CACC Athletic Trainers Council Meeting Minutes

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CACC Athletic Trainers Council Meeting Minutes

CACC Athletic Trainers’ Council Meeting Minutes

January 10th, 2017 – Georgian Court University – 10:00 AM

In Attendance:

Dana Mara – Commissioner Brandon Sonson (Goldey-Beacom) Ellen O’Brien – Associate Commissioner Janet Panek (Holy Family) Lauren Mastrobuoni (Bloomfield) Erin Spaulding (Holy Family) Michael Molinaro (Caldwell) Penny Foland (Nyack) Erin Fidler (Chestnut Hill) Adam Olsavsky (Philadelphia) Brendan Connell (Chestnut Hill) Bridget Muniz (Post) Jillian Ayson (Concordia) Nicole Shipos (Sciences) Samantha James (Dominican) Chris Stella (Wilmington) Dan Trinh (Felician) Will Razzano (Wilmington) Joe Friedrich (Georgian Court) Tiffany Whalen (Georgian Court) Caitlyn Grabowski (Georgian Court)

I. Welcome a. Meeting called to order by Joe Friedrich 10:23 AM. b. Introductions c. Overview of AT Council Purpose by Joe (GCU) II. Update Contact Information – Directory Sheet a. CACC Contact Sheet passed around room. Penny Foland (Nyack) will email updated contact list. III. Review/Approval of AT meeting minutes from May 17, 2016 at HFU. a. Motion to approve minutes – Mike Molinaro (Caldwell) b. Second motion to approve minutes – Erin Fidler (Chestnut Hill) c. No objections, unanimous approval, minutes were approved. IV. Commissioner’s Update – Dan Mara and Ellen O’Brien a. Hardship Waiver (NCAA Bylaw 14.2.5) Proposed Changes – Dan Mara and Ellen O’Brien a.i. Bylaw 14.2.5 (b) will state that “The injury or illness occurs prior to the first competition of the second half of the playing season that concludes with the NCAA championship in that sport (see Bylaw and results in an incapacity to compete for the remainder of that playing season…” a.ii. There will be a proposed change to NCAA Bylaw 14.2.5 (c) that states when an “injury or illness occurs when the student-athlete has participated in more than three contests or dates of competition (whichever is applicable to that sport, or 30 percent of maximum number of permissible number of contests or dates of competition set forth in Bylaw 17 in his or her sport…” a.iii. This would take effect September 1st, 2017 – Dan Mara believes this will pass. This is to keep DII in line with DI and DIII a.iii.1. Adam Olsavsky (Philadelphia) asked if this would be retroactive, to which Dan Mara replied no. Current student-athletes would be bound by the 20% rule, not the 30%. a.iii.2. Joe Friedrich (GCU) posited that injury obviously can occur at any time and be “season ending” (i.e. blister with two weeks left in season could be “season ending” with a sliding scale towards the end of the season. Dan Mara clarified that this is meant for a significant injury and the changes are meant for someone who is denied a significant part of their playing season due to this injury. b. Independent Medical Care NCAA Bylaw 3.3.4 Amendment – Dan Mara and Ellen O’Brien b.i. States that “an active member institution shall establish an administrative structure that provides independent medical care and affirms unchallengeable autonomous authority of primary athletics healthcare providers (team physicians and athletic trainers) to determine medical management and return-to-play decisions related to student-athletes. An active institution shall designate an athletics healthcare administrator to oversee the institution’s athletic healthcare administration and delivery.” b.ii. Set to go in effect Aug. 1, 2017. b.iii. This implies a separation of power (Coaches who are ADs can’t fire ATCs) and reflects changes in the NCAA for future implications of sports medicine professionals. b.iv. Erin Fidler (Chestnut Hill) posed question how this would change/affect ATCs. Ellen referred to the supplement #3B Question and Answer that follows after the Bylaw explanation. b.v. Dan explained a situation that can cause confusion over separation of power: If an AT who reports to an Associate AD, who is acting as the athletics healthcare administrator, there would be no real separation of power because the Associate AD still reports to the AD (who may be a coach) and the AD has the ultimate say over the Associate AD. c. CACC Championship Additions and Changes – Dan Mara c.i. Two additional CACC Championships have been announced that will affect at least six schools. c.i.1. Men’s Lacrosse – Spring Championship c.i.2. Women’s Bowling – Winter Championship. c.ii. CACC Golf Championship officially moved to Fall starting in 2017 c.ii.1. Moved due to weather and the abundance of spring championships d. Division II Foundations for the Future – Dan Mara d.i. DII gets 4.32% of money from NCAA d.ii. Must submit requests for funds and needs to be a sports committee submitting the request. d.iii. 5 years to spend $50,000 total – CACC has not made a decision on how that will be spent. d.iv. Webstreaming not a likely choice for this conference. d.v. Has to benefit entire conference, not just one institution. e. President’s Council has shown interest in a “Spring Sports Festival” – Dan Mara e.i. Joe Friedrich (GCU) asked what the idea is behind bringing all sports together during a weekend. Dan Mara brought up DII having a winter sports festival (doesn’t apply to CACC because conference does not have the winter sports that are participating) and this will help show unity among schools. f. Coach’s Connection – Dan Mara f.i. NCAA has found that the least informed/disenfranchised coaches are the individual sports coaches. f.ii. Purpose of Coach’s Connection is to bring together coaches monthly to update them through phone calls with relevant information and new legislation/initiatives. f.iii. Piloted in Men and Women’s Tennis, Baseball, Softball, and Men’s and Women’s Soccer. f.iv. Formed due to disconnect from ADs getting information and coaches’ receiving information. g. Compliance Seminar – Ellen O’Brien g.i. March 27-28, 2017 in Trumbull, CT g.ii. Content will be relevant for everyone g.iii. Financial Aid information geared toward 2nd day. h. CACC Hall of Fame – Dan Mara h.i. Formed for adjunct entities in athletics when someone reaches a milestone and creates a buildup of history for the conference h.ii. Class of 2016 includes: Mike Mclaughlin (Holy Family), Heather Walker (GCU), Matthew Stuart (Caldwell), 2007 Felician Men’s Cross Country team. i. AD Updates – Dan Mara (Sandy absent) i.i. Currently one group meets in person (Cross Country) i.ii. AD will take action calls and have minutes taken i.iii. At the June meeting, ADs will update conference coaches instead of piecemeal information throughout the year. i.iv. ADs will talk about pending legislation V. CEU Provider Update – Joe Friedrich (GCU) a. Joe Friedrich (GCU) asked Dan Mara what the reception of this was at AD’s meeting. Dan Mara said this hasn’t been discussed yet. VI. Arkansas Legislation Discussion – Joe Friedrich (GCU) a. Background info was given; important to be mindful of state practice acts. b. Erin Spaulding (Holy Family) gave the update that the Licensure Clarity Act passed again in the House and will move on to Senate. c. Joe Friedrich (GCU) talked about the difference between clinicians and technicians and how there needs to be a push from NATA to classify us a clinicians to the U.S. Department of Labor. VII. EATA Convention a. EATA was held January 6-9, 2017 b. Concussion workshop presented by a defense attorney from the Chrisitan Plevrites case that was settled. Erin Fidler (Chestnut Hill) and Joe Friedrich (GCU) were in attendance at workshop. Highlighted the importance of documentation. ATSNJ did a mock trial that was similar. c. NATA is seeking to create a database of all high schools in the U.S. and whether those schools have athletic trainers. d. Chestnut Hill asked if anyone had liability insurance on top of the school’s insurance – most everyone replied that they do. e. NATA June 2017 – Houston, TX e.i. About 7 members planning on attending. VIII. PDU Updates – Joe Friedrich (GCU) a. Joe Friedrich (GCU) asked Janet Panek (Holy Family) if there was any progress with PDU funding. Janet replied no. a.i. Caldwell is getting some money back next year a.ii. Bloomfield – PDU gets taken out of budget if money is left over a.iii. Felician – no funding a.iv. Concordia/Nyack – Coaches get first priority and must pay out of pocket, unless they alternate years. a.v. Philadelphia, Wilmington, GCU, and Chestnut Hill have funding. IX. Old Business – Ellen O’Brien a. Sandy Michael brought CEU to AD council last meeting, but no one felt strongly enough to make a motion. b. AT Operations Manual approved X. License Renewals – are they covered in PDU money? a. Most schools replied if money is left over, or that money will be used out of PDU budget if the cost is covered. b. Discussion of how much licenses cost in other states. XI. New Business a. Chestnut Hill opened discussion for background information on Vivature. a.i. No copays, no charge to student-athletes. a.ii. Adam Olsavsky (Philadelphia) has signed a contract with live billing to start next school year. a.iii. Janet Panek (Holy Family) has contract in legal’s hands. a.iv. Georgian Court is in talks with representative. a.v. Chestnut Hill still exploring Vivature. XII. Henry Schein Contract a. It was brought up that Cramer has a tape deal where if you buy 30 cases of tape, you can get a free box or two of prewrap. b. Bridget Muniz (Post) asked about the Henry Schein conference deal. c. Penny Foland (Nyack) explained that the ATs originally voted against the deal, but the ADs overruled and approved the deal. It was unclear whether it was a 3 or 5 year deal, and it was stipulated that the conference mandates ATs use Henry Schein since they are conference sponsors. A percentage of the sales generated from conference athletic trainers goes back to the conference. Penny stipulated that the conference doesn’t give answers when asked where the money goes. d. Joe Friedrich (GCU) further clarified based on his discussion with Justin, the Henry Schein rep, that it was a 2 year deal and the conference would send an invoice amount. There is currently not an official agreement but they are still honoring the original contract. e. Bridget Muniz (Post) moved for a motion for clarification on the Henry Schein deal – Is there a mandated written order that we order from Henry Schein and where does the money go? What is the length of the contract? e.i. Penny Foland (Nyack) seconds the motion. e.ii. Wants in writing if we can go elsewhere to bid. e.iii. Lauren Mastrobuoni moved for a motion to open this to discussion. e.iii.1. Everyone can get more money for their budget if they can bid at a lower price to other vendors. e.iv. Joe Friedrich (GCU) said he originally voted against the Henry Schein deal because he did not feel it was a good idea; some schools were more receptive than others. e.v. Penny Foland (Nyack) said that clarification from the conference would be great. Joe Friedrich (GCU) reported no problems with Henry Schein and is often able to negotiate with them. e.vii. Samantha James (Dominican) said that there is free shipping, and with items that are sometimes charged shipping, you can call and they will still provide free shipping. e.viii. Adam Olsavsky (Philadelphia) said the representative, Justin, will also send free samples if you have a question or are thinking about switching to a different brand/product. e.ix. Penny Foland (Nyack) asked Collins to entertain our conference and the representative reported to her that he initiated contact about 20 times but never heard from the conference. e.x. GCU abstains from motion. e.xi. Motion passes. XIII. AT Travel Notification a. Bridget Muniz (Post) brought up that one of her assistants got notice that no AT was travelling with the team as they were getting off the bus. She would like more notice when someone is not travelling with an AT. XIV. Next Meeting – Tuesday, May 16, 2017 at Holy Family XV. Mike Molinaro (Caldwell) motion to adjourn meeting – Joe Friedrich (GCU) adjourned meeting at 11:45am.

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