International Journal of AgriScience Vol. 3(6): 453-480, June 2013 ISSN: 2228-6322© International Academic Journals The wild and the grown – remarks on Brassica Hammer K.¹*, Gladis Th.¹ , Laghetti G.² , Pignone D.² ¹Former Institute of Crop Science, University of Kassel, Witzenhausen, Germany. * Author for correspondence (email:
[email protected]) ²CNR – Institute of Plant Genetics, Bari, Italy. Received mmmm yyyy; accepted in revised form mmmmm yyyy ABSTRACT Brassica is a genus of the Cruciferae (Brassicaceae). The wild races are concentrated in the Mediterranean area with one species in CE Africa (Brassica somaliensis Hedge et A. Miller) and several weedy races reaching E Asia. Amphidiploid evolution is characteristic for the genus. The diploid species Brassica nigra (L.) Koch (n = 8), Brassica rapa L. emend. Metzg. (n = 10, syn.: B. campestris L.) and Brassica oleracea L. (n = 9) all show a rich variation under domestication. From the naturally occurring amphidiploids Brassica juncea (L.) Czern. (n = 18), Brassica napus L. emend. Metzg. (n = 19) and the rare Brassica carinata A. Braun (n = 17) also some vegetable races have developed. The man-made Brassica ×harmsiana O.E. Schulz (Brassica oleracea × Brassica rapa, n = 29, n = 39), or similar hybrids, serve also for the development of new vegetables. Brassica tournefortii Gouan (n = 10) from another Brassica- cytodeme, different from the Brassica rapa group, is occasionally grown as a vegetable in India. Brassica has developed two hotspots under cultivation, in the Mediterranean area and in E Asia. Cultivation by man has changed the different Brassica species in a characteristic way. The large amount of morphologic variation, which exceeded in many cases variations occurring in distinct wild species, has been observed by the classical botanists by adding these variations to their natural species by using Greek letters.