Women and Newborn Health Service E-Learning Proposal Submission Form
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Women and Newborn Health Service E-learning Proposal Submission Form
This submission form enables the WHNS e-learning education sub-group to monitor e- learning resource development across WHNS to ensure:
there is no duplicated effort across the state with program development. program development can be effectively prioritised. support may be available to those developing e-learning resources following consultation with the e-learning education sub-group. all e-learning programs published on the Education Hub undergo a quality peer review/ endorsement process to ensure WNHS e-learning principles, WA Health communication style guidelines and web guidelines are met.
Email completed form to the Education Technology Coordinator – [email protected]
Is this a new resource? ☐ OR an update to an existing resource? ☐
If this is an update to an existing resource who is the original owner of the resource?
Has permission in writing been received to permit the use/modification of the resource? ☐Yes ☐No
Please provide a brief statement to support the development of this resource:
How will this resource be made available to the target audience?
☐Internet ☐Intranet ☐Both
(It is recommended that all e-learning resources were possible be available on the internet via the WNHS Education hub) Please provide the following information for your proposed resource:
Learning outcomes:
Format/software/Media/photos/interactiv e elements:
1. Details of Resource lead (sponsor)
Name: Position: Department: Contact Ph: Contact email: 2. Details of the person developing the content for the e-learning resource
Name: Position: Department: Contact Ph: Contact email:
3. Details of the person developing the resource in the e-learning software.
Name/Company: Position: Department: Contact Ph: Contact email:
Outside contract:
Company: Contact Name: Contact Ph: Contact email:
4. How often will staff be required to complete this e-learning resource? (Please provide any supporting documentation e.g. policy statement/ NHSQS reference) ☐Annually ☐Once only ☐Other - please specify:
5. How long will it take participants to complete the resource?
6. Are there any policy statements/ NHSQS references etc. to support the frequency/ priority of this training? ☐Yes ☐No
Details: 7. Has a search been undertaken to determine if a similar resource is already available? ☐Yes ☐No
8. If similar resources are available please provide evidence supporting the development of this additional resource:
9. Who is the target audience?
☐All WHNS staff
Or specific only to: ☐Managers ☐Medical ☐Nursing ☐Midwifery ☐Support Services ☐Admin staff ☐Maintenance ☐Allied Health ☐Corporate
10.Has any funding been secured to develop this resource? Funding source: Amount: Anticipated closure date of project (program to be published online):
11.Name and contact details of your review team members (the program lead may be a review team member). Please note the review team members need to represent the target audience.
Name: Position: Health Service Area: Contact Details: Name: Position: Health Service Area: Contact Details:
Name: Position: Health Service Area: Contact Details: