(Read This Issue Online s2

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(Read This Issue Online s2

Monday, October 7, 2013

(Read this issue online: www.nacc.org/resources/e-news/nn-issue-156.aspx)

NACC 1. Executive Director’s Reflection * 2. Welcome September new NACC members! * 3. October 25th deadline for considering leadership roles within NACC! * 4. Do you know of or have access to a potential interview site for NACC initial board certification interviews? * 5. THANK YOU to all who made the October 5-6, 2013 interview weekend a success! * 6. October 15th is new deadline for submitting prayers for the World Day of the Sick cards * 7. The September/October Vision is now available on the NACC website!

2014 CONFERENCE 8. 2014 National Conference Plenary Speakers announced * 9. Today, October 7th, is deadline to submit proposals for our 2014 Conference Workshops! * 10. October 31st is deadline for call for poster presentations for the 2014 Conference *

CHAPLAINCY NEWS, EDUCATION, PROFESSIONAL SUPPORTS 11. Sometimes we miss resources – here’s one on research and chaplaincy * 12. Request: still seeking information from chaplains in multicultural settings. * 13. 2013 Pastoral Care Week, October 20-26, 2013 is just two weeks away! * 14. 2013 NACC Audio Conferences * 15. 2013 local gatherings! * 16. Healing Tree: a request for prayers * 17. Recent job postings * 18. Positions Wanted

* new/updated items

1. Executive Director’s Reflection * Wow! What a challenging message in yesterday’s first reading from the prophet Habakkuk chapter one! Does it not resonate with the events of the past week and question our resilience and commitment!

How long, O LORD? I cry for help but you do not listen! I cry out to you, "Violence!" but you do not intervene. Why do you let me see ruin; why must I look at misery? Destruction and violence are before me; there is strife, and clamorous discord. Then the LORD answered me and said: Write down the vision clearly upon the tablets, so that one can read it readily. For the vision still has its time, presses on to fulfillment, and will not disappoint; if it delays, wait for it, it will surely come, it will not be late. The rash one has no integrity; but the just one, because of his faith, shall live

With the rancor of our Washington representatives, the focus of the national press on the snags of open enrollment on the health care exchanges, and the random violence that plagues our nation and beyond, I know my cry often was, “Come on! I am tired of this!”

Then, yesterday’s first reading. It was humbling. It made me recall how my grade school teachers would say, “OK, get out a piece of paper and write this down.” It was usually something she did not want us to forget. So, here is God to Habakkuk and to me, like a teacher instructing me to remind me. Write it down so that one can read it readily. It reminded me when I was in my early, more formative years that I would post on my bathroom mirror sayings and quotes to remind me of core truths that inspired me so that I could “read it readily.” So does the vision still have its time and is pressing on to fulfillment? Can I wait for it? Can I continue forward with integrity?

So what did last week do for you? Did you find yourself faltering? Does the vision sustain you? Are you staying steady with integrity? I am thinking about what I should write down and paste on our bathroom mirror again to inspire me and keep me faithful. What would you write? What does God call you to write? I will share mine next issue. Would you?

Blessings, David A. Lichter, D.Min. Executive Director

2. Welcome September new NACC members! *

Member Ministry Volunteer Student Brent J. Derowitsch Hillary Andebo Bernadette M. Fortuna Gladyce O. Janky John C. Caron Kathleen A. Klocek William D. O'Brien Albert E. Vacek, Jr. Denise C. Thompson Boniface Wanukoko Jane D. Wagner 3. October 25th deadline for considering leadership roles within NACC! * NACC is currently seeking members to fill committee vacancies: the Finance Committee, the Standards Commission, and the Ethics Commission.

The Finance Committee's purpose is to recommend finance policies and budgets that support the mission, vision and values, and strategic plan of the Association and to monitor the Association’s financial performance. Applicants must have knowledge of financial matters. Interested members can download the application here.

The Standards Commission's purpose is to review the Common Standards and the NACC-specific Standards as well as the Procedures for Certification and to make recommendations to the NACC Board of Directors. Applicants must be Board Certified (5 year minimum), have at least three years of active involvement with NACC, a demonstrated knowledge of the NACC Standards and Certification process, and leadership skills. Interested members can download the application here.

The purpose of the Ethics Commission is to review formal complaints involving alleged violations of the NACC Code of Ethics in accordance with NACC Standards and Procedures. Applicants must be Board Certified, have at least three years of active involvement with NACC, leadership skills, and demonstrate knowledge of the NACC Code of Ethics. Interested members can download the application here.

The deadline for all applications is Friday, October 25th.

The success of the Association depends on the talent and efforts of all our members. Please prayerfully consider serving the Association on a committee, commission, or panel. If you have any questions about these or other leadership opportunities within NACC, please contact a member of the Nominations Panel: Jim Letourneau ([email protected]), Theresa Edmonson ([email protected]), Marybeth Harmon ([email protected]), Jane Mather ([email protected]), or Rosemary Partridge ([email protected]).

4. Do you know of or have access to a potential interview site for NACC initial board certification interviews? *

As part of our mission to best serve both the current applicants for certification as well as NACC member volunteers, we are surveying our readership for new potential certification interview sites. We attempt to add 2-3 new sites per year around the nation to best suit the needs of all interview participants.

What is needed in a potential interview site?  Within reasonable distance of a major airport or in a location with many local seasoned interview volunteers  3-4 private interview rooms (enclosed professional office space), a welcome/registration area and a quiet preparation space for the applicants to review their materials as well as spaces for lunch/refreshments, space for pastoral support as needed, and a chapel if possible  Since the interviews take place on a weekend (usually the first weekend of May and October), the space must be available and accessible all day on Saturday and a half day on Sunday  Access to computers and printers is highly preferable but not essential  A host familiar with the site (aka a “Site Coordinator”)  Low or no cost to use the space  Confidential materials disposal (i.e. a shredder or locked container/bin)

NACC provides reimbursement for all light hospitality (refreshments, supplies, etc.) and the office staff handles hotel reservations and prepares the paperwork needed for the event. Interview Team Educators are always present at each interview site to oversee the process and assist the interview teams. All NACC volunteers, including Site Coordinators, are eligible to count up to fifteen (15) hours per year for the service you provide to the NACC that is of an educational value.

If you know of or have access to a site that may be used as an NACC certification interview site, please contact Lindsey Tews, M.A., Administrative Specialist/Certification, at 414-483-4898 ext. 304 or at [email protected].

5. THANK YOU to all who made the October 5-6, 2013, interview weekend a success! * A big thank-you to Lindsey Tews of the National Office staff, and all the many, many volunteers involved in this past weekend’s certification interviews! A thank-you to the five hosting locations: Ann Arbor, Michigan; Camp Hill, Pennsylvania; Milwaukee, Wisconsin; New York, New York; and Portland, Oregon. There were 112 people involved in the interview weekend: 46 applicants, 48 interviewers, 11 Interview Team Educators, 6 Site Coordinators, and at least 6 Pastoral Presence Volunteers/Other Volunteers. Thanks so much for all our volunteers’ hard work and dedication to the NACC Certification process!

6. October 15th is new deadline for submitting prayers for the World Day of the Sick cards * Every year, the NACC prints prayer cards for World Day of the Sick, for use in hospitals, hospices, long- term care facilities, parishes, and anyone else interested in the spiritual needs of sick persons and caregivers. February 11, 2014, World Day of the Sick, seems like a long way off, doesn’t it? However, we invite our members to consider writing a prayer to be used on the prayer cards for 2014. We will again publish two cards: Prayer for Sick Persons and Prayer for the Caregiver. You may submit prayers for either or both. Prayers may be written in any style or format you like, but they should be no more than 32 lines long, with an average line length of not more than 10 syllables. To see examples of past prayers, click here. All submissions must be received at the NACC office by next Tuesday, October 15th. We will notify the person(s) whose prayers will be used by October 22nd. We are not able to offer payment, but the authors will be credited. We will share a total of two prayers in print, although some runners-up may be featured on our website later in the year. Please send your submissions to Cindy Bridges ([email protected]). Thank you in advance for sharing your gifts.

7. The September/October Vision is now available on the NACC website! The September/October Vision issue is now available on the NACC website! This issue’s theme is “Spiritual care meets social media and technology,” exploring issues such as EPIC, the benefits and challenges; the next steps in e-chaplaincy; downloading songs to use at the bedside; the best apps for in-house ministry. Remember that you no longer need your member number to access the Vision; just go to www.nacc.org/vision. Continued thanks to Laurie Hansen-Cardona and the Editorial Advisory Panel for their excellent work!


8. 2014 National Conference Plenary Speakers announced * We are happy to announce our 2014 National Conference Plenary Speakers. The committee is so excited to host each of these speakers who will speak specifically to components of our theme: Gateway to Compassionate Leadership. Mark your calendars now for what will be a wonderful conference and watch the conference website for more information on our speakers at www.nacc.org/conference.

Sr. Patricia Talone, RSM, Ph.D. ~ Saturday, May 17, 2014 Daniel Sulmasy, M.D., Ph.D. ~ Sunday, May 18, 2014 Wendy Cadge, Ph.D. ~ Monday, May 19, 2014- Chris Lowney, M.A. ~ Tuesday, May 20, 2014

9. Today, October 7th, is deadline to submit proposals for our 2014 Conference Workshops! * Today you can still email proposals for workshops for our 2014 National Conference in St. Louis, MO, May 17-20, 2014. Please talk with your colleagues and consider submitting a proposal for a workshop! Application forms for pre-conference workshops and 75-minute workshops are available below for download. Before completing the proposal form, please be sure to review the submission guidelines. Email your proposal today to the NACC National Office to Jeanine Annunziato at [email protected]. www.nacc.org/conference/default.aspx#callforworkshops

10. October 31st is deadline for call for poster presentations for the 2014 Conference * At the 2014 national conference, we have set aside space for those who are interested in displaying a poster. Beyond pre-conference workshops and 75-minute conference workshops, poster displays offer your colleagues additional ways to learn about creative and innovative programs and research in spiritual care. Please consider submitting an application for a poster display. Click here for more information. Complete the poster application and submit to NACC no later than Thursday, October 31, 2013.


11. Sometimes we miss resources – here’s one on research and chaplaincy * In recent days, we have had requests for articles on research and chaplaincy. In case you missed these two articles in Health Progress, March-April 2013. “Studies Show Spiritual Care Linked to Better Health Outcomes” by David A. Lichter, D.Min., and “Identifying and Ministering to the Spiritual Needs of Hospitalized Catholics, by Katherine M. Piderman, Ph.D., Christine M. Spampinato, Sarah M. Jenkins, M.S., Rev. Dean V. Marek, Rev. James F. Buryska, STL, Mary E. Johnson, M.A., Rev. John L. Evans, Rev. Joseph P. Chacko, M.A., David J. Plevak, MD, and Paul S. Mueller, MD. Here is a link to these articles. www.chausa.org/publications/health-progress/march-april-2013 12. Request: still seeking information from chaplains in multicultural settings. * Maria Sepulveda-Cabrera is a graduate student at Fordham University pursuing her MA in RE and Pastoral Studies and will be starting CPE in Spring 2014. She is in the process of preparing her Master’s Thesis and the subject is on the need for transferring the skills and values of the bilingual (English being one of the predominant languages spoken) Catholic Lay Chaplain into the parish community setting in a multicultural parish setting. She is in search of any related material or actual lay chaplains doing such work in the Archdioceses or Healthcare community outreach settings in NYC or anywhere nationally. She received two responses from the last NACC Now. If you would still like to contact her, she will be most grateful for any assistance. [email protected].

13. 2013 Pastoral Care Week, October 20-26, 2013 is just two weeks away! * If you still are seeking ideas for planning for Pastoral Care Week, please go to the Pastoral Care Week website for information and resources. www.pastoralcareweek.org/themeresources2013.html

14. 2013 NACC Audio Conferences *

This week begins the two session series:

October 10 and 17, 2013, Chaplains and Patient Satisfaction, Beverly Beltramo, D.Min., BCC

The coming audio conferences include:  November 7 and 14, 2013, ERD – FAQ on Beginning and End of Life, Rev. Thomas Nairn, OFM, PhD  December 5 and 12, 2013, Chaplaincy Ministry in Light of Vatican II, Edward Hahnenberg, PhD

To register for these audio conferences go to www.nacc.org/resources/edevents. For questions regarding audio conferences, please contact Jeanine Annunziato ([email protected]).

15. 2013 local gatherings! * Please mark your calendars for the following NACC local gatherings:  Wednesday, October 16, 2013, Michigan. See details.  Saturday, November 2, 2013, Brockton, MA. See details.  Wednesday, November 13, 2013, Washington D.C. See details.

16. Healing Tree: a request for prayers * Please let us know if you would like our membership to pray for your health and healing. Also please let us know when you want us to remove your name from our Healing Tree.

We continue to pray for: Marga Halala, Donn Renfro (son-in-law of Karen Pugliese), Amy in Atlanta (friend of NACC member Theresa Sullivan), Thomas (grandson of NACC member Ginny Grimes Allen), Beth from Boston (friend of NACC member Dana Sandlin), Mary Moore (sister of NACC member Anne Murphy), Rev. John O’Leary, Sr. Peggy Nau, SP, Linda Colozzi, Fr. Doug Faraci, Sr. Janet Bielmann, Fr. Martin McGeough CM, Kelly Folan (daughter of NACC member Marty Folan), Francis J. Aguilar (father of NACC member Bruce Aguilar), Sr. Mary Brigid Riley, O.Carm., Dianna (Dee) Chapman, Mary Potts, twin sister of Deacon Francis Potts, Elizabeth A. Walsh, Francesco Marshall, Glenn and Pat Teske, Susan Murphy, Fr. Jim Radde, SJ, Sr. Mary Clare Boland, SP, Sr. Phyllis Ann DiRenzo, Kathy Brier (daughter of NACC member Theresa Brier), Ginny Conron, Gloria Troxler, Fr. Kevin Ikpah, Lourdes B. Ruta (wife of Peter Ruta), and Kelly Elizabeth Sexton (daughter of NACC member Melyssa Sexton).

17. Recent job postings * The following positions have been posted recently on our Positions Available page. Please go to www.nacc.org/positions/available.aspx for more information.

CHAPLAIN Chicago, IL - Presence Resurrection Retirement Community

DIRECTOR of CHAPLAINCY Sioux Falls, SD - Avera McKennan Hospital & University Health Center

FT CHAPLAIN Los Angeles, CA - St John of God Retirement & Care Center

CPE RESIDENCY La Crosse, WI - Gundersen Health System

CHAPLAIN- ROMAN CATHOLIC PRIEST - part-time Portland, OR - Providence Portland Medical Center

DIRECTORS of MISSION and SPIRITUAL CARE Grand Island, Kearney, and Lincoln, NE - Catholic Health Initiatives–Nebraska

CHAPLAIN Issaquah, WA - Providence Marianwood

18. Positions Wanted * In this time of change and uncertainty it is more important than ever to use every resource available. If you have lost your job recently, if you’re just seeking a new or better position, or if you are an employer seeking a chaplain for your organization, be sure to visit our Positions Wanted webpage. NACC members can take advantage of this free service by placing a job-seeking ad, for free, which will run for 60 days. To see the ads, visit www.nacc.org/positions/wanted.aspx.

Here's the most recently-placed ad from one of our members - to read the full ad and see the others, click the "read more" link: WANTED: Fulltime Chaplain position in New York City or Long Island or vicinity. Room & board by employer or Religious Order preferred. 54 y/o lay Catholic Chaplain, board certified through NACC, 6 units CPE and MDiv from an Episcopal seminary. Retired Paramedic and Registered Nurse. Deeply committed Catholic convert who is also able to minister to people of all Faiths and to those with no Faith, based always first on respect for common humanity and The Image of GOD in everyone. Eucharistic, Lector and Preaching experience with street smarts and devotion to our Lord & our Lady. First Vows soon in Order of Franciscans Secular. My mission, “LORD, make me an instrument of Your Peace…” I will do any shifts and reasonable on call duty. I am not perfect, but am a hard worker and still enthusiastic about serving in Ministry after 6 years of hospital Chaplaincy. Ask for Chaplain Bob @ 717-368-5548 or email me @ [email protected].

To place your own ad, send an email to Phil Paradowski: [email protected].


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Questions, comments, praise, and criticism of NACC Now may be sent via reply to this email. Please note that correspondence about unrelated matters may not be answered in a timely manner if sent via a reply to this newsletter. Please do not reply to this message about matters other than the NACC Now newsletter.

For all other business, including membership questions, certification, renewal of certification, general business, etc. – please email [email protected] or visit www.nacc.org/aboutnacc/staff.aspx for information about the office staff’s responsibilities and contact information. You may also telephone our office at 414- 483-4898.

This e-newsletter is a publication of the National Association of Catholic Chaplains and is ©2013.

National Association of Catholic Chaplains 4915 S. Howell Avenue, Suite 501 Milwaukee, WI 53207-5939

Phone: 414.483.4898 Fax: 414.483.6712 Email: [email protected] Web: www.nacc.org

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