South Carolina 2000-2001 Hunter Harvest Survey
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Conducted for the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources
February 2001
Conducted by Responsive Management National Office Mark Damian Duda, Executive Director Steven J., Ph.D., Bissell, Qualitative Research Director Peter E. De Michele, Ph.D., Director of Research Ping Wang, Ph.D., Quantitative Research Associate Jim Herrick, Ph. D., Research Associate Alison Lanier, Business Manager William Testerman, Survey Center Manager Charles Schuller, Research Associate Joy Yoder, Research Associate
130 Franklin Street, PO Box 389 Harrisonburg, VA 22801 Phone: 540/432-1888 Fax: 540/432/1892 Mail to: [email protected] ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
We at Responsive Management would like to extend a special thanks to Charles Ruth and Derrell Shipes for all of their assistance, recommendations, and insights in relation to this project. South Carolina 2000-2001 Hunter Harvest Survey i
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY All types of species showed a decline in the number of hunters since 1992 except for turkey, which showed an increase in the number of hunters since 1992. However, it should be noted that the number of turkey hunters in 1992 was determined by the number of mandatory turkey tags issued, not as a result of the 1992 survey. The largest decline in hunters was found for fox squirrel with a 78% decline, fox with a 73% decline, raccoon with a 68% decline, and quail with a 66% decline. The species with the smallest rates of decline were deer, with only a
13% decline, and woodcock with a 17% decline. Even small rates of decline, however, may be indicative of the loss of large numbers of hunters. This is especially true in the more popular species.
Corresponding to the decline in the number of hunters, the estimated harvest for each species declined with the exception of ruffed grouse. Although the number of grouse hunters declined by 63% the harvest of ruffed grouse increased. The apparent decline in the number of ruffed grouse hunters is corresponds with all other species declining. It should be noted that ruffed grouse hunting information was based on the smallest sample of all species. The largest decline in estimated harvests was found in black bear with a 95% decline in the estimated harvest, and quail with an 81% decline in harvest.
The top eight species, ranked by the number of hunters, includes: deer, dove, turkey, gray squirrel, rabbit, quail, raccoon, and fox squirrels.
Deer For the first time since 1963, the number of licensed deer hunters in South Carolina has
declined. The current estimate for deer hunters in South Carolina is 136,637, compared
to the 1992 estimate of 157,484 licensed deer hunters. Only 81,021 of these individuals South Carolina Hunter Harvest Survey 1999-2000 ii
actually harvested any deer. The estimated deer harvest was 300,765. The majority of
hunters were successful in bagging a deer. Recreation (total number of days afield) was
significant for deer. Days afield for deer hunting totaled 2.4 million.
Mourning Dove Mourning dove was the second most popular species of choice for hunters. There were
an estimated 58,701 dove hunters in 1999-2000, which represents a 43% decline since
1992. From 1992-1999 there was a 40% decline in the dove harvest, nearly double the
rate of decline in previous years. The recent dove harvest was estimated at 1,485,268.
Turkey The third most popular species of choice for South Carolina hunters was Turkey. There
were an estimated 39,627 turkey hunters in 1999-2000. The estimated turkey harvest was
Gray Squirrel The number of gray squirrel hunters in 1999 was 21,987 which was significantly lower
(59%) than the 1992 estimate of 54,044. This is a trend from 1984 which represents a
steady decline in the number of gray squirrel hunters. The estimated squirrel harvest for
1999-2000 was 240,355. Squirrel hunters who hunted with dogs are more avid hunters
than squirrel hunters who hunt without dogs. Squirrel hunters who hunt with dogs spent
nearly twice as many days afield as squirrel hunters without dogs.
Rabbit The number of rabbit hunters in 1999 was 17,560 which was 56% less than the 1992
estimate. The estimated rabbit harvest was 167,846. Three-quarters of rabbit hunters
participated in dog hunting for rabbit in 1999-2000. South Carolina 2000-2001 Hunter Harvest Survey iii
Quail There were significant declines in the number of quail hunters, their harvest, and their
days afield from the 1992 survey. This continues a trend of decline traced back to since
1984. There has been a precipitous rate of decline over the past 10 years. The estimated
number of quail hunters for 1999-2000 was 11,075; the quail harvest was 97,582.
Raccoon The majority of raccoon hunters hunt with dogs. The estimated number of raccoon
hunters was 5,841; the raccoon harvest was 60,758 raccoons.
Other Species Less than 1% of hunters bought licenses for each of the following species: fox, bobcat,
snipe, woodcock, marsh hen, black bear, and ruffed grouse.
South Carolina Hunter Harvest Survey 1999-2000 iv
TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary...... i Table of Contents...... iv Introduction and Methodology...... 1 Response Rates...... 3 Overview...... 5 Results...... 8 White-tailed Deer...... 9 DEER TAGS...... 10 WEAPONS EMPLOYED IN DEER HUNTING...... 11 DOG HUNTS FOR DEER...... 11 Mourning Dove...... 34 SHOOTING HOUR PREFERENCES...... 35 Turkey...... 37 Squirrel...... 43 Rabbit...... 46 Bobwhite Quail...... 48 Raccoon...... 50 All other species...... 52 Hunting on Public and Private Lands...... 60 Survey Instrument...... 61 South Carolina Hunter Harvest Survey 1999-2000 1
INTRODUCTION AND METHODOLOGY This study was conducted on behalf of the South Carolina Department of Natural
Resources to obtain information regarding the hunter harvest in South Carolina for the 1999-
2000 hunting season. The primary objectives of the study were to obtain valid estimates on the number of hunters who hunted each game species, the number of each species harvested, and days afield for each species. Additional information on dove hunting, deer hunting weapons, hunting with dogs, and where hunters hunt was also gathered. The South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has conducted this survey periodically in order to document changes in hunters and harvest ratios to provide information for the management of game animals.
The survey questionnaire was developed cooperatively between the South Carolina
Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and Responsive Management (RM). The sample was obtained from the records of the South Carolina DNR. The survey instrument was administered by telephone to known license holders for each of the eight license types: State hunting, county hunting, combination, sportsman, junior outdoorsman, 3-day nonresident, 10-day nonresident and annual nonresident. A total of 201,486 licenses were available as of the end of hunting season, June 2000, from which the survey sample was selected. The Hunter Harvest Survey questionnaire was designed with the primary goal of obtaining information on which species had been hunted, how many of each species had been taken, and how many days afield each hunter had hunted for each species. Days afield were defined as each day on which hunting took place regardless of what portion of the day had been spent hunting, with multiple outings on the same day considered one day afield. For the purpose of this survey respondents were asked to refer to 2 Responsive Management only their personal hunting in South Carolina during the 1999-2000 hunting season. They were also asked to include only those game animals which they had personally harvested.
Telephones were the preferred medium to conduct this survey since nearly all potential respondents had access to a phone. A central telephone-polling site at Responsive Management headquarters allowed for rigorous quality control over interviewers and over data collection in general. Interviewers who staffed the facility have experience conducting computer-assisted telephone interviews on the subjects of natural resources and outdoor recreation for state fish and wildlife agencies and natural resource organizations. In addition, interviewers were trained according to standards established by the Council of American Survey Research Organizations.
Professional staff randomly monitored interviewers to evaluate each interviewer’s performance and maintain quality checks.
Professional staff members conducted project briefings with each interviewer prior to his or her beginning work on this project. Interviewers were briefed and instructed on study goals and objectives, type of study, handling of survey questions, interview length, termination points, qualifiers for participation, reading of interviewer instructions, reading of survey, skip patterns, and probing and clarifying techniques necessary for specific questions on the survey instrument.
Professional staff edited each survey to check for clarity, understanding, completeness, and form.
Interviews were conducted Monday through Friday from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. and on
Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. A multiple callback design was used to maintain the representativeness of the sample, avoid bias toward people easy to reach by telephone, and provide an equal opportunity for all to participate. Subsequent calls were placed at different times of the day and on different days of the week. South Carolina Hunter Harvest Survey 1999-2000 3
The software used for data collection was Questionnaire Programming Language (QPL)
version 4.1 (National Technical Information Services, 1999). QPL is a comprehensive system for
computer-assisted telephone interviewing. The survey data was entered into the computer as the
interviews were conducted, eliminating possible errors associated with manual data entry after
the completion of the interviews.
RESPONSE RATES There were a total of 5,566 completed interviews for this survey. Eight hundred and five
completed surveys were obtained from nonresidents; the remaining 4,761 completed surveys
were obtained from South Carolina residents. The response rate for this survey was 66.4%,
representing a significant improvement from the 1992 Hunter Harvest study which had a
response rate of 54.6%.
Table 1. Number of 1999-2000 Hunting Licensees in South Carolina, the Number Sampled, and the Number Responding By License Type
Licenses Sampling Planned Sample License Type Licensees* Responses Weight Sold** Rate Size
State Hunting 8,371 245 8,887 2.76% 236 36.2735 County Hunting 1,627 49 1,749 2.80% 46 35.6939 Combination 112,957 3,189 114,956 2.77% 3,179 36.0477 Sportsman 42,161 1,197 42,633 2.81% 1,187 35.6165 Junior Outdoorsman 2,624 81 2,744 2.95% 74 33.8765 3-Day Nonresident 10,615 307 12,484 2.46% 299 40.6645 10-Day Nonresident 2,795 84 3,389 2.48% 79 40.3452 Annual Nonresident 14,346 414 14,644 2.83% 404 35.3720 Total 195,496 5,566 201,486 2.76% 5,504 36.1994 * As Of March, 2000 ** As Of End Of Hunting Season, June, 2000 *** Number Of Licensees Surveyed By License Type
Table 2. Response Rate Of Residents/Nonresidents
Category Response Population Size Sampling Rate 4 Responsive Management
Nonresidents 805 30517 2.64% Residents 4761 170969 2.78% Total 5566 201486 2.76%
Responders Sampled Response % Response Rate 5566 8389 66.35% Table 2. Response By License Type To The 1999-2000 Survey
Throughout this report, findings are reported at a 95% confidence interval. For the entire
sample of Georgia residents, the sampling error is at most plus or minus 1.3%. This means that
if the survey were administered 100 times to different samples that were selected in the same
fashion, 95 of the 100 surveys’ findings would fall within plus or minus 1.3% of each other.
Table 3. Survey Sample Size and Error Percentage Population Size Sample Size Max Sampling Error Max Sample Error % State Hunting 8887 245 0.061744 6.174432 County Hunting 1749 49 0.138064 13.80644 Combination 1114956 3189 0.017329 1.732914 Sportsman 42633 1197 0.027925 2.792544 Junior Outdoorsman 2744 81 0.107289 10.72893 3-Day Nonresident 12484 307 0.055242 5.524177 10-Day Nonresident 3389 84 0.105609 10.56089 Annual Nonresident 14,644 414 0.04748 4.748029 Total 201,486,000 5566 0.012953 1.295306
The term “estimated” is used throughout as the numbers indicated are projections based
on a sample. The actual value of each variable studied is likely to be the value indicated. The
actual value will, 95 times out of 100, fall within the confidence intervals indicated. Rounding
may cause some values to not add exactly to the column totals.
OVERVIEW As in past surveys, more hunters pursued deer than any other species. Over two-thirds of
hunters (68%) hunted deer during 1999-2000. The number of deer hunters in South Carolina has
decreased significantly in the last ten years. The deer hunter estimate represents a dramatic South Carolina Hunter Harvest Survey 1999-2000 5 decrease from the 1992 estimate, which was the last Hunter Harvest Survey conducted in South
Carolina. In 1992 an estimated 78% of hunters hunted deer.
The top eight species, ranked by the estimated number of hunters, includes deer, dove, turkey, gray squirrel, rabbit, quail, raccoon, and fox squirrels. The remaining species, all with less than 1% of hunters, are; foxes, woodcock, snipe, bobcat, marsh hen, black bear, and ruffed grouse. The rankings of species types hunted remained very similar to the ranked order of the
1992 survey. If turkey and duck are excluded from the rankings due to the fact that they were not surveyed, all other species’ rankings remain in the same order, except that woodcock and bobcat replaced each other with woodcock moving to number nine and bobcat moving to number eleven. 6 Responsive Management
Table 4. *Estimated Number of Licensed Hunters Who Hunted Various Game Species in SC in 1999-2000
Species Hunters Sampled Hunters Estimated Percent of Licensees Deer 3,784 136,637 67.81% Dove 1,632 58,701 29.13% Gray Squirrel 614 21,987 10.91% Rabbit 489 17,560 8.72% Turkey 1,123 39,627 19.67% Quail 307 11,075 5.50% Raccoon 163 5,841 2.90% Fox Squirrel 50 1,795 0.89% Foxes 47 1,684 0.84% Bobcat 26 929 0.46% Snipe 30 1,085 0.54% Woodcock 37 1,321 0.66% Marsh Hen 26 932 0.46% Black Bear 12 425 0.21% Ruffed Grouse 7 250 0.12% Total 8,347 299,849 Note: Total Licensees was 201,486
Table 5. Overview of All Dog Hunters License Type Estimated number of hunters with dogs 95% CI State hunting 1160.751 785.7548 1535.747 County hunting 321.2449 131.6167 510.8731 Combination 21123.93 19578.71 22669.16 Sportsman 11290.44 10224.75 12356.14 Junior outdoorsman 711.4074 449.5301 973.2847 3-Day nonresident 1423.257 979.4232 1867.092 10-Day nonresident 161.381 7.039103 315.7228 Annual nonresident 1627.111 1183.79 2070.432 Total 37,820 35,749 39,890 South Carolina Hunter Harvest Survey 1999-2000 7
Table 6. Overview of All Dog Hunters License Type Estimated total days hunting with dogs 95% CI State hunting 15234.86 6416.707 24053.01 County hunting 4140.49 -261.469 8542.448 Combination 292382.7 252527.4 332237.8 Sportsman 170353.9 134254.2 206453.7 Junior outdoorsman 9790.32 2131.139 17449.5 3-Day nonresident 3090.502 1513.423 4667.58 10-Day nonresident 3025.892 -1872.61 7924.39 Annual nonresident 10293.25 4100.012 16486.48 Total 508,312 451,795 564,829
Table 7. Overview of All Dog Hunters License Type Average days hunting with dogs 95% CI State hunting 13.13 13.13 13.13 County hunting 12.89 12.89 12.89 Combination 13.84 13.84 13.84 Sportsman 15.09 15.09 15.09 Junior outdoorsman 13.76 13.76 13.76 3-Day nonresident 2.17 2.17 2.17 10-Day nonresident 18.75 18.75 18.75 Annual nonresident 6.33 6.33 6.33 Total 13.44 13.44 13.44 8 Responsive Management
RESULTS Results for the South Carolina Hunter Harvest Survey for 1999-2000 include the number of hunters, number of animals harvested, days afield, average number of days afield and harvest rate per days afield. For several species (such as squirrel and rabbit) results also included a sub- section on hunting with dogs, the number of hunters who hunt with dogs, days spent afield with dogs, and the number of hunters who own dogs which they use to hunt.
Where previous data is available, analyses of hunting trends are also presented. South Carolina Hunter Harvest Survey 1999-2000 9
WHITE-TAILED DEER Following a consistent pattern in past surveys, more hunters pursued deer than any other species. Sixty-eight percent of licensed hunters hunted deer at least once during the 1999-2000 hunting season. This is a significant decrease of 13% from the 1992 study in which over three- quarters (78%) of licensed hunters pursued deer. For the first time since 1963, the number of licensed deer hunters in South Carolina has declined. The current estimate for deer hunters in
South Carolina is 136,637 (Table Deer 8); compared to the 1992 estimate of 157,484 licensed deer hunters. With a 95% confidence interval, it is estimated that the number of licensed deer hunters is no lower than 131,297 and no greater than 141,978. Even at the highest confidence interval this represents a significant decline in the number of licensed deer hunters in South
Carolina. Of the 136,637 licensed deer hunters, 128,540 actually hunted during 1999-2000, for a
94% participation rate among licensed deer hunters. See Table Deer 9. The combination license and the sportsman license together represented 79% of the license holders for deer.
The estimated total deer harvest was 300,765 which represents an overall 12.7% decline from the 1992 Harvest Study, in which 344,657 deer were harvested. The estimated buck harvest was 164,774, a decrease of 57,216 from 1992. The estimated doe harvest was 135,991, an increase of 13,324 over 1992. See Tables Deer 12 and 13. In order of the license types that harvested the most deer, owners of the combination licenses were responsible for the highest deer harvest, followed by the sportsman license and then the annual nonresident license. The top five counties with the highest number of deer harvested were Fairfield County, Union County,
Aiken County, Chester County, and Newberry County. See Table Deer 14.
The majority of deer hunters were successful in bagging a deer among all types of deer license holders. Fifty-nine percent of all licensed deer hunters were successful in bagging at 10 Responsive Management least one deer, compared to 41% of hunters who reported they did not harvest any deer. Hunter effort to bag a deer decreased from 9.1 days in 1992 to the current estimate of 8.1 hunting days per deer harvested. See Table Deer 22.
Recreation (total number of days afield) was significant for deer. See Table Deer 22.
Days afield for deer hunting totaled more than 2.4 million during 1999-2000. However, days afield for deer hunters declined by nearly 23% from the 1992 estimate of 3.1 million days afield.
This decline in recreation days afield is an apparent shift from a past trend of increased days afield for deer hunting. Deer hunters spent an average of 19 days afield during 1999-2000. See
Table Deer 19.
Deer Tags Thirty-five percent of deer hunters purchased antlerless deer tags. A total of 47,828 antlerless deer tags were sold. Of those who purchased antlerless deer tags a majority (63%) purchased the maximum number of deer tags, four. Twenty-three percent purchased two deer tags, 5% each bought one deer tag or did not know how many tags they had purchased, and 4% purchased three deer tags. See Tables Deer 23-26.
The majority of deer hunters who purchased deer tags did not use any of the tags they purchased. Fifty-eight percent of hunters who purchased deer tags used zero tags. Nineteen percent of hunters who purchased tags used one tag; 12% used two tags; 4% used three tags, and
5% used four tags. See Tables Deer 35-40.
Of those hunters who purchased one tag, 28% used their deer tag. Of those hunters who purchased two tags, 8% used both tags. Of those hunters who purchased three tags, 6% used three tags. Of those hunters who purchased four tags, 8% used four tags. See Tables Deer 27-
34. South Carolina Hunter Harvest Survey 1999-2000 11
It is clear that of those hunters who purchase deer tags the majority purchase the maximum amount allowed, four; but the majority of deer hunters do not use the tags they purchase. Only 42% of deer tags sold are actually used.
Weapons Employed in Deer Hunting Licensees were asked to indicate the type of weapon utilized while deer hunting. Only responses from individuals who reported at least one man-day afield of deer hunting were considered. Of those deer harvested, most, 81% were harvested with rifles, for a total of 242,960 deer harvested by rifle. Twelve percent of deer were taken with a shotgun, for a total of 36,447.
Five percent were taken with a bow and arrow, for a total of 16,299. One percent of deer were taken with a muzzleloader, totaling 3,744. Less than 1% were taken with all other weapons totaling 1,041. See Tables Deer 41-55.
Dog Hunts for Deer Nineteen percent of deer hunters, who were in the field at least one day, participated in dog hunts for deer; a total of 24,000 hunters in 1999-2000. Of the 24,000 hunters participating in dog hunts for deer, only 29% owned the dogs that were used to hunt deer. The average days afield participating in dog hunts for deer was 10 days, with a total of 234,043 person-days spent dog hunting for deer. See Tables Deer 56-58. 12 Responsive Management
Table Deer 8. Estimated Number Of Licensed Deer Hunters During 1999-2000 As Stratified By License Type
License Type Estimated Number of Deer Hunters 95% CI State Hunting 3,591 3,045 4,137 County Hunting 571 341 801 Combination 73,249 71,330 75,167 Sportsman 34,869 33,936 35,801 Junior Outdoorsman 2,439 2,251 2,627 3-Day Nonresident 7,198 6,508 7,888 10-Day Nonresident 2,058 1,704 2,412 Annual Nonresident 12,663 12,181 13,146 Overall 136,637 131,297 141,978
Table Deer 9. Estimated Number of Deer Hunters Who Hunted One or More Days During 1999-2000 License Type Estimate 95% CI State Hunting 3,301 2,763 3,839 County Hunting 535 310 761 Combination 68,346 66,387 70,305 Sportsman 32,625 31,601 33,648 Junior Outdoorsman 2,168 1,925 2,411 3-Day Nonresident 7,198 6,508 7,888 10-Day Nonresident 2,058 1,704 2,412 Annual Nonresident 12,309 11,793 12,826 Overall 128,540 125,998 131,082
Table Deer 10. Estimated Number of Deer Hunters Who Harvested Any Deer During 1999-2000 Number Hunters License Type Estimate 95% CI State Hunting 1,451 1,040 1,862 County Hunting 286 105 467 Combination 42,104 40,181 44,026 Sportsman 24,397 23,202 25,592 Junior Outdoorsman 1,423 1,124 1,721 3-Day Nonresident 2,277 1,738 2,817 10-Day Nonresident 807 498 1,116 Annual Nonresident 8,277 7,578 8,976 Overall 81,021 78,423 83,620 South Carolina Hunter Harvest Survey 1999-2000 13
Table Deer 11. Estimated Number of Deer Harvested by Hunters for Each License Type During 1999-2000 Buck Harvest Doe Harvest Total Harvest Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI State Hunting 2,721 1,499 3,942 1,886 767 3,005 4,607 2,950 6,263 County 464 17 911 393 31 754 857 282 1,432 Hunting Combination 85,145 78,774 91,515 66,003 60,231 71,776 151,148 142,551 159,745 Sportsman 58,233 52,817 63,650 48,723 43,943 53,504 106,956 99,732 114,181 Junior 2,710 1,605 3,815 1,965 1,069 2,861 4,675 3,252 6,098 Outdoorsman 3-Day 1,789 1,104 2,475 1,331 2,979 3,944 2,873 5,016 2,155 Nonresident 10-Day 767 364 1,169 646 274 1,017 1,412 864 1,960 Nonresident Annual 12,946 10,954 14,938 14,220 11,738 16,702 27,166 23,983 30,348 Nonresident Overall 164,774 155,756 173,793 135,991 127,725 144,256 300,765 288,532 312,998
Table Deer 12. Estimated Buck Harvest During 1999-2000 License Type Estimate 95% CI State Hunting 2,721 1,499 3,942 County Hunting 464 17 911 Combination 85,145 78,774 91,515 Sportsman 58,233 52,817 63,650 Junior Outdoorsman 2,710 1,605 3,815 3-Day Nonresident 1,789 1,104 2,475 10-Day Nonresident 767 364 1,169 Annual Nonresident 12,946 10,954 14,938 Total 164,774 155,756 173,793
Table Deer 13. Estimated Doe Harvest During 1999-2000 License Type Estimate 95% CI State Hunting 1,886 767 3,005 County Hunting 393 31 754 Combination 66,003 60,231 71,776 Sportsman 48,723 43,943 53,504 Junior Outdoorsman 1,965 1,069 2,861 3-Day Nonresident 2,155 1,331 2,979 10-Day Nonresident 646 274 1,017 Annual Nonresident 14,220 11,738 16,702 Total 135,991 127,725 144,256 Table Deer 14. Estimated Number of Deer Harvested by Hunters for Each County During 1999-2000 Buck Harvest Doe Harvest Total Deer Harvest 14 Responsive Management
County County No. Name Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI 1 Abbeville 3,186 2,189 4,182 2,860 1,881 3,839 6,045.30 4,070.05 8,020.56 2 Aiken 8,181 5,688 10,674 5,683 3,702 7,664 13,864.38 9,390.21 18,338.55 3 Allendale 4,525 2,672 6,378 4,091 2,530 5,651 8,615.46 5,202.62 12,028.31 4 Anderson 2,027 1,215 2,839 1,412 840 1,983 3,438.95 2,055.55 4,822.34 5 Bamberg 2,932 1,622 4,243 3,077 1,840 4,314 6,009.10 3,461.26 8,556.94 6 Barnwell 6,082 4,317 7,846 5,177 3,587 6,766 11,258.02 7,903.55 14,612.49 7 Beaufort 1,484 712 2,256 1,195 650 1,739 2,678.76 1,362.90 3,994.62 8 Berkeley 5,466 3,303 7,630 4,127 2,164 6,089 9,592.85 5,467.05 13,718.64 9 Calhoun 2,317 1,283 3,351 2,136 853 3,419 4,452.53 2,135.22 6,769.84 10 Charleston 4,416 1,949 6,884 3,186 1,122 5,249 7,601.88 3,070.92 12,132.83 11 Cherokee 2,425 1,355 3,496 2,643 1,472 3,813 5,067.92 2,826.72 7,309.11 12 Chester 5,864 4,405 7,324 6,045 4,423 7,668 11,909.61 8,827.78 14,991.44 13 Chesterfield 4,054 2,522 5,587 1,919 1,054 2,783 5,972.91 3,576.57 8,369.24 14 Clarendon 2,643 1,155 4,131 1,267 404 2,130 3,909.54 1,558.72 6,260.35 15 Colleton 6,371 4,702 8,041 3,982 2,766 5,198 10,353.04 7,467.45 13,238.62 16 Darlington 1,158 489 1,827 1,484 473 2,496 2,642.56 962.13 4,322.99 17 Dillon 1,557 720 2,393 905 389 1,421 2,461.56 1,109.21 3,813.91 18 Dorchester 3,149 1,871 4,427 2,425 1,472 3,379 5,574.71 3,343.36 7,806.06 19 Edgefield 3,258 2,164 4,352 2,751 1,785 3,717 6,009.10 3,949.19 8,069.02 20 Fairfield 8,796 6,830 10,763 7,928 5,990 9,865 16,724.13 12,820.02 20,628.25 21 Florence 4,561 3,148 5,974 4,199 2,016 6,382 8,760.26 5,164.89 12,355.63 22 Georgetown 2,353 1,358 3,348 1,484 582 2,386 3,837.14 1,939.92 5,734.35 23 Greenville 1,086 501 1,671 688 259 1,117 1,773.77 759.55 2,787.99 24 Greenwood 4,272 2,624 5,919 3,729 2,417 5,040 8,000.07 5,041.25 10,958.90 25 Hampton 2,787 1,583 3,992 3,403 1,889 4,917 6,190.10 3,471.90 8,908.30 26 Horry 2,462 1,490 3,433 941 452 1,431 3,402.75 1,941.41 4,864.08 27 Jasper 2,787 1,631 3,944 2,317 1,371 3,262 5,104.12 3,001.75 7,206.49 28 Kershaw 5,213 3,711 6,715 4,778 3,105 6,451 9,991.04 6,815.92 13,166.16 29 Lancaster 3,873 2,651 5,096 3,801 2,549 5,053 7,674.28 5,199.91 10,148.65 30 Laurens 4,127 2,870 5,384 3,656 2,475 4,837 7,782.88 5,345.11 10,220.64 31 Lee 1,520 787 2,254 1,738 746 2,729 3,257.95 1,532.83 4,983.06 32 Lexington 833 257 1,408 326 42 610 1,158.38 298.98 2,017.78 33 McCormick 4,706 785 8,627 2,063 1,125 3,001 6,769.29 1,910.75 11,627.83 34 Marion 2,389 1,418 3,360 1,267 501 2,033 3,656.14 1,919.05 5,393.23 35 Marlboro 1,629 739 2,519 579 209 950 2,208.16 947.94 3,468.39 36 Newberry 6,009 4,327 7,692 5,611 4,146 7,076 11,620.02 8,472.20 14,767.83 37 Oconee 615 127 1,104 652 106 1,197 1,266.98 232.85 2,301.11 38 Orangeburg 5,213 3,553 6,873 3,982 2,608 5,356 9,194.65 6,161.05 12,228.26 39 Pickens 652 204 1,099 471 121 820 1,122.18 324.78 1,919.58 40 Richland 3,946 2,631 5,261 2,534 1,536 3,531 6,479.70 4,167.15 8,792.25 41 Saluda 2,281 1,316 3,245 1,593 867 2,319 3,873.34 2,182.70 5,563.98 42 Spartanburg 3,403 2,352 4,454 3,656 2,519 4,793 7,058.89 4,871.32 9,246.46 43 Sumter 1,520 801 2,240 1,593 736 2,450 3,113.15 1,536.80 4,689.50 44 Union 6,842 5,265 8,418 7,312 5,547 9,077 14,153.98 10,812.72 17,495.23 45 Williamsburg 4,272 2,757 5,786 3,910 2,132 5,687 8,181.07 4,889.04 11,473.10 46 York 2,932 1,821 4,043 1,955 1,156 2,754 4,886.92 2,976.68 6,797.17 99 Don't Know 3,548 2,637 4,458 2,968 1,993 3,944 6,515.90 4,629.45 8,402.34 South Carolina Hunter Harvest Survey 1999-2000 15
Overall 165,721 156,897 174,545 135,494 127,891 143,098 301,215 284,788 317,643 Note: The total estimate of deer hunters and harvest differs from that in Table Q1 due to the two ways used to estimate number of hunters in each county and due to the fact that some hunters cannot recall where they harvested.
Table Deer 15. Mean Number of Deer Harvested Per Hunter by Sex and Total for Each County During 1999-2000 Buck Hunting Doe Harvest Total Deer Harvest County County Name Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI Number 1 Abbeville 1.78 1.33 2.23 1.56 1.19 1.93 3.34 2.67 4.00 2 Aiken 2.60 1.97 3.23 1.85 1.34 2.36 4.45 3.54 5.36 3 Allendale 2.36 1.60 3.12 2.10 1.47 2.73 4.46 3.26 5.66 4 Anderson 1.63 1.14 2.12 1.13 0.80 1.46 2.76 2.05 3.47 5 Bamberg 1.66 1.13 2.19 1.77 1.20 2.34 3.43 2.54 4.33 6 Barnwell 2.54 1.99 3.09 2.11 1.58 2.64 4.65 3.74 5.56 7 Beaufort 2.08 1.12 3.04 1.65 1.00 2.30 3.73 2.45 5.02 8 Berkeley 3.05 2.11 3.99 2.40 1.46 3.34 5.46 3.94 6.98 9 Calhoun 2.50 1.70 3.30 2.00 0.98 3.02 4.50 3.00 6.00 10 Charleston 3.00 1.57 4.43 2.06 0.84 3.28 5.06 2.57 7.55 11 Cherokee 2.07 1.44 2.70 2.29 1.49 3.09 4.36 3.13 5.59 12 Chester 1.80 1.55 2.05 1.98 1.65 2.31 3.78 3.28 4.28 13 Chesterfield 2.54 1.87 3.21 1.19 0.78 1.60 3.73 2.97 4.50 14 Clarendon 3.30 1.87 4.73 1.58 0.54 2.62 4.88 2.82 6.94 15 Colleton 2.06 1.57 2.55 1.35 1.02 1.68 3.42 2.77 4.07 16 Darlington 1.68 0.94 2.42 1.79 0.81 2.77 3.47 2.05 4.89 17 Dillon 1.90 1.27 2.53 1.14 0.69 1.59 3.05 2.13 3.97 18 Dorchester 2.05 1.40 2.70 1.75 1.30 2.20 3.80 3.05 4.55 19 Edgefield 1.58 1.11 2.05 1.40 1.05 1.75 2.98 2.28 3.68 20 Fairfield 2.31 1.90 2.72 2.14 1.75 2.53 4.45 3.78 5.12 21 Florence 2.05 1.58 2.52 1.79 0.97 2.61 3.84 2.69 4.99 22 Georgetown 2.03 1.52 2.54 1.26 0.59 1.93 3.28 2.42 4.15 23 Greenville 2.00 1.39 2.61 1.18 0.77 1.59 3.19 2.47 3.91 24 Greenwood 2.25 1.49 3.01 1.92 1.39 2.45 4.17 3.00 5.35 25 Hampton 1.64 1.05 2.23 1.98 1.27 2.69 3.62 2.45 4.79 26 Horry 1.75 1.30 2.20 0.70 0.41 0.99 2.44 1.88 3.01 27 Jasper 2.18 1.57 2.79 1.68 1.21 2.15 3.86 2.97 4.74 28 Kershaw 2.15 1.64 2.66 1.88 1.31 2.45 4.04 3.18 4.89 29 Lancaster 1.93 1.54 2.32 1.71 1.32 2.10 3.64 3.02 4.26 30 Laurens 1.71 1.34 2.08 1.58 1.23 1.93 3.30 2.81 3.79 31 Lee 1.80 1.23 2.37 1.96 1.12 2.80 3.76 2.71 4.81 32 Lexington 1.89 1.01 2.77 1.11 -0.12 2.34 3.00 1.15 4.85 33 McCormick 1.67 1.26 2.08 1.52 1.01 2.03 3.20 2.54 3.86 34 Marion 2.32 1.69 2.95 1.21 0.58 1.84 3.53 2.54 4.53 35 Marlboro 1.85 1.18 2.52 0.70 0.35 1.05 2.55 1.89 3.21 36 Newberry 1.91 1.50 2.32 1.81 1.50 2.12 3.71 3.18 4.25 37 Oconee 1.28 0.22 2.34 1.09 0.60 1.58 2.37 1.04 3.70 38 Orangeburg 2.24 1.67 2.81 1.53 1.06 2.00 3.77 2.83 4.71 39 Pickens 1.27 0.56 1.98 1.19 0.41 1.97 2.46 1.24 3.68 40 Richland 2.02 1.57 2.47 1.43 0.96 1.90 3.45 2.74 4.15 16 Responsive Management
41 Saluda 2.25 1.58 2.92 1.29 0.76 1.82 3.53 2.54 4.53 42 Spartanburg 1.58 1.25 1.91 1.58 1.23 1.93 3.16 2.58 3.75 43 Sumter 1.85 1.12 2.58 1.57 0.94 2.20 3.42 2.41 4.43 44 Union 1.58 1.33 1.83 1.77 1.46 2.08 3.35 2.87 3.82 45 Williamsburg 2.91 2.15 3.67 2.47 1.27 3.67 5.38 3.80 6.96 46 York 1.78 1.31 2.25 1.23 0.86 1.60 3.01 2.26 3.75 99 Don't Know 1.14 0.75 1.53 1.02 0.61 1.43 2.17 1.46 2.87 Overall 2.03 1.94 2.12 1.68 1.59 1.77 3.71 3.57 3.86
Table Deer 16. Mean Number of Deer Harvested Per Deer Hunter by Sex and Total During 1999- 2000 As Stratified By License Type License Type Mean Buck Harvest Doe Harvest Total Deer Harvest Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI State Hunting 1.88 1.23 2.52 1.30 0.63 1.97 3.18 2.24 4.11 County Hunting 1.63 0.46 2.79 1.38 0.47 2.28 3.00 1.52 4.48 Combination 2.02 1.90 2.14 1.57 1.45 1.68 3.59 3.42 3.76 Sportsman 2.39 2.20 2.57 2.00 1.83 2.17 4.38 4.13 4.64 Junior Outdoorsman 1.90 1.24 2.57 1.38 0.83 1.94 3.29 2.42 4.15 3-Day Nonresident 0.79 0.55 1.02 0.95 0.67 1.23 1.73 1.37 2.10 10-Day Nonresident 0.95 0.62 1.28 0.80 0.46 1.14 1.75 1.28 2.22 Annual Nonresident 1.56 1.37 1.76 1.72 1.46 1.98 3.28 2.95 3.61 All License Types 2.04 1.95 2.13 1.68 1.60 1.77 3.72 3.60 3.85 South Carolina Hunter Harvest Survey 1999-2000 17
Table Deer 17. Percent Of Deer Hunters Harvesting At Least One Deer Versus Those Who Report Harvesting Zero Deer During 1999-2000 As Stratified By License Type Hunters Harvesting At Least One Hunters Harvesting Zero Deer Deer License Type 95% CI 95% CI State Hunting 40.40% 30.74% 50.07% 59.60% 49.93% 69.26% County Hunting 50.00% 25.50% 74.50% 50.00% 25.50% 74.50% Combination 57.48% 55.33% 59.63% 42.52% 40.37% 44.67% Sportsman 69.77% 66.89% 72.64% 30.23% 27.36% 33.11% Junior Outdoorsman 58.33% 46.95% 69.72% 41.67% 30.28% 53.05% 3-Day Nonresident 31.64% 24.79% 38.49% 68.36% 61.51% 75.21% 10-Day Nonresident 39.22% 25.82% 52.62% 60.78% 47.38% 74.18% Annual Nonresident 65.36% 60.43% 70.29% 34.64% 29.71% 39.57% Total 59.49% 57.92% 61.05% 40.51% 38.95% 42.08% Note: Countywide percent of Deer Hunters cannot be computed due to lack of data.
Table Deer 18. Estimated Total Number of Days Hunted During 1999-2000 As Stratified By License Type License Type Estimate 95% CI State Hunting 46,249 32,046 60,451 County Hunting 5,283 1,671 8,894 Combination 1,300,960 1,231,037 1,370,884 Sportsman 795,282 741,932 848,632 Junior Outdoorsman 42,481 31,958 53,005 3-Day Nonresident 22,528 18,928 26,129 10-Day Nonresident 11,660 8,921 14,398 Annual Nonresident 191,327 171,888 210,766 Total 2,415,769 2,320,173 2,511,366 Note: Many of the 128,540 deer hunters who hunted one or more days did not have any harvest. 18 Responsive Management
Table Deer 19. Mean Days Hunted Per Deer Hunter During 1999-2000 As Stratified By License Type License Type Estimate 95% CI State Hunting 14.0 10.4 17.7 County Hunting 9.9 4.6 15.2 Combination 19.0 18.2 19.9 Sportsman 24.4 22.9 25.8 Junior Outdoorsman 19.6 15.3 23.9 3-Day Nonresident 3.1 2.7 3.5 10-Day Nonresident 5.7 4.8 6.6 Annual Nonresident 15.5 14.1 17.0 Total 18.9 18.3 19.6 Note: Based on those hunting one or more days.
Table Deer 20. Mean Days for Deer Hunting for Each County and the State During 1999-2000 Standard County Mean Days Error of the 95% Confidence 95% Confidence No. County Name Deer Hunting Mean Interval of the Mean Interval of the Mean 1 Abbeville 20.85 1.8 17.322 24.378 2 Aiken 32.54 2.69 27.2676 37.8124 3 Allendale 28.44 3.37 21.8348 35.0452 4 Anderson 20.85 1.89 17.1456 24.5544 5 Bamberg 25.94 3.54 19.0016 32.8784 6 Barnwell 35.27 3.45 28.508 42.032 7 Beaufort 23.44 5.01 13.6204 33.2596 8 Berkeley 35.08 3.44 28.3376 41.8224 9 Calhoun 28.58 4.16 20.4264 36.7336 10 Charleston 28.53 3.44 21.7876 35.2724 11 Cherokee 26.3 3.68 19.0872 33.5128 12 Chester 24.16 1.94 20.3576 27.9624 13 Chesterfield 29.95 4.38 21.3652 38.5348 14 Clarendon 31.31 7.41 16.7864 45.8336 15 Colleton 23.42 1.73 20.0292 26.8108 16 Darlington 26.17 5.84 14.7236 37.6164 17 Dillon 33.06 5.25 22.77 43.35 18 Dorchester 33.45 3.47 26.6488 40.2512 19 Edgefield 20.16 1.69 16.8476 23.4724 20 Fairfield 25.41 1.87 21.7448 29.0752 21 Florence 25.3 3.02 19.3808 31.2192 22 Georgetown 27.21 4.29 18.8016 35.6184 23 Greenville 20.43 3.71 13.1584 27.7016 24 Greenwood 21.43 2.25 17.02 25.84 25 Hampton 23.62 2.79 18.1516 29.0884 26 Horry 25.3 4.33 16.8132 33.7868 27 Jasper 26.77 3.1 20.694 32.846 28 Kershaw 32.22 3.16 26.0264 38.4136 29 Lancaster 23.59 2.32 19.0428 28.1372 South Carolina Hunter Harvest Survey 1999-2000 19
30 Laurens 23.33 2.24 18.9396 27.7204 31 Lee 38.63 6.24 26.3996 50.8604 32 Lexington 27.78 6.28 15.4712 40.0888 33 McCormick 20.17 2.61 15.0544 25.2856 34 Marion 29.83 4.41 21.1864 38.4736 35 Marlboro 34.69 6.3 22.342 47.038 36 Newberry 23.19 2.09 19.0936 27.2864 37 Oconee 18.08 3.51 11.2004 24.9596 38 Orangeburg 30.02 4.93 20.3572 39.6828 39 Pickens 22.56 5.5 11.78 33.34 40 Richland 26.42 3.37 19.8148 33.0252 41 Saluda 21.54 2.68 16.2872 26.7928 42 Spartanburg 26.42 2.29 21.9316 30.9084 43 Sumter 29.9 5.12 19.8648 39.9352 44 Union 21.74 1.35 19.094 24.386 45 Williamsburg 29.77 3.27 23.3608 36.1792 46 York 22.94 3.25 16.57 29.31 99 Don't Know 9.75 1.46 6.8884 12.6116 State Total 25.65 0.47 24.7288 26.5712 Note, those who did not know how many days they hunted were not included in this analysis
Table Deer 21. Estimated Number of Days for Deer Hunting for Each County and the State During 1999-2000 Estimated Total Days County Deer 95% Confidence 95% Confidence Estimated Total No. County Name Hunting Interval of The Sum Interval of The Sum Days Deer Hunting 1 Abbeville 41028 34089.7 47975.9 41028 2 Aiken 102189 85647.53 118768.7 102189 3 Allendale 50571 38822.27 62310.37 50571 4 Anderson 27749 22820.79 32681.91 27749 5 Bamberg 35550 26051.19 45076.29 35550 6 Barnwell 81213 65653.92 96799.7 81213 7 Beaufort 21084 12244.74 29900.38 21084 8 Berkeley 60032 48485.63 71558.13 60032 9 Calhoun 23491 16790.5 30195.02 23491 10 Charleston 40899 31243.42 50580.62 40899 11 Cherokee 30261 21969.37 38573.23 30261 12 Chester 72887 61418.88 84362.56 72887 13 Chesterfield 46280 33009.23 59536.27 46280 14 Clarendon 14740 7906.394 21587.63 14740 15 Colleton 69076 59086.14 79091.86 69076 16 Darlington 19175 10792.4 27572.82 19175 17 Dillon 21448 14777.73 28134.15 21448 18 Dorchester 42068 33524.19 50636.01 42068 19 Edgefield 36238 30275.14 42179.9 36238 20 Fairfield 89528 76628.68 102461 89528 21 Florence 49262 37734.42 60783.78 49262 20 Responsive Management
22 Georgetown 28319 19572.47 37078.75 28319 23 Greenville 10360 6671.309 14044.71 10360 24 Greenwood 40830 32423.1 49225.2 40830 25 Hampton 38919 29913.84 47937.68 38919 26 Horry 28356 18847.6 37875 28356 27 Jasper 31722 24522.39 38922.51 31722 28 Kershaw 73133 59079.93 87198.87 73133 29 Lancaster 44788 36162.28 53432.54 44788 30 Laurens 50069 40663.32 59515.7 50069 31 Lee 27761 18981.31 36568.63 27761 32 Lexington 8917 4966.255 12868.5 8917 33 McCormick 31290 23349.37 39217.97 31290 34 Marion 26848 19067.76 34626.24 26848 35 Marlboro 21222 13673.3 28787.26 21222 36 Newberry 61430 50578.95 72281.67 61430 37 Oconee 7044 4368.156 9734.244 7044 38 Orangeburg 60375 40958.69 79841.79 60375 39 Pickens 8033 4193.68 11869.04 8033 40 Richland 43557 32674.61 54458.55 43557 41 Saluda 19238 14544.47 23925.97 19238 42 Spartanburg 59577 49455.76 69698.44 59577 43 Sumter 28973 19248.99 38697.21 28973 44 Union 84427 74161.1 94715.22 84427 45 Williamsburg 43887 34433.82 53328.14 43887 46 York 35173 25401.81 44932.23 35173 99 Don't Know 30923 21856.89 40016.61 30923 State Total 1919940 1851124 1989040 1919940 Note, those who did not know how many days they hunted were not included in this analysis South Carolina Hunter Harvest Survey 1999-2000 21
Table Hunter Success - Table 5A. Estimated Total Days Table 2D. Estimated Number of Deer 22 Days Hunted Per Hunted During 1999-2000 As Deer Harvested by License Deer During 1999- Stratified By License Type (Copy) Type (Copy) 2000
License Estimate 95% SE Estimate Std 95% CI Total Harvest Type CI HS Error Estimate SE - 95% + 95% CI CI State 10.0 5 15 2.38 46,249 7,246 32,046 60,451 4,607 845 2,266 6,947 Hunting County 6.2 1 12 2.85 5,283 1,842 1,671 8,894 857 293 48 1,665 Hunting Combination 8.6 8 9 0.34 1,300,960 35,675 1,231,037 1,370,884 151,148 4,386 139,005 163,291 Sportsman 7.4 7 8 0.36 795,282 27,219 741,932 848,632 106,956 3,686 96,760 117,153 Junior 9.1 6 13 1.79 42,481 5,369 31,958 53,005 4,675 726 2,673 6,676 Outdoorsma n 3-Day 5.7 4 7 0.90 22,528 1,837 18,928 26,129 3,944 547 2,435 5,454 Nonresident 10-Day 8.3 5 12 1.88 11,660 1,397 8,921 14,398 1,412 280 638 2,187 Nonresident Annual 7.0 6 8 0.55 191,327 9,918 171,888 210,766 27,166 1,624 22,692 31,639 Nonresident Total 8.1 8 9 0.23 2,415,769 48,774 2,337,491 2,528,684 300,765 6,241 284,254 318,822
Table Deer 23. Estimated Number of Hunters Indicating They Purchased 1 Tag License Type Purchasing 1 Tag 95% CI State hunting 0 0 0 County hunting 36 0 92.74522 Combination 829 497.0906 1161.069 Sportsman 499 241.3125 755.9591 Junior outdoorsman 68 0 158.3398 3-Day nonresident 610 362.4873 857.5127 10-Day nonresident 161 24.35851 297.6415 Annual nonresident 318 115.8162 520.908 Total 2521 1879.174 3011.509 22 Responsive Management
Table Deer 24. Estimated Number of Hunters Indicating They Purchased 2 Tags License Type Purchasing 2 Tag 95% CI State hunting 145 19.69466 270.5276 County hunting 0 0 0 Combination 4506 3807.071 5204.668 Sportsman 3989 3343.243 4634.929 Junior outdoorsman 373 203.4147 542.9557 3-Day nonresident 407 186.6554 626.678 10-Day nonresident 161 24.35851 297.6415 Annual nonresident 1203 840.0711 1565.331 Total 10784 9713.935 11862.61
Table Deer 25. Estimated Number of Hunters Indicating They Purchased 3 Tags License Type Purchasing 3 Tag 95% CI State hunting 73 0 167.3615 County hunting 0 0 0 Combination 757 439.1851 1074.787 Sportsman 605 322.854 888.1187 Junior outdoorsman 34 0 99.17774 3-Day nonresident 81 0 191.339 10-Day nonresident 40 0 116.6349 Annual nonresident 354 140.8815 566.5898 Total 1944 1434.567 2449.21
Table Deer 26. Estimated Number of Hunters Indicating They Purchased 4 Tags License Type Purchasing 4 Tag 95% CI State hunting 435 293.1244 577.5422 County hunting 71 14.25478 128.4119 Combination 13590 12784.71 14394.7 Sportsman 11540 10831.38 12248.33 Junior outdoorsman 373 203.4147 542.9557 3-Day nonresident 203 36.04877 370.6179 10-Day nonresident 161 24.35851 297.6415 Annual nonresident 3891 3450.084 4332.1 Total 30264 29149.71 31624.22 South Carolina Hunter Harvest Survey 1999-2000 23
Table Deer 27. Estimated Number of Hunters Indicating They Don’t Know How Many Tags Used License Type Don’t Know 95% CI State hunting 0 0 0 County hunting 0 0 0 Combination 1045 674.6075 1416.116 Sportsman 285 89.15483 480.7146 Junior outdoorsman 68 0 158.3398 3-Day nonresident 407 186.6554 626.678 10-Day nonresident 121 0 243.917 Annual nonresident 389 166.5475 611.6709 Total 2315 1719.503 2811.57
Table Deer 28. Estimated Number (and Percent) of Tags Purchased That Were Used 1 Tag Purchased Percent of Purchasers Using “X” Number of Tags Zero Used 1824 72.4 One Used 697 27.6 Two Used 0 0 Three Used 0 0 Four Used 0 0 Don't Know 0 0 Total Number of Tags 2521 100
Table Deer 29. Estimated Number (and Percent) of Tags Purchased That Were Used 2 Tags Purchased Percent of Purchasers Using “X” Number of Tags Zero Used 7517 69.7 One Used 2305 21.4 Two Used 892 8.3 Three Used 0 0 Four Used 0 0 Don't Know 69 0.6 Total Number of Tags 10783 100 24 Responsive Management
Table Deer 30. Estimated Number (and Percent) of Tags Purchased That Were Used 3 Tags Purchased Percent of Purchasers Using “X” Number of Tags Zero Used 1330 68.4 One Used 322 16.6 Two Used 185 9.5 Three Used 107 5.5 Four Used Don't Know Total Number of Tags 1944 100
Table Deer 31. Estimated Number (and Percent) of Tags Purchased That Were Used 4 Tags Purchased Percent of Purchasers Using “X” Number of Tags Zero Used 15860 52.4 One Used 5514 18.2 Two Used 4764 15.7 Three Used 1509 5 Four Used 2291 7.6 Don't Know 326 1.1 Total Number of Tags 30264 100
Table Deer 32. Estimated Number (and Percent) of Tags Purchased That Were Used Don't know Percent of 'Don't Knows' Using “X” Number of Tags Zero Used 1412 61 One Used 214 9.2 Two Used 107 4.6 Three Used 72 3.1 Four Used 36 1.6 Don't Know 474 20.5 Total Number of Tags 2315 100 South Carolina Hunter Harvest Survey 1999-2000 25
Table Deer 33. Estimated Number (and Percent) of Tags Purchased That Were Used Total Tags purchased Percent of all Purchasers Using “X” Number of Tags Zero Used 27943 58.4 One Used 9052 18.9 Two Used 5948 12.4 Three Used 1688 3.5 Four Used 2327 4.9 Don't Know 869 1.8 Total Number of Tags 47827 100
Table Deer 34. Estimated Sums and Averages of Tags Purchased By and Used by Hunters By License Type
Purchased Purchased Used Used License Type Sum Average Sum Average Percent Used Percent Unused State hunting 2902 4.44 1632 2.65 56.23708 43.76292 County hunting 428 4 321 3 75 25 Combination 86154 4.38 53351 2.73 61.92516 38.07484 Sportsman 73085 4.39 41885 2.63 57.30998 42.69002 Junior outdoorsman 3252 3.84 2608 2.96 80.1968 19.8032 3-Day nonresident 3782 2.91 4107 2.4 108.5933 -8.59334 10-Day nonresident 1775 3.38 1856 2.88 104.5634 -4.56338 Annual nonresident 25114 4.36 15599 2.58 62.11277 37.88723 Total 196,493 4.32 121,360 2.67 61.76301 38.23699 The sum was calculated by eliminating "don't knows" and adding the numbers of tags
Table Deer 35. Estimated Number of Hunters Indicating They Used Zero Tags License Type Zero Tags 95%CI State hunting 363 212.8764 512.6791 County hunting 36 0 93.612 Combination 11463 10621.14 12305.83 Sportsman 9937 9188.077 10686.12 Junior outdoorsman 508 336.8319 679.8348 3-Day nonresident 1301 1081.955 1522.235 10-Day nonresident 444 297.4048 590.8452 Annual nonresident 3926 3450.084 4332.1 Total 27978 26640.68 29175.3
Table Deer 36. Estimated Number of Hunters Indicating They Used One Tag License Type One Tag 95%CI State hunting 109 0 221.2593 26 Responsive Management
County hunting 36 0 93.612 Combination 4109 3434.068 4785.035 Sportsman 3027 2444.246 3610.617 Junior outdoorsman 203 59.84493 346.8217 3-Day nonresident 285 92.21073 477.4559 10-Day nonresident 81 0 185.4358 Annual nonresident 1203 840.0711 1565.331 Total 9053 8055.494 10070.32
Table Deer 37. Estimated Number of Hunters Indicating They Used Two Tags License Type Two Tags 95%CI State hunting 145 19.69466 270.5276 County hunting 36 0 93.612 Combination 2668 2100.26 3234.947 Sportsman 2244 1727.821 2759.901 Junior outdoorsman 68 0 158.167 3-Day nonresident 41 0 119.4886 10-Day nonresident 40 0 116.9971 Annual nonresident 672 415.7718 999.1707 Total 5914 5120.383 6819.635
Table Deer 38. Estimated Number of Hunters Indicating They Used Three Tags License Type Three Tags 95%CI State hunting 0 0 0 County hunting 0 0 0 Combination 829 497.1146 1161.125 Sportsman 641 350.5945 931.6118 Junior outdoorsman 0 0 0 3-Day nonresident 41 0 119.4886 10-Day nonresident 0 0 0 Annual nonresident 177 24.08004 329.6556 Total 1688 1215.669 2164.938 South Carolina Hunter Harvest Survey 1999-2000 27
Table Deer 39. Estimated Number of Hunters Indicating They Used Four Tags License Type Four Tags 95%CI State hunting 36 0 105.3789 County hunting 0 0 0 Combination 1190 795.5415 1583.672 Sportsman 962 609.3767 1313.933 Junior outdoorsman 34 0 99.06946 3-Day nonresident 0 0 0 10-Day nonresident 0 0 0 Annual nonresident 106 0 225.1678 Total 2328 1783.413 2891.896
Table 40. Estimated Number of Hunters Indicating They Don’t Know How Many Tags Used License Type Don’t Know 95%CI State hunting 0 0 0 County hunting 0 0 0 Combination 469 216.7775 720.4886 Sportsman 107 0 227.3808 Junior outdoorsman 102 0 210.1337 3-Day nonresident 41 0 119.4886 10-Day nonresident 81 0 185.4358 Annual nonresident 71 0 168.2325 Total 871 520.9383 1205.329
Table Deer 41. Estimated Deer Harvest By Rifle During 1999-2000 License Type Estimate 95% CI State Hunting 3,410 2499.971 4320.029 County Hunting 857 504.4016 1209.598 Combination 119,606 113317.4 125894.6 Sportsman 86,513 80600.23 92425.77 Junior Outdoorsman 3,625 2579.231 4670.769 3-Day Nonresident 3,212 2612.638 3811.362 10-Day Nonresident 1,210 896.8564 1523.144 Annual Nonresident 24,477 21731.57 27222.43 Total 242,910 233594.8 252225.2 28 Responsive Management
Table Deer 42. Estimated Deer Harvest By Shotgun During 1999-2000 License Type Estimate 95% CI State Hunting 508 337.3696 678.6304 County Hunting 0 0 0 Combination 23,936 21155.08 26716.92 Sportsman 9,901 8853.874 10948.13 Junior Outdoorsman 542 326.8704 757.1296 3-Day Nonresident 651 277.9927 1024.007 10-Day Nonresident 202 123.7141 280.2859 Annual Nonresident 707 589.8339 824.1661 Total 36,447 33708.62 39185.38
Table Deer 43. Estimated Deer Harvest By Bow and Arrow During 1999-2000 License Type Estimate 95% CI State Hunting 653 294.6762 1011.324 County Hunting 0 0 0 Combination 5,876 4496.139 7255.861 Sportsman 8,049 6890.18 9207.82 Junior Outdoorsman 508 29.93413 986.0659 3-Day Nonresident 81 81 81 10-Day Nonresident 0 0 0 Annual Nonresident 1,132 651.5494 1612.451 Total 16,299 14296.44 18301.56
Table Deer 44. Estimated Deer Harvest By Muzzleloader During 1999-2000 License Type Estimate 95% CI 95% CI State Hunting 36 36 36 County Hunting 0 0 0 Combination 757 576.8338 937.1662 Sportsman 2,101 1555.098 2646.902 Junior Outdoorsman 0 0 0 3-Day Nonresident 0 0 0 10-Day Nonresident 0 0 0 Annual Nonresident 849 711.7284 986.2716 Total 3,744 3156.766 4331.234 South Carolina Hunter Harvest Survey 1999-2000 29
Table Deer 45. Estimated Deer Harvest By Other Weapons During 1999-2000 License Type Estimate 95% CI State Hunting 0 0 0 County Hunting 0 0 0 Combination 649 386.1693 911.8307 Sportsman 392 107.1817 676.8183 Junior Outdoorsman 0 0 0 3-Day Nonresident 0 0 0 10-Day Nonresident 0 0 0 Annual Nonresident 0 0 0 Total 1,041 661.7531 1420.247
Table 46. Rifle Weapon Use By Hunters Harvesting at Least One Deer License Type Rifle Percent State hunting 1160.751 1.432654 County hunting 285.551 0.352441 Combination 36336.05 44.84769 Sportsman 21548.01 26.59558 Junior outdoorsman 1185.679 1.463422 3-Day nonresident 1911.231 2.358933 10-Day nonresident 726.2143 0.896328 Annual nonresident 7781.836 9.604714 Total 70935.32 87.55176 Note: Eliminates "Don't Knows"
Table 47. Shotgun Weapon Use By Hunters Harvesting at Least One Deer License Type Shotgun Percent State hunting 290.1878 0.358164 County hunting 0 0 Combination 8867.725 10.94497 Sportsman 3561.654 4.395964 Junior outdoorsman 304.8889 0.376308 3-Day nonresident 365.9805 0.451711 10-Day nonresident 121.0357 0.149388 Annual nonresident 459.8357 0.567551 Total 13971.31 17.24406 Note: Eliminates "Don't Knows"
Table 48. Bow Weapon Use By Hunters Harvesting at Least One Deer License Type Bow Percent State hunting 217.6408 0.268623 County hunting 0 0 30 Responsive Management
Combination 2271.003 2.80298 Sportsman 2956.173 3.64865 Junior outdoorsman 135.5062 0.167248 3-Day nonresident 40.6645 0.05019 10-Day nonresident 0 0 Annual nonresident 389.0918 0.480236 Total 6010.079 7.417927 Note: Eliminates "Don't Knows"
Table 49. Muzzleloader Weapon Use By Hunters Harvesting at Least One Deer License Type Muzzleloader Percent State hunting 36.2735 0.04477 County hunting 0 0 Combination 612.8103 0.75636 Sportsman 1210.962 1.494628 Junior outdoorsman 0 0 3-Day nonresident 0 0 10-Day nonresident 0 0 Annual nonresident 636.6957 0.78584 Total 2496.742 3.081598 Note: Eliminates "Don't Knows"
Table 50. All Other Weapon Use By Hunters Harvesting at Least One Deer License Type Other Weapons Percent State hunting 0 0 County hunting 0 0 Combination 216.286 0.266951 Sportsman 213.6992 0.263758 Junior outdoorsman 0 0 3-Day nonresident 0 0 10-Day nonresident 0 0 Annual nonresident 0 0 Total 429.9852 0.530708 Note: Eliminates "Don't Knows" South Carolina Hunter Harvest Survey 1999-2000 31
Table Deer 51. Estimated Deer Harvest By Rifle for Hunters Harvesting at Least One Deer License Type Rifle 95% CI State hunting 3410 0.95 0.95 County hunting 857 2499.971 4320.029 Combination 119606 504.4016 1209.598 Sportsman 86513 113317.4 125894.6 Junior outdoorsman 3625 80600.23 92425.77 3-Day nonresident 3212 2579.231 4670.769 10-Day nonresident 1210 2612.638 3811.362 Annual nonresident 24477 896.8564 1523.144 Total 242910 21731.57 27222.43 Note: Eliminates "Don't Knows"
Table Deer 52. Estimated Deer Harvest By Shotgun for Hunters Harvesting at Least One Deer License Type Shotgun 95% CI State hunting 508 337.3696 678.6304 County hunting 0 0 0 Combination 23936 21155.08 26716.92 Sportsman 9901 8853.874 10948.13 Junior outdoorsman 542 326.8704 757.1296 3-Day nonresident 651 277.9927 1024.007 10-Day nonresident 202 123.7141 280.2859 Annual nonresident 707 589.8339 824.1661 Total 36447 33708.62 39185.38 Note: Eliminates "Don't Knows"
Table Deer 53. Estimated Deer Harvest By Bow for Hunters Harvesting at Least One Deer License Type Bow 95% CI State hunting 653 294.6762 1011.324 County hunting 0 0 0 Combination 5876 4496.139 7255.861 Sportsman 8049 6890.18 9207.82 Junior outdoorsman 508 29.93413 986.0659 3-Day nonresident 81 81 81 10-Day nonresident 0 0 0 Annual nonresident 1132 651.5494 1612.451 Total 16299 14296.44 18301.56 Note: Eliminates "Don't Knows" Table Deer 54. Estimated Deer Harvest By Muzzleloader for Hunters Harvesting at Least One Deer License Type Muzzleloader 95% CI State hunting 36 36 36 County hunting 0 0 0 Combination 757 576.8338 937.1662 32 Responsive Management
Sportsman 2101 1555.098 2646.902 Junior outdoorsman 0 0 0 3-Day nonresident 0 0 0 10-Day nonresident 0 0 0 Annual nonresident 849 711.7284 986.2716 Total 3744 3156.766 4331.234 Note: Eliminates "Don't Knows"
Table Deer 55. Estimated Deer Harvest By All Other Weapons for Hunters Harvesting at Least One Deer License Type Other 95% CI State hunting 0 0.95 0.95 County hunting 0 0 0 Combination 649 0 0 Sportsman 392 386.1693 911.8307 Junior outdoorsman 0 107.1817 676.8183 3-Day nonresident 0 0 0 10-Day nonresident 0 0 0 Annual nonresident 0 0 0 Total 1041 0 0 Note: Eliminates "Don't Knows"
Table Deer 56. Estimated Total Number of Persons Who Participated In Dog Hunting For Deer During 1999-2000 License Type Estimate % 95% CI State Hunting 290 92 488 County Hunting 36 -34 105 Combination 14,743 13,409 16,078 Sportsman 6,518 5,649 7,387 Junior Outdoorsman 203 47 360 3-Day Nonresident 1,098 702 1,493 10-Day Nonresident 121 -13 256 Annual Nonresident 990 636 1,345 Total 24,000 20,489 27,511
Table Deer 57. Estimated Total Number Of Person – Days Expended Dog Hunting For Deer During 1999-2000 License Type Estimate % 95% CI State Hunting 1,342 26 2,658 County Hunting 71 -68 211 Combination 155,149 130,869 179,430 Sportsman 67,066 51,724 82,407 Junior Outdoorsman 2,812 -1,681 7,304 3-Day Nonresident 2,399 877 3,921 10-Day Nonresident 605 -467 1,677 South Carolina Hunter Harvest Survey 1999-2000 33
Annual Nonresident 4,598 1,649 7,547 Total 234,043 204,498 263,588
Table Deer 58. Estimated Total Number Of Persons Who Own Dogs Used To Hunt Deer License Type Estimate % 95% CI State Hunting 0 0 0 County Hunting 0 0 0 Combination 4,614 3,831 5,397 Sportsman 1,781 1,298 2,264 Junior Outdoorsman 102 -11 214 3-Day Nonresident 163 4 321 10-Day Nonresident 40 -38 119 Annual Nonresident 141 4 279 Total 6,841 5,087 8,595 34 Responsive Management
MOURNING DOVE After deer, mourning dove was the second most popular species of choice for hunters.
This is consistent with survey findings since 1965 in which dove has remained the second most popular species of hunters. Twenty-nine percent of licensed hunters hunted dove in 1999-2000.
The current estimate of dove hunters in South Carolina is 58,701, a significant decline from the
1992 survey that estimated the numbers of dove hunters at 102,275. This represents a 43% decline in the number of dove hunters since 1992. With a 95% confidence interval, it is estimated that the number of licensed dove hunters is no lower than 56,291 and no greater than
61,110. Even at the highest confidence interval, this represents a decline in the number of licensed dove hunters in South Carolina. This decline is consistent with the 1984 and 1992 surveys which also saw declines in the number of dove hunters. See Table Dove 59.
As would be expected with such a decline in dove hunters, there was also a significant decline in the number of doves harvested. There has been a continued decline in dove harvests since 1981; however the annual rate of decline between the 1992 harvest study and this harvest study has nearly doubled. From 1981 to 1984 there was a 23% decline in the dove harvest – an average decline of 5.75% annually for 4 years. From 1984 to 1992 there was an overall 22% decline in the dove harvest – a 2.4% annual decline for 9 years. However, from 1992 to 1999 there was a 40% decline – or a 5% annual decline for 8 years, nearly double the rate of dove harvest decline from previous years. The dove harvest is currently estimated at 1,485,268. The harvest decline is most likely a result of the 43% decline in hunters, as well as the smaller number of days afield. See Table Dove 60.
Days afield for dove hunters declined by 41% since the last survey. In 1992, days afield for dove hunters was estimated at 455,254; days afield for 1999-2000 was estimated at 270,765. South Carolina Hunter Harvest Survey 1999-2000 35
The harvest rate actually remained the same as the 1992 rates – 5.5 doves/ days afield. The
average number of days hunted by each dove hunter was 5. See Table Dove .
Shooting Hour Preferences Dove hunters were asked, “Given a choice of shooting hours for dove hunting during the
first three days of the first season, which of the following options would you prefer?”
Preferences for shooting hours were evenly divided. Thirty-seven percent of dove hunters
preferred a morning only time period; while, 31% preferred an afternoon time period and 31%
had no preference. See Table Dove 61-62.
Table Dove 59. Estimated Number of Dove Hunters, Number of Person Days and Harvest Number for Dove During 1999-2000 Number of Hunters Person - Hunting Days Harvest License Type Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI State Hunting 3,265 2,728 3,801 14,184 10,440 17,929 65,254 43,068 87,440 County Hunting 464 248 680 1,428 651 2,205 8,120 2,873 13,368 Combination 34,101 32,279 35,924 156,339 140,545 172,134 854,966 778,078 931,853 Sportsman 16,419 15,244 17,595 81,295 71,093 91,497 481,618 420,466 542,770 Junior 1,084 792 1,376 4,126 2,102 6,151 18,226 8,178 28,273 Outdoorsman 3-Day 1,301 875 1,728 2,359 1,094 3,624 11,427 6,803 16,050 Nonresident 10-Day 121 0 256 242 0 513 1,029 0 2,228 Nonresident Annual 1,945 2,424 10,792 1,835 19,748 44,629 22,134 67,124 1,467 Nonresident Total 58,701 56,291 61,110 270,765 249,187 292,343 1,485,268 1,379,468 1,591,068
Table Dove 60. Average Dove Harvest Per Person Per Day Estimate 95% CI 95% CI State Hunting 4.600467 4.358067 4.805508 County Hunting 5.6875 5.460942 5.852422 Combination 5.468656 5.288025 5.653378 Sportsman 5.924316 5.755235 6.092891 Junior Outdoorsman 4.416843 4.159801 4.634388 3-Day Nonresident 4.844828 4.684087 5.070589 10-Day Nonresident 4.25 #DIV/0! 4.480419 Annual Nonresident 4.135442 4.05252 4.429647 Total 5.485448 5.304808 5.669188 Table Dove 61. Estimated Number of Dove Hunters By Their Preference of Hunting Hours for the First 3 Days of the Season 36 Responsive Management
Morning only Afternoon only No Preference License Type Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI State Hunting 1,378 976 1,781 1,088 723 1,453 798 480 1,116 County Hunting 107 0 224 214 54 375 143 9 277 Combination 13,554 12,267 14,841 9,228 8,144 10,312 11,067 9,890 12,243 Sportsman 4,915 4,144 5,686 6,197 5,346 7,049 5,129 4,343 5,914 Junior 508 276 740 271 93 449 305 117 493 Outdoorsman 3-Day Nonresident 325 103 548 488 217 759 488 217 759 10-Day 81 0 191 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nonresident Annual Nonresident 778 462 1,095 672 377 967 495 240 750 Total 21,647 20,003 23,291 18,159 16,639 19,679 18,424 16,894 19,954
Table Dove 62. Frequency Count of Number of Dove Hunters And Their Preference of Hunting Hours Preference of shooting hours for dove Hunting License Type AM Only % PM Only % No Preference % Don't Know % Total State Hunting 38 42.22222 30 33.33333 22 24.44444 0 0 90 County Hunting 3 23.07692 6 46.15385 4 30.76923 0 0 13 Combination 376 39.7463 256 27.06131 307 32.45243 7 0.739958 946 Sportsman 138 29.93492 174 37.74403 144 31.23644 5 1.084599 461 Junior Outdoorsman 15 46.875 8 25 9 28.125 0 0 32 3-Day Nonresident 8 25 12 37.5 12 37.5 0 0 32 10-Day Nonresident 2 66.66667 0 0 0 0 1 33.33333 3 Annual Nonresident 22 40 19 34.54545 14 25.45455 0 0 55 Total 602 36.88725 512 30.94363 1632 31.37255 13 0.796569 1632 South Carolina Hunter Harvest Survey 1999-2000 37
TURKEY The third most popular species of choice for South Carolina hunters was Turkey. There
were an estimated 39,627 turkey hunters in 1999-2000 which represents 20% of licensed hunters.
A minority of turkey hunters were successful in bagging a turkey. Thirty-three percent of
licensed turkey hunters were successful in bagging at least one turkey. Hunter effort to bag a
turkey was 11 hunting days per turkey harvested. The estimated turkey harvest is 24,991. See
Table Turkey 63. Turkey hunters spent an average of 7 days afield. The total number of days
afield for turkey was 266,561. See Table Turkey 73. Comparison to the 1992 survey were not
possible because a study of turkey hunters was excluded from the 1992 report.
The counties with the greatest number of harvested turkey were Fairfield, Newberry,
Union, Laurens and tied were Barnwell and Colleton counties. See Table Turkey 64.
Table Turkey 63. Estimated Number of Turkey Harvested During 1999-2000 Turkey Harvest Hunters W/ at Least One Turkey License Type Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI State Hunting 363 138 587 363 143 583 County Hunting 71 -27 170 71 -26 168 Combination 9,481 7,645 11,316 5,083 4,263 5,903 Sportsman 11,860 9,779 13,942 5,521 4,710 6,331 Junior Outdoorsman 305 15 595 169 26 313 3-Day Nonresident 366 100 632 325 103 548 10-Day Nonresident 847 366 1,329 524 262 787 Annual Nonresident 1,698 953 2,443 884 548 1,220 Total 24,991 21,989 27,993 12,941 10,028 15,854 Note: Two different values for turkey hunters, those harvesting at least one turkey vs. those hunting turkey at least one day. 38 Responsive Management
Table Turkey 64. Estimated Number of Turkey Harvested by County During 1999-2000 Turkey Harvest Turkey Hunters County No. County Name Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI 1 Abbeville 724 162 1,286 326 113 538 2 Aiken 253 12 495 181 22 340 3 Allendale 869 371 1,366 471 215 726 4 Anderson 688 171 1,204 326 113 538 5 Bamberg 326 45 606 217 43 391 6 Barnwell 1,086 442 1,730 543 269 817 7 Beaufort 36 -36 109 36 -35 107 8 Berkeley 398 83 713 253 66 441 9 Calhoun 181 -13 375 145 3 287 10 Charleston 217 11 423 181 22 340 11 Cherokee 688 261 1,114 434 189 680 12 Chester 796 275 1,318 507 242 772 13 Chesterfield 362 72 652 253 66 441 14 Clarendon 145 -36 325 109 -14 231 15 Colleton 1,086 433 1,739 579 296 863 16 Darlington 72 -30 175 72 -28 173 17 Dillon 326 24 627 217 43 391 18 Dorchester 398 118 678 326 113 538 19 Edgefield 471 80 861 253 66 441 20 Fairfield 1,955 1,138 2,772 1,014 639 1,388 21 Florence 290 -128 707 109 -14 231 22 Georgetown 507 94 919 326 113 538 23 Greenville 217 -13 448 145 3 287 24 Greenwood 652 171 1,132 362 138 586 25 Hampton 145 -140 430 36 -35 107 26 Horry 72 -30 175 72 -28 173 27 Jasper 434 33 836 253 66 441 28 Kershaw 507 183 831 434 189 680 29 Lancaster 217 -60 494 109 -14 231 30 Laurens 1,231 526 1,936 579 296 863 31 Lee 217 40 394 217 43 391 32 Lexington 72 -30 175 72 -28 173 33 McCormick 145 -36 325 109 -14 231 34 Marion 253 36 471 217 43 391 35 Marlboro 145 -36 325 109 -14 231 36 Newberry 1,665 886 2,445 869 522 1,216 37 Oconee 579 158 1,001 326 113 538 38 Orangeburg 905 380 1,430 543 269 817 39 Pickens 507 138 876 326 113 538 40 Richland 543 167 919 362 138 586 41 Saluda 471 -25 966 217 43 391 42 Spartanburg 434 80 789 253 66 441 43 Sumter 181 -38 400 109 -14 231 44 Union 1,629 908 2,350 977 610 1,345 45 Williamsburg 543 30 1,056 253 66 441 46 York 869 255 1,482 398 163 633 South Carolina Hunter Harvest Survey 1999-2000 39
99 Don't Know 652 183 1,121 362 138 586 Overall 25,159 22,367 27,950 14,588 13,217 15,960
Table Turkey 65. Estimated Hunters Harvesting Zero Turkeys License Type Zero Turkeys Harvested 95% CI 95% CI State hunting 508.0833 336.284 679.8826 County hunting 106.8 30.36422 183.2358 Combination 11932.1 11227.77 12636.42 Sportsman 9082.354 8396.931 9767.776 Junior outdoorsman 643.625 511.5284 775.7216 3-Day nonresident 1097.743 899.7791 1295.707 10-Day nonresident 604.8214 396.2618 813.3811 Annual nonresident 3501.726 3191.998 3811.453 Total 27,477 26,373 28,581
Table Turkey 66. Estimated Hunters Harvesting One Turkey License Type One Turkey Harvested 95% CI 95% CI State hunting 363 191.1174 534.716 County hunting 71 -5.23578 147.6358 Combination 2740 2175.387 3304.004 Sportsman 2244 1734.125 2753.626 Junior outdoorsman 68 -22.1493 157.6493 3-Day nonresident 285 96.02377 473.1762 10-Day nonresident 282 101.1695 463.3305 Annual nonresident 354 143.5039 563.9154 Total 6,407 5,514 7,300 40 Responsive Management
Table Turkey 67. Estimated Hunters Harvesting Two Turkeys License Type Two Turkeys Harvested 95% CI 95% CI State hunting 0 0 0 County hunting 0 0 0 Combination 1153.556 767.6261 1539.486 Sportsman 1638.385 1192.265 2084.506 Junior outdoorsman 67.75 -22.1493 157.6493 3-Day nonresident 40.65714 -37.8842 119.1985 10-Day nonresident 161.2857 14.95059 307.6208 Annual nonresident 389.0806 169.5841 608.5772 Total 3,451 2,789 4,112
Table Turkey 68. Estimated Hunters Harvesting Three Turkeys License Type Three Turkeys Harvested 95% CI 95% CI State hunting 0 0 0 County hunting 0 0 0 Combination 612.8266 326.7904 898.8629 Sportsman 676.7244 379.5663 973.8825 Junior outdoorsman 33.875 -31.1221 98.87205 3-Day nonresident 0 0 0 10-Day nonresident 80.64286 -27.0569 188.3426 Annual nonresident 0 0 0 Total 1,404 971 1,837
Table Turkey 69. Estimated Hunters Harvesting Four Turkeys License Type Four Turkeys Harvested 95% CI 95% CI State hunting 0 0 0 County hunting 0 0 0 Combination 288.389 90.24284 486.5352 Sportsman 498.639 241.9342 755.3438 Junior outdoorsman 0 0 0 3-Day nonresident 0 0 0 10-Day nonresident 0 0 0 Annual nonresident 141.4839 5.084367 277.8834 Total 929 573 1,284
Table Turkey 70. Estimated Hunters Harvesting Five Turkeys License Type Five Turkeys Harvested 95% CI 95% CI State hunting 0 0 0 County hunting 0 0 0 Combination 288.389 90.24284 486.5352 South Carolina Hunter Harvest Survey 1999-2000 41
Sportsman 463.022 215.3429 710.701 Junior outdoorsman 0 0 0 3-Day nonresident 0 0 0 10-Day nonresident 0 0 0 Annual nonresident 0 0 0 Total 751 431 1,072
Table Turkey 71. Estimated Hunters Who Don’t Know Number of Turkeys Harvested License Type Don’t Know Harvested 95% CI 95% CI State hunting 0 0 0 County hunting 0 0 0 Combination 36.04863 -34.532 106.6292 Sportsman 0 0 0 Junior outdoorsman 0 0 0 3-Day nonresident 0 0 0 10-Day nonresident 0 0 0 Annual nonresident 0 0 0 Total 36 -35 107
Table Turkey 72. Estimated Total Number of Hunters Who Harvested Turkey Estimated Total Number of License Type Successful Turkey Hunters 95% CI 95% CI State hunting 363 191.1174 534.716 County hunting 71 -5.23578 147.6358 Combination 5119 4414.581 5823.229 Sportsman 5521 4835.224 6206.069 Junior outdoorsman 169 37.27843 301.4716 3-Day nonresident 325 127.2933 523.2209 10-Day nonresident 524 315.6189 732.7382 Annual nonresident 884 574.5467 1194.002 Total 12,976 11,864 14,088 42 Responsive Management
Table Turkey 73. Estimated Total Days Hunted and Number of Turkey Hunters Who Hunted More than One Day Turkey Hunting Days Turkey Hunters More Than One Day License Type Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI State Hunting 4,788 2,202 7,375 834 510 1,159 County Hunting 428 -2 859 178 30 327 Combination 104,863 91,359 118,366 16,582 15,180 17,984 Sportsman 117,855 102,499 133,211 14,425 13,282 15,567 Junior Outdoorsman 5,522 2,616 8,427 779 510 1,049 3-Day Nonresident 3,619 2,376 4,863 1,423 979 1,867 10-Day Nonresident 4,761 3,099 6,422 1,089 751 1,428 Annual Nonresident 24,725 15,314 34,136 4,315 3,672 4,958 Total 266,561 243,028 290,094 39,627 34,914 44,339 Note: Two different values for turkey hunters, those harvesting at least one turkey versus those hunting turkey at least one day. South Carolina Hunter Harvest Survey 1999-2000 43
Eleven percent of hunters bought gray squirrel licenses. The number of gray squirrel hunters in 1999 was 21,987 which was significantly lower (59%) than the 1992 estimate of
54,044. This continues a trend from 1984 which represents a steady decline in the number of gray squirrel hunters. Likewise, the harvest declined by 53% from 513,672 in 1992 to 240,355 last year. Even with a decline in both hunters and gray squirrel harvest, there was a slight increase in the harvest rate from 1.3 in 1992 to 1.6 gray squirrels/days afield. Days afield for gray squirrel were 148,438. Gray squirrel hunters spent an average of 7 days afield and harvested an average of 11 gray squirrels. See Table Gray Squirrel 74.
A total of 1,432 hunters participated in dog hunts for gray squirrel in 1999-2000, representing 7% of gray squirrel hunters. Of the 1,432 hunters participating in dog hunts for gray squirrel, a majority (65%) own the dogs that they use to hunt gray squirrel. Squirrel hunters who hunt with dogs are more avid hunters averaging more days afield than squirrel hunters who hunt without dogs. The average days afield participating in dog hunts for gray squirrel was 13 days, with a total of 18,530 days spent in recreation dog hunting for gray squirrel; this compared to the average 7 days spent afield for squirrel hunters. See Table Gray Squirrel 75.
Less than 1% of hunters bought a fox squirrel license. The number of fox squirrel hunters in 1999 was 1,795. The estimated harvest of fox squirrel is 3,975. See Table Fox
Squirrel 76. 44 Responsive Management
Table Gray Squirrel 74. Estimated Number of Gray Squirrel Hunters, Number of Person-Days Hunting and the Harvest Number for Gray Squirrel During 1999-2000 Number of Hunters Person - Hunting Days Harvest License Type Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI State Hunting 943 600 1,286 5,006 2,166 7,846 8,996 4,062 13,930 County Hunting 250 78 421 2,177 0 5,156 2,249 0 5,236 Combination 11,860 10,646 13,073 81,888 68,054 95,723 125,153 104,141 146,165 Sportsman 7,515 6,595 8,435 52,061 40,665 63,457 92,927 69,887 115,967 Junior 813 540 1,086 5,976 2,264 9,687 8,272 3,582 12,961 Outdoorsman 3-Day 41 0 120 122 122 122 0 0 0 Nonresident 10-Day 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nonresident Annual 566 294 838 1,207 548 1,867 2,759 768 4,750 Nonresident Total 21,987 18,754 25,221 148,438 129,381 167,495 240,355 207,661 273,049
Table Gray Squirrel 75. Estimated Number of Persons Participating in Dog Hunting For Squirrels, Hunting Days With Dogs And the Number of Persons Who Own Dogs For Gray Squirrel Hunting During 1999-2000 Hunters Hunting With Hunting Days With Dogs Persons Who Own License Type Dogs Dogs Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI State Hunting 36 0 107 73 0 216 36 0 107 County Hunting 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Combination 541 268 814 7,606 2,037 13,176 324 113 536 Sportsman 712 403 1,022 8,121 3,235 13,006 427 187 668 Junior Outdoorsman 102 0 214 2,608 0 6,443 102 0 214 3-Day Nonresident 41 0 120 122 0 362 41 0 120 10-Day Nonresident 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Annual Nonresident 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 1,432 984 1,879 18,530 10,161 26,898 930 569 1,291 South Carolina Hunter Harvest Survey 1999-2000 45
Table Fox Squirrel 76. Estimated Number of Fox Squirrel Hunters, Estimated Harvest, and Harvest Rate Fox Squirrel Hunters Harvest Average Harvest Per Person Per Day License Type Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI State Hunting 36 0 107 0 0 0 0 0 0 County Hunting 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Combination 1,045 667 1,424 2,523 986 4,061 2.413793 1.737469 2.764477 Sportsman 499 239 758 1,104 0 2,228 2.214286 2.554707 Junior Outdoorsman 68 0 160 136 0 365 2 2.439443 3-Day Nonresident 41 0 120 0 0 0 0 0 0 10-Day Nonresident 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Annual Nonresident 106 0 226 212 0 531 2 2.425104 Total 1,795 1,295 2,294 3,975 2,003 5,947 2.21481 1.568095 2.600571 46 Responsive Management
RABBIT Nine percent of hunters bought rabbit licenses. The number of rabbit hunters in 1999 was
17,560 which was significantly lower (56%) than the 1992 estimate of 40,064. Likewise, the
harvest declined 41% to 167,846 from 283,834 in 1992. Days afield for rabbit were 127,223,
which was a 58% decline from 1992. Rabbit hunters spent on average 7 days afield. There was
an increase from 1992 to 1999 in the harvest rate, from 0.95 to 1.3 rabbit/ day afield. See Tables
Rabbit 77-78.
Three-quarters (75%) of the 17,560 rabbit hunters participated in dog hunting for rabbit
in 1999-2000. Of the 13,145 hunters participating in dog hunting for rabbit, a minority (32%)
own the dogs that they use to hunt rabbit. The average days afield participating in dog hunting
for rabbit was 8 days, with a total of 104,346 days spent in recreation dog hunting for rabbit. See
Table Rabbit 79.
Table Rabbit 77. Estimated Number of Rabbit Hunters, Number of Person-Days Hunting and the Harvest Number of Rabbits During 1999-2000 Number of Hunters Person - Hunting Days Harvest License Type Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI State Hunting 907 570 1,244 7,182 1,171 13,193 4,679 1,446 7,913 County Hunting 214 54 375 2,570 0 6,140 2,427 0 5,489 Combination 9,156 8,076 10,236 60,452 49,005 71,899 70,185 45,453 94,917 Sportsman 6,055 5,212 6,898 52,107 38,182 66,032 82,381 46,000 118,762 Junior 271 93 449 1,660 300 3,020 1,152 0 2,615 Outdoorsman 3-Day 285 76 493 529 112 946 2,318 345 4,291 Nonresident 10-Day 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nonresident Annual 672 377 967 2,724 1,069 4,379 4,704 919 8,490 Nonresident Total 17,560 16,061 19,058 127,223 107,565 146,881 167,846 122,831 212,861 South Carolina Hunter Harvest Survey 1999-2000 47
Table Rabbit 78. Average Rabbit Harvest Per Person Per Day Estimate 95% CI State Hunting 0.651515 -0.15843 2.31884 County Hunting 0.944444 0 2.063073 Combination 1.161002 0.082842 1.918492 Sportsman 1.580998 0.75095 2.136998 Junior Outdoorsman 0.693878 0 1.849076 3-Day Nonresident 4.384615 4.060806 4.604993 10-Day Nonresident 0 0 0 Annual Nonresident 1.727273 0.564415 2.243019 Total 1.319306 0.443594 2.00934
Table Rabbit 79. Estimated Number of Persons Participating in Dog Hunting For Rabbits, Hunting Days With Dogs And the Number of Persons Who Own Dogs For Rabbit Hunting During 1999-2000 Hunters With Dogs Hunting Days With Dogs Persons Own Dogs License Type Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI State Hunting 689 392 987 6,384 437 12,331 326 117 536 County Hunting 143 9 277 2,035 0 5,594 71 0 168 Combination 6,416 5,501 7,332 49,097 38,113 60,081 2,091 1,558 2,624 Sportsman 4,879 4,111 5,648 42,918 31,432 54,404 1,211 810 1,612 Junior Outdoorsman 237 69 405 1,186 29 2,343 68 0 160 3-Day Nonresident 285 76 493 569 115 1,024 244 51 437 10-Day Nonresident 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Annual Nonresident 495 240 750 2,158 621 3,694 212 44 381 Total 13,145 11,833 14,457 104,346 86,797 121,895 4,224 3,464 4,983 48 Responsive Management
BOBWHITE QUAIL There were significant declines in the number of quail hunters, their harvest, and their
days afield from the 1992 survey. This continues a trend of decline since 1984, however the rate
of decline in quail hunting in the last 10 years is dramatic. Six percent of hunters bought quail
licenses. The number of quail hunters in 1999 was 11,075, which was significantly lower (66%)
than the 1992 estimate of 32,282. Likewise, the harvest declined 81% to 97,582 from 511,935 in
1992. The quail harvest rate declined from 2.4 quail/day afield in 1992 to 1.3 quail/day afield.
Quail hunters spent 73,392 days afield, a significant decline (66%) from 1992. Quail hunters
spent on average 7 days afield.
Table Quail 80. Estimated Number of Wild Quail Hunters, Number of Person-Days Hunting and the Harvest Number for Wild Quail During 1999-2000 Number of Hunters Person - Hunting Days Harvest License Type Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI State Hunting 834 510 1,159 5,260 1,623 8,896 4,570 1,819 7,322 County Hunting 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Combination 5,479 4,629 6,329 31,361 23,468 39,255 49,890 34,013 65,767 Sportsman 3,241 2,601 3,881 31,058 17,128 44,987 33,337 21,797 44,877 Junior 102 0 214 169 0 402 102 0 332 Outdoorsman 3-Day 569 278 861 1,017 394 1,640 1,830 294 3,366 Nonresident 10-Day 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nonresident Annual 849 519 1,179 4,528 1,726 7,329 7,853 2,480 13,225 Nonresident Total 11,075 9,866 12,283 73,392 56,531 90,254 97,582 76,845 118,318 South Carolina Hunter Harvest Survey 1999-2000 49
Table Quail 81. Average Quail Harvest Per Person Per Day Estimate 95% CI State Hunting 0.868966 -0.02359 2.083893 County Hunting 0 0 0 Combination 1.590805 0.90083 2.187683 Sportsman 1.073394 0.287606 2.075853 Junior Outdoorsman 0.6 0 1.8105 3-Day Nonresident 1.8 0.460029 2.287087 10-Day Nonresident 0 0 0 Annual Nonresident 1.734375 1.038524 2.288581 Total 1.329588 0.593942 2.092396 50 Responsive Management
Three percent of hunters bought raccoon licenses during 1999-2000, numbering 5,841.
There were 60,758 raccoons harvested and 146,221 days spent afield, with an average of 25 days
afield/ raccoon hunter. Hunter effort to bag a raccoon was 2.4 hunting days per raccoon
harvested or 0.4 raccoons/ day afield. See Tables Raccoon 82 and 83.
The majority of raccoon hunters hunt with dogs. Eighty-six percent (5,015) of raccoon
hunters participated in dog hunting for raccoons in 1999-2000. Of the 5,015 hunters
participating in dog hunting for raccoon, a majority (61%) own the dogs that they use to hunt
raccoon. The average days afield participating in dog hunting for raccoon was 26 days with a
total of 128,748 days spent in recreation dog hunting for raccoon. See Table Raccoon 84.
Table Raccoon 82. Estimated Number of Raccoon Hunters, Number of Person-Days Hunting and the Harvest Number for Raccoon During 1999-2000 Number of Hunters Person - Hunting Days Harvest License Type Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI State Hunting 145 4 286 2,539 0 5,210 2,285 0 5,842 County 71 0 168 571 0 1,821 357 0 1,209 Hunting Combination 3,569 2,877 4,261 78,836 52,196 105,476 27,432 16,632 38,233 Sportsman 1,638 1,174 2,103 55,633 26,618 84,648 23,863 10,010 37,716 Junior 271 93 449 3,320 6 6,633 6,199 801 11,598 Outdoorsman 3-Day 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nonresident 10-Day 40 0 119 2,421 0 7,138 444 0 1,310 Nonresident Annual 106 0 226 2,901 0 8,841 177 0 499 Nonresident Total 5,841 4,949 6,734 146,221 105,670 186,771 60,758 41,809 79,706 South Carolina Hunter Harvest Survey 1999-2000 51
Table Raccoon 83. Average Raccoon Harvest Per Person Per Day Estimate 95% CI State Hunting 0.9 0 1.791955 County Hunting 0.625 0 2.131487 Combination 0.347965 -2.79037 3.106762 Sportsman 0.428937 -2.23023 2.673276 Junior Outdoorsman 1.867347 1.859447 2.439293 3-Day Nonresident 0 0 0 10-Day Nonresident 0.183333 0 5.633189 Annual Nonresident 0.060976 0 17.76538 Total 0.41552 -2.11192 2.758768
Table Raccoon 84. Estimated Number of Persons Participating in Dog Hunting For Raccoons, Hunting Days With Dogs And the Number of Persons Who Own Dogs For Raccoon Hunting During 1999-2000 Hunters Hunting With Dogs Hunting Days With Dogs Persons Who Own Dogs License Type Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI State Hunting 109 0 231 1,995 0 4,473 109 0 231 County 71 0 168 571 0 1,821 36 0 105 Hunting Combination 3,028 2,389 3,667 67,734 42,661 92,807 1,622 1,152 2,093 Sportsman 1,389 960 1,818 50,112 22,095 78,130 890 545 1,236 Junior 271 93 449 3,015 0 7,537 237 69 405 Outdoorsman 3-Day 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nonresident 10-Day 40 0 119 2,421 0 7,138 40 0 119 Nonresident Annual 106 0 226 2,901 0 8,841 106 0 226 Nonresident Total 5,015 4,186 5,844 128,748 89,903 167,594 3,041 2,392 3,690 52 Responsive Management
ALL OTHER SPECIES Less than one percent of hunters bought licenses for fox, bobcat, snipe, woodcock, marsh hen, black bear, and ruffed grouse. Due to the small sample size in each of these categories no discussion is included. Individual tables for each of these species include the number of hunters, days afield, and harvest rate. For those species which had questions about hunting with dogs, the tables contain information on the number of hunters who hunt with dogs, days hunted with dogs, and the number of persons who own dogs. South Carolina Hunter Harvest Survey 1999-2000 53
Table Foxes 85. Estimated Number of Hunters, Number of Person-Days Hunting and the Harvest Number of Fox During 1999-2000 Number of Hunters Person - Hunting Days Harvest License Type Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI State Hunting 218 46 390 4,389 0 8,865 73 0 181 County Hunting 71 0 168 1,463 0 4,840 0 0 0 Combination 757 434 1,080 13,518 2,852 24,183 793 0 1,649 Sportsman 427 187 668 2,458 480 4,435 249 0 583 Junior Outdoorsman 34 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 3-Day Nonresident 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10-Day Nonresident 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Annual Nonresident 177 23 331 566 0 1,375 71 0 177 Total 1,684 1,200 2,169 22,394 10,372 34,416 1,186 263 2,109
Table Foxes 86. Average Fox Harvest Per Person Per Day License Type Estimated Harvest 95% CI State Hunting 0.016529 0 48.99306 County Hunting 0 0 0 Combination 0.058667 0 14.72332 Sportsman 0.101449 0 7.704993 Junior Outdoorsman 0 0 0 3-Day Nonresident 0 0 0 10-Day Nonresident 0 0 0 Annual Nonresident 0.125 0 7.870288 Total 0.052945 -39.4538 16.37334
Table Foxes 87. Estimated Number of Persons Participating in Dog Hunting For Foxes, Hunting Days With Dogs And the Number of Persons Who Own Dogs For Fox Hunting During 1999-2000 Hunters Hunting With Dogs Hunting Days With Dogs Persons Own Dogs License Type Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI State Hunting 181 24 339 4,353 0 8,743 36 0 107 County Hunting 71 0 168 1,463 0 4,840 0 0 0 Combination 360 137 584 12,581 1,875 23,286 360 137 584 Sportsman 249 65 433 1,923 84 3,763 178 22 334 Junior Outdoorsman 34 0 100 0 0 0 34 0 100 3-Day Nonresident 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10-Day Nonresident 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Annual Nonresident 71 0 169 424 0 1,233 35 0 105 Total 967 599 1,335 20,745 8,729 32,761 644 344 945
Table Bobcats 88. Estimated Number of Hunters, Number of Person-Days Hunting and the Harvest Number of Bobcat During 1999-2000 54 Responsive Management
Number of Hunters Person - Hunting Days Harvest License Type Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI
State Hunting 36 0 107 1,088 0 3,218 0 0 0 County Hunting 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Combination 433 188 677 577 210 944 433 143 722 Sportsman 214 43 384 784 0 1,885 392 18 766 Junior 34 0 100 34 0 101 34 0 101 Outdoorsman 3-Day 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nonresident 10-Day 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nonresident Annual 212 44 381 920 0 2,001 106 0 273 Nonresident Total 929 568 1,290 3,402 737 6,067 964 459 1,470
Table Bobcats 89. Average Bobcat Harvest Per Person Per Day License Type Estimated Harvest 95% CI State Hunting 0 0 0 County Hunting 0 0 0 Combination 0.75 -0.71648 2.056942 Sportsman 0.5 0.5 2.961109 Junior Outdoorsman 1 0 2 3-Day Nonresident 0 0 0 10-Day Nonresident 0 0 0 Annual Nonresident 0.115385 0 7.443961 Total 0.283458 -1.3225 4.411359 South Carolina Hunter Harvest Survey 1999-2000 55
Table Bobcats 90. Estimated Number of Persons Participating in Dog Hunting For Bobcats, Hunting Days With Dogs And Number of Persons Who Own Dogs For Bobcat Hunting During 1999-2000 Hunters Hunting With Dogs Hunting Days With Dogs Persons Own Dogs License Type Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI State Hunting 36 0 107 1,088 0 3,218 0 0 0 County 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hunting Combination 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sportsman 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Junior 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Outdoorsman 3-Day 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nonresident 10-Day 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nonresident Annual 35 0 105 35 0 106 35 0 105 Nonresident Total 72 0 144 1,124 1 2,246 35 0 72
Table Bear 91. Estimated Number of Hunters, Number of Person-Days Hunting and the Harvest Number of Black Bear During 1999-2000 Number of Hunters Person - Hunting Days Harvest License Type Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI State Hunting 36 0 107 0 0 0 0 0 0 County 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hunting Combination 72 0 172 252 0 751 0 0 0 Sportsman 178 22 334 463 0 995 36 0 113 Junior 68 0 160 237 0 620 0 0 0 Outdoorsman 3-Day 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nonresident 10-Day 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nonresident Annual 71 0 169 318 0 880 0 0 0 Nonresident Total 425 179 670 1,271 323 2,219 36 0 72 Hunter effort to bag a bear was 36 hunting days per bear harvested. 56 Responsive Management
Table Bear 92. Average Black Bear Harvest Per Person Per Day License Type Estimated Harvest 95% CI State Hunting 0 0 0 County Hunting 0 0 0 Combination 0 0 0 Sportsman 0.076923 0 8.862472 Junior Outdoorsman 0 0 0 3-Day Nonresident 0 0 0 10-Day Nonresident 0 0 0 Annual Nonresident 0 0 0 Total 0.028026 553.646 30.92603
Table Bear 93. Estimated Number of Persons Participating in Dog Hunting For Black Bear, Hunting Days With Dogs And the Number of Persons Who Own Dogs For Black Bear Hunting During 1999-2000 Hunters With Dogs Hunting Days With Dogs Persons Own Dogs License Type Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI State Hunting 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 County Hunting 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Combination 36 0 107 216 0 642 36 0 107 Sportsman 71 0 170 214 0 622 0 0 0 Junior Outdoorsman 34 0 100 169 0 501 0 0 0 3-Day Nonresident 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10-Day Nonresident 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Annual Nonresident 35 0 105 177 0 524 35 0 105 Total 177 18 335 776 10 1,542 71 0 144
Table Snipe 94. Estimated Number of Snipe Hunters, Number of Person-Days Hunting and the Harvest Number of Snipe During 1999-2000 Number of Hunters Person - Hunting Days Harvest License Type Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI State Hunting 36 0 107 36 0 109 73 0 216 County Hunting 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Combination 469 214 723 1,478 165 2,791 1,983 0 4,488 Sportsman 499 239 758 3,526 0 7,187 7,871 654 15,089 Junior Outdoorsman 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3-Day Nonresident 81 0 194 163 0 482 41 0 122 10-Day Nonresident 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Annual Nonresident 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 1,085 697 1,472 5,203 1,304 9,102 9,967 2,301 17,634
Table Snipe 95. Average Snipe Harvest Per Person Per Day License Type Estimated Harvest 95% CI State Hunting 2 0 2.50314 South Carolina Hunter Harvest Survey 1999-2000 57
County Hunting 0 0 0 Combination 1.341463 0 1.963322 Sportsman 2.232323 2.232323 2.708635 Junior Outdoorsman 0 0 0 3-Day Nonresident 0.25 0 4.216455 10-Day Nonresident 0 0 0 Annual Nonresident 0 0 0 Total 1.915671 1.348928 2.431845
Table Marsh Hens 96. Estimated Number of Marsh Hens Hunters, Number of Person-Days Hunting and the Harvest Number of Marsh Hens During 1999-2000 Number of Hunters Person - Hunting Days Harvest License Type Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI State Hunting 73 0 173 73 0 175 508 0 1,508 County 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hunting Combination 360 137 584 793 154 1,432 6,669 696 12,642 Sportsman 499 239 758 1,282 414 2,150 9,403 1,777 17,029 Junior 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Outdoorsman 3-Day 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nonresident 10-Day 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nonresident Annual 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nonresident Total 932 571 1,293 2,148 1,060 3,236 16,579 6,855 26,304 58 Responsive Management
Table Marsh Hen 97. Average Marsh Hen Harvest Per Person Per Day License Type Estimated Harvest 95% CI State Hunting 7 0 7.115821 County Hunting 0 0 0 Combination 8.409091 8.187252 8.522347 Sportsman 7.333333 7.100107 7.45959 Junior Outdoorsman 0 0 0 3-Day Nonresident 0 0 0 10-Day Nonresident 0 0 0 Annual Nonresident 0 0 0 Total 7.719286 7.564678 7.842301
Table Ruffed Grouse 98. Estimated Number of Ruffed Grouse Hunters, Number of Person-Days Hunting and the Harvest Number of Ruffed Grouse During 1999-2000 Number of Hunters Person - Hunting Days Harvest License Type Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI State Hunting 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 County Hunting 36 0 105 0 0 0 0 0 0 Combination 108 0 230 144 0 428 3,569 0 12,136 Sportsman 71 0 170 3,597 0 12,005 0 0 0 Junior 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Outdoorsman 3-Day Nonresident 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10-Day 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nonresident Annual Nonresident 35 0 105 35 0 106 531 0 1,571 Total 250 63 438 3,777 0 7,614 4,099 0 8,226
Table Ruffed Grouse 99. Average Grouse Harvest Per Person Per Day License Type Estimated Harvest 95% CI State Hunting 0 0 0 County Hunting 0 0 0 Combination 24.75 0 24.78528 Sportsman 0 0 0 Junior Outdoorsman 0 0 0 3-Day Nonresident 0 0 0 10-Day Nonresident 0 0 0 Annual Nonresident 15 0 15.06747 Total 1.08538 -1.11267 2.010974
Table Woodcock 100. Estimated Number of Woodcock Hunters, Number of Person-Days Hunting Woodcock and the Harvest Number of Woodcock During 1999-2000 License Type Number of Hunters Person - Hunting Days Harvest South Carolina Hunter Harvest Survey 1999-2000 59
Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI State Hunting 36 0 107 73 0 216 0 0 0 County Hunting 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Combination 288 89 488 721 0 1,728 252 0 540 Sportsman 855 516 1,193 4,844 1,533 8,155 2,778 1,156 4,400 Junior Outdoorsman 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3-Day Nonresident 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10-Day Nonresident 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Annual Nonresident 141 4 279 990 0 2,544 141 0 318 Total 1,321 891 1,751 6,628 2,833 10,423 3,172 1,489 4,855
Table Woodcock 101. Average Woodcock Harvest Per Person Per Day License Type Estimated Harvest 95% CI State Hunting 0 0 0 County Hunting 0 0 0 Combination 0.35 0 3.55346 Sportsman 0.573529 -0.75287 2.426707 Junior Outdoorsman 0 0 0 3-Day Nonresident 0 0 0 10-Day Nonresident 0 0 0 Annual Nonresident 0.142857 0 8.151518 Total 0.478579 -1.42352 2.625589 60 Responsive Management
Most hunters hunt exclusively on private land. An estimated 78% of hunters hunt only
on private land. A significantly lower number of hunters hunt on public lands. Only 5% of
hunters hunt solely on public land. An estimated 17% of hunters hunted on both public and
private land. The average number of days spent hunting on public land was 10 days.
Table Land Usage 102. Estimated Number of People Who Hunt On Public Land, Private Land, and Both Public and Private Land During 1999-2000 Public Land Private Land Public and Private Land License Type Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI Estimate 95% CI State Hunting 544 277 811 7,146 6,704 7,588 1,088 723 1,453 County Hunting 71 0 168 1,606 1,472 1,740 71 0 168 Combination 3,388 2,714 4,063 99,780 98,429 101,131 11,535 10,336 12,734 Sportsman 3,134 2,504 3,765 22,260 21,054 23,467 17,025 15,842 18,208 Junior Outdoorsman 102 0 214 1,626 1,332 1,920 982 696 1,269 3-Day Nonresident 1,220 805 1,635 10,613 10,115 11,112 610 309 911 10-Day Nonresident 524 262 787 2,461 2,138 2,784 403 169 638 Annual Nonresident 990 636 1,345 12,203 11,678 12,729 1,415 998 1,832 Total 9,975 8,832 11,118 157,696 155,509 159,884 33,130 31,161 35,100
Table Land Usage 103. Mean Percentage of All Respondents Regarding Days Spent Hunting on Public Land License Type Estimate % 95% CI State Hunting 10.87 7.32 14.42 County Hunting 4.22 -1.37 9.82 Combination 6.18 5.45 6.90 Sportsman 20.57 18.70 22.43 Junior Outdoorsman 15.36 9.38 21.35 3-Day Nonresident 11.30 7.87 14.73 10-Day Nonresident 21.38 13.18 29.58 Annual Nonresident 11.27 8.46 14.09 Total 10.48 9.78 11.18 South Carolina Hunter Harvest Survey 1999-2000 61
2000 SC Game Harvest Survey Copyright Responsive Management 2000
2. Time when interview began TIME1 1:1-5 |__|__|__|__|__|
3. Hello, may I please speak with ______. My name is______, and I'm calling on behalf of the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources to ask some questions about your hunting last season. We are not selling anything, and the survey will just take a few minutes. Will you help us out by doing the survey? CONPER 1:6 (CHECK ONLY ONE ANSWER)
|__| 1. Correct person, good time to do survey (GO TO QUESTION 5) |__| 2. Bad time / Schedule recall (CB) (GO TO QUESTION 4) |__| 3. AM, RF, BG, DL, DS, NA, BZ
4. I'd be happy to call back at a more convenient time. When would be the best time for me to call back? Thank you for your time. WHENCALL ENTER DAY AND TIME ON CALLSHEET (CB)
62 Responsive Management
2000 SC Game Harvest Survey Page 2
|__| 1. Invalid answer. Select another. (GO TO QUESTION 5) |__| 2. State hunting |__| 3. County hunting |__| 4. Combination |__| 5. Sportsman |__| 6. Junior outdoorsman |__| 7. 3-Day nonresident |__| 8. 10-Day nonresident |__| 9. Annual nonresident
6. The purpose of this survey is to gather information about your hunting and to help the Department determine harvest numbers for last year's hunting seasons. For the purposes of this survey, please only refer to your hunting in South Carolina during the past hunting season, 1999-2000. Also, please only include those game animals you harvested yourself. Do not include animals harvested by friends or other hunting club memebers. INTRO Press ENTER to continue
7. Did you hunt deer during the past season in South Carolina? HUNTDEER 1:8 (CHECK ONLY ONE ANSWER)
|__| 1. Invalid answer. Select another. (GO TO QUESTION 7) |__| 2. Yes (GO TO QUESTION 8) |__| 3. No |__| 4. Don't know
8. How many days did you hunt deer this past season? (PORTIONS OF A DAY COUNT AS A WHOLE DAY; MULTIPLE OUTINGS IN ONE DAY COUNT AS A SINGLE DAY) (ENTER 999 FOR DON'T KNOW) DEERDAYS 1:9-11 |__|__|__|
South Carolina Hunter Harvest Survey 1999-2000 63
2000 SC Game Harvest Survey Page 3
9. Did you harvest any deer this past season in South Carolina? GETDEER 1:12 (CHECK ONLY ONE ANSWER)
|__| 1. Invalid answer. Select another. (GO TO QUESTION 9) |__| 2. Yes (GO TO QUESTION 10) |__| 3. No |__| 4. Don't know
10. How many bucks, total, did you harvest in South Carolina this past season? (ENTER 999 FOR DON'T KNOW) DEERKILL 1:13-15 |__|__|__|
11. And how many does, total, did you harvest in South Carolina this past season? (ENTER 999 FOR DON'T KNOW) TOTDOES 1:16-18 |__|__|__|
12. In which counties did you harvest these deer? (ENTER NUMBER OF 1ST COUNTY; ENTER 99 FOR DON'T KNOW) DRCNTY1 1:19-20 |__|__|
IF (#12 = 99) GO TO #13
13. Do you remember the name of a nearby town in the county that you harvested these deer? DR1STRNG 2:1-120 ______
64 Responsive Management
2000 SC Game Harvest Survey Page 4
14. How many bucks did you harvest in this county? (Total is #10 bucks and #11 does) (ENTER 999 FOR DON'T KNOW) BUCK1 3:1-3 |__|__|__|
15. How many does did you harvest in this county? (Total is #10 bucks and #11 does) (ENTER 999 FOR DON'T KNOW) DOE1 3:4-6 |__|__|__|
16. And in what other county did you harvest deer? (ENTER NUMBER OF 2ND COUNTY; ENTER 99 FOR DON'T KNOW) (ENTER ZERO IF THEY DID NOT HUNT IN TWO COUNTIES) DRCNTY2 3:7-8 |__|__|
IF (#16 = 99) GO TO #17 IF (#16 = 0) GO TO #32
17. Do you remember the name of a nearby town in the county that you harvested these deer? DR2STRNG 4:1-120 ______
18. How many bucks did you harvest in this county? (Total is #10 bucks) (ENTER 999 FOR DON'T KNOW) BUCK2 5:1-3 |__|__|__|
19. How many does did you harvest in this county? (Total is #11 does) (ENTER 999 FOR DON'T KNOW) DOE2 5:4-6 |__|__|__|
South Carolina Hunter Harvest Survey 1999-2000 65
2000 SC Game Harvest Survey Page 5
20. And in what other county did you harvest deer? (ENTER NUMBER OF 3rd COUNTY; ENTER 99 FOR DON'T KNOW) (ENTER ZERO IF THEY DID NOT HUNT IN THREE COUNTIES) DRCNTY3 5:7-8 |__|__|
IF (#20 = 99) GO TO #21 IF (#20 = 0) GO TO #33
21. Do you remember the name of a nearby town in the county that you harvested these deer? DR3STRNG 6:1-120 ______
22. How many bucks did you harvest in this county? (Total is #10 bucks) (ENTER 999 FOR DON'T KNOW) BUCK3 7:1-3 |__|__|__|
23. How many does did you harvest in this county? (Total is #11 does) (ENTER 999 FOR DON'T KNOW) DOE3 7:4-6 |__|__|__|
24. And in what other county did you harvest deer? (ENTER NUMBER OF 4th COUNTY; ENTER 99 FOR DON'T KNOW) (ENTER ZERO IF THEY DID NOT HUNT IN FOUR COUNTIES) DRCNTY4 7:7-8 |__|__|
IF (#24 = 99) GO TO #25 IF (#24 = 0) GO TO #34
66 Responsive Management
2000 SC Game Harvest Survey Page 6
25. Do you remember the name of a nearby town in the county that you harvested these deer? DR4STRNG 8:1-120 ______
26. How many bucks did you harvest in this county? (Total is #10 bucks) (ENTER 999 FOR DON'T KNOW) BUCK4 9:1-3 |__|__|__|
27. How many does did you harvest in this county? (Total is #11 does) (ENTER 999 FOR DON'T KNOW) DOE4 9:4-6 |__|__|__|
28. And in what other county did you harvest deer? (ENTER NUMBER OF 5th COUNTY; ENTER 99 FOR DON'T KNOW) (ENTER ZERO IF THEY DID NOT HUNT IN FIVE COUNTIES) DRCNTY5 9:7-8 |__|__|
IF (#28 = 99) GO TO #29 IF (#28 = 0) GO TO #35
29. Do you remember the name of a nearby town in the county that you harvested these deer? DR5STRNG 10:1-120 ______
30. How many bucks did you harvest in this county? (Total is #10 bucks) (ENTER 999 FOR DON'T KNOW) BUCK5 11:1-3 |__|__|__| South Carolina Hunter Harvest Survey 1999-2000 67
2000 SC Game Harvest Survey Page 7
31. How many does did you harvest in this county? (Total is #11 does) (ENTER 999 FOR DON'T KNOW) DOE5 11:4-6 |__|__|__|
32. Checking math... CONFIRM1 Press ENTER to continue
IF (#14 = 999) GO TO #38 IF (#15 = 999) GO TO #38 IF (#10 < #14) GO TO #37 IF (#10 > #14) GO TO #37 IF (#11 < #15) GO TO #37 IF (#11 > #15) GO TO #37
33. Checking math... CONFIRM2 Press ENTER to continue
IF (#14 = 999) GO TO #38 IF (#15 = 999) GO TO #38 IF (#18 = 999) GO TO #38 IF (#19 = 999) GO TO #38 IF (#10 < #14 + #18) GO TO #37 IF (#10 > #14 + #18) GO TO #37 IF (#11 < #15 + #19) GO TO #37 IF (#11 > #15 + #19) GO TO #37
68 Responsive Management
2000 SC Game Harvest Survey Page 8
34. Checking math... CONFIRM3 Press ENTER to continue
IF (#14 = 999) GO TO #38 IF (#15 = 999) GO TO #38 IF (#18 = 999) GO TO #38 IF (#19 = 999) GO TO #38 IF (#22 = 999) GO TO #38 IF (#23 = 999) GO TO #38 IF (#10 < #14 + #18 + #22) GO TO #37 IF (#10 > #14 + #18 + #22) GO TO #37 IF (#11 < #15 + #19 + #23) GO TO #37 IF (#11 > #15 + #19 + #23) GO TO #37
35. Checking math... CONFIRM4 Press ENTER to continue
IF (#14 = 999) GO TO #38 IF (#15 = 999) GO TO #38 IF (#18 = 999) GO TO #38 IF (#19 = 999) GO TO #38 IF (#22 = 999) GO TO #38 IF (#23 = 999) GO TO #38 IF (#26 = 999) GO TO #38 IF (#27 = 999) GO TO #38 IF (#10 < #14 + #18 + #22 + #26) GO TO #37 IF (#10 > #14 + #18 + #22 + #26) GO TO #37 IF (#11 < #15 + #19 + #23 + #27) GO TO #37 IF (#11 > #15 + #19 + #23 + #27) GO TO #37
South Carolina Hunter Harvest Survey 1999-2000 69
2000 SC Game Harvest Survey Page 9
36. Checking math... CONFIRM5 Press ENTER to continue
IF (#14 = 999) GO TO #38 IF (#15 = 999) GO TO #38 IF (#18 = 999) GO TO #38 IF (#19 = 999) GO TO #38 IF (#22 = 999) GO TO #38 IF (#23 = 999) GO TO #38 IF (#26 = 999) GO TO #38 IF (#27 = 999) GO TO #38 IF (#30 = 999) GO TO #38 IF (#31 = 999) GO TO #38 IF (#10 < #14 + #18 + #22 + #26 + #30) GO TO #37 IF (#10 > #14 + #18 + #22 + #26 + #30) GO TO #37 IF (#11 < #15 + #19 + #23 + #27 + #30) GO TO #37 IF (#11 > #15 + #19 + #23 + #27 + #30) GO TO #37
37. The total number of bucks or does doesn't equal the numbers you said you harvested in each county. I'll read through your answers again. Your total number of bucks was #10 and your total number of does was #11. WRONG Press ENTER to continue
38. Of the deer you indicated that you harvested last season, how many were taken with a rifle? (Total is #10 bucks and #11 does) (ENTER 999 FOR DON'T KNOW) RIFLE 11:7-9 |__|__|__|
IF (#10 + #11 = #38) GO TO #44
39. And how many were taken with a shotgun? (Total is #10 bucks and #11 does) (ENTER 999 FOR DON'T KNOW) SHOTGUN 11:10-12 |__|__|__|
IF (#10 + #11 = #38 + #39) GO TO #44
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2000 SC Game Harvest Survey Page 10
40. Of the deer you indicated that you harvested last season, how many were taken with a bow and arrow? (Total is #10 bucks and #11 does) (ENTER 999 FOR DON'T KNOW) BOW 11:13-15 |__|__|__|
IF (#10 + #11 = #38 + #39 + #40) GO TO #44
41. And how many were taken with a muzzleloader? (Total is #10 bucks and #11 does) (ENTER 999 FOR DON'T KNOW) MUZZLE 11:16-18 |__|__|__|
IF (#10 + #11 = #38 + #39 + #40 + #41) GO TO #44
42. And how many were taken by other means, such as a handgun or crossbow? (Total is #10 bucks and #11 does) (ENTER 999 FOR DON'T KNOW) OTHER 11:19-21 |__|__|__|
IF (#10 + #11 = #38 + #39 + #40 + #41 + #42) GO TO #44 IF (#38 = 999) GO TO #44 IF (#39 = 999) GO TO #44 IF (#40 = 999) GO TO #44 IF (#41 = 999) GO TO #44 IF (#42 = 999) GO TO #44
43. The total number of bucks or does doesn't equal the numbers you said you harvested in with each weapon. I'll read through your answers again. Your total number of bucks was #10 and your total number of does was #11. WRONG2 Press ENTER to continue
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44. Did you purchase individual antlerless deer tags last year? These are the paper tags, not the metal ones. ANTTAGS 11:22 (CHECK ONLY ONE ANSWER)
|__| 1. Invalid answer. Select another. (GO TO QUESTION 44) |__| 2. Yes (GO TO QUESTION 45) |__| 3. No |__| 4. Don't know
45. How many of these individual tags did you purchase last year? PURTAGS 11:23 (CHECK ONLY ONE ANSWER)
|__| 1. Invalid answer. Select another. (GO TO QUESTION 45) |__| 2. 1 |__| 3. 2 |__| 4. 3 |__| 5. 4 |__| 6. Don't know
46. And how many of these individual tags did you use last year? USETAGS 11:24 (CHECK ONLY ONE ANSWER)
|__| 1. Invalid answer. Select another. (GO TO QUESTION 46) |__| 2. None |__| 3. 1 |__| 4. 2 |__| 5. 3 |__| 6. 4 |__| 7. Don't know
47. Last season, did you hunt deer on public land, private land or both? LANDS 11:25 (CHECK ONLY ONE ANSWER)
|__| 1. Invalid answer. Select another. (GO TO QUESTION 47) |__| 2. Public land |__| 3. Private land |__| 4. Both equally |__| 5. Don't know
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48. Last season, did you participate in dog hunts for deer? DOGHUNT 11:26 (CHECK ONLY ONE ANSWER)
|__| 1. Invalid answer. Select another. (GO TO QUESTION 48) |__| 2. Yes (GO TO QUESTION 49) |__| 3. No |__| 4. Don't know
49. How many days did you participate in dog hunts for deer last deer season? (PORTIONS OF A DAY COUNT AS A WHOLE DAY; MULTIPLE OUTINGS IN ONE DAY COUNT AS A SINGLE DAY) (ENTER 999 FOR DON'T KNOW) DOGDAYS 11:27-29 |__|__|__|
50. Do you own dogs which are used to hunt deer? OWNDOGS 11:30 (CHECK ONLY ONE ANSWER)
|__| 1. Invalid answer. Select another. (GO TO QUESTION 50) |__| 2. Yes |__| 3. No |__| 4. Don't know
51. Did you hunt turkeys during the last season in South Carolina? HUNTTRKY 11:31 (CHECK ONLY ONE ANSWER)
|__| 1. Invalid answer. Select another. (GO TO QUESTION 51) |__| 2. Yes (GO TO QUESTION 52) |__| 3. No |__| 4. Don't know
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52. How many days did you hunt turkeys last season? (PORTIONS OF A DAY COUNT AS A WHOLE DAY; MULTIPLE OUTINGS IN ONE DAY COUNT AS A SINGLE DAY) (ENTER 999 FOR DON'T KNOW) TRKYDAYS 11:32-34 |__|__|__|
53. Did you harvest any turkeys in South Carolina last season? GETTRKY 11:35 (CHECK ONLY ONE ANSWER)
|__| 1. Invalid answer. Select another. (GO TO QUESTION 53) |__| 2. Yes (GO TO QUESTION 54) |__| 3. No |__| 4. Don't know
54. How many turkeys did you take, total, last season? (ENTER 999 FOR DON'T KNOW) TRKYKILL 11:36-38 |__|__|__|
IF (#54 = 999) GO TO #76
55. In which counties did you harvest these turkeys? (ENTER NUMBER OF 1ST COUNTY; ENTER 99 FOR DON'T KNOW) TKCNTY1 11:39-40 |__|__|
IF (#55 = 99) GO TO #56
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56. Do you remember the name of a nearby town in the county that you harvested these turkeys? TK1STRNG 12:1-120 ______
57. How many turkeys did you take in this county? (Total is #54 turkeys.) (ENTER 999 FOR DON'T KNOW) TRKY1 13:1-3 |__|__|__|
58. And in what other county did you harvest turkeys? (ENTER NUMBER OF 2ND COUNTY; ENTER 99 FOR DON'T KNOW) (ENTER ZERO IF THEY DID NOT HUNT IN TWO COUNTIES) TKCNTY2 13:4-5 |__|__|
IF (#58 = 99) GO TO #59 IF (#58 = 0) GO TO #70
59. Do you remember the name of a nearby town in the county that you harvested these turkeys? TK2STRNG 14:1-120 ______
60. How many turkeys did you take in this county? (Total is #54 turkeys.) (ENTER 999 FOR DON'T KNOW) TRKY2 15:1-3 |__|__|__|
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61. And in what other county did you harvest turkeys? (ENTER NUMBER OF 3rd COUNTY; ENTER 99 FOR DON'T KNOW) (ENTER ZERO IF THEY DID NOT HUNT IN THREE COUNTIES) TKCNTY3 15:4-5 |__|__|
IF (#61 = 99) GO TO #62 IF (#61 = 0) GO TO #71
62. Do you remember the name of a nearby town in the county that you harvested these turkeys? TK3STRNG 16:1-120 ______
63. How many turkeys did you take in this county? (Total is #54 turkeys.) (ENTER 999 FOR DON'T KNOW) TRKY3 17:1-3 |__|__|__|
64. And in what other county did you harvest turkeys? (ENTER NUMBER OF 4th COUNTY; ENTER 99 FOR DON'T KNOW) (ENTER ZERO IF THEY DID NOT HUNT IN FOUR COUNTIES) TKCNTY4 17:4-5 |__|__|
IF (#64 = 99) GO TO #65 IF (#64 = 0) GO TO #72
65. Do you remember the name of a nearby town in the county that you harvested these turkeys? TK4STRNG 18:1-120 ______
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2000 SC Game Harvest Survey Page 16
66. How many turkeys did you take in this county? (Total is #54 turkeys.) (ENTER 999 FOR DON'T KNOW) TRKY4 19:1-3 |__|__|__|
67. And in what other county did you harvest turkeys? (ENTER NUMBER OF 5th COUNTY; ENTER 99 FOR DON'T KNOW) (ENTER ZERO IF THEY DID NOT HUNT IN FIVE COUNTIES) TKCNTY5 19:4-5 |__|__|
IF (#67 = 99) GO TO #68 IF (#67 = 0) GO TO #73
68. Do you remember the name of a nearby town in the county that you harvested these turkeys? TK5STRNG 20:1-120 ______
69. How many turkeys did you take in this county? (Total is #54 turkeys.) (ENTER 999 FOR DON'T KNOW) TRKY5 21:1-3 |__|__|__|
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70. Checking math... TCONFRM1 Press ENTER to continue
IF (#57 = 999) GO TO #76 IF (#54 < #57) GO TO #75 IF (#54 > #57) GO TO #75
71. Checking math... TCONFRM2 Press ENTER to continue
IF (#57 = 999) GO TO #76 IF (#60 = 999) GO TO #76 IF (#54 < #57 + #60) GO TO #75 IF (#54 > #57 + #60) GO TO #75
72. Checking math... TCONFRM3 Press ENTER to continue
IF (#57 = 999) GO TO #76 IF (#60 = 999) GO TO #76 IF (#63 = 999) GO TO #76 IF (#54 < #57 + #60 + #63) GO TO #75 IF (#54 > #57 + #60 + #63) GO TO #75
73. Checking math... TCONFRM4 Press ENTER to continue
IF (#57 = 999) GO TO #76 IF (#60 = 999) GO TO #76 IF (#63 = 999) GO TO #76 IF (#66 = 999) GO TO #76 IF (#54 < #57 + #60 + #63 + #66) GO TO #75 IF (#54 > #57 + #60 + #63 + #66) GO TO #75
SKIP TO QUESTION 76 ======78 Responsive Management
2000 SC Game Harvest Survey Page 18
74. Checking math... TCONFRM5 Press ENTER to continue
IF (#57 = 999) GO TO #76 IF (#60 = 999) GO TO #76 IF (#63 = 999) GO TO #76 IF (#66 = 999) GO TO #76 IF (#69 = 999) GO TO #76 IF (#54 < #57 + #60 + #63 + #66 + #69) GO TO #75 IF (#54 > #57 + #60 + #63 + #66 + #69) GO TO #75
75. The total number of turkeys doesn't equal the numbers you said you harvested in each county. I'll read through your answers again. Your total number of turkeys was #54. TWRONG Press ENTER to continue
76. Did you hunt doves last season in South Carolina? HUNTDOVE 21:4 (CHECK ONLY ONE ANSWER)
|__| 1. Invalid answer. Select another. (GO TO QUESTION 76) |__| 2. Yes (GO TO QUESTION 77) |__| 3. No |__| 4. Don't know
77. How many days did you hunt doves last season? (PORTIONS OF A DAY COUNT AS A WHOLE DAY; MULTIPLE OUTINGS IN ONE DAY COUNT AS A SINGLE DAY) (ENTER 999 FOR DON'T KNOW) DOVEDAYS 21:5-7 |__|__|__|
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78. How many doves did you take last season? (ENTER 999 FOR DON'T KNOW) GETDOVE 21:8-10 |__|__|__|
79. Given a choice of shooting hours for dove hunting during the first three days of the first season, which of the following options would you prefer? (READ LIST) SHOOTHRS 21:11 (CHECK ONLY ONE ANSWER)
|__| 1. Invalid answer. Select another. (GO TO QUESTION 79) |__| 2. Morning only? (Until noon) |__| 3. Afternoon only? (Noon until sunset) |__| 4. Or do you have no preference? |__| 5. (DNR: Don't know)
80. Did you hunt gray squirrels during the last season in South Carolina? HNTGSQRL 21:12 (CHECK ONLY ONE ANSWER)
|__| 1. Invalid answer. Select another. (GO TO QUESTION 80) |__| 2. Yes (GO TO QUESTION 81) |__| 3. No |__| 4. Don't know
81. How many days did you hunt gray squirrels last season? (PORTIONS OF A DAY COUNT AS A WHOLE DAY; MULTIPLE OUTINGS IN ONE DAY COUNT AS A SINGLE DAY) (ENTER 999 FOR DON'T KNOW) GSQRLDAY 21:13-15 |__|__|__|
82. How many gray squirrels did you take last season? (ENTER 999 FOR DON'T KNOW) GETGSQRL 21:16-18 |__|__|__|
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2000 SC Game Harvest Survey Page 20
83. During last season, did you participate in dog hunting for squirrels? DOGGSQRL 21:19 (CHECK ONLY ONE ANSWER)
|__| 1. Invalid answer. Select another. (GO TO QUESTION 83) |__| 2. Yes (GO TO QUESTION 84) |__| 3. No |__| 4. Don't know
84. How many days did you participate in dog hunting for squirrels last season? (PORTIONS OF A DAY COUNT AS A WHOLE DAY; MULTIPLE OUTINGS IN ONE DAY COUNT AS A SINGLE DAY) (ENTER 999 FOR DON'T KNOW) SQRLDGDY 21:20-22 |__|__|__|
85. Do you own dogs that you use for hunting squirrels? OWNSQDG 21:23 (CHECK ONLY ONE ANSWER)
|__| 1. Invalid answer. Select another. (GO TO QUESTION 85) |__| 2. Yes |__| 3. No |__| 4. Don't know
86. Did you hunt fox squirrels in South Carolina last season? HNTFSQRL 21:24 (CHECK ONLY ONE ANSWER)
|__| 1. Invalid answer. Select another. (GO TO QUESTION 86) |__| 2. Yes (GO TO QUESTION 87) |__| 3. No |__| 4. Don't know
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87. How many fox squirrels did you take last season? (ENTER 999 FOR DON'T KNOW) GETFSQRL 21:25-27 |__|__|__|
88. Did you hunt raccoons in South Carolina during the last season? HUNTCOON 21:28 (CHECK ONLY ONE ANSWER)
|__| 1. Invalid answer. Select another. (GO TO QUESTION 88) |__| 2. Yes (GO TO QUESTION 89) |__| 3. No |__| 4. Don't know
89. How many days did you hunt raccoons last season? (PORTIONS OF A DAY COUNT AS A WHOLE DAY; MULTIPLE OUTINGS IN ONE DAY COUNT AS A SINGLE DAY) (ENTER 999 FOR DON'T KNOW) COONDAYS 21:29-31 |__|__|__|
90. How many raccoons did you take last season? (ENTER 999 FOR DON'T KNOW) GETCOONS 21:32-34 |__|__|__|
91. During last season, did you participate in dog hunting for raccoons? DOGCOON 21:35 (CHECK ONLY ONE ANSWER)
|__| 1. Invalid answer. Select another. (GO TO QUESTION 91) |__| 2. Yes (GO TO QUESTION 92) |__| 3. No |__| 4. Don't know
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92. How many days did you participate in dog hunting for raccoons last season? (PORTIONS OF A DAY COUNT AS A WHOLE DAY; MULTIPLE OUTINGS IN ONE DAY COUNT AS A SINGLE DAY) (ENTER 999 FOR DON'T KNOW) DGCNDAYS 21:36-38 |__|__|__|
93. Do you own dogs that you use for hunting raccoons? OWNCNDGS 21:39 (CHECK ONLY ONE ANSWER)
|__| 1. Invalid answer. Select another. (GO TO QUESTION 93) |__| 2. Yes |__| 3. No |__| 4. Don't know
94. Did you hunt rabbits in South Carolina during the last season? HUNTRABT 21:40 (CHECK ONLY ONE ANSWER)
|__| 1. Invalid answer. Select another. (GO TO QUESTION 94) |__| 2. Yes (GO TO QUESTION 95) |__| 3. No |__| 4. Don't know
95. How many days did you hunt rabbits last season? (PORTIONS OF A DAY COUNT AS A WHOLE DAY; MULTIPLE OUTINGS IN ONE DAY COUNT AS A SINGLE DAY) (ENTER 999 FOR DON'T KNOW) RABTDAYS 21:41-43 |__|__|__|
96. How many rabbits did you take last season? (ENTER 999 FOR DON'T KNOW) GETRABTS 21:44-46 |__|__|__|
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97. During last season, did you participate in dog hunting for rabbits? DOGRABT 21:47 (CHECK ONLY ONE ANSWER)
|__| 1. Invalid answer. Select another. (GO TO QUESTION 97) |__| 2. Yes (GO TO QUESTION 98) |__| 3. No |__| 4. Don't know
98. How many days did you participate in dog hunting for rabbits last season? (PORTIONS OF A DAY COUNT AS A WHOLE DAY; MULTIPLE OUTINGS IN ONE DAY COUNT AS A SINGLE DAY) (ENTER 999 FOR DON'T KNOW) DGRBTDAY 21:48-50 |__|__|__|
99. Do you own dogs that you use for hunting rabbits? OWNRBDGS 21:51 (CHECK ONLY ONE ANSWER)
|__| 1. Invalid answer. Select another. (GO TO QUESTION 99) |__| 2. Yes |__| 3. No |__| 4. Don't know
100. Did you hunt foxes in South Carolina during the last season? HUNTFOX 21:52 (CHECK ONLY ONE ANSWER)
|__| 1. Invalid answer. Select another. (GO TO QUESTION 100) |__| 2. Yes (GO TO QUESTION 101) |__| 3. No |__| 4. Don't know
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101. How many days did you hunt foxes last season? (PORTIONS OF A DAY COUNT AS A WHOLE DAY; MULTIPLE OUTINGS IN ONE DAY COUNT AS A SINGLE DAY) (ENTER 999 FOR DON'T KNOW) FOXDAYS 21:53-55 |__|__|__|
102. How many foxes did you take last season? (ENTER 999 FOR DON'T KNOW) GETFOX 21:56-58 |__|__|__|
103. During last season, did you participate in dog hunting for foxes? DOGFOX 21:59 (CHECK ONLY ONE ANSWER)
|__| 1. Invalid answer. Select another. (GO TO QUESTION 103) |__| 2. Yes (GO TO QUESTION 104) |__| 3. No |__| 4. Don't know
104. How many days did you participate in dog hunting for foxes last season? (PORTIONS OF A DAY COUNT AS A WHOLE DAY; MULTIPLE OUTINGS IN ONE DAY COUNT AS A SINGLE DAY) (ENTER 999 FOR DON'T KNOW) DGFXDAYS 21:60-62 |__|__|__|
105. Do you own dogs that you use for hunting foxes? OWNFXDGS 21:63 (CHECK ONLY ONE ANSWER)
|__| 1. Invalid answer. Select another. (GO TO QUESTION 105) |__| 2. Yes |__| 3. No |__| 4. Don't know
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106. Did you hunt bobcats in South Carolina during the last season? HUNTBCAT 21:64 (CHECK ONLY ONE ANSWER)
|__| 1. Invalid answer. Select another. (GO TO QUESTION 106) |__| 2. Yes (GO TO QUESTION 107) |__| 3. No |__| 4. Don't know
107. How many days did you hunt bobcats last season? (PORTIONS OF A DAY COUNT AS A WHOLE DAY; MULTIPLE OUTINGS IN ONE DAY COUNT AS A SINGLE DAY) (ENTER 999 FOR DON'T KNOW) BCATDAYS 21:65-67 |__|__|__|
108. How many bobcats did you take last season? (ENTER 999 FOR DON'T KNOW) GETBCATS 21:68-70 |__|__|__|
109. During last season, did you participate in dog hunting for bobcats? DOGBCAT 21:71 (CHECK ONLY ONE ANSWER)
|__| 1. Invalid answer. Select another. (GO TO QUESTION 109) |__| 2. Yes (GO TO QUESTION 110) |__| 3. No |__| 4. Don't know
110. How many days did you participate in dog hunting for bobcats? (PORTIONS OF A DAY COUNT AS A WHOLE DAY; MULTIPLE OUTINGS IN ONE DAY COUNT AS A SINGLE DAY) (ENTER 999 FOR DON'T KNOW) DGBCDAYS 21:72-74 |__|__|__|
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111. Do you own dogs that you use for hunting bobcats? OWNBCDGS 21:75 (CHECK ONLY ONE ANSWER)
|__| 1. Invalid answer. Select another. (GO TO QUESTION 111) |__| 2. Yes |__| 3. No |__| 4. Don't know
112. Did you hunt black bear in South Carolina during the last season? HUNTBEAR 21:76 (CHECK ONLY ONE ANSWER)
|__| 1. Invalid answer. Select another. (GO TO QUESTION 112) |__| 2. Yes (GO TO QUESTION 113) |__| 3. No |__| 4. Don't know
113. How many days did you hunt black bear last season? (PORTIONS OF A DAY COUNT AS A WHOLE DAY; MULTIPLE OUTINGS IN ONE DAY COUNT AS A SINGLE DAY) (ENTER 999 FOR DON'T KNOW) BEARDAYS 21:77-79 |__|__|__|
114. How many black bear did you take last season? (ENTER 999 FOR DON'T KNOW) GETBEAR 21:80-82 |__|__|__|
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115. During last season, did you participate in dog hunting for black bear? DOGBEAR 21:83 (CHECK ONLY ONE ANSWER)
|__| 1. Invalid answer. Select another. (GO TO QUESTION 115) |__| 2. Yes (GO TO QUESTION 116) |__| 3. No |__| 4. Don't know
116. How many days did you participate in dog hunting for black bear? (PORTIONS OF A DAY COUNT AS A WHOLE DAY; MULTIPLE OUTINGS IN ONE DAY COUNT AS A SINGLE DAY) (ENTER 999 FOR DON'T KNOW) DGBRDAYS 21:84-86 |__|__|__|
117. Do you own dogs that you use for hunting black bear? OWNBRDGS 21:87 (CHECK ONLY ONE ANSWER)
|__| 1. Invalid answer. Select another. (GO TO QUESTION 117) |__| 2. Yes |__| 3. No |__| 4. Don't know
118. Did you hunt wild quail in South Carolina during the last season? This does not include quail that you released or that were released on a shooting preserve. HUNTQUAL 21:88 (CHECK ONLY ONE ANSWER)
|__| 1. Invalid answer. Select another. (GO TO QUESTION 118) |__| 2. Yes (GO TO QUESTION 119) |__| 3. No |__| 4. Don't know
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119. How many days did you hunt wild quail last season? (PORTIONS OF A DAY COUNT AS A WHOLE DAY; MULTIPLE OUTINGS IN ONE DAY COUNT AS A SINGLE DAY) (ENTER 999 FOR DON'T KNOW) QUALDAYS 21:89-91 |__|__|__|
120. How many wild quail did you take last season? (ENTER 999 FOR DON'T KNOW) GETQUAIL 21:92-94 |__|__|__|
121. Did you hunt snipe in South Carolina during the last season? HUNTSNPE 21:95 (CHECK ONLY ONE ANSWER)
|__| 1. Invalid answer. Select another. (GO TO QUESTION 121) |__| 2. Yes (GO TO QUESTION 122) |__| 3. No |__| 4. Don't know
122. How many days did you hunt snipe last season? (PORTIONS OF A DAY COUNT AS A WHOLE DAY; MULTIPLE OUTINGS IN ONE DAY COUNT AS A SINGLE DAY) (ENTER 999 FOR DON'T KNOW) SNPEDAYS 21:96-98 |__|__|__|
123. How many snipe did you take last season? (ENTER 999 FOR DON'T KNOW) GETSNIPE 21:99-101 |__|__|__|
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124. Did you hunt woodcocks in South Carolina during the last season? HUNTWDCK 21:102 (CHECK ONLY ONE ANSWER)
|__| 1. Invalid answer. Select another. (GO TO QUESTION 124) |__| 2. Yes (GO TO QUESTION 125) |__| 3. No |__| 4. Don't know
125. How many days did you hunt woodcocks last season? (PORTIONS OF A DAY COUNT AS A WHOLE DAY; MULTIPLE OUTINGS IN ONE DAY COUNT AS A SINGLE DAY) (ENTER 999 FOR DON'T KNOW) WDCKDAYS 21:103-105 |__|__|__|
126. How many woodcocks did you take last season? (ENTER 999 FOR DON'T KNOW) GETWDCK 21:106-108 |__|__|__|
127. Did you hunt marsh hens in South Carolina during the last season? HUNTHENS 21:109 (CHECK ONLY ONE ANSWER)
|__| 1. Invalid answer. Select another. (GO TO QUESTION 127) |__| 2. Yes (GO TO QUESTION 128) |__| 3. No |__| 4. Don't know
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128. How many days did you hunt marsh hens last season? (PORTIONS OF A DAY COUNT AS A WHOLE DAY; MULTIPLE OUTINGS IN ONE DAY COUNT AS A SINGLE DAY) (ENTER 999 FOR DON'T KNOW) HENDAYS 21:110-112 |__|__|__|
129. How many marsh hens did you take last season? (ENTER 999 FOR DON'T KNOW) GETHENS 21:113-115 |__|__|__|
130. Did you hunt ruffed grouse in South Carolina during the last season? HUNTGRSE 21:116 (CHECK ONLY ONE ANSWER)
|__| 1. Invalid answer. Select another. (GO TO QUESTION 130) |__| 2. Yes (GO TO QUESTION 131) |__| 3. No |__| 4. Don't know
131. How many days did you hunt ruffed grouse last season? (PORTIONS OF A DAY COUNT AS A WHOLE DAY; MULTIPLE OUTINGS IN ONE DAY COUNT AS A SINGLE DAY) (ENTER 999 FOR DON'T KNOW) GRSEDAYS 21:117-119 |__|__|__|
132. How many ruffed grouse did you take last season? (ENTER 999 FOR DON'T KNOW) GETGRSE 22:1-3 |__|__|__|
133. What percent of your days afield last season was spent hunting on public (WMA) lands? WMALAND 22:4-6 |__|__|__|%
IF (#5 < 7) GO TO #135 South Carolina Hunter Harvest Survey 1999-2000 91
2000 SC Game Harvest Survey Page 31
134. In what state do you reside? (ENTER 99 FOR DON'T KNOW; 88 FOR REFUSED) STATE 22:7-8 |__|__|
135. In what county do you reside? (ENTER 99 FOR DON'T KNOW; 88 FOR REFUSED) COUNTY 22:9-10 |__|__|
136. That is the end of the questionnaire. Thank you very much for your time and input! (IF ADDITIONAL COMMENTS, RECORD HERE IN FIRST PERSON; 120 CHAR) END 23:1-120 ______
137. TIME INTERVIEW WAS COMPLETED ENDTIME 24:1-5 |__|__|__|__|__|
138. Please enter your intials. INTVRINT 24:6-8 |__|__|__|
139. Enter the area code and telephone number of number dialed. TELEPHON 24:9-18 |__|__|__|-|__|__|__|-|__|__|__|__|
92 Responsive Management
2000 SC Game Harvest Survey Page 32
|__| 1. Save answers (GO TO QUESTION 142) |__| 2. Erase answers |__| 3. Review answers (GO TO QUESTION 3)
|__| 1. No, do not erase the answers (GO TO QUESTION 140) |__| 2. Yes, erase this interview
142. Date call was made INTVDAT 24:21-28 |__|__|__|__|-|__|__|-|__|__| Year Month Day
SAVE IF (#140 = 1)