Gplus 6 Customer Insight

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Gplus 6 Customer Insight

Quest 2016 – Gplus 6 Customer Insight Self Preparation Form Issue 1 – July 2016 Outcomes

 Customer insight is used to inform the development of the programme and activities, to allocate resources, to manage performance, to market services, and to inform and shape service delivery.  Customer Insight is also used to engage, change the behaviour of customers and communities and then retain individuals and groups in activity and sport.

 The strengths, limitations and appropriateness of different methods and approaches are clearly understood. A variety of qualitative and quantitative data and information is used to collect information about customers and communities.  There is a more efficient match between need and provision for all customer groups through the use of customer insight with the inactive and the under- represented being identified and included

 Use of customer insight helps to increase customer satisfaction and retention as well as attract new customers.

Challenge: Example of Best Practice: What do we currently do: What action can we take:

PLAN How does the  Objectives, priorities, organisation measure and targets are set demonstrate it out understands how to  Outputs, retention, use effective intermediate and long term approaches to outcomes are defined and generating customer agreed insight to inform the  An analysis of a variety of development of the July 2016 Issue 1 Quest 2016 Gplus 6 – Customer Insight Page 1 of 8

Gplus 6 – Customer Insight Self Preparation Form

Challenge: Heading: What do we currently do: What action could we take:

programme and qualitative and quantitative activities? data and information is carried out  There is good understanding of local issues and knowledge of needs and priorities  There is analysis and awareness of current research and national studies  Local, regional and national research is fully utilised and informs planning  There is a planned approach to customer and market research  There is a planned and understood approach to gathering data by staff  Market segmentation is used and target markets are identified DO How does the  Data collection is built in and organisation supports frontline delivery to demonstrate how it highlight what is important has used different  Existing customer databases evidence-based are used to identify who does July 2016 Issue 1 Quest 2016 Gplus 6 – Customer Insight Page 2 of 8

Gplus 6 – Customer Insight Self Preparation Form

Challenge: Heading: What do we currently do: What action could we take:

approaches to what and how to contact inform the them programme and  National and local insight activities on offer? studies are accessed and How is feedback and applied satisfaction levels  Eligibility criteria is defined collected and for all activities communicated?  Effective methods are in place to gather customer feedback  Customers are made aware of the methods of feedback and of any action taken  Findings from an external survey are used to develop and improve the programme  Satisfaction surveys are regularly undertaken for all areas  Other survey methods are used  A competitor analysis is in place  Adequate time and resources are allocated to deliver research and marketing  Potential partners to help July 2016 Issue 1 Quest 2016 Gplus 6 – Customer Insight Page 3 of 8

Gplus 6 – Customer Insight Self Preparation Form

Challenge: Heading: What do we currently do: What action could we take:

deliver the objectives are identified  What works is used to improve the programme and activities What specific  Manuals, handbooks and training has been training is available for put in place for staff frontline staff to deliver this  The programme and activities commitment; and are being delivery by what resources have motivated, qualified staff been committed to  Staff are trained in achieve the motivational interviewing objectives? and other behaviour change skills  Customer service is discussed at staff meetings and is included with personal development plans  Staff are trained in the programme, service standards and customer care  Management and staff are aware of how they contribute to the achievement of the objectives  Management and staff are July 2016 Issue 1 Quest 2016 Gplus 6 – Customer Insight Page 4 of 8

Gplus 6 – Customer Insight Self Preparation Form

Challenge: Heading: What do we currently do: What action could we take:

aware of the value of feedback from external sources  Specific staff are trained in marketing  Staff are trained in relevant policies and procedures  Sufficient resources/ skills are in place  Knowledge and skills are in place to interpret and use data MEASURE How do you  Cost/benefit is measured for measure the success all activities or otherwise of the  Data is presented in an easy programme and to understand style activities, customer  Contribution and satisfaction, and achievement against the outcomes? objectives is measured  Customer/partner satisfaction is measured regularly  Mystery visits are used to measure service delivery  Focus groups are in place to measure satisfaction July 2016 Issue 1 Quest 2016 Gplus 6 – Customer Insight Page 5 of 8

Gplus 6 – Customer Insight Self Preparation Form

Challenge: Heading: What do we currently do: What action could we take:

 Benchmarking is conducted for customer satisfaction/ value  Benchmarking is conducted against similar organisations  Measures are used to determine the wider and longer term impact  Measures are in place for retention and customer loyalty REVIEW How do you review  Regular meetings are held what you measure? with staff to discuss and review the programme and activities  Business plan reviews are undertaken to monitor progress  Progress is reviewed based on the best available insight  Management and staff are encouraged to use insight to improve the programme  Findings from benchmarking are used to develop new activities July 2016 Issue 1 Quest 2016 Gplus 6 – Customer Insight Page 6 of 8

Gplus 6 – Customer Insight Self Preparation Form

Challenge: Heading: What do we currently do: What action could we take:

 The marketing and research plans are reviewed  Plans are amended where aims, objectives and/ or outcomes are not on target  Feedback from customers/stakeholders is monitored and reviewed  Policies and procedures are regularly reviewed and updated  The programme and activities are regularly reviewed  National trends are reviewed to identify new activities IMPACT How can the  Objectives are being achieved organisation show due to the insight generated the contribution it  Participation is increasing and has made to outcomes improving improving physical  The programme and activities and mental well- are running more efficiently being and personal, and effectively social and  The programme and activities community are impacting on the local development? well-being outcomes

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Gplus 6 – Customer Insight Self Preparation Form

Challenge: Heading: What do we currently do: What action could we take:

 Key performance indicators are improving  Feedback from customers/ groups is more positive  Customers/ members of the community are promoting the programme and activities to others  Facility targets and key performance indicators are being achieved

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