A. This Section Covers the Minimum Requirements for the Supply, Installation and Start-Up
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A. This Section covers the minimum requirements for the supply, installation and start-up of condensate liquid sump and an electrically operated automatic pump system. B. It is the intent of this Specification that the condensate liquid sump and automatic pump system shall be supplied as a prefabricated and shop tested assembly by an ISO 9001 certified/compliant manufacture.
A. Condensate liquid in the landfill gas collection pipe will flow to engineered low points within the gas piping system. B. All low points in the gas pipe and other locations indicated on the project Plans shall freely drain condensate liquid to sealed condensate sumps. C. Liquids collected in the sumps shall be automatically pumped from the sumps to designated locations at the landfill as shown on the project Plans.
A. The condensate sump Manufacturer's Operations and Maintenance Manual. B. Product Drawing showing the depth of the proposed landfill condensate liquid collection sump inlet below the gas pipe invert. (Note: This should be at least 3 feet to allow usable reservoir volume in the sump.). C. A Piping and Instrumentation Diagram showing the workings of the automatic pump system. D. Manufacturer's Installation and Operations Instructions.
A. The Contractor is advised that other specifications may relate to this Work.
A. The Specifications included in this Section are specific to this Section only. Unless called out otherwise, the Specifications shall have precedence over the Drawings. Additionally, if other specification sections are more stringent than those included in this Section, the most stringent shall apply. Should any conflicts between the Specifications arise, the Contractor shall immediately bring them to the attention of the Engineer.
©1994 CES-Landfill Control Technologies (CES-LANDTEC), 850 South Via Lata, Suite 112, Colton CA 92324, Phone: (800) 821-0496 (909) 783-3636 www.ces-landtec.com All rights reserved. LANDTEC and LAPS are registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. WBS is a product trademarks. Rev. 2.0 9/26/01 0109 LAPS300ElectCent Specs.doc CES-LANDTEC reserves the right to change these specifications without notice. Use of these specifications shall constitute an Agreement to accept the terms of CES-LANDTEC's License Agreement. LFG Cond. Pump System w/Electric Pump 15484 - 1 1.6 EXCAVATIONS AND BACKFILL
A. Excavation included in this section addresses the excavation of the pit for the installation of the condensate collection sump and automated pump system. B. Excavations shall be done in a manner that complies with local, state, and federal law.
A. The Contractor shall provide a Health and Safety Plan appropriate for the Work that will be performed. In addition to general construction health and safety issues, the Health and Safety Plan shall address protecting workers from exposure to landfill gas or refuse during the execution of the Work.
A. Refuse excavated during the course of this Work shall not be used as backfill material. Refuse or contaminated soil shall be disposed of in a legal manner at an approved refuse disposal site.
A. For sites that are covered with a clay cap, following installation of the condensate sump, the cap shall be repaired according to the maintenance and repair procedures for the cap or as directed by the Engineer.
A. The condensate liquid sump shall be a stand-alone device with a minimum condensate liquid capacity of 5 gallons. B. Integral to the condensate sump shall be an electric, self-priming, centrifugal pump and a conductance type level sensor. C. A “High Level” indicator shall be provided on the unit’s control panel. D. The equipment shall be rated for service in harsh and potentially explosive environments. E. Approved Manufacturer and equipment for the landfill condensate liquid collection sump and pump is CES- LANDTEC LAPS-300TM, Landfill Automatic Pump Station. F. Equipment manufacture shall be ISO 9001 certified/compliant and shall have a proven performance of not less than six (6) years in actual landfill condensate liquid collection and pump service. G. It is the intent of these Specifications that the landfill gas condensate liquid sump and automatic pump system be supplied as a complete manufactured unit.
A. Pipe Material 1. The sump used as part of the condensate liquid sump and automatic pump system shall meet the following ASTM Specifications: a. HDPE Pipe D-3350 Standard Specifications for Polyethylene Plastics Pipe and Fittings Materials.
©1994 CES-Landfill Control Technologies (CES-LANDTEC), 850 South Via Lata, Suite 112, Colton CA 92324, Phone: (800) 821-0496 (909) 783-3636 www.ces-landtec.com All rights reserved. LANDTEC and LAPS are registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. WBS is a product trademarks. Rev. 2.0 9/26/01 0109LAPS300ElectCent Specs.doc CES-LANDTEC reserves the right to change these specifications without notice. Use of these specifications shall constitute an Agreement to accept the terms of CES-LANDTEC's License Agreement. LFG Cond. Pump System w/Electric Pump 15484 - 2 2. The plastic pipe for the automated pump system used as part of the condensate liquid sump and automated pump system shall meet the following ASTM specifications: a. PVC Pipe D-1785 Standard Specification for Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Plastic Pipe, Schedules 40, 80, and 120.
B. Backfill Material
1. Washed 3/8 inch pea gravel free of organic materials shall be used for backfill around the condensate liquid sump where indicated on the Plans and in these Specifications. Gravel shall meet the requirements of ASTM D-2487 well-sorted, poorly graded gravel with less than 15 percent sand group GW material. 2. Clay shall meet the requirements of ASTM D-2487 group CH material. Clay shall have a permeability of less than 1x10-6 cm/sec. 3. At a minimum, soil backfill and cover shall meet the engineering requirements for the site and shall be approved by the Engineer. In addition soil backfill shall not have any large stones or other foreign materials present. Care shall be taken that the material adjacent to the condensate sump is fine graded and that no objects are present that could cause damage to the sump.
C. Compaction
1. Compaction tests, if required by the Specifications, shall be performed in accordance with ASTM D- 1557 Method C or Method D, whichever is most appropriate.
A. This Article describes the acceptable materials that shall be used for the construction of the electrically operated landfill gas condensate liquid pump system.
B. Condensate Liquid Sump
1. The condensate liquid sump shall be an all welded, single walled HDPE assembly. A 2-inch HDPE branch connection shall be used to drain liquid into the sump. The sump shall be liquid and gas tight and shall be designed to withstand vacuum of 100 in w.c. and pressure of 1 PSIG. 2. The sump shall be designed to have a 3-inch deep solids settling area. Further the design shall be such that solids within the settling area will not effect the pump or control system operation.
C. Equipment Enclosure (Vault)
1. The level sensor, liquid pump and motor shall be located in a vault assembly that is integrally mounted to the top of the condensate liquid sump. The vault shall be able to withstand continuous temperatures up to 140 degrees F and intermittent temperatures of 180 degrees F. 2. Equipment shall be arranged to be easily accessible for operation and maintenance. 3. The liquid discharge pipe and the electrical conduit shall be sealed through the wall of the LAPS- 300TM vault with bulkhead fittings or grommets. 4. The motor controller, electrical disconnect and level control relays shall be housed in an external NEMA 4 stainless steel control panel.
D. Flexible Hoses
©1994 CES-Landfill Control Technologies (CES-LANDTEC), 850 South Via Lata, Suite 112, Colton CA 92324, Phone: (800) 821-0496 (909) 783-3636 www.ces-landtec.com All rights reserved. LANDTEC and LAPS are registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. WBS is a product trademarks. Rev. 2.0 9/26/01 0109LAPS300ElectCent Specs.doc CES-LANDTEC reserves the right to change these specifications without notice. Use of these specifications shall constitute an Agreement to accept the terms of CES-LANDTEC's License Agreement. LFG Cond. Pump System w/Electric Pump 15484 - 3 1. This Section covers flexible hoses that are supplied with the condensate liquid pump station and are outside the liquid sump. a. The 2-inch liquid inlet shall be connected using a 2-inch PVC reinforced flexible hose. Hose shall be rated for a vacuum of at least 100 inches of w.c. at the appropriate buried depth. b. The high-pressure liquid discharge and pressure equalization lines shall be constructed of PVC pipe and reinforced PVC hose. The hose shall be rated for a pressure of 100 PSIG at 72 deg F. with a minimum safety factor of 3. c. Air line hose shall be rated for 250 PSIG with a safety factor of 2.
E. Piping
1. Piping included in this section is for materials internal to the condensate liquid pump system only. a. Liquid discharge and pressure equalization piping shall be PVC Schedule 80.
F. Liquid Pump:
1. A Sethco or approved equal magnetically coupled, self-priming centrifugal liquid pump shall be used to transfer liquids from the reservoir. 2. The pump body shall be manufactured from polypropylene. 3. Pump O-rings shall be Viton. 4. The pump shall be capable of pumping solids up to 3/32 inch in diameter. 5. Pump shall be capable of lifting 15 ft of water in 90 seconds.
G. Level Control:
1. The level controller shall utilize four stainless steel conductance probes connected to UL rated intrinsically safe control modules. The output shall be used to control liquid level and indicate a high level in the sump. 2. Except for the threaded level controller connection all wetted components shall be stainless steel the threaded connection shall be brass. 3. The actuation levels for pump operation and high level shall be factory set.
H. Electrical Controls:
1. Electrical controls, level controls, full-voltage motor starter, circuit braker disconnect, and 480-240 vac primary/120 vac secondary control transformer shall be mounted in a single NEMA 4 stainless steel electrical enclosure. The control panel shall be a Square D style 8539 or approved equal. 2. The control panel shall be fitted with an externally mounted oil tight, “hand-off-auto” switch. Switch shall be a Square D Class 9001 or approved equal. 3. A green “Power On” pilot light, a red “Run” pilot light and an amber “High” pilot light shall be mounted on the front exterior of the control panel. Legend plates shall be provided for each pilot light. The pilot status lights for this section shall be push to test Square D Class 9001 or approved equal. 4. The control panel shall be mounted on a 3-inch pipe set adjacent to the sump pump unit.
I. Motor:
©1994 CES-Landfill Control Technologies (CES-LANDTEC), 850 South Via Lata, Suite 112, Colton CA 92324, Phone: (800) 821-0496 (909) 783-3636 www.ces-landtec.com All rights reserved. LANDTEC and LAPS are registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. WBS is a product trademarks. Rev. 2.0 9/26/01 0109LAPS300ElectCent Specs.doc CES-LANDTEC reserves the right to change these specifications without notice. Use of these specifications shall constitute an Agreement to accept the terms of CES-LANDTEC's License Agreement. LFG Cond. Pump System w/Electric Pump 15484 - 4 1. The motor shall operate on 208-230 / 380-460 Volt, 3 PH, 60 Hz. 2. The motor shall be rated at 1 HP 3. The motor shall be explosion-proof and rated for a Class I, Group D, Division 1 location.
J. Valves:
1. Hand valves and check valves used in liquid service shall have PVC bodies with Teflon seats and socket weld ends. Valves shall be removable for servicing.
K. Connections:
1. Materials used in the high-pressure liquid discharge line shall be rated for 100 PSIG pressure with a safety factor of 2. 2. The pressure equalizing line which runs between the landfill condensate liquid pump system and the top of the LFG header shall be PVC hose, PVC or PE pipe, or other non-corrosive material ½ inch diameter or larger and shall be free draining.
L. Hardware:
1. Flange bolts and nuts are to be stainless steel.
M. O-Rings:
1. O-Ring material shall be Viton, Teflon, or an equivalent and non-reactive material.
A. Liquid Pump Rate
1. The pump shall be capable of approximately meeting the following performance specifications when pumping liquids with a viscosity of one centipose:
©1994 CES-Landfill Control Technologies (CES-LANDTEC), 850 South Via Lata, Suite 112, Colton CA 92324, Phone: (800) 821-0496 (909) 783-3636 www.ces-landtec.com All rights reserved. LANDTEC and LAPS are registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. WBS is a product trademarks. Rev. 2.0 9/26/01 0109LAPS300ElectCent Specs.doc CES-LANDTEC reserves the right to change these specifications without notice. Use of these specifications shall constitute an Agreement to accept the terms of CES-LANDTEC's License Agreement. LFG Cond. Pump System w/Electric Pump 15484 - 5 Water Flow Rate Total Head (GPM) (feet) 5 54 20 46 40 26
2. The pump shall be capable of a maximum discharge head of 56 feet (at S.G. 1.0).
B. Process Connection Fittings Type and Size
1. Process connections described in this section are those that are made by the installation Contractor. 2. The following condensate liquid pump system fittings shall be connected to the landfill gas collection system:
Connection Item Furnished Connection Contractor Supplied Connection a. Electric (control panel to Motor) 3/4 3/4 in FNPT Conduit: 4 #12 THHN inch b. Electric (control panel to level 1/2 1/2 inch FNPT Conduit: 5 #14 THHN control) inch c. Liquid discharge 1 inch 1 inch PVC pipe 1 inch SOC PVC d. Pressure equalization line 1/2 1/2 inch PVC pipe 1/2 inch SOC PVC inch e. Condensate Inlet 2 inch 2 inch HDPE pipe FNPT 2 inch MNPT
A. The equipment manufacture shall be ISO 9001 certified/compliant and must have at least six (6) years of proven landfill gas performance or alternatively have at least 50 units in landfill service.
A. Work shall be performed in accordance with the Manufacturer's Written Instructions and installation drawings.
A. The excavation for the sump shall provide clearance of twelve (12) inches to refuse in all directions. B. Loose refuse shall be removed from the bottom of the excavation so that a firm base exists for the sump to rest on. C. Twelve (12) inches of 3/8-inch gravel shall be installed in the excavation to serve as a base for the sump.
©1994 CES-Landfill Control Technologies (CES-LANDTEC), 850 South Via Lata, Suite 112, Colton CA 92324, Phone: (800) 821-0496 (909) 783-3636 www.ces-landtec.com All rights reserved. LANDTEC and LAPS are registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. WBS is a product trademarks. Rev. 2.0 9/26/01 0109LAPS300ElectCent Specs.doc CES-LANDTEC reserves the right to change these specifications without notice. Use of these specifications shall constitute an Agreement to accept the terms of CES-LANDTEC's License Agreement. LFG Cond. Pump System w/Electric Pump 15484 - 6 A. Refuse excavated during the course of this Work shall not be used as backfill material. Refuse or contaminated soil shall be disposed of in a legal manner at an approved refuse disposal site. B. Refuse and spoils shall be disposed of on a daily basis. No exposed refuse shall be allowed overnight. C. Disposal operations shall not create unsightly or unsanitary nuisances.
A. The unit shall be lifted and handled according to Written Instructions supplied by the Manufacturer. B. The unit is to be set within one (1) degrees of vertical. C. The unit shall be set so that it is concentrically located in the prepared excavation. D. The condensate collection sump shall be at least 12 inches from any landfill refuse. E. The condensate liquid sump shall be installed in an area that does not allow accumulation or ponding of water. The top of the vault assembly shall be at least 6 inches higher than surrounding grade unless installed in a watertight vault. F. The bottom of the condensate liquid sump shall extend a minimum of 3 feet below the invert of the LFG pipe from which condensate liquid drains.
A. Prior to making connections, lines shall be purged of debris and thoroughly cleaned. B. Condensate liquid discharge: The condensate liquid discharge line shall be connected to the condensate sump using good engineering practices. Materials and installation shall be as indicated on the piping plans. C. Equalizing Line: A pressure equalizing line shall be connected between the condensate sump and the top of the LFG header. The equalizing line shall be free draining to either the landfill gas collection pipe or the sump and shall be free of kinks or other obstructions to liquid or airflow. D. Condensate Liquid Inlet Line: The condensate liquid inlet line shall be connected to the condensate sump using 2 inch HDPE pipe or a 2 inch PVC flex hose. The HDPE pipe shall be fused to the stinger attached to the sump or PVC hose shall connect to a 2 inch FNPT fused to the sump inlet stinger using a 2-inch PVC male adapter. The 2 inch inlet stinger is included as part of the sump assembly.
A. The excavation shall be backfilled with pea gravel to a level 12 inches above the 2-inch inlet liquid line. B. The excavation shall be backfilled with compacted soil or clay as approved by the Engineer to a level 24 inches below grade. C. Compacted soil or clay as specified and approved by the Engineer shall be used for the final backfill. E. The condensate liquid discharge, pressure equalizing, and conduit pipes shall be protected by sleeves. Protective sleeves shall be placed around the lines adjacent to the vault to avoid shearing their connection during compaction. F. Soil or clay shall be installed in 6-inch maximum lifts. G. A soil berm shall be placed around the sump and shall extend 6” above grade or above the highest anticipated water level, which ever is higher, and blended with surrounding grade at a 4:1 slope. H. Excessive water infiltration into the pit shall be prevented during backfill and compaction operations. I. Use extreme caution when placing backfill around or above fittings and connections.
©1994 CES-Landfill Control Technologies (CES-LANDTEC), 850 South Via Lata, Suite 112, Colton CA 92324, Phone: (800) 821-0496 (909) 783-3636 www.ces-landtec.com All rights reserved. LANDTEC and LAPS are registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. WBS is a product trademarks. Rev. 2.0 9/26/01 0109LAPS300ElectCent Specs.doc CES-LANDTEC reserves the right to change these specifications without notice. Use of these specifications shall constitute an Agreement to accept the terms of CES-LANDTEC's License Agreement. LFG Cond. Pump System w/Electric Pump 15484 - 7 A. Minimum compaction around the condensate sump and shall be 85 percent relative compaction at 0 percent to 3 percent above optimum moisture. B. Compaction testing may be performed by the Owner at the Owner's expense. C. A permanently installed PVC sleeve at least 2 inches in diameter larger than the field connections shall be installed around external connections to protect them during compaction. D. Use extreme caution when compacting the soil above or adjacent to pipe connections to the LAPS-300TM.
A. Where the condensate liquid pump system penetrates a clay cap or Geomembrane cover on the landfill surface, the cap shall be repaired per the procedures provided by the Engineer to a level at least equal to the original cap.
A. Check sump storage tank, lines and block valve positions prior to operation. B. Testing shall include the minimum operations: 1. Pressure test to verify that connections are sealed (maximum test pressure of 1 PSIG). 2. Leak test the buried 2-inch sump connection prior to setting backfill. 3. Conduct test run per the operating manual.
A. Prior to acceptance the following verifications shall be made: 1. Verify unit is installed vertically. 2. Verify unit has been installed per the Manufacturer's Written Instructions. 3. Verify connections have been pressure tested per the Manufacturer's recommendations. 4. Verify the pipes and connections are clean and free of debris. 5. Verify the level sensing rods are wired to correct terminals in control panel. 6. Verify correct rotation of pump motor, Correct rotation is shown by an arrow on the pump housing. 7. Verify required functional testing has been completed. 8. Verify that Submittal requirements have been met.
©1994 CES-Landfill Control Technologies (CES-LANDTEC), 850 South Via Lata, Suite 112, Colton CA 92324, Phone: (800) 821-0496 (909) 783-3636 www.ces-landtec.com All rights reserved. LANDTEC and LAPS are registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. WBS is a product trademarks. Rev. 2.0 9/26/01 0109LAPS300ElectCent Specs.doc CES-LANDTEC reserves the right to change these specifications without notice. Use of these specifications shall constitute an Agreement to accept the terms of CES-LANDTEC's License Agreement. LFG Cond. Pump System w/Electric Pump 15484 - 8