Rubric for Evaluation of Essay for Unit 1 in the Integrate Module About Geoscientific Thinking

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Rubric for Evaluation of Essay for Unit 1 in the Integrate Module About Geoscientific Thinking

Rubric for Evaluation of Essay for Unit 1 in the InTeGrate Module about Geoscientific Thinking

4 3 2 1 A-level qualities B-level qualities C-level qualities F-level qualities Criterion Score (90–100) (80–89) (70–79) (below 70) Purpose Introduces and Introduces and Introduces and Introduces and presents presents paper presents paper presents paper paper poorly; purpose is effectively and adequately; purpose somewhat effectively; generally unclear clearly; purpose is is not consistently writing has a clear readily apparent to clear throughout the purpose but may the reader paper sometimes digress from it Development and Develops paper as Develops paper as Does not fully Paper is undeveloped, content assigned, providing assigned, providing develop paper as fails to provide metacognitive metacognitive assigned, may fail to metacognitive summary of summary of changes summary of changes provide changes to own ideas to own ideas about to own ideas about metacognitive about scientific method scientific method and scientific method and summary of changes and completely ignores or a robust and with a full and to own ideas about misunderstands the accurate analysis of effective summary scientific method or article; paper does not the article; critiques and analysis of the an accurate summary relate to the assignment; claims with great article; critiques or an effective analysis of the papers is insight claims with adequate analysis of the article; vague or there is no insight critique of claims is evidence that the writers basic or general have read them Provides a strong, Provides an effective Provides some Does not provide compare/contrast compare/contrast compare/contrast compare/contrast assessment of assessment of assessment of assessment of geoscience geoscience methods geoscience methods geoscience methods methods vs stereotypical vs stereotypical vs stereotypical vs stereotypical experimental scientific experimental experimental experimental method or makes scientific method scientific method scientific method but statements that indicate does so in a vague or little understanding of confusing manner these concepts Documentation Ideas are supported Ideas are generally Attribution may be Attribution is missing, or and support effectively and supported and paper present, but sources sources given are poorly sources are clearly includes clear are questionable or chosen, or sources have attributed attribution style is incorrect; not been used

some statements are unsubstantiated and the source of some ideas is unclear Organization Arranges ideas Arranges ideas Arranges ideas Arranges ideas illogically; clearly and logically adequately to support adequately, in ideas frequently fail to to support the the purpose or general, although make sense together; purpose or argument; argument; links ideas sometimes fail reader cannot identify a ideas flow smoothly between ideas are to make sense line of reasoning and and are effectively generally clear; together; reader becomes frustrated or linked; reader can reader can follow the remains fairly clear loses interest follow the line of line of reasoning for about what writer reasoning the most part intends Writing Writing demonstrates Writing is Writing lacks clarity Writing is unfocused, mechanics a sophisticated accomplished in or conciseness and rambling, or contains clarity, conciseness, terms of clarity and contains numerous serious errors and correctness conciseness; errors contains few errors APA format Uses APA format Uses APA format Reflects incomplete Does not use APA format accurately and with minor violations knowledge of APA consistently format

Note: Criteria are evaluated on a 4-3-2-1-0 basis. Total rubric points are converted first to a letter grade and then to a numerical equivalent based on a 0–100 scale: 30–32 = A (93–100); 29 = A– (90–92); 28 = B+ (88–89); 23–27 = B (83–87); 22 = B– (80–82); 21 = C+ (78–79); 15–20 = C (73–77); 14 = C– (70–72); 7–13 = D (60–69); 0–6 = F (below 60).

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