Anatomy & Physiology Spring 2011 Final Exam Review

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Anatomy & Physiology Spring 2011 Final Exam Review

Anatomy & Physiology Spring 2011 Final Exam Review

Chapter 12 – Organization of the Nervous System

1. Create a flow chart showing the division of the nervous system. 2. What are the divisions of the peripheral nervous system (PNS) based upon? 3. What are the 3 main functions of the nervous system? 4. Differentiate between afferent and efferent. Which is sensory? Motor? 5. List and briefly describe the 5 types of glial cells. 6. Name and describe the structures of a neuron. 7. Explain why damage to the brain or spinal cord requires extensive rehabilitation. 8. What is an effector? 9. What maintains a resting membrane potential? Explain. 10.What are the steps of an action potential? 11.Resting membrane potential is? Threshold potential is? 12.Describe the polarity of the plasma membrane at rest. During an action potential? 13.Explain the process of synaptic transmission. 14.Differentiate between excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters. 15.What branch of the nervous system do epinephrine and norepinephrine play a role in? (be specific) 16.Explain the disease process of Parkinson’s Disease. 17.What is the role of endorphins in the body?

Chapter 13 – Central Nervous System

18.Name the components/structures that provide protection to the CNS. 19.Name the meninges from superficial to deep.3 20.Name and describe the location of the spaces surrounding the menignes. 21.Where is CSF formed? 22.Differentiate between the ventral and dorsal nerve roots. 23.What are the functions of the spinal cord? 24.Differentiate between ascending and descending tracts. 25.**Know the names and types of information carried in all the ascending and descending tracts discussed in class. 26.Know the main divisions of the brain and the subdivisions of each. 27.What are the functions of the cerebellum, thalamus, hypothalamus, pineal body and limbic system? 28.The right and left hemispheres communicate via the: 29.Differentiate between gyrus, suclus, fissure. 30.Describe the precentral gyrus and the postcentral gyrus. 31.Damage to broca’s area results in: Damage to Wernicke’s area results in:

Chapter 14 – Peripheral Nervous System

32.Define dermatome and myotome. 33.What is a reflex? Describe the characteristics of a reflex. 34.Differentiate between a somatic reflex and an autonomic reflex. 35.Know the 12 cranial nerves (names and numbers), functional classification and function.

Chapter 16 – Endocrine System 36.Differentiate between the Nervous System and the Endocrine System in regards to type of chemical messenger, distance traveled by messenger and regulatory effects. 37.Differentiate between steroids and nonsteriods. What are they derived from? Know the subdivisions of each. (Study fig 16-3). 38.Differentiate synergism, permissiveness and antagonism. 39.Which endocrine gland is known as the “master gland”? 40.Know the steps of the renin-angiotensin mechanism. 41.Which endocrine gland discussed in class contains both endocrine and exocrine tissue? 42.For the hormones listed below know the gland from which each is secreted, the function and the target cell:  releasing hormones  growth hormone (GH)  prolactin (PRL)  T3/T4  thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)  adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)  Calcitonin  follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)  luteinizing hormone (LH)  oxytocin  Melatonin  antidiuretic hormone (ADH)  Parathyroid hormone (PTH)  Aldosterone  Cortisol  Insulin  Glucagon  Estrogen  Testosterone  Progesterone  Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) 43.For each of the following disorders or abnormalities know whether it is caused by hyper or hyposecretion, the associated endocrine gland and give an explanation.  Gigantism  Acromegaly  Pituitary dwarfism  Diabetes insipidus  Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone  Graves disease  Cretinism  Cushing Syndrome  Addison Disease  Diabetes (Type 1 and 2)

Chapter 25 – Anatomy of the Digestive System

44.List the layers of the GI from superficial to deep (outside to inside). Give a brief description of each layer. 45.Name the three types of papillae. Describe their location on the tongue and if taste buds are present. 46.List the 3 salivary glands. Describe their location and the type of saliva secreted from each. 47.What is GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease)? 48.Describe the anatomical landmarks of the stomach, small intestine and large intestine. 49.Describe the specialization of the stomach’s walls. (be specific - talk about each layer) 50.Describe the function of parietal and chief cells. What controls their secretion? 51.Define haustra and taeniae coli. 52.List signs and symptoms of appendicitis. 53.What are the basic functions of the liver? 54.What is the function of kupffer cells?

Chapter 26 – Physiology of the Digestive System

55.Define deglutition and mastication. What are the steps of deglutition? Which are involuntary?, involuntary? 56.Differentiate between peristalsis and segmentation. 57.Describe the function of the following:  Gastric inhibitory peptide (GIP)  Gastrin  Secretin  CCK 58.For the following enzymes know their function and where they are secreted from.  Amylase  Lipase  Pepsin  Pepsinogen  Trypsin  Chymotrypsin  Peptidases  Nucleases 59.Explain the process of fat absorption. 60.Describe the 3 phases of control of gastric secretion. 61.What is the role of bicarbonate in the GI tract? 62.Explain why the majority of digestion takes place in the small intestine.

Chapter 18 – Anatomy of the Cardiovascular System

Chapter 19 – Physiology of the Cardiovascular System

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