Website: Under the Teachers Section of the John Jay Website

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Website: Under the Teachers Section of the John Jay Website

Mrs. Cooke – THEATRE II Office Phone: 897-6700 Ext. 30079, 30080, or 30081 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Under the Teachers section of the John Jay website

Welcome to Mrs. Cooke’s Theatre II. I would like to make you aware of my expectations for you, as well as what you can expect from me. I am here to help, so do not hesitate to get in touch with me. Please check my website for my schedule for my free periods.

1. General Classroom Procedure:

 Be in your seat and ready to begin class before the late bell rings.  You will see the assignment for the day written on the board. I expect you to take out the appropriate books, papers, etc. and begin the assignment immediately after the bell rings.  Class ends when the bell rings and no sooner. Please do not take it upon yourself to pack up early and do not line up at the door.

A word about attendance: “The secret to most of life is just showing up.” Be Here and Be On Time. Absenteeism is the #1 cause of failure; you need to be here as often as humanly possible. This is especially true when we are working on group work and performances. Your classmates will be depending on you!

Daily materials needed: 3-ring binder with loose-leaf for class notes Blue or black ink pens #2 pencils with erasers All relevant handouts Our current text

You need All Items, EVERYDAY.  Late Policy: Three Lates = A Referral. You are considered late if you arrive even a split second after the bell. Chronic lateness will result in phone calls home and administrative intervention. More importantly, lateness will affect your grade. You will lose class participation points; you cannot participate if you are constantly late.  Absentee Policy: Chronic absenteeism will result in phone calls home and administrative intervention. Unexcused absences will result in loss of points from your participation grade. Excused absences for legitimate illnesses are excused and will not affect your participation grade. When you are absent, you are responsible for making up any missed work. All makeup work is due the day you return. If you have an unexcused absence, you will not be allowed to make up work, quizzes, or tests. 2. Understand That This Class Moves Forward Whether You Are Present or Not. Following is a list of your responsibilities:  Get worksheets or handouts from designated location (ask a classmate and check the designated location).  Show me any homework that was due on the day of your return.  Make up tests or quizzes the day you return from an absence. Ask for your test or quiz.  If you arrive late or leave school early, find me to hand in or pick up any work.  Homework Policy: I do not accept late homework.  Major Assignment Late Work Policy: Major assignments will be penalized 10 points per day. If you are absent, you can give it to me the day you return. All work must be handed in to me in person. Do not put work in my mail box, or on my desk. Please do not email work to me.

3. Be Responsible. You are responsible for managing your progress. Always be aware of your assignments, due dates, and work owed. Each quarter your grade will be weighted as follows: 20% Daily preparation / participation 10% Homework / Classwork 15% Quizzes 15% Reflections 40% Performances, Writing, Projects, Major Assignments

4. Communicate. If you are having trouble with ANYTHING, please see me or e-mail me. If you need extra help, I am available after school by appointment. If you are having a bad day, talk to me. I can usually be found in the English office.

5. Behaviors to Avoid.  Disrespect. No one ever gets anywhere with a bad attitude.  Violence. It’s a harsh world beyond the classroom door; let’s leave it out there.  Prohibiting me from doing my job: You wouldn’t stop the mailman from delivering your mail, so please don’t stop me from teaching.  Lateness: When you walk in late, it takes time away from all of us because we all need to stop and catch you up.  Not listening: It is in your best interest to give me your complete attention when I am speaking (including not raising your hand before I am done). I will not repeat myself to counteract inattention. Especially avoid this question: “What are we doing today?”  Sleeping in class: No explanation necessary. It will result in a ZERO participation grade. If you are ill or if you had a rough night, please go to see the nurse.  Inappropriate conversations: Some topics are not appropriate for our classroom.  The cell phone and all other electronic devices: Keep it hidden and turned off. If I see it, I will confiscate it.  Being a Blob: This class will only be as fun and interesting as the people in this room. Participate enthusiastically! It’s going to be a great year for all of us!

6. This is an elective. You are electing to be here. This course works best when all participants come in with a supportive and positive attitude towards the course and their classmates. While we will work on constructive criticism, we want to celebrate the work created in class. I’m looking forward to working with you!

Consequences First minor offense: Warning Second minor offense: Phone call home Third minor offense: Disciplinary referral to administrator

Major offenses will automatically be directed to an administrator. I reserve and will use the right to call a parent at any time if I feel the student is disrupting the learning environment. Please refer to the Student Code of Conduct for further clarification of district and building level rules and consequences.

Cheating A grade of zero will be given to any student who gives or receives information, including electronically, on any form of a test, quiz or project. Any person falsifying a grade or a test or related material, with the goal of increasing that grade shall take the penalty of cheating. Talking will not be allowed during quizzes and tests. This will result in a zero.

Plagiarism Plagiarism is defined as the act of stealing and passing off as one’s own the ideas or words of another, or using a created production without giving credit to the source. Any student who plagiarizes will receive a zero on the plagiarized work. The student will be given a referral and parents will be contacted.


Code: E820 Full Year (10-12) (1 credit) (rank weight 1.0) Prerequisite: Must have successfully completed Theatre I or have permission of the instructor. This course is a continuation of Theatre I for the advanced student.

Areas of Study Include: PLAY ANALYSIS:  Active reading of scripts  Structure  Given circumstances  Four Clues to Characterization

THEATRE HISTORY:  Historical figures in theatre (Chekhov, Brecht, Stanislavsky, Shakespeare, etc.)  Epochs in theatre history

PRODUCTION WORK:  Set design  Costume design  Prop plan  Lighting and sound  PERFORMANCE:  Dramatic interpretation  Working with stage directions  Technical acting skills  Students take on the roles of actors and directors

CRITICISM  Written critiques of in-class productions  Written critiques of school plays and professional productions (viewed on DVD)  Read professional criticism of Broadway plays  Leadership in the theatre:

Assessment: Evaluation will be ongoing. It will be based on participation grades, acting exercises, written projects, reading assignment, final projects and tests.


Code: E810 Full year (9-12) (1 Credit)(rank weight 1.0)

Prerequisite: None

ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: Why have human beings throughout the ages produced theatre? What can we discover about ourselves as individuals by producing theatre?

This course is an introduction to theatre arts. It is a participatory course in which students will learn basic stage movement and voice training, introductory acting and improvisational techniques as well as back stage elements such as lighting and costuming. It is intended for both the student who has always wanted to try her/his hand at the stage as well as the student who has had a real interest in performing. Areas of Study Include:

 Forms and purposes of the theatre throughout various stages of history  Production process  Performance workshops  Emergence of the theatre  The rise of the public theatre  Contemporary theatre

Assessment: Evaluation will be ongoing. It will be based on participation, grades, acting exercises, written projects, reading assignments, final projects and tests.

NOTE: This course may be used to meet the 1 unit Regents Art/Music graduation requirement.


Code: E820 Full Year (10-12) (1 credit) (rank weight 1.0) Prerequisite: Must have successfully completed Theatre I or have permission of the instructor. This course is a continuation of Theatre I for the advanced student.

Areas of Study Include: PLAY ANALYSIS:  Active reading of scripts  Structure  Given circumstances  Four Clues to Characterization

THEATRE HISTORY:  Historical figures in theatre (Chekhov, Brecht, Stanislavsky, Shakespeare, etc.)  Epochs in theatre history

PRODUCTION WORK:  Set design  Costume design  Prop plan  Lighting and sound  PERFORMANCE:  Dramatic interpretation  Working with stage directions  Technical acting skills  Students take on the roles of actors and directors CRITICISM  Written critiques of in-class productions  Written critiques of school plays and professional productions (viewed on DVD)  Read professional criticism of Broadway plays  Leadership in the theatre:

Assessment: Evaluation will be ongoing. It will be based on participation grades, acting exercises, written projects, reading assignment, final projects and tests. Please complete and return to Mrs. Cooke

I received a copy of the course requirements.

Date ______Period ______

Name of student (print): ______Birthdate______ID#______

Signature of student: ______

Name of legal guardian (print): ______

Signature of legal guardian: ______

Legal guardian’s numbers (work):______(cell):______


Legal guardian’s email address: ______


If you would like to alert me to any problem areas you, the student, have experienced in theatre experiences in the past or concerns you have now, please explain them here. Alternatively, describe what goals you have for class this year. Also, include any theatre experience you bring to this class. Use the back if you need more space. Legal guardians may add to this. ______








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