Theses of the Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Pretoria

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Theses of the Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Pretoria


1921 NESER, C.P. The blood of domestic equines UNISA DSc

1928 QUIN, J.I. Studies on Anthrax immunity UNISA DVSc

1928 QUINLAN, J.B. Researches into sterility of cows in South Africa UNISA DVSc

1928 THOMAS, A.D. Skin cancer of the Angora goat in South Africa. UNISA DVSc

1929 ROBINSON, E.M. The Bacteria of the Clostridium Botolinum “C” and “D” types. UNISA DVSc

1931 BEKKER, J.G. The Administration of Phosphorus to cattle in their drinking water. UP DVSc

1932 GRAF, H. Comparative chemical studies on “Laked and Unlaked” blood filtrates of domestic animals in health and disease. UP DVSc

1932 PARKIN, B.S. The Trypanosomiases of domestic animals of the Union of South Africa. UNISA DSc

1934 ALEXANDER, R.A. A Study of the Neurotropic Virus of Horse-sickness. UNISA DVSc

1936 JACKSON, C. The Incidence and pathology of tumours of domesticated animals in South Africa. A Study of the Onderstepoort Collection of Neoplasms with special reference to their histopathology. UNISA DSc

1936 STERNE, M. Studies in variation in Anthrax . UNISA DVSc

1937 VILJOEN, N.F. Cysticercosis in swine and bovines with special reference to S.A. conditions. UNISA DVSc

1937 VILLIERS, O.T. The Blood of the ostrich. UNISA DVSc

1938 CLOETE, J.H.L. Prenatal growth in the Merino sheep. UNISA DVSc

1938 HENNING, M.W. The antigenic structure of Salmonellas obtained from domestic animals and birds in South Africa. UNISA DSc

1940 SNYMAN, P.S. The Study and control of the Vectors of Rabies in South Africa UNISA DVSc

1941 CANHAM, A.S. The double intradermal test for tuberculosis in cattle, with reference to the “no lesion” reactor, nonspecific reactions and the part played by saphrophytic acid fast organisms in causing sensitisation to bovine and human tuberculin UNISA DVSc

1942 VAN DER WATH, J.G. Studies on the alimentary tract of the Merino sheep with special reference to the role of the ruminal microfauna and flora. UP DVSc

1943 VAN DER WALT, S.J. Some aspects of the toxicology of hydrocyanic acid in ruminants. UP DVSc

1944 LOUW, P.G.J. Struktuur ondersoek van lantadeen A, die aktiewe bestanddeel van lantana camara. UP DSc

1948 PULLINGER, E.J. The provision of a safe and satisfactory milk supply on a national basis; with special reference to South African conditions. UP DVSc 1953 DU TOIT, R.M. Trypanosomiasis in Zululand and the control of tsetse flies by chemical means. UP DVSc

1953 WEISS, K.E. Studies on the pathogenesis of acute bloat in ruminants. UP DVSc

1956 HAIG, D.A. Canine distemper: immunization with avianised virus. UP DVSc

1958 REINECKE, R.K. A field study of some nematode parasites of bovines in a semi-arid area, with special reference to their biology and possible methods of prophylaxis. UP DVSc

1958 MCINTOSCH, B.M. Immunological types of horsesickness virus and their significance in immunization. UP DVSc

1958 BELONJE, C.W.A. Fertility and infertility of thoroughbred mares under the environmental conditions prevailing in the Karroo midlands of South Africa. UNISA DVSc

1959 POLS. J.W. Studies on bovine besnoitiosis with special reference to the aetiology.

1960 JANSEN, B.C. The beta toxin of Clostridium welchii type B, Wilsdon, in relation to the production of a vaccine against lamb dysentery. UP DVSc

1961 VAN HEERDEN, K.M. Investigations into the cause of abortions in Angora goats in South Africa. UNISA DVSc

1962 KASCHULA, V.R. The propagation and modification of Rift Valley fever virus strains in chick embryos and their use of immunizing agents for domestic ruminants. UP DVSc

1964 PLOWRIGHT, W. Studies on malignant catarrhal fever of cattle. UP DVSc

1966 DORRINGTON, J.E. Studies on Filaroides osleri (Cobbold, 1879). UP DVSc

1966` HOFMEYR, C.F.B. Surgery of bovine impotentia coeundi. UP DVSc

1966 HORAK, I.G. Host-parasite relationships of Paramphistomum Microbothrium Fischoeder, 1901, in experimentally infested ruminants, with particular reference to sheep. UP DVSc

1967 ERASMUS, T. Water metabolism studies with ruminants. UP DVSc

1967 MULLER, G.L. The epizootiology of helminth infestation in sheep in the south western districts of the Cape. UP DVSc

1967 WORTHINGTON, R.W. Mycobacterial PPD sensitins and the non-specific reactor problem. UP DVSc

1968 BIGALKE,R.D. New concepts on the epidemiological features of bovine besnoitiosis as determined by laboratory and field investigations. UP DVSc

1968 BROWN, J.M.M. Biochemical studies on geeldikkop and enzootic icterus. UP DVSc

1969 HOWELL, P.G. The antigenic classification of strains of bluetongue virus, their significance and use in prophylactic immunization. UP PhD

1969 NEETHLING, L.P. ‘n Vergelykende fisiologies-chemiese studie van die rooisel van die skaap en die hond. UP DSc 1969 VERWOERD, D.W. Die biochemiese karakterisering van die bloutongvirus. UP DVSc

1970 ERASMUS, J.A. Koper en seleen as etiologiese faktore by geeldikkop en ensootiese ikterus in skape in Suid-Afrika. UP DVSc

1970 van RENSBURG, S.J. Reproductive physiology and endocrinology of normal and habitually aborting Angora goats. UP DVSc

1971 BARGAI, U. The radiological examination of the digestive system of the horse. UP DVSc

1973 ALCANTARA, P.J.dC.F. A new method for the measurement of lymph flow and its application to the study of experimental and clinical conditions. UP DVSc

1973 CAMERON, C.M. The immunogenicity of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis (Buchanan, 1911). UP DVSc

1973 PEREIRA, M.L.G.C. Arterial blood supply of the cerebellum of cattle, sheep and goats, including observations on morphology and considerations of terminology. UP DVSc

1974 STEYN, D.G. The effect of captivity stress on the physiology of the chacma baboon (papio ursinus) UP DVSc

1975 OWEN, N.C. Some physiological aspects of renal function in the sheep. UP DVSc

1976 SMUTS, M.M.S. The blood supply of the cervical vertebrae of the ox, Bos Taurus L. with special reference to the vascular foramina and areas of nuscular attachment. UP DVSc

1977 BARROWMAN, P.R. Studies on trypanosome equiperdum infection in horses and the immunopathology of trypanosome brucei infection in sheep. UP DVSc

1977 PINI, A. Strains of African swine fever virus isolated from domesticated pigs and from tick Ornithodoros moubata in South Africa . UP DVSc

1978 LITTLEJOHN, A. Studies on the physiopathology of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in the horse. UP DVSc

1980 NEVILL, E.M. Studies on Parafilaria Bovicola Tubangui in South Africa with particular reference to the role played by insects in its transmission and distribution. UP DVSc

1981 BEZUIDENHOUT, A. J. The anatomy of the heart of the ostrich Struthio Camelus (Linn). UP DVSc

1982 MITCHELL, G. Porcine stress syndromes. UP DVSc

1983 VILJOEN, J.H The parasitic life cycle of Parafilaria bovicola and its pathogenesis in cattle. UP DVSc

1987 LANGE, A.L. The pathology and biochemistry of a phospholipid lysosomal storage disease in Abyssinian cats. UP DVSc

1987 LOUW, G.J. The development of the arterial blood supply to the bovine brain in association with the developing brain. UP DVSc

1988 BEZUIDENHOUT, J.D. Sekere aspekte van hartwateroordraging, voorkoms van die organisme in bosluise en in vitro kweking. UP DVSc

1989 HORAK, I.G. Studies on helminth and arthropod parasites of some domestic and wild animals in Southern Africa. UP DVSc

1992 GROENEWALD, H.B. A comparative anatomical and histological study of the forestomach and abomasum of homozygous grey, homozygous white and black karakul lambs. UP PhD

1992 MEINTJES, R.A. Sodium and water homeostasis in sheep. UP DVSc

1992 SOLEY, J.T. A histological study of spermatogenesis in the ostrich (Struthio camelus) . UP PhD

1993 LOUW, J.P. The epidemiology, economic effect and control of the internal parasites of sheep in the Southern Cape Province. UP DPhil

1993 VENTER, E.H. The development and use of nucleic acid probes for the detection of Bluetongue virus. UP PhD

1994 BREMER, C.W. Characterisation of the African horsesickness virus genome and the development of new methods for virus detection. UP PhD

1994 DU PREEZ, J.H. The role of heat stress in the performance of dairy cattle in Southern Africa. UP PhD

1995 BRAGG, R.R. Monoclonal antibody detection of both growth stage and isolate dependent antigen expression of Haemophilus Paragallinarum. UP PhD

1995 DE WAAL, D.T. Distribution, transmission and serodiagnosis of Babesia Equi and Babesia Caballi in South Africa. UP PhD

1995 VAN DEN BERG, S.S. An investigation into the aetiology of lamina interna eversion and prolapse in the Brahman. UP DVSc

1996 HUCHZERMEYER, F.W. Plasmodium durae in domestic turkeys (Maleagris gallopavo)and Swainson’s francolin (Francolinus Swainson): characteristics, pathology and chemotherapy. UP PhD

1996 NGERANWA, J.J.N. Characterization of two anaplasma species from elands (taurotragus oryx) and a serologic survey of anaplasma in wild and domestic animals in Kenya. UP D.Phil

1998 LEWIS, B.D. Transplacental transmission of babesia equi in horses and chemotherapy of small babesia species. UP D.Phil

1998 SLABBERT, J.M. Early prediction of adult police dog efficiency. UP PhD

1999 MOGOA, E.G.M. Effects of environmental temperature on pharmacokinetics of, and clinical response to xylazine in goats. UP D.Phil

1999 ODENDAAL, J.S.J. A Physiological basis for animal-facilitated psychotherapy. UP PhD

1999 ODENDAAL, M.W. The management of stress-induced respiratory disease caused by Pasteurella haemolytica in feedlot cattle. UP PhD 1999 WANDRAG, D.B.R. The bioavailability of amino acids and minerals in commercial dog food. UP D.Phil

2000 LUND, R.J. Contribution of respiratory heat loss to heat balance in Thoroughbred horses performing near maximal exercise under thermoneutral and hot-humid conditions. UP D.Phil

2000 MATTHEE, S. Effect of management interventions on helminth levels and body condition of working donkeys in South Africa. UP D.Phil

2000 VAN DEN BOSCHE, P. The development of a new strategy for the sustainable control of bovine trypanosomosis in Southern Africa. UP D.Phil

2002 LUSEBA, D. The effect of selenium and chromium on stress level, growth performance, selected carcass characteristics and mineral status of feedlot cattle. UP DVSc

2002 NDUNG’U, L.W. Assessing animal health delivery for tick and tick-borne disease control in smallholder dairy systems of Kenya; an application of new institutional economics. UP PhD

2002 SANGARE, O. Molecular epidemiology of foot-and-mouth-disease virus in West Africa. UP PhD

2004 SAHLE, M. (FORSA, M.S.?) An epidemiological study on the genetic relationships of foot and mouth disease viruses in East Africa. UP D.Phil

2004 TAYLOR, W.A. Factors influencing productivity in sympatric populations of Mountain Reedbuck and Grey Rhebuck in the Sterkfontein Dam Nature Reserve, South Africa. UP D.Phil

2005 JACOBSON, L.S. Aspects of pathophysiology of severe and complicated canine babesiosis. UP PhD

2005 KOMA, L.M.P.K. Abdominal splanchnic haemodynamics in a canine normovolaemic anaemia model and uncomplicated canine babesiosis; a comparative Doppler study. UP PhD

2005 LOBETTI, R.G. The pathophysiology of renal and cardiac changes in canine babesiosis. UP PhD

2005 LOOTS, C. The comparison and validation of methods for monitoring coccidiosis in broilers. UP PhD

2005 NTLOEDIBE, D.T. Potentising And Application Of Plant Extracts Which Can Be Used As An Alternative For Antibiotic Feed Additives In Poultry Production. UP PhD

2005 WOLDEMARIAM, D.L. Nematode prevalence, helminth management practices and anthelmintic resistance in small ruminants in the Mid-Rift Valley of Ethiopia. UP PhD

2005 ANGEH, J.E. Isolation and characterization of anti-bacterial compounds present in Combretum section Hypocrateroptis. UP PhD

2006 HORNSVELD, M. The osteology of the cranial and facial bones of the savannah buffalo (Syncerus caffer caffer) Sparman, 1779. UP PhD TOTAL NUMBER OF DOCTORAL THESES (DVSc, DSc, PhD and DPhil) 1920-1974 = 50 1975-2006 = 46 (including 9 electronic)

The Faculty of Veterinary Science, established 1920, has always been part of the Transvaal University College, which from 1918 – 1930 was a constituent College of the University of South Africa (est. 1918). Since 1930 the Transvaal University College has been autonomous, being the University of Pretoria.

Brown, M.H.V and Curson, H.H. 1933 The Veterinary profession in South Africa. 6. Theses for the Doctorate. Journal of the South African Veterinary Medical Association 4(3): 186-190.

List compiled by Erica van der Westhuizen with the help of David Swanepoel, Librarian of the Onderstepoort Veterinary Institute, the Archives Librarian at the University of South Africa, Annette le Roux and Antoinette Burger of the Faculty Administration. October 2006

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