Worship Themes for Jan Mar 1999

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Worship Themes for Jan Mar 1999

Worship Themes for 1999

Jan 10 – 1st Sunday after Epiphany Matthew 3:13-17 – John baptizes Jesus Acts 10:34-43 – Peter tells the Gentiles the Good News

Hymns: Dedication: Kum Ba Ya --- Bluebook #3 Invitation: Leaning on the Everlasting Arms --- Hymnbook #87

Jan 17 – 2nd Sunday after Epiphany John 1:29-42 – John sees the spirit fall on Jesus – Andrew and Cephas follow Jesus 1 Corinthians 1:1-9 – You have been enriched and strengthened by Christ (hymnsing--- Spirit---Bluebook #83) Hymns: Dedication: Spirit of God Descend Upon My Heart -- Hymnbook #147 Invitation: Everytime I Feel the Spirit -- Bluebook #99

Jan 24 – 3rd Sunday after Epiphany Matthew 4:12-23 – Jesus begins his ministry in Galilee – Jesus calls the first disciples 1 Corinthians 1:10-18 – Divisions in the church – the power of the cross

Hymns: Dedication: Where He Leads Me – Hymnbook #607 Invitation: Get All Excited – Hymnbook #652

Jan 31 – 4th Sunday after Epiphany Matthew 5:1-12 – The Beatitudes Micah 6: 1-8 – What does the LORD require…justice, mercy, humbleness (Strathdee’s Micah tune for choir)----Chalice #661 Hymns: Dedication: Open My Eyes --- Hymnbook #486 Invitation: Standing on the Promises – Bluebook #22

Feb 7 – 5th Sunday after Epiphany Matthew 5:13-20 – Salt and Light, Fulfilling the Law and the Prophets 1Corinthians 2:1-12 – The Wisdom of God

Hymns: Dedication: In This Very Room --- Blue #75 Invitation: Since Jesus Came Into My Heart --- #639

Feb 14 – Last Sunday after Epiphany ------Worship leader –Sheri Glenn Matthew 17: 1-9 – The Transfiguration Exodus 24:12-18 – Moses on Mt. Sinai

Hymns: Dedication: Come Holy Spirit --- #150 Invitation: Just a Closer Walk With Thee --- #591 Feb 21 – 1st Sunday in Lent ----- Francis Wiesner Matthew 4:1-11 – The Temptation of Jesus Romans 5:12-19 – Adam and Christ (choir---Jesus walked this lonesome valley) Hymns: Dedication --- At the Name of Jesus #351 Invitation --- We are Standing on Holy Ground Blue #18

Feb 28 – 2nd Sunday in Lent ----- Mike Dremel John 3:1-17 – Nicodemus visits Jesus Romans 4:1-5, 13-17 – Abraham’s faith

Hymns: Dedication ---‘Tis the Gift to Be Simple Blue #25 Invitation --- Day By Day Blue #74

Mar 7 – 3rd Sunday in Lent ------Dawn Lowery John 4: 5- 42 – Jesus and the Samaritan Woman Romans 5:1-11 – Justification by faith

Hymns: Dedication --- The Old Rugged Cross #256 Invitation --- We’ve Come This Far By Faith Blue #79

Mar 14 – 4th Sunday in Lent ------Marvin Beamer John 9:1-41 – The blind man receives sight Ephesians 5: 8-14 – Living in the light (Choir---“This little light of mine”)

Hymns: Dedication --- Open My Eyes #486 Invitation --- Amazing Grace #107

Mar 21 – 5th Sunday in Lent ----- Sally Newberry Ezekial 37: 1-14 John 11:1-45 Romans 8: 6-11 (Dan away at Men’s Retreat, CWF to do service?)

Mar 28 – PALM SUNDAY ----- Molly Field Matthew 21: 1-11 – Jesus enters Jerusalem Philippians 2: 5-11 – Jesus’ humility

Hymns: Hymn of Praise --- Hosanna, Loud Hosanna #248 Dedication --- O Jesus I Have Promised #402 Invitation --- All Glory Laud and Honor #249

April 2 – GOOD FRIDAY ----- The Elders Matthew 26-27 Hymns: Were You There What Wondrous Love is this? O Sacred Head Now Wounded Beneath the Cross of Jesus

April 4 – EASTER ------David Sellers Matthew 28: 1-10 -- Colossians 3:1-4 –

Hymns: Hymn of Praise --- Christ the Lord is Risen Today #289 Invitation --- He Lives! #299 Dedication --- Thine is the Glory #291

April 11 – 2nd Sunday of Easter ----- Leigh Sumner Acts 2: 22-32 – Peter’s address at Pentecost…God raised him. John 20:19-31 – Doubting Thomas

Hymns: Dedication--- Restless Weaver #27 blue Invitation--- Great Is Thy Faithfulness #98

April 18 – 3rd Sunday of Easter ---- Gayle Allbee Acts 2:36-41 – Peter’s address at Pentecost Luke 24:13-35 – Walk to Emmaus

Hymns: Dedication--- Just A Closer Walk With Thee #591 Invitation--- I Come To The Garden Alone #588

April 25 --- ASILOMAR ANNUAL MEETING --- 4TH Sunday of Easter

May 2 – 5th Sunday of Easter ------Leigh Sumner (Leigh’s last Sunday) Acts 7:55-60 – Stoning of Stephen 1Peter 2:2-10—Like newborn babes, long for the pure spiritual milk

Hymns: Dedication – Bring Many Names #29 blue Invitation – Do Lord #1 blue

May 9 – 6th Sunday of Easter ---Mother’s Day --- Dove Grace John 14: 1-14 – There are many rooms John 17: 1-17 – Jesus prays for the church

Hymns: Dedication – In This Very Room #75 blue Invitation – How Great Thou Art #2 May 16 – 7th Sunday of Easter ----- Mike Dremel Acts 1: 6-14 – the ascension John 17: 1-11 – ascension -itwnotw

Hymns: Dedication – Seed, Scattered and Sown #82 blue Invitation – Everytime I Feel the Spirit -- Bluebook #99

May 23 – Pentecost Day ----- Marvin Beemer Acts 2:1-21 – The Pentecost Story John 20: 19-23 -- Christ appears to the disciples

Hymns: Dedication—The Church’s One Foundation #547 Invitation – Spirit #83 blue

May 30 – 1st Sunday after Pentecost --- Memorial Day Weekend…. – Francis Weesner Gen. 1: 1-2:4a -- Matt. 28: 16-20 --

June 6 – 2nd Sunday after Pentecost – Mike Dremel Gen. 12: 1-9 – Abram Matt. 10: 24-39 – I have not come to bring peace but a sword

Hymns: Dedication – Come Down, O Love Divine #78 Invitation – Let Us Talents and Tongues Employ #23 blue

June 13 – 3rd Sunday after Pentecost – Dawn Lowery Genesis 18:1-15 --- God visits Abraham, Sarah laughs Romans 4:13-25 --- Abraham inherits the world because of righteousness of faith

Hymns: Dedication --- “Laughter Lends Itself to Praise” insert Invitation --- “Every Time I Feel The Spirit” #99 blue

June 20 – 4th Sunday after Pentecost – Susan Vitale Genesis 21:8-21 --- God and Hagar the Egyptian Romans 6: 1-11 --- Walk in the newness of life

Hymns: Dedication --- “One Bread, One Body” #21 blue Invitation --- “Amazing Grace” #107

June 27 – 5th Sunday after Pentecost – Lois Barker Genesis 22:1-14 --- Abraham and Isaac Romans 6: 12-23 --- The wages of sin is death, but free gift of eternal life in Christ Jesus.

Hymns: Dedication --- “Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above” #76 blue Invitation --- “My Life Flows On” #77 blue July 4 – 6th Sunday after Pentecost Genesis 24: 34-38, 42-49, 58-67 --- Isaac and Rebekah Romans 7:15-25 --- “I do not do the good I want”

Hymns: Dedication --- “Come Down, O Love Divine” #78 blue Invitation --- “We’ve Come This Far by Faith” #79 blue

July 11 --- 7th Sunday after Pentecost Genesis 25: 19-34 --- “The Heel-grabber” Romans 8: 12-25 --- “Set the mind on the Spirit---love and peace.”

Hymns: Dedication --- “Spirit” #83 blue Invitation --- “How Great Thou Art” #2

July 18 --- 8th Sunday after Pentecost ---- Cynthia Genesis 28:10-19 --- Jacob’s ladder, “surely the LORD is in this place”, Bethel Romans 8:12-25 --- Hope

Hymns: Dedication --- “We are Climbing Jacob’s Ladder” #488 Invitation --- “Sweet, Sweet Spirit” #159

July 25 --- 9th Sunday after Pentecost ------Rochelle Paul Genesis 29: 15-28 --- Leah and Rachel Romans 8:26-39 --- “Sighs too deep for words”

Hymns: Dedication --- “Ocean Is A Call To Worship” insert Invitation --- “I Will Sing, I Will Sing” #87 blue

August 1 --- 10th Sunday after Pentecost --- Dan at Camp ---- Shirley Sallas Genesis 32:22-31 Romans 9:1-5

Dedication --- “For the Beauty of the Earth” #1 Invitation --- “Let Us Break Bread Together” #564

August 8 --- 11th Sunday after Pentecost ----- Dawn Lowery Genesis 37: 1-4, 12-28 --- Joseph’s brothers sell him into slavery---“the dreamer” Romans 10: 5-15 --- “the word is near you, on your lips and in your heart”

Anthem --- “Imagine” ---- John Lennon

Hymns: Dedication --- “Seed, Scattered and Sown ” #82 blue Invitation --- “ Pass It On ” #461 August 15 --- 12th Sunday after Pentecost --- David Sellers Genesis 45: 1-15 --- Joseph meets his brothers Romans 11: 1-2a, 29-32 --- “the gifts of God are irrevocable, who knows the mind of God?”

Hymns: Opening --- “Morning Has Broken” #5 Dedication --- “ Restless Weaver “ #27 blue Invitation --- “Will The Circle Be Unbroken?” insert

August 22 --- 13th Sunday after Pentecost --- Gayle Allbee Matthew 16: 13-20 --- “Who Do You Say That I Am?” Romans 12: 1-8 --- “Many Gifts, One Spirit”

Anthem – “The Lord is Blessing Me Right Now” Lenore Fields Offertory – Lenore Fields

Hymns: Dedication --- “One Bread, One Body” #21 blue Invitation --- “ Here I Am, Lord” (insert)

August 29 --- 14th Sunday after Pentecost --- Katie Bolthouse Matthew 16: 21-28 --- “What does it profit to gain the world but lose the soul?” Romans 12: 9-21 --- “Overcome Evil with Good”

Hymns: Dedication --- “Be Thou My Vision ” #468 Invitation --- “ If I Gained The World ” #642

September 5 --- 15th Sunday after Pentecost-Craig Bigelow Matthew 8: 15-20 --- Jesus heals Peter’s Mother-in-law Romans 13: 8-14 --- “Put on the Lord Jesus Christ”

Hymns: Dedication --- “ Bring Many Names ” #29 blue Invitation --- “ What a Friend We Have In Jesus ” #466

September 12 --- 16th Sunday after Pentecost – Dawn Lowery Matthew 18 ;21-35 --- Forgiveness 70x7, The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant Romans 14:1-12 --- Do Not Judge Another

Hymns: Dedication --- “ Take My Life and Let It Be Consecrated ” -- #458 Invitation --- “ Amazing Grace ” --#107

September 19 --- 17th Sunday after Pentecost --- women at Mission Springs --- Lois Barker Matthew 20:1-16 --- The Laborers in the Vineyard…the first shall be last Phillipians 1:21-30 --- The Priviledge to Suffer Hymns: Dedication --- “Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above” #76 blue Invitation --- “ Awesome God ” #87 blue

September 26 --- 18th Sunday after Pentecost --- Sally Newberry Matthew 21:23-32 --- Jesus’ Authority – The parable of the Two Sons Phillipians 2:1-13 --- Imitating Christ’s Humility

Hymns: Dedication --- “ Fairest Lord Jesus ” -- #240 Invitation --- “ Humble Thyself ” --- insert

October 3 --- 19th Sunday after Pentecost --- World Communion Sunday Matthew 21:33-46 Phillipians 3:4b-14

Hymns: Dedication --- “Let Us Break Bread Together” #564 Invitation --- “One Bread, One Body” #21 blue

October 10 --- 20th Sunday after Pentecost Matthew 22:1-14 Phillipians 4:1-9

Hymns: Dedication --- “Change My Heart, Oh God” #85 blue Invitation --- “There’s A Sweet, Sweet Spirit in This Place” #159

October 17 --- 21st Sunday after Pentecost 1 Thessalonians 1: 1-10 --- Oldest letter, first time Paul mentions Faith, Hope and Love Matthew 22: 15-22 --- Caesar’s coin, “you do not regard people with partiality”

Hymns: Dedication --- “ In This Very Room” #75 blue Invitation --- “We’ve Come This Far By Faith” #79 blue

October 24 --- 22nd Sunday after Pentecost 1 Thessalonians 2:1-8 --- we were gentle, like a nurse caring for her own children Matthew 22: 34-46 --- The greatest commandment, Question about David’s Son

Hymns: Dedication --- “Womb of life and Source of Being” #19 blue Invitation --- “Ocean Is A Call To Worship” -- insert October 31 --- 23rd Sunday after Pentecost – Reformation Sunday 1 Thessalonians 2:9-13 --- dealt with you like a father, urging and encouraging Matthew 23:1-12 --- All who exalt themselves will be humbled…

Hymns: Dedication --- “Kumbaya” #3 blue Invitation --- “A Mighty Fortress” #118

November 7 --- 24th Sunday after Pentecost 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 --- do not grieve death (Macrina) Matthew 24: 1-13 --- Signs of the end of the age (y2k) Anthem: “I Know Where I’m Going” Opening --- “Oh What A Morning” insert --- chalice #708 Hymns: Dedication --- “There Is A Balm in Gilead” #48 Invitation --- “Great is thy Faithfulness” #98

November 14 --- 25th Sunday after Pentecost 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 --- encourage one another, build up one another, stay awake and sober Matthew 25: 14-30 --- The parable of the talents

Hymns: Dedication --- “We are Climbing Jacob’s Ladder” #488 Invitation --- “Let Us Talents and Tongues Employ” #23

November 21 --- 26th Sunday after Pentecost – Thanksgiving Sunday Ephesians 1: 15-23 --- pseudo-Pauline; wisdom, revelation, eyes of an enlightened heart Matthew 25: 31-46 --- what you do for the least you do for me

Hymns: Praise --- “Come Ye Thankful People Come” #392 Dedication --- “We Gather Together” #387 Invitation --- “Let All Things Now Living” #389

November 28 --- 1st Sunday of Advent Isaiah 64: 1-9 --- “Oh, that you would tear down the heavens and come down…” Mark 13: 24-37 --- The Coming of the Son of Man… “Keep Awake”

Hymns: Opening --- “Come Thou Long-expected Jesus” #168 Candle Lighting --- “One Candle is Lit” v1 Dedication --- “O Come, O Come Emmanuel” #169 v1 Invitation --- “O Little Town of Bethlehem” #178

December 5 --- 2nd Sunday of Advent Isaiah 40: 1-11 --- “In the wilderness, prepare the way of the LORD” Mark 1:1-8 --- “John the Immerser”

Hymns: Opening --- “Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence” #166 Candle Lighting --- “One Candle is Lit” v2 Dedication --- “O Come, O Come Emmanuel” #169 v 1&2 Invitation --- “Angels We Have Heard On High” #192

December 12 --- 3rd Sunday of Advent Isaiah 61: 1-4, 8-11 --- “The spirit of the LORD GOD is upon me…” John 1: 6-8, 19-28 --- “I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness…”

Hymns: Opening --- “Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee” #377 Candle Lighting --- “One Candle is Lit” v3 Dedication --- “O Come, O Come Emmanuel” #169 v1, 2 &3 Invitation --- “Joy To The World” #171

December 19 --- 4th Sunday of Advent 2nd Samuel 7: 1-11, 16 --- Nathan’s oracle to David Luke 1:26-38 --- Gabriel and Mary

Hymns: Opening --- “like a child” --- insert Candle Lighting --- “One Candle is Lit” v4 Dedication ---“O Come, O Come Emmanuel” #169 all verses Invitation --- “What Child Is This” #180

December 24 --- Christmas Eve

December 26 --- 1st Sunday after Christmas Isaiah 61:10-62:3 --- “ I will greatly rejoice in the LORD” Luke 2:22-40 --- Simeon and Anna

Hymns: Opening --- “Joy To The World” 171 Dedication --- “Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming” #160 Invitation --- “Good Christian Friends Rejoice” insert chalice #164

January 2 --- 2nd Sunday after Christmas Jeremiah 31:7-14 --- “He who scattered Israel will gather him…” John 1:10-18 --- “And the Word became flesh and lived among us…”

Hymns: Opening --- “Angels From the Realms of Glory” #190 Dedication --- “Silent Night, Holy Night” #195 Invitation --- “Go Tell It On the Mountains” #205 No choir

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