Communications: Letters, Cards, E-Mails And Phone Calls To/From:
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1 GOLDEN TOQUE NEWSLETTER APRIL 2008 Communications: It is the world ‘s largest fundraising Letters, cards, e-mails and phone calls to/from: event where volunteers request donations after Harry Hoffstadt and son Frank, Gaspar shaving their heads in an act of solidarity for and Madeline Caloz, Jean-Jacques Dietrich, children with cancer. Paul Goebel, Ken Wade, Mike Minor, Tom Created eight years ago, St. Baldrick’s Berg, Major Jarmon, Tom Maas, Jim Kosec, events have raised over $34 million in 18 Tom Elkin, Bob Chester, Tom Maas, Jim Miller, countries. Oliver Sommer, Robert Nograd, Tom Hickey, Held on St. Patrick’s Day, a total of 15 Van Atkins, Willy Rossel, and they all say hello people shaved their heads, including the owner and regards to everyone. and Chef Gaspar Caloz and his staff. Josephine Pantano and her daughters As many as 60 people attended the are planning on attending the June Golden event including Mayor John Hogan and his Toque get together and look forward to seeing family. The restaurant served complimentary everyone. corned beef and cabbage in honor of the Irish NEWS ABOUT MEMBERS: holiday. Harry Hoffstadt and son Frank visited ################## Switzerland and returned to Hotel Montana where Harry learned his skills in the profession. Sad NEWS: They had a great visit with family and friends. All of the Golden Toque sends their ########## condolences and sympathies to the Chef Health News: Tom Macrina family. His Mother Lillian J. Macrina Gaspar Caloz writes the following Dear Jean, Friends of the Golden Toque, Born-Dec.18, 1922--Died-Mar.28, 2008 First I would like to thank all of my Life Celebration Service on Monday March friends for their beautiful get-well cards. I am 31, from 7 to 9 PM and on Tuesday from 8 so lucky. to 9 AM at Boyd-Horrox of East Norriton, I had to stay in the hospital for 2 days; 200 West Germantown Pike. Her mass of during that time I got 4 radiation treatments Christian Burial will be on Tuesday at 9:30 that targeted the tumor to kill the cancer. It was AM at Holy Savior Church in Norristown. not easy to stay in the same position for two Entombment will be at St. Matthew's days, but time went pretty fast between phone Cemetery in Conshohocken. In lieu of calls, visits, television and newspapers. . My doctor was very happy with the Flowers the family requests donations to results. I came home, took one day of rest and the American Academy of Chefs, Andrew went back to work. I feel really good now. I Macrina Scholarship fund. 180 Center even went back to playing golf with my partner Place Way. St Augustine, Fl 32095. Michel. We have a lot of fun together. **************** RESTAURANT HELPS FIGHT We received a recent letter from Yvonne CHILDHOOD CANCER Gordon daughter of Jean and Jeanette A little hair goes a long way. Joaquin informing us that her mother The St. Baldrick’s Foundation fundraiser Jeanette passed away in late January of held at Madeline’s Petit Paris Restaurant this year. Our sympathies and raised $6,200.00 for the fight against childhood condolences were sent to her and her cancer. family.
1 2 GOLDEN TOQUE NEWSLETTER APRIL 2008 ################# and two Commander Directors Let us make sure to keep in Jean-Jacque Dietrich communication with all those who are not and Dan Varano feeling well a card, phone call, or letter really PLEASE SUBMIT IN WRITING ALL NOMINATIONS TO: helps. Remember—, Walter Meyer, Jon JOHN KEMPF, NOMIN ATION CHAIRMAN Greenwalt, James and Barb Kosec, 27952 N. DARRELL ROAD Rudolph Soeder, Mary Colletti, Bill Lyman WAUCONDA, IL 60084 and Stanley Nicas. We hope for all our PHONE 847-526-3466 members’ quick recovery and good health. All candidates must accept the nomination by written acceptance to Mr. John ############# Kempf. COOKBOOK NEWS COMMITTEES AND BOARDS Cookbook sales and distribution BOARD OF ACCEPTANCE director. We have cookbooks for sale. William Lyman, Grand Commander, Chairman Contact information is: John Kempf, Past Grand Commander Dr. Stanley Nicas, Past Grand Commander John E. Bogacki, Jean E. Clary, Past Grand Commander 3100 Tollgate Road, Oliver Sommer, Past Grand Commander St. Louis, Mo. 63129 Dr. Robert Nograd, Grand Commander ex Officio 314-432-2315 ext. 227 ADVISORY COUNCIL (Art. 15.0) 314-846-2200 William Lyman, Grand Commander Contact John for further information. John Kempf, Past Grand Commander Dr, Stanley Nicas, Past Grand Commander ADDRESS CHANGES: Jean E. Clary, Past Grand Commander Chef Dale Miller Oliver Sommer, Past Grand Commander 68 Chatsworth Way Dr. Robert Nograd-Grand Commander exOfficio Nominating & Elections Clifton Park, New York 12065 John Kempf - Chairman 847-526-3466 Home phone: 518-280-1436 Lee Conway Work phone: 518-668-5928 Robert Nograd 954-721-2147 He is now General Manager/Executive Committee for 2008 Meeting Chef at The Inn at Erlowest, 3178 Lake Shore Tom Macrina Parliamentarian Drive, Lake George, NY 12845 Dr. L Edwin Brown 904-471-3863 ############### Permanent Records Custodian Any one know the where about of Tom Hickey Sullivan University Education/Scholarship Committee Elizabeth Mc Laughlin. Her newsletters Van Atkins 702-221-0414 have been returned by the post office. Karl Guggenmos 401-942-9792 Maybe, Paul Elbling knows what Oliver Sommer 636-947-3795 Sergeant of Arms happened. Van Atkins 702-221-0414 ######################## Norman Hart 716-650-0289 Nominations are now solicited for Cookbook Sales John Bogacki 314-432-2315x227 next year 2008— 314-846-2200 WE HAVE THESE NOMINATIONS: Promotions & Public Relations Joel Tanner 616-891-0491 Grand Cmdr. TOM HICKEY Senior Advisory Committee Cmdr.Sec. JIM MILLER Oliver Sommer, Chrm. 636-947-3795 Luigi La Valle 513-662-7326 Cmdr.Treas. JOEL TANNER Amato Ferrero 706-744-0326
2 3 GOLDEN TOQUE NEWSLETTER APRIL 2008 Willy Rossel 305-901-4147 Hans Roth Newsletter Philip McGuirk Jean Clary--editor 702-458-2054 Health and Welfare Committee Marga Bosjnak Michael Minor Cora Sinkeldam ********************** Richard Battista NOTE!! All donation checks should be John Kaufmann “General Fund or Scholarship Fund” made Nobile Masi payable to:"Honorable Order of the Golden Bro. Herman Zaccarelli Toque"---- and sent to: John Lubinski COMMANDER TREASURER Michael Minor JAMES MILLER Joe Eidem 6679 SHANNON LANE Helen Merkle, MENTOR, OH, 44060 John Zehnder PHONE: HOME: 440-639-1453 Roberto Gerometta OFFICE: 440-350-1100-X204 Charles Carroll Those of you who have been so generous with Tom Macrina your monies, time, effort and support, THANK Manfred Bast YOU SO VERY MUCH!! ******************** Tom Vaccaro New FISCAL YEAR STARTS: MAY 1, 2008 Paul Goebel #################### Robert Garlough John Fisher CURRENT DONORS— 2007 Richard Fisher John Carroll James Kosec Paul Ebling Jean Clary Luigi LaValle Jean-Jacques Dietrich John Kempf Dan Varano Tom Hickey Robert Nograd Oriville Middendorf Thomas Mass Jean-Jacques Dietrich Mary Petersen Hubert Schmieder Scott Gilbert Norman Myerow Michael Minor Steve Pollack Tom Elkin Jess Barbosa Dr. Al Sullivan Werner Zefferer Sullivan University William Lyman Karl Guggenmos John Bogacki Johnson and Wales University Richard Tromposh Louis Perrotte Fritz Sonnenschmidt Gaspard and Madeline Caloz Michael Zelski Bob Chester Phil Learned Josephine Pantano Carlo Castagneri Harry Hoffstadt L. Edwin Brown Joel Tanner Major Jarmon Rudiger Grimm Van Atkins John Carroll Wolfgang Geckler Willy Rossell
3 4 GOLDEN TOQUE NEWSLETTER APRIL 2008 Bert Cutino personal Betjak Driver (a bicycle built for three) Stanley Nicas we stopped at the sate seller on the street. He Bernard Urban carried his whole operation on his right Nick Marino shoulder and two milking stoles in his left hand. NOTE: Fiscal year ends; Charcoal fire at once, sate, how many? start with four, what kind of meat, who asked?, are April 30, 2008 you with the animal protection agency? 60 *************** years ago, who cared? It tasted great and the This article is from Jan Verdonkschot company was better. My time in Singapore was who has been performing this feat for great, my Betjak Driver took us to Chinese over fifty years Funerals; honor the Master, walk around the casket and shrine and enjoy a wonderful buffet; WHAT INDONESIA the crying, moaning and groaning was left to Traders, Indians, Arabs and eventually the praying and paid Chinese women, with the Dutch came for spices; I visited and lived in potato sack covered heads. If the funeral was Java on many trips, also West Sumatra and higher class black hoods were used. the town of Padang. The equator goes Anyway, the buffets were always superb right through the island of Sumatra, it's a and the family members enjoyed receiving the tropical paradise; in some home gardens you respect from a "Orang Blanco" and his Batjak may find Turmeric, Galangal, Ginger, Chilies, Driver. Lemon Grass, Tamarind, Nutmeg, Basil, Mints 'THE LAST RIJSTTAFEL' and Cloves, Coconuts and Eggplants; you may No, it's not like the last super, when the run into Candle nuts (so called because they Lord said "Everyone on this side of the table if can actually be lit) West Sumatra has exported you want to be in the picture!" The last rijsttaffel it's cuisine all over Indonesia; Padang prepared for 18 honored guests took place at Restaurants can be found in and city. the Plantation (circa 1847) on Thursday The food is hot, lots of dishes are October 25,2007 in St. Claire, Missouri. brought to your table dramatically layered on On the foothills of the Ozark Mountains, the arms of the waiters, you pay for what you a freestanding French Colonial Estate, eat. Indonesia has more than 13,000 Islands surrounded by 12 acres of fields, a horse barn and each has a different culinary slant. Bali, for and old restored coach house. This time of the example, never turned to Islam as the rest of year with spooks and ghosts lurking strange the nation; its inhabitants eat pork and turtle. sounds at any time during the night, it's the The Balinese also specialize in cooking perfect place for Halloween, but that's not the whole duck or chicken, well seasoned with story; It's all about a 3 days of preparation, sambal, shallots and turmeric, wrapping the shopping and gathering of Oriental (especially birds in banana leaves and baking it slowly Indonesian) herbs and spices. over charcoal. I remember well when banana ln my 60 years of cooking, this was leaves were used for carry out foods. The always my favorite, knowing French Cuisine I Arabs brought skewered kebabs to Java and always was requested and honored to prepare the East Javanese claimed them as their own this Dutch-Indonesian Cuisine. Which I learned using sweet soy sauce (ketjap manis) and from assorted Javanese, Dutch and Malayan naming them sate (satays). cooks during my seven years at sea, living in They can also be bought from region to Singapore and visiting Indonesia for so many region in Singapore. Remembering the time I years and enjoying every minute of it. lived in Singapore, when I traveled with my
4 5 GOLDEN TOQUE NEWSLETTER APRIL 2008 THE RIJSTTAFEL along with tart juices and of tamarind to There is nothing like it! The name is achieve the sweet- sour effect, while Balinese derived from the Dutch and means 'rice-table’. season with a forceful hot/spicy hand and the It does not exist in the Indonesian language. Sumatrans also favor vigorous seasonings. Although rice is the body of the meal, the The other usual flavors in addition to rijsttafeI is not a native meal and through its sambal are nutmeg, anise, cardamon, pepper complexity and variety all the other dishes go and cinnamon. with it in many varying styles, tastes and SMAKELlJK ETEN! 'SELAMAT MAKAN combinations. This festive banquet is a Jan Verdonkschot treasure of culinary experiences, blended ################## during the many years of close relationships INDONESIAN BUFFET MENU between native Indonesians and Dutch THE MENU: settlers. For over three centuries, hundreds of GADO GADO recipes have evolved around a variation of cold appetizer vegetable, fruits, herbs, spices, roots and small french green beans, blanched cauliflower, flowers originating from the Spice Islands. green onion brushes carrot sticks, bok choy, gurkins, baby corn, green and red bell pepper There is no formal way to explain strips, egg quarters, peanut dipping sauce exactly how much, or in what proportion, each SOTO AJAM of the ingredients should be used in a specific gingered chicken broth passed in individual dish. Most of the standard recipes will list only terrrines the ingredients needed and how to prepare LOEMPIA AJAM them. small chicken egg rolls, ginger sauce There is a world of difference in the BUFFET taste of a dish prepared by an experienced NASI GORENG- fried rice rijsttafel cook as opposed to an amateur cook, FRICADEL GORENG even when the same ingredients are used. It is braised coconut flavored beef rounds similar to a master artist and an amateur using BOEMBOE BALIIKAN bluefish braised, ginger sauce, banana blossum the same paints. SATE BABI JAVA In producing the finished product the skewered pork with peanut sauce expert knows exactly what should be done and SATE AJAM MADURA when while the novice has to experiment and skewered chicken with peanut sauce learn as he goes along. Many of the dishes OEDANG GORENG- contain a dozen different ingredients with the fried prawns various herbs and spices adding very exotic TELOR MASAK BALI flavors. Chilies are a common element in the boiled egg halves in light coconut curry sauce sambals, the peppery relish sc essential in PISANG GORENG- Indonesian cooking. The coconut milk, or batter fried bananas santen, is used in soups and sauces to help KROEPOEK OEDANG- shrimp crackers modulate the heavily spiced dishes. Indonesian SAMBAL GORENG OEDANG spices are a collection of pungent items taken fried shrimp straws from a long list of flavorings that include lemon ZOETZUUR LOBAK- grass, shrimps paste, tamarind, lime juice, pickled white radish slices tumeric, comino, and coriander. different areas KETIMOEN of Indonesia have their own set of spice java cucumber combinations; Central Java uses palm sugar AMBA HALDAR
5 6 GOLDEN TOQUE NEWSLETTER APRIL 2008 fresh turmeric pickle were precious, no shoes, half naked SEROENDENG KET JANG sometimes, smiling. The country is sad toasted coconut with peanuts KETJUP MANIS sometimes, they use wood to fuel their sweet soy sauce cooking needs, and subsequently cut down SAMBAL GORENG, SAMBAL MANIS,SAMBAL almost every tree in the country. The TRAS SIred hot pepper relish mountains are mostly decimated of native COUPE LOMBOK trees, and corn is planted on the hillsides. Dessert The native plants are interesting; I ate (THAT’S ALL FOLKS) a strange fruit in season, like an apple/pear #################### FROM MIOS CIHELKA cross, sold everywhere. A truck would come Hi Chef, by our compound every morning, selling Honduras was a real eye-opener. Our fruits and vegetables mostly lousy. Armed main objective was to build five schools, guards could be seen on roads sometimes, which we did in various stages. These were checking IDs, looking for bribes. I felt safe simple, 2 large classroom buildings, built to most of the time because we were with our sustain high winds and rain. I worked on a interpreter. crew with Bill Gass, our interpreter, 2 It is not a vacation place; the skilled Hondurans and a young lady from Caribbean Sea is a lot like lake Michigan California. there. Cows and skinny dogs everywhere. We worked all day every day in direct The beef is not very good there, so we sun and heat; I actually lost 10 pounds in 15 bought two half pigs freshly slaughtered, days. We also rebuilt a bridge in the jungle and I butchered them both, the meat still that Bill had built 7 years ago, using the warm, flies around, and they sold all the most beautiful mahogany from the variety meats and head to locals. Every night immediate area. the roosters would crow, then all day. Every day Bill and Ellen helped the Chickens everywhere, along with donkeys poorest people, and they knew where to find and pigs, some horses. Kids would show up them, or they would find us. We gave food, at our place, and we would give them food, money, clothing, toys, and hugs to people clothing. who could do nothing in return for us, it was The Gasses also sponsored many kids witnessing unconditional love from the in advanced schooling, gave coloring books, Gasses, the finest people I have ever met. shoes, pencil/paper as you had to have these Bill and Ellen gave much more than what things to go to school, the schools had their mission could give, giving from nothing to give to the students, barely themselves, their own pockets, and their anything on the walls, simple classes, not time. The Hondurans were appreciative, much hope of a future if you don't have helping us sometimes, showing up with skills or money, or did exceptionally well in many children in tow all the time. The kids class.
6 7 GOLDEN TOQUE NEWSLETTER APRIL 2008 Any donations given to the Mission of CONGRATULATIONS Hope go very far, all the money goes to help TO THE NEW MEMBERS OF THE handicapped, elderly, and the poorest of the HONORABLE ORDER OF THE GOLDEN TOQUE WHO ARE: poor. No floors on their simple houses, MICHEL GARBIN---NAPERVILLE IL sometimes 8 or 9 people to a small shack PETER LEHMULLER---CHARLOTTE,NC only 10 by 15 feet. JIM DOUGLAS---MARYSVILLE, WA I will return next year to help again, THOMAS L.SCHREIBER-PARKLAND,FL the Gasses are an excellent example of what DR. IRVING SCHNEIDER-WARWICK,RI can be accomplished without government ################### red tape. They really cared about these FROM Chef Robert Benson HI CHEF JEAN, people. I will have to learn Spanish to get WE JUST GOT BACK A GREAT W/E along better, and my daughter will be going AT CHEF JOHN ZEHNDERS, with me next year...... Regards, John IN FRANKENMUTH MICH. WHAT A GREAT ################### PLACE. LINES OUT THE DOOR. HE FEEDS IMPORTANT DATES ANNUAL MEETING - OVER 10.000. FAMILY STYLE DINNERS EVER WEEK END. JUNE Sat.7, Sun.8, Mon.9, 2008 Chef John, PHILADELPHIA, PA—More We just wanted to thank-you for a very information later or Contact Chef fun family weekend. It was very generous of Tom Macrina you to reserve and cover our room expenses for Chef Benson and family. Not only did we ############### have a lot of fun swimming, playing at the HAPPY BIRTHDAYS TO: splash park and shopping, but eating a Chinese Year of the Rat, start of the 12 year cycle delicious dinner at your world famous of animals. Zehnder's Family Restaurant also added to the April 2008 fun of the weekend. Willy Rossel April 4th = 87 Everything was first class, we were very Brother Herman Zaccarelli April 11th =77 impressed with the family suite and will Alex Ottman April 15 = 67 definitely bring the family back, as well as tell Karl Guggenmos April 17 =58 all our friends what a wonderful place you Jean Jacques Dietrich April 18 = 70 have. It was very clean, the food was delicious Tom Berg April 20 = 57 and your staff were so very friendly. Michel Grobon April 20 = 67 A good time was had by all and it was Walter Meyer April 20 = 78 so nice to hang out as a family with our parents Darrell Anderson April 27 = 79 and kids to reconnect during our busy lives. May 2008 We are only sorry we did not have the Gaspard Caloz May 2nd = 61 opportunity to meet you in person, but did get Tom Hickey May 3rd = 62 the chance to read the article in the Zehnder's Bob Garlough May 8th = 54 store on your Golden Toque award, Dr. Morris Gaebe May 15th = 88 Congratulations!! David H. Dodd May 16 = 65 It was our kids first time to Frankenmuth Bob Lippert May 17th = 76 and do look forward to making another trip ###################### back in the future. Thank-you again for your
7 8 GOLDEN TOQUE NEWSLETTER APRIL 2008 hospitality. the wife, "but his eyesight is perfect." Wishing you and your family a Blessed Year! So the next day, Arthur heads off to the golf Sincerely, Linda & Michael Bell & family (Chef course with his brother-in-law. He tees up, Benson's daughter) takes a mighty swing, and squints down the
####################### fairway. He turns to the brother-in-law. Letter from Dan and Kim Varano "Did you see the ball?" Hi Jean, just just a short not to you "Of course I did!" says the brother-in-law. I’m on my way to France today. "I have perfect eyesight." Our Culinary program was invited to "Where did it go?" asks Arthur. I can't go to France as I have mentioned last year we are leaving today for 11 days to remember." ########################## participate in an exchange program with a French Culinary school. We will be back on Golf & the Irishman-- the 11th of April and I will update you on One day an Irishman, who had our trip when we return. been stranded on a deserted island for This past Friday we had the state over 10 years, saw a speck on the VICA competition and one of my students came in first place what a week" she will be horizon. He thought to himself, "It's off to National Comp. in June a great send certainly not a ship." And, as the speck off. got closer and closer, he began to rule I hope everything is going well for out the possibilities of a small boat or you, give my best to everyone God Bless. You will be hearing an update when we even a raft. return. Suddenly there emerged from the Dan and Kim Varano. surf a wet-suited black clad figure. ################### Putting aside the scuba gear and the Arthur is 95 years old. He's played golf top of the wet suit, there stood a drop- every day since his retirement 30 years ago. dead gorgeous blonde! The glamorous One day he arrives home looking downcast. "That's it," he tells his wife. blonde strode up to the stunned "I'm giving up golf. My eyesight has gotten Irishman and said to him, "Tell me, so bad...once I've hit the ball, I can't see how long has it been since you've had where it went." a cigarette?" His wife sympathizes, and as they sit "Ten years," replied the amazed down, she says, "Why don't you take my Irishman. With that, she reached over brother with you, and give it one more try." and unzipped a waterproofed pocket "That's no good," sighs Arthur. "Your brother is a hundred and three. He can't on the left sleeve of her wet suit, and help." pulled out a fresh pack of cigarettes. "He may be a hundred and three" says He takes one, lights it, and takes a long
8 9 GOLDEN TOQUE NEWSLETTER APRIL 2008 drag. stamina with the ladies." "Faith and begorra,"said the man, So, on the way home, the 80 year old "that is so good I'd almost forgotten stops at the bakery. As he was looking around, the lady asked if he needed any how great a smoke can be!" help. He said, "Do you have any Jewish "And how long has it been since rye bread?" She said, "Yes, there's a you've had a drop of good Irish whole shelf of it . Would you like some?" whiskey" asked the blonde He said, "I want 5 loaves. Trembling, the castaway replied, "Ten She said, "My goodness, 5 the time you get to the 5th loaf, years." Hearing that, the blonde it'll be hard” He replied, "I can't believe this, reaches over to her right sleeve unzips everybody in the world knows a pocket there and removes a flask and about this shit except me." hands it to him. He opened the flask ############## and took a long drink. "Tis nectar of My e-mail: is [email protected] You can e-mail me the gods!" stated the Irishman. "Tis some news for the newsletter!! truly fantastic!!!" At this point the gorgeous blonde started to slowly unzip the long front of her wet suit, right down the middle. She looked at the trembling man and asked, "And how long has it been since you played around?" With tears in his eyes, the Irishman fell to his knees and sobbed; "Sweet Jesus! Don't tell me you've got golf clubs in there too!" ################### Two old guys, one 80 and one 87, were sitting on their usual park bench one morning. The 87 year old had just finished his morning jog and wasn't even short of breath. The 80 year old was amazed at his friend's stamina and asked him what he did to have so much energy. The 87 year old said "Well, I eat Jewish rye bread every day. It keeps your energy level high and you'll have great