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Gathering Music David Gioe and the Smooth Stones

Greeting and Announcements Pastor Alex Stone Pat Zarse Mission Statement Leader: We are committed to: All: Making Disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. *Hymn “We Three Kings” UMH #254 Prelude “We Three Kings” Dwight Huntley Introit “O Sing a Song of Bethlehem” Chancel Choir Scripture Reading Matthew 2: 1-12 Please stand for the Light of the Risen Christ and remain standing for the Call to Worship Children’s Moment Professor Dale *Call to Worship Pat Zarse “Jesus Loves Me” Leader: Too long we’ve gone the wrong way; followed the wrong stars! People: We went South following movie stars, greed, and Presentation of Our Tithes and Offerings lust. Offertory “What Child is This?” Leader: Star of Wonder… *Doxology People: We went East following stars of militarism, UMH #95 nationalism, and war. Leader: Star of Light… Prayer Time People: We even went North following our own visions, our Pastoral Prayer own intuition, and our own way. Lord’s Prayer Leader: Star with Royal Beauty Bright… Choral Response “Rise Up Shepherd” People: Lord, this year we will follow the Star of Bethlehem Leader: The Star of Hope People: The Star of Peace Anthem “In This Very Room” Chancel Choir

Leader: The Star of Joy Message Gifts for the Christ Child ALL: That Star is You Sun 14th 9:15am Sunday School Classes 10:30am Sunday Worship Service of Holy Communion 4:00pm Youth Group

*Hymn “Go, Tell It on the Mountain” UMH #251 The Trustee for January is Dave Branson 317-626-6226 For a complete church schedule, please visit our website at PASTOR: Alex Stone Benediction ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT: Carrie Smith MUSIC MINISTRIES DIRECTOR: Shawn Gilliland Choral Benediction “Lift Up Your Heads” ORGANIST/ACCOMPANIST: Dwight Huntley DAYTIME MINISTRIES DIRECTOR: Staci Wilson FACILITIES MANAGER: Tim Waymire Postlude “Go, Tell It on the Mountain” CCLI: 849370

*Indicates please stand as you are able

Prayer Requests Family of Dottie Macy Melinda Rodgers Sue Rodgers Jack Zering Lori Thompson Mattie Grinley Jerry & Pat Fentz Elizabeth Harris Julie Heckman MT COMFORT UNITED Rudy Nylund Shelbie Heckman Linda Creed Hoye Breedlove Donna Kendall Libby Bales Elizabeth Hampton Caeley Hayes Chris Martin METHODIST CHURCH Suzanne Grove Marissa Nieter Mary & Jerry Satterly Jo Sullivan Today’s Acolytes are Lily & Ray

The flower on the altar is in memory of Richard Hudson of Riverview, Florida. Richard passed away on December 23 and is the brother of Roger Hudson. Our sympathy and prayers go out to the Hudson family.

NURSERY Jan 14th – Angie Ludlow & Tracy Henry ACOLYTES Jan 14th – Alysin & Jessa CHURCH CALENDAR Today 9:15am Sunday School Classes 10:30am Sunday Worship 4:00pm Youth Group Mon 8th 9:30am Proclaim Speech and Debate Club 10:30am FCJ Prayer Team 3:00pm Hancock County Children’s Choir 6:30pm Worship Committee Meeting Tues 9th 6:30pm Scouts Pack 236 Wed 10th 7:00am Men’s Bible Study – Bloom Care Thurs 11th 10:00am Women’s Bible Study 2:30pm SonShine Kids 6:00pm Handbell Choir Practice 7:00pm Chancel Choir Practice January 7, 2018

3179 North 600 West Greenfield, IN 46140 Office: (317) 894-8965 Fax: (317) 894-9093 Email: [email protected]

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