Ceremony of the Oath

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Ceremony of the Oath




City Council Chamber City-County Building Pittsburgh, PA January 7, 2000

PRESIDENT JUDGE STEPHEN J. McEWEN, PRESIDING We assemble today for the Ceremony of the Oath of Judge Debra M. Todd …

an occasion garbed in pomp and gowned in ceremony … a most solemn

event to be sure all because the Oath to be taken by Judge Todd obliges above and beyond any contract … and even binds far beyond commitment … for the Oath of the Judiciary is a solemn pronouncement of a covenant … for which the Almighty serves as party … and the formal declaration by Debra of her oath … to serve well the citizenry of the Commonwealth.

* * *

The Ceremony of the Oath is, as well, a moment of passage for Debra Todd

… as she moves from the Bar of the Court … to the Bench of the Court … by way of the Bible of the Court … upon which she will utter a solemn promise

To perform new duties with dedication,

To confront new challenges with determination, and

To consecrate her professional life to the cause of jurisprudence.

This auspicious occasion can aptly be termed a consecration … or a celebration … or a ceremony … but whatever the de jure description, there is a de facto characteristic which pervades this scene, which fills this room … and I refer, of course, to the rich, warm, happy glow, which all here sense and feel … to the emotion which each individual, whether family member or friend or associate, reveals and reflects, namely, absolute joy and delight.

- 1 - Debra, the destiny which you this morning achieve has been preceded by a journey measured in years, motivated by determination, and marked by dedication. May I with certainty tell you … as this morning you don the robe of the Pennsylvania Appellate Judiciary, the robe conferred by the people of

Pennsylvania … that your consuming effort has borne the richest fruit … because, I do assure you, and as indeed each of your new colleagues upon this Court will attest … the joy of this day will remain with you each day hence … never to be diminished … only to be enhanced, and always to be accompanied by a deep and abiding sense of fulfillment.

Now, let us proceed to the invocation by ….


The Superior Court is ever so grateful to the members of the City Council of

Pittsburgh for enabling this Court to conduct this Ceremony of the Oath in their chamber – and what a magnificent setting it is for surely the exceptional beauty of the room – and the august, irreplaceable features and ornate carvings

 Exemplifies, in Gibraltar fashion, the stability, dependability, and reliability of City Council, and

 Inspires pride within the citizens of Pittsburgh in their city government.


How impressive a sight are the flags of the eight sovereign nations where

Pittsburgh has sister cities around the world.

And how rich the tradition of City Council conferring immortality upon the mayors by recording across the room their names and tenures for all to see

… and recall … and admire, commencing with Mayor Ebenezer Snedden in


But may I tell that my eye is especially drawn to the far wall, and the plaque of Dave Lawrence, your Mayor, our Governor, and maker of Presidents.

So, with a special thank you to

 Council President Bob O’Connor on behalf of all of the members of

City Council,

- 3 -  City Clerk Linda Johnson-Wasler, and

 Deputies John Mascio and Mary Beth Doheny.

I introduce …


Councilman Ricciardi represents District 3 of the City of Pittsburgh … which,

Debra tells me, is the Southside a/k/a “Souzide”.

He is known by all as the consummate gentleman, which could be a reason he became Honorary Chairman of Debra’s campaign committee.

Councilman Ricciardi has made senior citizens his particular concern and care, and thereby merits our special salute, and gratitude.

And I am told that in his district there are two revered figures, two icons:

Gene Ricciardi … and Mario Lemieux … in that order.


I now present a colleague upon this Court, a Judge who herself has this week renewed her oath of office as a Judge of the Superior Court by reason of her completion of 10 years of exemplary service with and to this Court, and her retention election in November …

A woman whom her heritage has blessed with bright hue of lock, soft sparkle of eye, and abundance of grace, and …

An individual whom Heaven has blessed with a rare perception, a special insight, and an articulate fluency in the language of the law, as well as a firm commitment to the rule of law.


Judge Ambrose, the representative of the Federal Judiciary in our midst, is well known as a most personable, pleasant individual whom people are always glad to see whether for but a wave or for a chat, and is celebrated during her years upon the Westmoreland County Bench and now upon the

U.S. District Court, Western District of Pennsylvania, as a Judge with such a special gift for deferential, confident advocacy that she is able to persuade her colleagues to her point of view – so much so that one of those colleagues once referred to her as a Judicial Magician.


There are 67 Counties in Pennsylvania, and Lackawanna is only one of them . . . but what a County of impact . . . for Lackawanna has, in the last half-century, given Pennsylvania two Governors, a leader of the

Pennsylvania delegation to the United States Congress, a leader in the

Pennsylvania Senate, and presently, the Auditor General.

And, of course, Lackawanna is the County which has blessed Pennsylvania with The Casey Clan . . . and how grateful we can be for that gift, since the commitment which that Clan has devoted to the goals of the Democratic

Party has always been tempered by an awareness and appreciation for the most basic goal of all, the common weal, the good of all the people, for the

Caseys exemplify the hammered, the tried, the true product of our American political arena, a system that has produced our greatest leaders.

Fortunately, the characteristics of an intellect of purpose and a spirit of dedication are genetic in the Casey Clan, for Bob, Jr., has demonstrated during the last four years as Auditor General, and will continue to do so in the decades ahead, those same exemplary prerequisites for public service which his beloved father displayed during his eight years as Governor.


As all the Justices of 49 state Supreme Courts and the 9 Justices of the

United States Supreme Court full well realize, the Supreme Court of the

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is the oldest Supreme Court in the land, since it was in 1682 that William Penn, upon his voyage and arrival in the land grant from the King named Penn’s Woods, established The Supreme

Court of Pennsylvania, the tribunal he designated the consummate tribunal of appeals of law arising from the affairs of the citizens of his


How honored and pleased, then, are the Judges of this Court that a most prominent member of that eldest tribunal will administer the oath, for

Justice Stephen Andrew Zappala thereby enhances the grandeur of the occasion and the richness of these ceremonial proceedings,

By reason of the distinction he has brought to the jurisprudence of this Commonwealth through his penetrating eye for a justice that is swift and sure while being equitable and fair,

By reason of a prized intellect he is ever mindful that the jurisprudence of his Court always poses a dual challenge, since each case brought to it must present in bright and vivid color a clear and certain decision, even while portraying in lighter hues and suggestive tones a vision of principles upon which to rely in the future, and

By reason of the special part he has played upon that Court for almost two decades, as that lead vessel of the judicial branch has completed passage through the uncharted shoals of the past decade to emerge through recent years as the shining flagship of the jurisprudence of reason.

- 9 - And so it is that, on behalf of all the Judges of the Superior Court, as well as of our colleagues who compose the judiciary of the Commonwealth of

Pennsylvania, we salute you and thank you for your leadership … and welcome you to this ceremonial session so that the distinguished Justice

Stephen Andrew Zappala may this morning administer the solemn oath of the judiciary to our newest member, Judge Debra M. Todd.


Debra, Stephan, Alexandra … you … your family … and your friends … have transformed this classic Chamber of Government to a Cathedral of delight – and have made Friday, January 7, a dancing day.

And so, the ceremony complete, let us all proceed to the celebration and enjoy this dancing day together.

Debra … thank you and … once again, CONGRATULATIONS!


Mr. Crier Carey, if you will.

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