Name: ______Date:______

Vocabulary Unit 2 Practice Quiz

It began on a quiet fall day in the small town of Smithfield. Craig, the newest _entrepreneur______in the area, sat on a bench admiring his store front right before opening for the day. He slowly made his way over to his café and found himself peering at the environment he had created through the large, __transparent______window. He began to wonder why he had waited so long to pursue his goal of owning and running his own café. He had tried to do this once before, with his friend Darla, but they could never come to a __mutual______agreement on the location. Pretty soon, everyone was trying to ____dissuade______him from opening a café. In this moment, he was glad that he stayed _____poised______and did what was necessary to make his dream a reality.

After a few moments, Craig decided to begin his day. As he unlocked the door and began to open it, he realized that he would need to ____lubricate______the hinges due to the ear piercing squeal that shot down his spine from the movement of the door. That sound would not attract customers! It was ___customary______for Craig to begin his day at the café by brewing the first batch of coffee, warming up the grill for breakfast, and removing the chairs from the table tops so that they would be ready for any patrons. Before he knew it, the café was filling up and he smiled knowing that he would have a busy day __catering____ to his favorite people in the world; his customers.

Hours passed and Craig found himself closing up after another successful day. He sat down to count his earnings when a pair of teenagers walked in. The girls shared that they were interested in the ___available______waitressing positions posted in the newspaper. “Finally”, Craig thought. He knew that he would not be able to keep up with his business without hiring additional staff members and good help would be ______indispensable______. He had the girls take a seat at the breakfast bar and decided to interview them together. His first impressions would lend quite a bit of insight into the personality of the girls. He noticed that one was very quiet and _____indifferent______while the other was loud and a bit of a ____firebrand______. They both had waitressing experience and, since this was the only bite he had gotten on his ad, he decided to hire them both in the hopes that their opposite personalities would work well together. Opposites attract, right? A few weeks later, Craig began to feel ___plagued_____ by the girls. The first would allow the customers to _pelt______her with insults and demands for free food due to poor service. The other presented a serious _____hazard______for the restaurant by completely disregarding how to maintain a cleanly eating environment. It was as if the two had joined together to form a powerful ___regime______to destroy all of his hard work and dedication. It was if they were committing ___homicide______and the murdered party was his café. As he felt his anger growing, he knew he had to __hinder____ his thinking in order to find the best way to fire his only workers.

After the restaurant had closed for the day, Craig felt it was time to let the girls know that they no longer would be working for him. Despite his best effort to stay composed, Craig felt his anger and ___indignation______and knew it was showing on his face. The girls were both tense and seemed as if they were waiting for this to happen. Finally, after a long rant from Craig, the girls both understood that they were fired and left with no issues. Within two days, Craig had found new, more reliable help, and could smile again knowing that he, and the restaurant, had made it out of that sticky situation ____unscathed______.