AdQuest Millennium.

25) When you are happy with your demographics, press the “Save” button on the toolbar or select File->Save.

26) You can then exit the editor.

27) Before you reprocess AdEx or TAM data, you should run the script:


This script will update the demographic files for all of the TAM markets.


6* Processing AdQuest Millennium Expenditure Data

When a new set of AdEx data is available for processing, there are three broad steps. Firstly, any new expenditure data needs to be processed. Secondly, any new TAM data needs to be processed to produce the ratings TVR files (if applicable). Finally, a Master File Update file needs to be generated, and the service restarted with the new set of data.

NOTE: You do not need to update both TAM and expenditure data at the same time. Each may be updated independently.

Updating AdQuest Millennium Expenditure Data

To update the AdQuest Millennium Expenditure Data, you need to ensure that the updated PC AdEx files are placed in the Data and Master folders specified when the AM Processing System was installed. To ensure that these paths are correct, or to modify any processing system settings, you will need to edit the AdqPrSys.ini file, which will be located in the ‘Adqrun’ folder in the AM Processing System installation folder.

To run the AdQuest Millennium Processing System:

1) Ensure that the Btrieve Microkernel Workstation process is running (if BTrieve is required).

2) If BTrieve is required, run the AM Btrieve Pipe Server from the Start Menu by selecting

Start → Program Files → Landsberry And James → AdQuest Millennium Processing System → Start Btrieve Pipe Server

The Btrieve Pipe Server log window appears, as shown below.


4) Start the AdQuest Millennium Processing System from the Start Menu by selecting:

Start → Program Files → Landsberry And James → AdQuest Millennium Processing System → Start AM Processing System

The Monthly Media Type Processing window should appear, as shown below.

5) Select the date ranges, media systems and options for the processing.

NOTE: It is important that you change the dates both for Media Type processing and for summary data. If these date ranges do not match, the processing system may fail. The simplest way to get data processing is to choose a date range next to the “All Media Type Processing” option, and then select the same date range next to the “Create AdQuest Summary Data” option (when you change date ranges next to this option, the date ranges are set for all media types).

6) Press the ‘OK’ button to begin AdQuest Millennium Processing.

7) When the AM Processing System is complete, the files to be distributed for use by AdQuest Millennium will be located in the ‘AdqData\distdata’ folder located under the AM Processing System installation folder.

Updating AdQuest Millennium Ratings Data From TAM Files

This section is only relevant if you are providing ratings data to AdQuest Millennium in Microsoft Access (MDB) files.

To update the AdQuest Millennium Ratings Data, you firstly need to place the input MDB files in the correct folders for processing. If you have a single-market system, you should copy all of your input MDB files into:


For countries with multiple markets for processing (for example, China), you should copy the input files for each market into:


To run the AdQuest Millennium GRP Processing System:

1) Put any ratings input MDB files into the relevant input folder(s).

2) Start the Ratings Processing Tool by running the batch file:


This will process any input data files for all markets. If you are running the AdQuest Millennium Processing System on the same computer as the AdQuest Millennium Server, then this ratings data will now be usable by the Server.

If the AdQuest Millennium Processing System is on a separate computer to the AdQuest Millennium Server, you will need to copy the output ratings files from the Processing System to the Server. These files are located in:


and should be copied to the:


folder in your eTam installation on the AdQuest Millennium Server computer.

Updating AdQuest Millennium Server Master Files

Once new data files have been generated, the AdQuest Millennium Server needs to be updated using the new data. The tool for updating the AdQuest Millennium Server uses ini file settings to perform the update. These settings are created when you install the AdQuest Millennium Server, but may be edited or reviewed at any time. Updating the data files performs a number of steps:

1) The new data files are copied to the server’s Data folder.

2) Master File Update files are generated for clients to download when they log in to the server.

3) The service is restarted.

To update the AdQuest Millennium Server data files:

1) Run the Adquest Millennium Server Updater from the Start Menu by selecting:

Start → Program Files → Landsberry And James → AdQuest Millennium Server → AM Server Data Updater


2) Select the source path for the expenditure data, and indicate whether you want to restart the service when updated (this is strongly recommended).

3) Press Start to begin the data update. The AdQuest Millennium Data Updater will indicate in the Output Log when the update is completed. ADQUEST MILLENNIUM SERVER INSTALLATION GUIDE LANDSBERRY AND JAMES PTY LTD

7* Administering The AdQuest Millennium Server

Starting, Stopping and Restarting The AdQuest Millennium Server

The AdQuest Millennium Server service can be started, stopped and restarted in two ways: using shortcuts, or using the Windows Service Administration tool.

To start the service using shortcuts:

1) On the Start Menu, select

Start → Programs → Landsberry And James → AdQuest Millennium Server → Start AM Server

2) To verify that the service has started, either open Task Manager and look for the AmServer_ process, or open the Services control panel and view the status of the AmServer_ service.

3) To stop or restart the service, use the shortcuts located in the same Start Menu folder.

To start the service using the Windows Service Administration Tool:

1) Open the Service Administration Tool by selecting

Start → Control Panel → Administrative Tools → Services

The Service Administration Tool appears, as shown below.

2) Locate the service for your country. Note that the Startup Type should be set to ‘Automatic’ by the installer. If it is not, see the section below called Changing The Service Startup Type.

3) Select the service for your country, and press the Start button to start the service. The Service Control window will appear, as shown below. ADQUEST MILLENNIUM SERVER INSTALLATION GUIDE LANDSBERRY AND JAMES PTY LTD

4) To stop or restart the service, press the Stop or Restart buttons on the Windows Service Administration tool.

Changing The Service Startup Type

The AdQuest Millennium Server service should be set to Automatic startup, so that the service will be automatically restarted when the computer reboots. To change the startup type, or ensure that the startup type is set to Automatic:

1) Open the Service Administration Tool by selecting

Start → Control Panel → Administrative Tools → Services

The Service Administration Tool appears, as shown below.

2) Locate the service for your country. Verify that the Startup Type is ‘Automatic’.

3) To change the Startup Type, right click on the service and select ‘Properties’. The Service Properties dialog appears, as shown below. ADQUEST MILLENNIUM SERVER INSTALLATION GUIDE LANDSBERRY AND JAMES PTY LTD

4) Change the Startup Type to ‘Automatic’ and press OK.

Viewing The AdQuest Millennium Server Log File

By default, the AdQuest Millennium log file will be located in the following folder:


where is the date for the log file. This can be viewed in any text editor.

You may change where the log file is placed, or how much information is logged to it, by changing the AmServer.ini file. This file is location in the following folder by default:


Open this file in a text editor. Under the following section heading:


there will be two log file settings, similar to the ones below:

LogFile=D:\AmServer_Test\TEMP\AmServer.log LogSeverity=0

The ‘LogFile’ setting is the full path to the log file that will be written out. The LogSeverity field is a number indicating how much information should be logged to the ADQUEST MILLENNIUM SERVER INSTALLATION GUIDE LANDSBERRY AND JAMES PTY LTD

log file, where a severity of 0 indicates that everything should be logged, and 3 indicates that only fatal errors should be logged. Changing these settings will only take effect when the service is next restarted.

Registering New Sites With The AdQuest Millennium Server

The AdQuest Millennium Server uses a site list file to determine which sites are allowed to access data. By default, this file is located in the following folder:


There are two ways to update this file. Firstly, when a new site is being installed, the installer will require a site unlock key. The tool to generate the unlock key, AmUnlock.exe, can update the site list file at the same time as generating the unlock key. The second method involves using the AmSiteActivation.exe tool to manually edit the site list file, and can only be used to either remove sites, or to add a site when you know the site ID (for example, from a log file).

To add a new site using the AmUnlock.exe tool:

1) Run the AM Site Unlocker from the Start Menu by selecting

Start → Programs → Landsberry And James → AdQuest Millennium Server → AM Site Unlocker


2) In the “AdQuest Site Key” field, enter the site key number indicated during the site’s installation process.

3) If you want to limit the number of concurrent users at the site, tick the “Limit Number Of Concurrent Users To” checkbox and enter the limited number of users.

4) If you want to enable workstation locking at the site, tick the “Use Workstation Locking” checkbox.

5) If you want to update the site list automatically, tick the “Add Site To AdQuest Millennium Web Site Server File” checkbox, then press the “…” button and locate the site list file. By default, this will be located in the following place:


Enter a label for the site for future reference.

6) Press the “Unlock” button. An unlock key will be generated, and the site list will be updated (if requested). This should be provided to the installer at the site so that installation may proceed.

7) Press OK to close the unlocker.

To add a new site using the Site Activation Tool:

1) Run the AM Site List Editor from the Start Menu by selecting:

Start → Programs → Landsberry And James → AdQuest Millennium Server → AM Site List Editor

An open dialog will appear, asking you for the location of the site list file. By default, this is location in the following place:


2) Locate the Site List file and press the Open button. The Site List Editor dialog will appear, as shown below. ADQUEST MILLENNIUM SERVER INSTALLATION GUIDE LANDSBERRY AND JAMES PTY LTD

3) The list shows the current Site Names, Countries and Site Identifiers.

4) To add a new site, press the New button. An edit box will appear on the new item, allowing you to enter a site name. To edit the Site Identifier for the new item, click on the Site Identifier and enter the new value (the Site Identifier must be an eight- character Hexadecimal value).

5) To remove a site, select the site in the list and press the Delete button.

6) When you are happy with your changes, press the OK button. The site list will be updated, and a backup copy of the site list (called AmSiteList.dat.bak) will be created.

7) To abandon your changes, press the Cancel button.

Registering New Workstations With The AdQuest Millennium Server

When a site is registered, the data supplier (eg. Nielsen Media Research) may choose to use workstation locking at the site. This means that each workstation must be given a workstation unlock key by the data supplier, before that computer can use AdQuest Millennium. To unlock a workstation:

1) Run the AM Site Unlocker from the Start Menu by selecting

Start → Programs → Landsberry And James → AdQuest Millennium Server → AM Site Unlocker ADQUEST MILLENNIUM SERVER INSTALLATION GUIDE LANDSBERRY AND JAMES PTY LTD

2) The AmUnlock program will appear, as shown below.

3) In the “Workstation Key” field, enter the workstation key number indicated during the workstation’s installation process.

4) Press the “Unlock Workstation” button. An unlock key will be generated. This should be provided to the installer at the workstation so that installation may proceed.


8* AdQuest Millennium Data Entitlements

Data entitlements can be specified for each site using a web server. For data entitlements to be used, they must be turned on before processing a set of data. Once entitlements are turned on, each site that logs on to the server will attempt to download their own data entitlement file. This file will be saved locally (in case the web server becomes uncontactable) and limits the access the site has to the standard set of AdQuest Millennium data.

Turning On Data Entitlements

To turn on data entitlements, you need to add or change two settings in the AdQuest Millennium Processing System AdqPrSys.ini file, which is usually located in the following folder:


The two settings are shown below:

[DataEntitlements] UseDataEntitlements=FALSE AllowFunctionsByDefault=TRUE

To turn on Data Entitlements, change the UseDataEntitlements setting to TRUE:


The other setting determines what to do for a client who has an old data entitlements file, which may not specify their entitlements for all AdQuest Millennium features. By default, you can make those new features allowed (change the setting to TRUE) or disallowed (change the setting to FALSE).

Setting Up A Data Entitlement File On A Web Server

Once you have registered a site (using the AmUnlock program, as described in section above), you can modify its entitlements. To do this, run the AmDataEntitlements.exe program located in your web server’s bin folder:


The first time you run this program, you will be prompted to locate your AmSiteList.dat file. This is likely to be in the following location:


Once you have selected the AmSiteList.dat file, the main Data Entitlements program will appear, as shown below. ADQUEST MILLENNIUM SERVER INSTALLATION GUIDE LANDSBERRY AND JAMES PTY LTD

To begin modifying the entitlements for a particular site, simply select the site from the pull-down list in the top left hand corner of the window.

By default, each site will have no restrictions.

Once you have selected a site, you can import the entitlements of another site by selecting the “Import Entitlements” button. You will then see the Import From Site dialog, as shown below.

This window shows all of the registered sites, and their site identifiers. You can select the site you are interested in, and that site’s entitlements will be imported into the current entitlements.

Each site has a set of “site entitlements”. These apply to all users at a site, for all times that the site is being used. This includes things such as which data levels are available, and which AdQuest Millennium functions may be used. ADQUEST MILLENNIUM SERVER INSTALLATION GUIDE LANDSBERRY AND JAMES PTY LTD

Additionally, you can specify a set of data entitlements, where each entitlement applies for a specific period. This allows you to limit the data that can be seen for a time range. Each of these data entitlements can limit spot systems, demographics and dictionary and media items that can be viewed.

Setting Up Data Entitlements On A Local Machine

If you are setting up data entitlements for data to be distributed on CD (ie. with no Internet connection to an AM Server), you will need to have put the special local version of the data entitlements software into the bin folder of an AdQuest Millennium Client installation.

When you run the data entitlements software, it will not have the site list combo box. Instead, you will have the Windows standard New/Open/Save options. In this case, you can create an entitlements file and save it to any location you like.

Modifying Site Entitlements

To modify a site’s entitlements, right click on the “Site Entitlements” item in the left hand tree view and select the “Modify Site Entitlements” option (alternatively, you can just double-click the “Site Entitlements” item). This will display the Site Entitlements dialog, as shown below.

In this window, you can turn off any data levels that a site should be restricted from viewing, both for the media and dictionary data sets. Additionally, you can turn off many AdQuest Millennium system functions. The current set of functions is described in the table below.

Feature When Turned On When Turned Off

Report Designer Allows the site to create and Existing report templates modify report templates. may be opened and run only.

Media Monitor Allows the site to run media Media Monitor report option monitor reports. unavailable.

Exception Report Allows the site to create and Existing exception reports ADQUEST MILLENNIUM SERVER INSTALLATION GUIDE LANDSBERRY AND JAMES PTY LTD

modify exception reports. may be opened and run only.

Duplication Allows the site to create and Existing duplication reports Report modify duplication reports. may be opened and run only.

New Business Allows the site to create and Existing new business Report modify new business reports. reports may be opened and run only.

New Business Allows the site to create and Existing new business Exception Report modify new business exception exception reports may be reports. opened and run only.

Burst Reports Allows the site to create and Existing burst reports may modify burst reports. be opened and run only.

Spillover Reports Allows the site to create and Spillover report option modify spillover reports (where unavailable. available).

Day Part Editor Allows the site to create and Only existing day part sets modify day part sets. may be used in reports.

Currency Editor Allows the site to create and Only existing currency files modify currency files. may be used in reports.

Discount Editor Allows the site to create and Only existing discount files modify discount files. may be used in reports.

Theme Editor Allows the site to create and Only existing themes may modify theme definitions. be used in reports.

Batch Scheduler Allows the site to create and Batch scheduler options modify batch schedules. unavailable.

System Filters Allows the site to filter report System Filter options results based on system filters. unavailable.

Data Types Allows the site to add data types Data Types option to a report template. unavailable in report designer.

Field Groups Allows the site to add Field Field Groups option Groups to a report template. unavailable in report designer.

Day Parts On Allows the site to add Day Parts Day Parts option Reports to a report template. unavailable in report designer.

Finally, as well as turning on or off the Field Groups system function (in the System Function list above), you can also turn on and off individual field groups as required. ADQUEST MILLENNIUM SERVER INSTALLATION GUIDE LANDSBERRY AND JAMES PTY LTD

Once you are happy with your site entitlements, press the OK button to return to the main window. You will see that the Site Entitlements section of the tree updates to reflect your selections.

Modifying Entitlements For A Period

In addition to your site entitlements, any number of data entitlements can be specified for the site.

To add a new Data Entitlements, right-click in a blank area of the tree view and select “Add Data Entitlement”. The New Data Entitlement dialog will appear, as shown below.

After you have created a new data entitlement, you can show this dialog again by right-clicking on the data entitlement and selecting “Modify Data Entitlement” (alternatively, you can double-click the name of the entitlement).

In the Data Entitlement window, you can give your entitlement a name. This name will be displayed to any users at the site if they attempt to run a report that would exceed their entitlements.

You then specify what period the entitlement should apply to. There are three options here:

 Actual Periods – If you select Actual Periods, you can specify the from and to month and year for the entitlement, or set “No From Date” or “No To Date” to make the entitlement period extend to the start or end of the database respectively. For example, if you create an entitlement with a From Date of January 2003, and No To Date, then the entitlement will apply from January 2003 to the end of the database, regardless of how big the database is.  Year-To-Date Period – If you select Year-To-Date Periods, you specify the number of years (plus the current year to date) allowed for this entitlement. The Year-To-Date applies to the end of the database, rather than the current date. For example, if you enter 2 Year in the Year-To-Date option, and your database ends in April 2004, this entitlement will apply from January 2002 to April 2004. If the database is updated to include May 2004 data, this entitlement will then apply from January 2002 to May 2004.  Moving Annual Period – If you select Moving Annual Periods, you specify the number of years allowed for this entitlement. This entitlement will then apply for a rolling period of the number of years specified. For example, if you enter 2 Years in the Moving Annual Period option, and the database ends in April 2004, then this entitlement will apply from May 2002 to April 2004 (inclusive). ADQUEST MILLENNIUM SERVER INSTALLATION GUIDE LANDSBERRY AND JAMES PTY LTD

You can also select which spot systems will be available for this entitlement (ie. which systems spot data will be accessible for), and the demographics that will be allowed for that period.

Once you are happy with your entitlement options, press OK to add your new entitlement. It will appear in the tree view on the left hand side of the Data Entitlement editor. If you click on the name of your new entitlement, the right-hand side of the window changes to show the dictionary/media editor, as shown below.

This screen is used to indicate which dictionary and media items are allowable for the period of the data entitlement. The screen works in the same fashion as the AdQuest Millennium dictionary selection screen.

You can import and export individual selections whilst editing by selecting the Import Selection/Export Selection buttons on the main toolbar.

Once you are happy with the entitlements for the site, press the Save button on the toolbar or select File->Save from the main menu. The entitlements file will be saved into the correct location relative to the AmSiteList.dat file. By default, this is:

\Bin\Data Entitlements\nnnnnnnn.ade

where nnnnnnnn is replaced by the site id of the site you are working with. These files are now located in the correct spot for the AdQuest Millennium Server to automatically pick them up and return them to any sites that log on to the server.

Special Data Entitlement Features

The data entitlement system support layering of multiple entitlements for the same period. As long as a user’s report can be run using one the entitlements, it will be.

For example, consider a client who has purchased data for the Alcoholic Beverages category up until December 2002, but has also purchased Non-Alcoholic Beverages from January 2003 onwards. To set up this entitlement, you would set up two data entitlement periods, one with no start date and an end date of December 2002, and ADQUEST MILLENNIUM SERVER INSTALLATION GUIDE LANDSBERRY AND JAMES PTY LTD

one with no end date and a start date of January 2003. In the first entitlement, you would make a dictionary selection of Alcoholic Beverages only, and in the second entitlement, you would select both Alcoholic and Non-Alcoholic Beverages.

When this client logs in to AdQuest Millennium, they will be able to make dictionary selections for both categories. However, if they attempt to run a report with a non- alcoholic beverage on it for a period earlier than December 2002, a data entitlements error summary will appear, like the one shown below.

A more complicated example could be a client who has purchased the following:

 The entire Alcoholic Beverages category, but only with summary data.

 Spot data only for the Fosters Brewing Group.

To create this entitlement will again require two data entitlements. However, for the first entitlement, we set no start or end date, and turn off all of the spot system. We then make a dictionary selection of Alcoholic Beverages. The second entitlement will also have no start or end date, but will allow all spot systems. This time, though, we make a dictionary selection of the Fosters Brewing Group only.

When this client logs in to AdQuest Millennium, they will be able to run summary reports for everything in the Alcoholic Beverages category. However, as soon as they attempt to run a report requiring spot data (eg. A daily report, or a detail drilldown report) the data entitlements error will appear, unless the report only contains Fosters Brewing Group information. For example, the client could run an All Media National Summary for all Alcoholic Beverages products, but if they attempt to perform a detailed drilldown on any products non belonging the Fosters Brewing Group, the software will display the data entitlements error dialog.

Testing Entitlements

The easiest way to test a set of entitlements is to create an AdQuest Millennium client software installation that is set up to run locally (ie. not over the web). To ensure that you are using the correct set of entitlements, you need to copy a site’s entitlements file into the data path of the client software. ADQUEST MILLENNIUM SERVER INSTALLATION GUIDE LANDSBERRY AND JAMES PTY LTD

The site entitlements files are located in the bin\DataEntitlements\ folder under the server folder. The files in here have filenames in the following format:


Where XXXXXXXX is the site ID in Hexadecimal. The easiest way to find this out is to run the Site Activation program, look for the site you are interested, and read off its site ID. You can then locate the correct entitlements file.

The file should be copied into the MF_xxxxxxxxxx folder under the Local\Data folder of the client software, where xxxxxxxxxx is the current master file version number.

When you have copied the file into this folder, you need to rename it to AMCET.dat. Therefore, the full path to the entitlements file should be:


You should now be able to start the client software and verify the site entitlements. ADQUEST MILLENNIUM SERVER INSTALLATION GUIDE LANDSBERRY AND JAMES PTY LTD

9* Configuring The AdQuest Millennium Processing System

The AdQuest Millennium Processing System is configured by modifying settings in the AdqPrSys.ini file. This file is located in the following folder:


This file can be modified in any text editor (for example, Notepad).

The following sections describe each section of the AdqPrSys.ini file. Please note that not all settings are relevant for all countries.

AdQuest Control File

The main section of the AdqPrSys.ini is the AdQuestControlFile section which holds most of the important settings.


The following settings can be specified in this section.

Setting Type Notes

CountryID 2 characters Indicates the country used for the processing. The following values are valid, although you should not change this unless you know what you are doing:

OZ – Australia HK – Hong Kong CH – China ID – India IN – Indonesia IT – Italy MA – Malaysia SI – Singapore TH - Thailand

CreateTVMonitorData TRUE/FALSE This setting indicates whether or not the processing system should generate television monitor data. If this value is TRUE, the processing system generates a media day map indicating which days have activity for each media. This is used in the Media Monitor report.

HomeCurrencyName String Indicates the label to be used for the default currency (user specified currencies can have their own labels).

HomeCurrencyId String Indicates the short label to be used for the default currency (user specified currencies can have their own ids). ADQUEST MILLENNIUM SERVER INSTALLATION GUIDE LANDSBERRY AND JAMES PTY LTD

Group Section

The group section contains information about file locations. The section heading is:


This section contains a number of settings. The most important settings relate to file locations. Two levels of settings can be used. The standard settings should be named as shown in the table below, where the prefix is the two character country identifier, as listed in the CountryID section above. As a fallback, the system will also attempt to read the same settings with no prefix if the first setting cannot be found.

Setting Type Notes

TVInputLocation String This setting indicates the path to the input television data files. This should be the full (non-relative) path.

PRInputLocation String This setting indicates the path to the input press data files. This should be the full (non-relative) path.

RDInputLocation String This setting indicates the path to the input radio data files. This should be the full (non-relative) path.

ODInputLocation String This setting indicates the path to the input outdoor data files. This should be the full (non-relative) path.

CNInputLocation String This setting indicates the path to the input cinema data files. This should be the full (non-relative) path.

CBInputLocation String ????????????

TVOutputLocation String This setting indicates the path to the output television data files. These files are intermediate and are not the distribution data files.

PROutputLocation String This setting indicates the path to the output press data files. These files are intermediate and are not the distribution data files.

RDOutputLocation String This setting indicates the path to the output radio data files. These files are intermediate and are not the distribution data files.

ODOutputLocatio String This setting indicates the path to the n output outdoor data files. These files are intermediate and are not the distribution data files.


output cinema data files. These files are intermediate and are not the distribution data files.

CBOutputLocation String ????????????

Data Entitlements

This section allows you to define the settings for using data entitlements. The title of this section is:


Settings in this section are:

Setting Type Notes

UseDataEntitlements TRUE/FALSE Indicates whether or not to use data entitlements (see the Data Entitlements section above)

AllowFunctionByDefault TRUE/FALSE If Data Entitlements are used, but an old data entitlements file is loaded, this setting indicates whether to allow system functions that have not been explicitly turned on or off in the data entitlements. Set to TRUE to allow users access to new functions if the function has not explicitly been turned on or off. Set to FALSE to disallow the function by default.

System Filter

This section allows you to specify system filter settings. The title of this section is:


For System Filters to be enabled, this section must exist, and the following setting must also exist.

Setting Type Notes

SystemFilterCount Number Indicates how many sets of system filters are to be used for the system.

Then, for each of the system filters (that is, the number of system filters defined by the setting above), you need two settings. Please note that the field should be replaced with the id of each system filter (from 1 to the SystemFilterCount value). ADQUEST MILLENNIUM SERVER INSTALLATION GUIDE LANDSBERRY AND JAMES PTY LTD

Setting Type Notes

SystemFilterName String Indicates the label to be used for the System Filter. This label will appear in the System Filters dialog and in the Report Designer Toolbar.

SystemFilterFile Filename This setting should be the master filename used to define the system filter values (it should be the filename and extension only, no path should be included). This file should be located in the Master File Path (see the settings section above for more information about paths).

Additionally, there is one more setting used by system filters.

Setting Type Notes

IndiaTVPromoCategorie Comma- In the Indian processing system, this s Separated setting indicates which categories should Numbers be considered “Promo” categories for the purpose of System Filtering. The numbers in this list should identify categories in the input Category Master. ADQUEST MILLENNIUM SERVER INSTALLATION GUIDE LANDSBERRY AND JAMES PTY LTD

10* Troubleshooting Client Installations

When installing AdQuest Millennium at a client site, there are a number of possible errors that AdQuest Millennium can report. This section tries to suggest possible causes for problems, and how to solve them.

Login Errors

These errors occur when a user tries to log in to AdQuest Millennium. The error message will appear whilst the login screen is still visible. The key to these errors is the login error number displayed in brackets at the end of the message. A sample login error message is shown below.

The error messages and numbers are listed below, along with possible causes and solutions.

Invalid Username (Error Number 1)

Cause: The username entered was typed in incorrectly.

Solution: Reenter your username (NOTE: Usernames in AdQuest Millennium are not case sensitive)

Cause: The username entered does not exist.

Solution: Check that you are using the correct AdQuest Millennium database and that the username you are entering has been entered at your site using the AdQuest Millennium User Manager.

Incorrect Password (Error Number 2)

Cause: The password entered was typed in incorrectly.

Solution: Reenter your password (NOTE: Passwords in AdQuest Millennium are not case sensitive).

Access Denied (Error Number 3)

Cause: The user account you have tried to log in as does not have sufficient permission for this program. This occurs if you try to log in to the User Manager or System Configuration tool, but the user account you log in as only has “User” level security permissions.

Solution: Log in as a user with Site Supervisor permissions.


Cause: The data supplier (usually Nielsen Media Research) has specified that only a certain number of users may log in to AdQuest Millennium as the site at one time. That number has been reached.

Solution: Wait until another user logs out of AdQuest Millennium before logging back in.

Workstation Locked (Error Number 5)

Cause: The data supplier (usually Nielsen Media Research) has specified that only specially unlocked workstations may use AdQuest Millennium, and the current workstation has not yet been unlocked.

Solution: Move to a workstation that has been unlocked for use of AdQuest Millennium, or run the AM Workstation Unlocker to unlock this workstation.

Site Locked (Error Number 6)

Cause: The site used for AdQuest Millennium has not been unlocked to allow use of AdQuest Millennium. This may occur if the site was not correctly installed, or if the installation folder is moved to another computer or hard drive.

Solution: Reinstall AdQuest Millennium and request an unlock key from the data supplier.

Cause: AdQuest Millennium is being run from a shortcut pointing to the wrong folder.

Solution: Check the Properties of the shortcut you are using to run AdQuest Millennium. The Target path should be:


and the Start In path should be:


No Write Access (Error Number 7)

Cause: The Windows user logging in to AdQuest Millennium does not have write permissions on the AdQuest Millennium folder. Write permissions are needed to create and update AdQuest Millennium files.

Solution: Grant Write permission to the AdQuest Millennium installation folder to all Windows users who need to access AdQuest Millennium.

Connection Errors

These errors occur after a user has logged in to AdQuest Millennium but while the system is starting up. The error message will appear after the login screen has disappeared. The key to these errors is the login error number displayed in brackets at the end of the message. Each error message also shows possible causes for the error. A sample connection error message is shown below. ADQUEST MILLENNIUM SERVER INSTALLATION GUIDE LANDSBERRY AND JAMES PTY LTD

The likely error messages and numbers are listed below, along with possible causes and solutions.

Server Not Contactable (Error Number 1)

Cause: An incorrect Website Name has been entered in the Connection properties.

Solution: Run the AM System Configuration tool, change to the “Connection” page, and verify that the Website Name and Website Command parameters are correct.

Cause: Your Internet connection is not working properly.

Solution: Check your Internet connection, and try to connect to the Website running the AM server using Internet Explorer.

Invalid Server Response (Error Number 2)

Cause: An incorrect Website Name has been entered in the Connection properties.

Solution: Run the AM System Configuration tool, change to the “Connection” page, and verify that the Website Name and Website Command parameters are correct.

Cause: A proxy server is blocking your access to the AdQuest Millennium web server.

Solution: Try to connect to the web server using Internet Explorer. If there is a problem, check your proxy server configuration.

Please note, to find out more information about any connection problems, there are a three log files you can check to determine what is happening:

1. Client Log File – to turn on the client log file, open the “AM System Configuration” tool, and turn on the “Generate Logfile” checkbox on the “General” options page. Then, log into AdQuest Millennium and a client log file will be generated in your current Windows temporary folder:

Windows 98/Me: C:\Windows\Temp\AmClient.log Windows NT: C:\Temp\AmClient.log Windows 2000/XP: C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp\AmClient.log ADQUEST MILLENNIUM SERVER INSTALLATION GUIDE LANDSBERRY AND JAMES PTY LTD

The last few statements in this file should give you the HTTP connection error indicating a possible cause of the problem.

2. Server Web Server Log File – this file is a bit harder to interpret, but will indicate whether or not the client computer could connect to the web server. Generally, this file can be found in the following folder, although depending on your server configuration, you may need to consult your server documentation to locate the file:


where is the date you are interested in. You can examine this file for any accesses to the dll “/Am/AmProcessQuery_.dll” and check their HTTP status (it should be 200). Please refer to your Windows Server documentation for more information about this file.

3. AM Server Log File – this file will indicate whether or not a login to the AM server has been received, and if so, whether it was successful. This file can be found in the folder:


where is the date you are interested in. You can search this file for the site name or login name of the client having trouble connecting, to see whether or not they have successfully connected to the AM server.

Server Timed Out (Error Number 3)

Cause: Your Internet connection is not working properly.

Solution: Check your Internet connection, and try to connect to the Website running the AM server using Internet Explorer.

Unknown Site (Error Number 5)

Cause: Your site has not been registered with the AM Server.

Solution: You can either reinstall your site, making sure that, during the “Unlock Key” phase of the installation, the data supplier makes sure to add the site to the site list (see above), or, the data supplier can look for your site id in the server log file and add it to the site list manually using the AmSiteActivation tool.

No Internet Connection (Error Number 8)

Cause: Your computer is not connected to the Internet.

Solution: Create an Internet connection, or change AdQuest Millennium to run locally on your network, rather than connecting via the Internet.

Proxy Authentication Error (Error Number 9)

Cause: Your proxy server blocks access to some or all Internet sites.

Solution: Configure your proxy server to allow normal HTTP access to the AM Server Web Site. If your proxy server requires you to enter a username and password ADQUEST MILLENNIUM SERVER INSTALLATION GUIDE LANDSBERRY AND JAMES PTY LTD

to access Internet pages, ensure that you have entered the username and password in Internet Explorer. If the login still fails, you can setup a username and password to automatically pass to the proxy server by opening the file:


locating the section:


and adding the two settings:

ProxyUsernameOverride= ProxyPasswordOverride=

directly under it.

Data Loading Errors

When AdQuest Millennium starts up and reads its data files, you may encounter some of the following errors.

Static Data Fails

If this error occurs, the following message is displayed:

AdQuest Millennium could be not be started. There was a problem with the static data.

Cause: This error usually occurs if AdQuest Millennium is configured to run locally (ie. not over the Internet), but no data has been installed.

Solution: Open the AM System Configuration tool and change your “Connection” options to get data from a website (if you are using an Internet connection). If you are running locally, install a set of data using the AmLocalDataUpdater program.

Data Entitlement Policy Failed

If this error occurs, the following message is displayed:

There was a problem determining what data you have access to (1).

Cause: This error usually occurs if there is no data in the data folder.

Solution: If you are connecting to the Internet, make sure that you select “Yes” when prompted to do a master file update. If you are running locally, install a set of data using the AmLocalDataUpdater.exe program.

Data Entitlements Missing

If this error occurs, the following message is displayed:

There was a problem determining what data you have access to (2).

Cause: This error usually occurs if there is no data entitlement file in the data folder. ADQUEST MILLENNIUM SERVER INSTALLATION GUIDE LANDSBERRY AND JAMES PTY LTD

Solution: If you are connecting over the Internet, the data supplier (usually Nielsen Media Research) should ensure that they have created a data entitlement file for your site (even if the site has no restrictions, you still need to create an empty file). If you are running locally, you need to ensure that a data entitlement file is distributed to the client site and placed in the folder:


Runtime Errors

The following sections describe some other errors that may occur whilst using AdQuest Millennium.

Connection Lost Error

Sometimes, when using AdQuest Millennium over an Internet connection, running a report, or attempting to process a drilldown may result in a connection error being displayed at the bottom of a report, as shown in the screenshot below.

Cause: Your Internet connection has been lost.

Solution: Reconnect to the Internet. Try to connect to the web server using Internet Explorer

Cause: The AM Server has been restarted. This can result in session state being lost for your current login session.

Solution: Log out of AdQuest Millennium and log back in. The AM Server should now recognise your login session.

Data Entitlement Errors

If your system uses Data Entitlements to limit access to data, running some reports may result in a data entitlement error being displayed, as shown below. ADQUEST MILLENNIUM SERVER INSTALLATION GUIDE LANDSBERRY AND JAMES PTY LTD

This dialog shows you a summary of the data you are entitled to view within AdQuest Millennium.

Cause: The report or drilldown report you are attempting to run is not allowed according to the data entitlements assigned to your site.

Solution: Change your report or drilldown to only include data which you are allowed to access.

Reach And Frequency Not Installed

NOTE: This error only occurs to AdQuest Millennium installations using eTAM data to provide reach and frequency reports.

From the detail drilldown screen, the Reach and Frequency button may be disabled, as shown below.

Cause: You are viewing a drilldown report for a media that does not have eTAM data (Newspaper spots, for example)

Solution: Create a drilldown report for media with eTAM data (television, for example)

Cause: The eTAM components have not been properly installed. You need to register the two eTAM components on every computer that needs to run reach and frequency reports.

Solution: If you install eTAM using the separate eTAM installer, run the eTAM installer on the computer where the components are not registered, and use the workstation install option. If you use the AdQuest Millennium installer to install the eTAM components, run the AM Workstation Unlock shortcut in the main AdQuest ADQUEST MILLENNIUM SERVER INSTALLATION GUIDE LANDSBERRY AND JAMES PTY LTD

Millennium folder on each computer that needs access to reach and frequency reports. You will need to restart AdQuest Millennium for the change to take effect.

Missing Reach And Frequency Data

NOTE: This error only occurs to AdQuest Millennium installations using eTAM data to provide reach and frequency reports.

When you run a reach and frequency report, an error message may appear as shown below.

This indicates that an eTAM data file for a requested date could not be found in the eTAM data paths.

Cause: You are missing data for the date requested.

Solution: Manually run the AQeTAM Client Downloader.exe program from the eTAM installation folder. If you install eTAM using a separate installer, this file can be found in the path:


If you install eTAM as part of the AdQuest Millennium installer, this file can be found in the path:


Cause: Your AdQuest eTAM Data Paths are incorrect.

Solution: Check the AdQuest eTAM settings file to ensure that all paths are correct. If you install eTAM using a separate installer, this file can be found at:


If you install eTAM as part of the AdQuest Millennium installer, this file can be found at:


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