Contrasting the Renaissance and Later Middle Ages

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Contrasting the Renaissance and Later Middle Ages

Contrasting the Renaissance and Later Middle-Ages

Renaissance Later Middle Ages Philosophy: Humanism – Emphasis on Religion dominates Medieval thought. secular concerns due to rediscovery and Scholasticism: Thomas Aquinas – reconciles study of ancient Greco-Roman culture. Christianity with Aristotelian science.

Ideal: Ideal:  Virtù – Renaissance Man should be well-  Man is well-versed in one subject. rounded (Castiglione) Literature: Literature:  Humanism; secularism  Based almost solely on religion.  Northern Renaissance focuses also on  Written in Latin writings of early church fathers  Church was greatest patron of arts and  Vernacular (e.g. Petrarch, Boccaccio) literature.  Covered wider variety of subjects (politics,  Little political criticism. art, short stories)  Hand-written  Focused on the individual  Increased use of printing press; propaganda  Religion: Religion:  The state is supreme to the church.  Dominated politics; sought unified  “New Monarchs” assert power over Christian Europe. national churches.  Church is supreme to the state.  Rise of skepticism  Inquisition started in 1223; dissenters dealt  Renaissance popes worldly and corrupt with harshly  Sculpture: Sculpture:  Greek and Roman classical influences.  More gothic; extremely detailed.  Free-standing (e.g. Michelangelo’s David)  Relief  Use of bronze (e.g. Donatello’s David)  Art: Art:  Increased emphasis on secular themes.  Gothic style  Classic Greek and Roman ideals.  Byzantine style dominates; nearly totally  Use of perspective. religious.  chiaroscuro  Stiff, 1-dimentional figures.  Increased use of oil paints.  Less emotion  Brighter colors  Stylized faces (faces look generic)  More emotion  Use of gold to illuminate figures.  Real people and settings depicted.  Lack of perspective.  Patronized largely by merchant princes  Lack of chiaroscuro  Renaissance popes patronized renaissance  Patronized mostly by the church art Architecture: Architecture:  Rounded arches, clear lines; Greco-Roman  Gothic style columns  Pointed arches; barrel vaults, spires  Domes (e.g. Il Duomo by Brunelleschi)  Flying buttresses  Less detailed  Elaborate detail  Focus on balance and form Technology: Technology:  Use of printing press  Depended on scribes  New inventions for exploration Marriage and Family: Marriage and Family:  Divorce available in certain cases  Divorce nonexistent  More prostitution  Marriages arranged for economic reasons.  Marriages based more on romance.  Prostitution in urban areas  Woman was to make herself pleasing to the  Ave. age for men: mid-late twenties man (Castiglione)  Avg. age for women: less than 20 years  Sexual double standard old.  Increased infanticide  Church encouraged cult of paternal care.  Many couples did not observe church regulations on marriage.  Manners shaped men to please women.  Relative sexual equality Status of Women: Status of Women:  Legal status of women declined.  Legal status better than in Renaissance  Most women not affected by Renaissance  Educated women allowed involvement but subservient to men.  Rape not considered serious crime. Politics: Politics:  State is supreme over the church.  Church is supreme over the state.  New Monarchs assert control over national churches.  Machiavelli African slavery introduced. Few blacks lived in Europe. Exploration and expansion. Crusades

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