IT Program Steering Committee meeting 4/21/17 PGA, Jerry Schoen, Tyler Vouros, Graham Gal, Traci Hess, BJ Roche, Nikki Stoia, Rick Adrion, Maria Toyofuku.

1. Summit There were about 350 registrants, about 80 people for the Thursday event. Both days seemed to go very well, according to student, faculty, staff, business participants.

Suggestions for future summits: Have coffee available for 1PM & following sessions Put a schedule by room at top of escalator.

2. Review IT minor requirements Note: When we say Rubric, we mean the course letters: OIM, etc.

Policy approved by the committee, superseding what was voted on in February meeting: “No more than 2 courses used to fulfill the requirements of any one credential (Major minor or certificate) may be also be applied towards fulfillment of the IT minor. In addition, one course may only be applied to the IT Minor and one other credential. This policy applies to major coursework (courses taken for a specific major), and does not apply to general education requirements or college/school- level foundation/core courses. “

Students will not be cleared for the IT minor unless all requirements are prior approved by an IT minor advisor.

This policy will start for any students enrolling as new students at UMass in Fall 2017. “ Approved unanimously.

Note first paragraph is current university policy, from Registrar’s web site (passed, but currently suspended).

Note also: sentence in blue above means you can’t take a single class and have it count for 3 or 4 degree programs. 2 at once is the max.

Graham suggests making it clear that we allow only 1 transfer class. Says there is a place on the site that says 2 classes. We need to fix that.

PGA would like web site to say: for interpretation of all rules, you must see an advisor. In past, some students have gotten prior approval for several courses abroad, because they don’t know in advance which courses they will get into. SO in future such cases, prior approval form must state only one course will be allowed as transfer.

3 . proposed IT Courses COMM 397SM. Approved as IT Minor, Broadened inquiry. Unanimous.

COMM497DB. Approved as elective- and as technical if students document they have taken the associated R workshop. Students must bring work/documentation to IT advisor to get technical.

ANTRHO 597. Not approved, as this is a stats course. respond to professor: “We believe this is an excellent stats course, but does not fall into any of the IT Minor approved course categories.”

SUSTCOMM 297L (IT program funded last fall, funded again to pay adjunct faculty for this fall). Approved as foundation, broadened inquiry, or elective.

OIM350, OIM 453 both approved as technical courses. No pre-reqs for OIM350, which is a pre-req for OIM453.

4. Catalogue for IT minor due April 28. SCom members please look at current catalogue on web site, suggest needed changes. PGA will also send around list to BJ, Traci, Graham, Maria.

5. IT Program current & future goals PGA pointed out that IT program only has 0.1% under-represented minorities (URMs) among its students. Campus has 13.2% URMs for entering students. Traci: get data from U., find out where URMs are, what is/is not being done to recruit them.

Nikki mentioned that University has several functions that target URMs. Can we get someone – i.e. various SCom members - to attend some of these events on behalf of the program?

Jerry suggests a good IT Program review may be in order – especially, take a look at the budget, to see what the program might do with more resources, and in light of the growing number of students in the program.

BJ: develop a course/courses in specific IT tools for majors of different departments.

Miscellaneous: Anyone with IT Minor student just graduating looking for work, Maria has 2 positions to fill, send them to Maria. See email recently sent to IT Minors: We have been invited to make IT Minor Seniors and recent graduates aware of an exceptional job opportunity being offered by Five College Consortium. Please, see the link below for two Web Technologist Positions. blended-learning-post-bac- The IT Program has also had inquiries for Graphic Designers for a very exciting project opportunity working with the new Men's Basketball coaching staff and managers. For more information contact Sam Rubinstein at [email protected]