Discussion Starters for Assessment / Case Managers

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Discussion Starters for Assessment / Case Managers

Discussion Starters for Assessment / Case Managers (Referenced in Procedure Manual Section 12.0) These “discussion starters” are suggestions for case managers to use in assessing needs of youth and parents. They are divided into topical areas with different questions for youth and parents. Discuss in a manner that is not intrusive or considered nosey. The discussion does not have to proceed in a particular order. Recognize when opportunities arise to discuss a topic that naturally flows from the conversation.

General Get Acquainted Youth Let’s get better acquainted. Do you have a nickname? How did you get it? How do you stay in contact with your friends and family (e.g. by e-mail, through Facebook, by cell phone, texting, land line, etc.)? If you use e-mail, how often do you check it? Tell me what things you like to do when you’re not in school? On weekends? (clubs, sports - watching or participating, social or religious events, etc.) Tell me about your family. Who lives in your home? Do you do things together? Do you have pets? What things do you or your family do for fun in your town or area? What things do you like to do? What are things you're really good at? Or maybe something you'd like to learn to do better? What kinds of things do you do when you are not at school? When you think about the future, and your career, do you have an idea of what you'd like to do? Parent Are there any special health concerns I should be aware of when meeting with your youth or you regarding ASPIRE? Education – High School Youth Tell me about high school. Do you have favorite classes? What are your best or strongest classes? What kind of classes are you taking toward graduation? Do you have a written plan at school? For example, an IEP or graduation plan? Do you know what it is for? Why do you have one? Do you know what your transition plan is in your individualized education plan (IEP) [NOTE to CM: Know the real names of the plans available in your school districts/states] Do you belong to any clubs at school? What extracurricular activities are you involved in? Do you play sports? When will you be finished with school? Will you graduate with a diploma?

1 of 5 10/14/14 What assessments have been done, do you know how you did? (career interest inventories, skills assessment, work importance, etc.)? Tell me about it. Have you done career or job exploration in school? Tell me about it. Parent How is school going for your child? What are their best and worst subjects? Does he or she receive any special supports or services? What school activities and sports does your youth participate in? Are there things about your child's education that you'd like to learn more about? What accomplishments of your youth are you the most proud of? Do you feel you are receiving the services that you need from your school district or other agencies in order for your teen get the most out of school and/or work? Education – Post High School Youth Do you have education plans after high school? Tell me about it. Do you want to go to college after you finish high school? If so, where would you like to go? What program of study (if going to college) are you interested in? Where would you go to school for that? Have you thought about (are you aware of) specific job training programs? Have you done any activities in relation to what you want to do in the future, like job shadows, ride-along, informational interviews, etc.? Tell me about them Have you ever volunteered to do something? Tell me about that. Do you have any volunteer and community service? Employment Youth When you think about the future, and your career, do you have an idea of what you'd like to do? Have you talked to anyone in your family about what you want to do for work? What you want to do after high school? What about work while you are in high school? Have you thought about a summer job? When you think about all of the things you want to do, how important is having a job/career? If you could do anything you wanted for work, what would you do? Do you have any limitations or barriers that might make it difficult for you to prepare for, find, and keep a job? Parent What types of employment can you envision your child doing? Has your child expressed an interest in particular jobs? There are many services to help your child get training and become employed. Are you interested in learning more about what’s available for your child? Work Experience Youth

2 of 5 10/14/14 Have you worked before or volunteered regularly? Tell me about it. (Probe: Where, what did you do, for how long?) Have you had jobs at home or in your neighborhood, like babysitting or yard work? Did you get paid for these? Have you done any activities in relation to what you want to do in the future, like job shadows, ride-along, informational interviews, etc.? Tell me about them. What can you tell me about jobs? How many jobs can you name? Maybe your parents, aunts, uncles and other family members, etc. Do you need help to figure out what your strengths and skills are? Service/Support Needs Youth Do you have a job or need help in finding or keeping a job? Have you worked with an employment counselor or a Voc Rehab (VR, Rehabilitation) counselor? What other agencies or organizations have been helping you? Can you tell me how they help you? How much time does it normally take you to get ready for school or work? Do you typically run early or late, or are you on time. Does someone usually help you get ready for school or work? Do you need someone to help you? Are there things you would like to do but can't because you need a special piece of equipment or something about the equipment needs to change? Getting Around / Transportation Youth How do you normally get to and from school or work (e.g. take the bus, walk, get a ride, drive myself)? Tell me about your experiences taking the bus, etc.(If public transportation is available in area) When you need a ride, who do you ask? Do you have your driver's license or are you planning to get it? Does something need to be changed on your family's car so that you or your family can drive it? Independent Living Youth Do you help around the house? What things do you do? Cooking - do you cook for yourself or your family? Cleaning - do you clean your room or any rooms in the house? Laundry - do you do your own laundry? Shopping - do you shop for your own food or clothes? Money - Do you pay for things yourself? Do you have an allowance? How easy is it to make change? Tell me about your plans for being more independent (e.g. moving out on my own

3 of 5 10/14/14 when I graduate, changing things in my home so that I can get around better, getting my own car, learning how to take the bus, etc.) Where do you plan to live after high school? Parent Do(es) your child(ren) complete chores? What are they? Does your child receive an allowance? How much? Do they save their money or spend it? Raising a teenager is difficult, even if s/he does not have a disability. Would you be interested in learning some parenting strategies to help you and your child(ren)? Safety Youth Do you have someone you can talk with when you have questions? Or do not feel safe? What do you do when you feel unsafe? Where do you go? Understanding Disability Benefits Youth What can you tell me about getting Social Security? What does that mean? What will do you for health insurance when you are over 18? Parent Since your child receives SSI, his or her disability affects many things in your family. How does your child's condition affect your daily home life? Would you like to learn more about what's available for children or people with disabilities? For example: healthcare, prescriptions, assistive technology, housing, hearing aids, glasses and more. What plans do you have for getting other health insurance when your child turns 18? Health and Disability Youth Can you name your doctor? Do you make your own medical appointments? Do you have your own insurance card? Do you consider yourself to have a disability? Tell me about your disability. Does your disability make it tough in school or when you go out? Do you use any special equipment, like hearing aid or wheel chair? Any special medications I need to be aware of? Would you like to learn more about your disability, leadership and/or self- advocacy? You have legal rights as a person with a disability - in school, at work and in the community. Can you tell me what you know about your rights as an individual with a disability? Personal Development - Parent There are many ways to continue your own education. Would you be interested in learning more?

4 of 5 10/14/14 There are many services to help an adult get training and become employed. Are you interested in learning more for yourself or other family members? What other information would you like me to know about you and your family that will be helpful during our time together? There are also services available to you as the parent of a child with a disability. Would you like to learn more about -your role while your child is in school? -About what happens when your child turns 18? -Financial planning and assistance? Do you need information about legal guardianship or other protection services? It seems everything is very expensive these days. There are many community resources for families, such as assistance with utility bills, phone, legal assistance, food sources, etc. I'd be happy to share this information with you. Would like more information?

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