Minutes of the Meeting of Talgarth Town Council Held on Wednesday, 10 October 2012, In s1

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Minutes of the Meeting of Talgarth Town Council Held on Wednesday, 10 October 2012, In s1


PRESENT:– Cllr A Lord (Mayor) (In the Chair), Cllr J Wilding (Deputy Mayor), Cllr N K Bally, Cllr A Bufton, Cllr Z Argent, Cllr M Dodds, Cllr G Jones, Cllr J Lilly, Cllr Pip Turner,

APOLOGIES: Cllr J Hopkins, Cllr R Reid, Cllr W Powell (Town & Powys County Councillor)

IN ATTENDANCE: Mrs Josephine Rumsey, Town Clerk

16/04 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – There were no Declarations of Interest.

16/05 MINUTES: Minutes 9 December main meeting & Minutes 6 January Precept meeting - Previously circulated, Cllr A Lord, Mayor, sought adoption. Proposed by Cllr M Dodds and seconded by Cllr J Wilding, all in favour, that the 9 December main Minutes signed as a correct records. Proposed by Cllr M Dodds and seconded by Cllr J Wilding, all in favour, that the Precept Minutes of the 6th January 2016 be signed as a correct record.

16/06 PRECEPT – 2016-2017 – Proposed by Cllr N Bally and seconded by Cllr M Dodds, all in favour, that as discussed at a meeting on 6th January, a Precept of £53,000 for 2016/2017 be agreed.

16/07 REVISED TOWN HALL & BURIAL GROUND FEES – Noted Town Clerk had circulated current Town Council and neighbouring Hall Hire & Burial Ground fees, for comparison. Town Hall fees – Cllr J Wilding, Deputy Mayor suggested and, all in favour, to consider Town Hall fees at April meeting. Burial Ground fees - Noted that PCC figures are not yet available for April 2016 as they are usually set in March. The figures for 1st Jan 2016 were a 65% rise on previous fees (1st April-31st Dec2015). Bronllys and Crickhowell Burial grounds were similar to Talgarth Town Council fees. Proposed by Cllr M Dodds and seconded by Cllr R Reid, all in favour, except Cllr J Wilding who abstained from voting, to a 20% increase in Burial ground fees from 1st Feb 2016. Motion carried.

16/08 CORRESPONDENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA: Welsh Government Engagement Event on the Draft Local Government (Wales) Bill and Explanatory Memorandum – On 24 Nov 2015 WAG launched the consultation on the Draft Local Government (Wales) Bill and Explanatory Memorandum - the objective of the Draft Bill is to complete the programme of Local Authority mergers and set out a new and reformed legislative framework for Local Authority democracy, accountability, performance and elements of finance. It will also establish a statutory Public Services Staff Commission. To put in context how the proposals will affect Town & Community Councils and provide us with an opportunity to comment on and ask questions about the proposals, an invitation received to the following event: Tuesday 2nd February 2016 – South Wales – Liberty Stadium, Swansea (10:30-13:30) Agreed Cllr J Wilding will attend – no event fee, only travel costs for Cllr Wilding. Society of Local Council Clerks – Annual Subscription Feb 2016 – Feb 2017 – Proposed by Cllr A Bufton and seconded by Cllr J Wilding, all in favour to renew annual subscription of £131. PCC Chairman’s Annual Charity Dinner for Alzheimer – 23 Jan, Castle Hotel, Brecon – Noted no one able to attend.

16/09 PLANNING APPLICATIONS AND PLANNING ISSUES – (a) BBNPA - Article 4 Directions, Talgarth Conservation Area. Permitted Development Rights Documentation dated 2nd Dec received from Rosie Burton BBNPA, containing two A3 maps with the local list building marked in blue on it, copies of all the local list visit sheets for the dwelling houses in the conservation area and a sheet explaining what the notice can and cannot do. Agreed to invite Rosie Burton to attend at 6.30pm Wed 10th Feb, to discuss further, prior to the main meeting of the Town Council. (b) BBNPA – Public Footpaths/Talgarth – Response received 4 Jan from Eifion Jones, Rights of Way Officer, confirming that he will prepare hard copies of the Definitive Map for us along with a digital representation of the Definitive Map. He is unable to prepare an up-to-date digital copy of the actual Definitive Map at present and as our Town Council area is quite large he may have to put the digital version on disc for you as it will be too large to send by email. The file will be a PDF. He notes that we have received complaints about various footpaths in the area and is asking if we have any specific details of any in particular as this will make it easier to provide the Area Warden with a work programme. (c) Proposal: “garage extension to existing domestic property”- Address: Site Within Boundary Of Bryn Garage Site, Pont Blaenau, Cwmdu - Grid Reference: E:318440 N:226062 Note letter from David Williams, Applicant, stating that he will be appointing an experienced contractor with over seventy years of experience in this sector to complete the development. Unfortunately his brother who was overseeing the works has developed serious sight problems. Clearly, the appointment will ensure all works are completed in 2016.

16/10 VERBAL REPORTS – COUNTY CLLR WILLIAM POWELL AM – Update received from Cllr W Powell, in advance of the meeting, stating that: ‘Colleagues will know that the Local Government Settlement received by PCC from the Welsh Government at - 4.1 % is the lowest in Wales, followed by allocations to Ceredigion, Monmouthshire and Pembrokeshire. As AM for the Mid & West Wales Region, Cllr Powell has joined Kirsty Williams AM, in making it clear that the Welsh Liberal Democrats will vote against the Welsh Government’s Local Government Settlement, unless a better deal is forthcoming for our rural heartland of Powys and the other hard pressed rural authorities. The Welsh Government published its draft settlement 2016 -17 for local authorities last month. While the cuts to Local Government in the Welsh Government’s Draft Budget were less severe than feared, the Welsh Government’s formula to distribute the money to local authorities has meant that rural councils have been disproportionately hit. There is a genuine need for the formula to be ‘rural proofed,’ factoring in the additional cost of delivering services in rural areas. The combination of this unfavourable formula, and the UK Barnett Formula for determining funding from Westminster to Wales as a whole, which is seen to be unfair to Wales, makes for a very difficult funding climate indeed, especially for services provided locally by PCC. Cllr Powell said that Colleagues may know that he wrote recently, as Chair of the National Assembly for Wales Petitions Committee, to the Education and Skills Minister, Huw Lewis AM, with regard to the issue of term time school holidays. Whilst no one would seek to deny the link between school attendance and pupil attainment, it is clear that the WAG's policy intention is to respect the discretion and educational judgement of the individual head teacher, when considering a request for leave of absence in term time. The Minister was concerned by the evidence of inconsistent practice between different local authorities that Cllr Powell brought to his attention – and has written to all LEAs, to emphasise the importance of consistency and adherence to the guidance. Campaign groups across Mid and West Wales have brought forward petitions due to the apparently overzealous stance of Regional Educational Consortia such as ERW, which includes Powys. This issue has come up recently at both Gwernyfed High School and Talgarth School Governors. Thankfully, our area has been spared the worst in the face of the devastating floods of recent weeks that have affected areas of Mid and West Wales, North Wales and much of the North of England. However, many Talgarth residents will have naturally been anxious, given our previous history of flooding. In this context, Cllr Powell has written to Carl Sargeant AM, Minister for Natural Resources, to ask him for an urgent update on what the Welsh Government is doing to bring resolution to the objection lodged in relation to the next phase of the Talgarth Flood Alleviation Scheme. On the wider flooding front, as Shadow Welsh Liberal Democrat Environment Minister, Cllr Powell has written to the UK Environment Minister Liz Truss MP and Europe Minister, David Lidington MP, urging them to make an application to the EU Solidarity Fund, intended for such natural disasters. We have contributed to the Fund and the European Commissioner Corina Crețu has encouraged the UK to apply for assistance in our time of need. Estimates by accountants KPMG suggest that the recent floods may have cost the UK over £5 billion pounds. Given the overall fiscal climate and the extent of investment needed to make good the damage, I hope that colleagues appreciate the case for making an application.’ ONE VOICE WALES – Note next Brecon & Radnor Area Committee – 7pm 5th Feb Builth Wells. Talgarth Primary School – No new update. Talgarth School Newsletter – January Newsletter received. Friends of Talgarth School - Social Event – Salsa night 12th Feb – Cllr Pip Turner reported that the Friends wished to hold the Event in the Town Hall on 12th Feb to raise some money for the Friends group. Agreed to give free hall hire and use Town Council Alcohol Licence. Festival Group – No new update - noted next meeting 7pm 19th Jan. Tourist Information & Resource Centre (TIRC) – Cllr Z Argent reported that the TIRC is going well and the AGM would be held in May. Xmas Lights Group – Noted some damage had occurred to the leg of one of the gazebos during the setting up of the Xmas Lights Switch on 28th Nov and the repair will be agreed at the next Xmas Lights meeting at 6pm Mon 25th Jan to be held at Coronation Café. TOWN HALL – Town Hall Risk Assessment Jan 2016 – Draft prepared by Cllr A Bufton was received by Town Councillors. Proposed by Cllr M Dodds and seconded by Cllr J Wilding, all in favour that we adopt this as it stands. TV Licensing –Request received asking if Town Hall has a TV.Clerk responded no TV in Town Hall. PAT Testing – Noted PAT testing will take place on Wed 14 Feb by Skyrme Electrical Solutions - £2.20 + VAT per item. Ladies’ toilets – Noted the Caretaker had reported two lights in ladies’ toilets were intermittent. Agreed to ask Andrew Skyrme to repair these lights. Water Rates – Agreed to pay invoice £217.71 for period 1/7/15 – 6/1/16. Town Hall hire – Town Clerk reported that the Brecknock YFC will be holding their Annual event on Meat processing, in the Town Hall on Mon 25th Jan. Agreed to hall hire of £25 for the evening. Noted Cllr A Bufton took no part in this discussion or decision. Cleaner & Gate Opening – Agreed to pay Inv 428 of V W Cleaning Services for Dec - Deep cleaning 5hrs @ £10.50 per hr = £52.50 + Open/Close gates 10 mins per visit 8 hrs @ £6.70 = £53.60 –Total £106.10. ¼ly Fire Alarm & Emergency Light Testing – Noted that Brecon Fire & Security had undertaken the quarterly Fire Alarm & Emergency Light Testing on 9th Dec as per quote £95 + £19 VAT - Total £114 (new rate). Agreed to pay Invoice for quarterly testing £95 + £19 VAT – Total £114. 8 Emergency Lights - Cllr A Bufton expressed concern that some of the new emergency lights fitted on 8th Dec by Brecon Fire & Security as per quote £270 + £54 VAT – Total £324, as they may not be satisfactory re signage etc and agreed to seek advice of Dyfed Powys Fire Service and to express concerns to Brecon Fire & Security. Agreed not to pay invoice £243 until matter resolved. Town Hall Valuation – Agreed to a valuation being undertaken when renovation work is complete. Table Tennis Club – Clerk reported that she had now received Table Tennis documentation and Bank documents from Gareth Walters, former leader of the Table Tennis Club. Cliff Arnall, former leader, is happy to help with the revised Table Tennis Club together with Mrs Heather Summerfield. Agreed Cllr Jacqui Wilding, Cllr Pip Turner and Josephine Rumsey, Town Clerk together with Cliff Arnall, to be a signatories on this Account and the necessary specimen signatories have been obtained. All bank documents to be forwarded to Town Clerk’s address. Noted Table Tennis Club to re-commence Mon 8th Feb – 6.30pm for Juniors & 7.30pm for Adults. Notices to be put up around the town and to local schools. Pictures/Certificates etc – Noted Cllr A Bufton agreed to meet with Cynthia, Luncheon Club, to agree re-positioning of her certificates etc in the Town Hall, after the Notice Board has been put up Frames for official documents and for Chairmen names etc – Cllr Bufton to seek suitable frames. Heating Options, Town Hall – Noted Cllr J Lilly looking into heating options etc. Regeneration Group – Noted last meeting was held on 5th Jan. Cllr J Wilding reported that the Regeneration Group is going well with a good membership and hoping that all groups will feed off each other. She reported the following updates: Flood Alleviation Group meeting & Pop up Shops – work progressing on this idea with Paul Evans doing some benchmarking and a Public event on Fri 11th March. Local Directory – progressing well. Sports Event 29/30 July –planning well in hand/ Markets – Now to be held on first Saturday of the month Former Mid Wales Hospital – A sub group had been formed to look into this issue. Former National Westminster Bank – Liaising with the owners in the hope of a possible Museum in this building. Flix in the Stix – Next Flix on Sat 16th Jan 2016 – Under Milkwood, then Sat 27th Feb & Sat 26 Mar. New Curtains/Blinds etc for Town Hall – Awards for All Grant Application – Cllr J Wilding reported that both she and the Clerk had prepared the Application form and a quote for window curtains and blinds & stage curtaining and rails from the Black Mountains Interior Shop has now been received so the Application form can now be sent to All Awards Grant, Wales Big Lottery. WALKERS ARE WELCOME GROUP – Noted next meeting 7.30pm Wed 20 Jan in Town Hall. Received draft minutes of the meeting on 16 Dec, together with the agenda for next meeting on Wed 20 Jan at 7.30pm in Committee Room, Town Hall. Also attached 3rd version of the content for the Festival Brochure for any views, comments, and any editing corrections at the next meeting. Cllr M Dodds reported that the Programme for the WAW Festival was to contain advertisements - cost £50 for a ¼ page. Cllr Wilding expressed an interest re an advert for the Regeneration Group.

16/11 PROPOSED CLOSURE OF GWERNFED HIGH SCHOOL – Update dated 18 Dec received from Andrew Jones, Chair Gwernyfed CC, and on circulation.

16/12 TOWN HALL GROUND FLOOR MAINTENANCE WORKS/ACCESS ONTO MILL YARD Town Hall basement/The Mill Lease – Noted a response dated 13 January received today via Angharad Woodland from The Mill Trustees’ Solicitors, Gabb & Co – they do not agree that this constitutes an easement or consent for the placing of a ramp over property within their client’s demise and understand that their client would in principle be willing to allow the placing of a ramp subject to 6 conditions. Agreed to inform our Solicitor that all the 6 points raised in Gabbs’ letter have already been agreed and notified to FTM in previous correspondence and we have to have a final document that both parties sign up to and once it is signed there is no going back on it. If this requires the chargee's consent then it must be obtained before we proceed. The Town Council would also like to point out that time is now of the essence as we have to have the work completed and paid for by 31st of March 2016. Lock for Mill Gate – Agreed previously to get the Dyfed Powys Fire Service advice on how to secure the Gate. Noted Cllr A Bufton agreed to make contact with the Fire Officer re this issue. Cllr R Reid agreed to look for a suitable lock.

16/13 TALGARTH PUBLIC CONVENIENCES – Talgarth Public Conveniences – Notification received 4th Dec from Nichola Davies, PCC, informing us that she has been notified that PCC will award a 100% grant for business rates to Town and Community Councils that have taken over the operation of Public Convenience’s throughout the county for the financial year 2016-17 and that a business rates demand will be sent to our council regarding the rates, however the sum will be offset by a grant. Water Rates – Agreed to pay invoice £192.18 for period 31/7/15 – 6/1/16. PIR system/Time Switch – Noted neither have yet been attended to. Clerk to inform Healthmatic. Healthmatic – Quarterly cleaning - 01/10/2015 to 31/12/2015 – Agreed to quarterly cleaning payment (£6,750 per annum) - £1,687.50 + £337.50 VAT – Total £2,025.00.

16/14 BLACK MOUNTAINS LIONS GROUP – DONATION OF A DEFIBRILLATOR – Noted the Defibrillator has been mounted on the side wall of the Town Hall and a DVD/Instructions for use received and on circulation and free tuition can be given. An official presentation by the Black Mountains Lions Group will be held in the New Year. Also free training can be arranged.

16/15 PCC HIGHWAY/TRUNK ROAD AGENCY ISSUES – High Street, Talgarth – Received copy e-mail from John Williams, Talgarth Stores to PCSO Emma Jackson and her reply to John Williams. Mr Williams was aking PCSO Jackson if she had received any feedback from PCC as they had previously suggested measures to prevent vehicles mounting the pavement and he feels the problem continues to pose a potentially very serious risk to pedestrians. PCSO Emma Jackson responded to Mr Williams stating that she has been informed by PCC Highways that the bollards and slabs will be fitted in the new year and, unfortunately due to mishaps with contractors the materials have not been forthcoming. Speeding, Bronllys Road, Talgarth – As reported at our 9th Sept, 14th Oct, 11th Nov & 9th Dec meetings, a response was received from Edwina Hart to our e-mail 6 July to the North and Mid Wales Trunk Road Agent, regarding traffic speeds on the A479 at Talgarth. Noted she is aware of this issue and in discussion with GoSafe, the Wales Road Casualty Reduction Partnership, about speed enforcement in Talgarth. In the meantime, she has asked her officials to discuss the installation of a Speed Indicator Device on the trunk road with PCC, who own the devices. Agreed Cllr W Powell chase this matter. Street Light TG63 – Report received at 9 Dec meeting from elderly residents, High Street, that this light had been out for 6 weeks. Noted light to be repaired in early January. Street Light TG190 – Cllr M Dodds reported that this light was not working – outside Great House Barns, towards New Street. Agreed Clerk report to PCC. Proposed Pavements from bottom of Kings Drive to Hay Road junction – Cllr M Dodds had received concern that there is not a safe walking route from the bottom of Kings Drive, Talgarth to the Hay Road junction. Agreed to forward the concern to PCC and to request that a Pavement be made in this location, in order to make the route safer for pedestrians.

16/16 POWYS TEACHING HEALTH BOARD & BRECKNOCK RADNOR CHC – Bronllys Site – Health & Wellbeing Group – Cllr J Wilding reported the excellent news that they had got the Community Land Trust for Stage 1 and a Scoping meeting is planned for 26th Feb.

16/17 DOMICILIARY CARE IN THE TALGARTH AREA – Cllr J Wilding reported that concerns were raised at the recent CHC meeting re Agency staff travelling from as far as Birmingham.

16/18 TALGARTH ISSUES Bowling Club – Update received from Audrey Micklewright, Secretary Talgarth Bowling Club, saying that Clive Micklewright will give a brief presentation to the meeting of Town Council reps and Bowling Club reps, at 6.30pm on 21 Jan 2016 at the Bowling Club and said that John Davies (PAVO) has outlined various options which could be considered for the continued future operation of Talgarth Bowling Club. The club would probably be forced to close if PCC recover their total running costs, some £10,000 plus per annum. The Bowling Club is requesting that Talgarth Town Council consider a 'Community Asset Transfer' either as 'owners' or on a long term lease from PCC. As the Town Council is already an 'incorporated' organisation, the Bowling Club is asking that they act as 'custodial trustees', which simply means that they would 'hold' the facility, either as owners or leaseholders with no ongoing financial or managerial responsibilities. Talgarth Town Council would then contract with the management committee of Bowling Club who would operate all aspects of the Club – the Management Committee would be responsible for running the Club and the 'facilities' including maintenance and fundraising. The Bowling Club stated that they can confirm that, should Talgarth Town Council agree to this proposal, there would be no requirement for financial support from Talgarth Town Council. Noted that the Town Council had agreed a provisional sum at the Precept meeting for a Structural Survey of the Bowling Club House, etc. Town Twinning Project Talgarth/Pizzoferato – Agreed at the 9th Dec meeting that Talgarth Town Council joins EuroCivis organisation and it was noted that, regardless of where the 750 euros comes from, Talgarth Town Council would have to be seen to pay it and sign up to the agreement. Agreed that the 750 Euros to be funded by the Town Twinning Group. Noted Cllr G Jones felt this way forward would be excellent for Talgarth, especially for the school children, and wished to personally donate to the Town Twinning Group, £50 towards the costs of joining EuroCivis. Cllr A Lord, Mayor agreed to report back to Jane Green, Co-ordinator and says he does feel that the Twinning Group will go with EuroCivis. Cllr Lord also agreed to ask the Town Twinning Group to arrange an AGM and to produce an up to date financial report. Cllr A Lord, Mayor, agreed to look for further sources of finance to fund the membership fee for EuroCivis. Calendars – local scenes – Agreed to cost of approx. £26 for some local calendars from the School and TIRC to forward to Pizzoferato. Former Mid Wales Hospital – Noted Ben Rawlence met members of the Town Council on 15 Dec 2015 to tell them about his idea for development of the Mid Wales Hospital site. The proposal for a liberal arts college was well received and he subsequently met with Mr Collins to discuss the idea. It was a useful meeting and it is hoped that progress will be made in the near future. WW1 – Request received from Virginia Brown, attaching a note (as below) about Talgarth Agricultural Victory Show asking if anyone may know when the last Agricultural Show was held in Talgarth as she would dearly like to know what happened to the cup mentioned. It would be great to find it and to have a picture for the record. Brecon & Radnor Brecon County Times 28 August 1919 page 8 Talgarth Victory Show. A well-known agriculturalist, Mr J. R. Powell, Fford fawr, Glasbury has handed the secretary (Mr Fred Morgan) a cheque for £10 as a nucleus for a ‘Victory Cup’ at the Victory Agricultural Show, the names of agriculturists from the district who fell in the war to be engraved thereon, and the exhibitor who takes the greatest number of prizes to hold the Cup for one year. It has since been decided that the cup shall be of the value of £20 and another £1 has been given making £11 towards the amount required. The competition for this valuable trophy will be confined to a radius of 7 miles from Talgarth. Brecon County Times 18 September 1919 page 7 Talgarth Agricultural Show. A Successful Revival. Big Entry and Fine Quality. Like most others of the kind, the very helpful district show annually held by the Talgarth Agricultural Society had to be suspended during the war. Early this year it was determined to revive it and extend its classification and the decision of the committee to call the first of the new series of exhibitions the Victory Show was happily justified in the result, for they scored a great success, far beyond their expectations, which has firmly planted their useful enterprise on its feet again. The show was held on Wednesday, the 10th inst., on the old football field, near the town, on the Bronllys road, a site which proved well adapted for its purpose. There were 43 classes in all and no less than 350 entries, giving the judges a difficult task, which they performed, however, to the general satisfaction of exhibitors and visitors. In one class, that for mare or gelding three years old and upwards, there were no less than 27 entries, and the honour of heading this large class fell to Mr E. Gittoes, Pistill, who also won the Victory memorial cup given this year for horses, and to be offered next year for cattle and sheep. Car Park Charging – Talgarth Car Park – Proposed Car Parking Charges for Talgarth Car Park – No new update from PCC. Cllr A Lord, Mayor, on behalf of the Town Council, had previously agreed to send letter of concern to Cllr John Brunt PCC. Agreed to take out a FOI request re details of objectors to Talgarth having free car parking. Agreed to ask PCC when the CCTV in the Car Park is to be up and running. WAG Petition & Talgarth FYI – No new update in Cllr W Powell’s absence. Car Park Deeds – Cllr Powell previously agreed to arrange with PCC to inspect the deeds of the car park, in case there is a covenant or other restriction which may help us in this matter. Noted Cllr J Wilding wished to view the Car Park Deeds & those of King George V Playing fields Deeds. Cllr Powell to arrange. No new update. Talgarth & District Regeneration Group - Bell Street & Co Op Regeneration - Building sites with Planning Permissions and not developed and Boarded up Properties in the Town of Talgarth & Nat West Bank – No new update. Agreed the Town Council to proceed with Section 215 on these properties in the New Year. Community Asset Transfer of Pavilion, King George V Playing fields – Update received from Steve Butcher PCC, re the King George V Playing fields/Pavilion/Handover, stating that the ventilation work has been ordered and is due to be programmed in early January, and he would like to predict that the handover could be completed as soon as this work is finished - he envisages transfer of the King George playing fields, including Pavilion, tennis courts and childrens’ playground, to the Town Council could happen on the 1st of February. Agreed to hold a meeting of all interested parties, Town Council/TADSCA/Senior/Junior Football Clubs in the Town Hall at 7pm Tues 19 Jan 2016 - The purpose of the meeting is to determine the shape of the future management team. Cllr A Lord, Cllr J Wilding, Cllr A Bufton & Cllr M Dodds agreed to attend on behalf of the Town Council. Agreed to ask PAVO and OVW if either can advise on being a ‘Landlord’ and wording of a Lease. Tree work Nr Westfields entrance, King George V Playing fields – Update received from Steve Butcher PCC, stating that as for the tree work, seeing there is no major problems identified with the trees, any work on them will be planned for February, possibly March. He will programme work on the trees at Talgarth, but this work will have to be later in the winter as he does have problem trees that require action now. Swings in Children’s Play Area – Update received from Steve Butcher PCC, stating that he will change the four seats on the swing frame in the play area, and hopes to complete this replacement service early in the new year. Pavilion Hire for Ex Cambrian Patrol – 12th – 25th Oct 2015 - Agreed that it would not be appropriate for the Town Council to Invoice £1100 for the accommodation at the Pavilion for this hire and noted that Sam Organ would arrange an invoice from the Talgarth Junior Football Club. Woodlands Centre – No new update Woodlands Play area – No new update. GP Biotech Spreading/Injecting – Received e-mail from Lucy Warry, GP Biotech, informing us that the new Contact number for any concerns/questions to GP Biotec is 07494 899205 For spreading notifications you can also get up-to-date information on Talgarth FYI. Cllr A Lord agreed to ask about reinstatement by GP Biotec, of the bridge across the River Llynfi, Nr Great Porthamel, at the Liaison Group meeting 6pm Wed 27th Jan. Wye & Usk Foundation – Awaiting full response from Dr Stephen Marsh-Smith OBE, Executive Director, Wye and Usk Foundation re this issue. Clerk to chase. Cllr A Lord, Mayor reported that Simon Evans, Usk & Wye Valley had contacted him but not come back.

16/19 TREFECCA ISSUES – Proposed Footpath – Trefecca – Talgarth – No new update.

16/20 BURIAL GROUND Woodland Davies Solicitors – Noted Angharad Woodland, Solicitor is liaising with Jeffreys & Powell Solicitors to enforce the Undertaking they provided in May 2011 relating to the District Valuer's invoice for £276.00 and will keep us informed of progress. Tender for Extra Maintenance Work in Churchyard – Cllr A Bufton confirmed that he had met with Huw Morris on 13th Nov and he would be forwarding a price for the Extra Maintenance work in the Churchyard as soon as possible. Noted Revised Tender forms to interested Contractors had been forwarded by the Clerk. Tender for Churchyard Maintenance – Noted that Martin Leighton, current Contractor, had given notice of termination of his Contract from end of February 2016. Agreed to invite Tenders for future Churchyard maintenance from local Contractors for 10th Feb meeting. Donation of Seat in Churchyard – Cllr G Jones reported that he had ordered the seat in memory of his late Mother and was awaiting delivery. A suitable location for fitting tbc. St Gwendoline’s Church/Churchyard – Quinquennial Inspection Report Sept 2014 – Awaiting update on Sun dial from Tim Martin and to discuss the remaining contents of the Quinquennial Inspection report that affect the Town Council, at a future meeting. Noted local resident Mr Bill Morgan wished to make a contribution to the cost of the Sun dial repair. Howell Harris’ Father Memorial Stone – Received update on 4 Jan from Neil Poulton BSc MRICS, Estates and Property Manager, The Presbyterian Church of Wales, stating that they are looking to carry out a restoration of Howell Harris Grave in St Gwendoline’s Churchyard, and understand this matter has been discussed in various council meetings. He stated that the inscription on the Grave stone is now badly weathered and mainly illegible, although he has been able to confirm the original lettering from historical records. Ideally they would like to replace the top of the tomb with an inscribed new stone to match the original and overhaul the existing sides and railings - clearly this work would be subject to listed consent, and they wish to gain the Councils opinion on the renovation prior to any formal application being made. They are offering a meeting if we wish. Agreed to acknowledge letter and to forward copy to Dr Mervyn Bramley for Brecknock Society & Museum Friends St Gwendoline’s Churchard – 7 War Graves – Received letter dated 10th Dec from the Commonwealth War Graves Commission regarding their long standing arrangement with them for the maintenance of the 7 scattered War Graves in the Churchyard, for which they pay £70 annually towards maintenance etc. The CWGC stated that they are minded to cancel the current agreement in these challenging financial times, and asking for any comments. Noted that Clerk had responded to say that we currently spend approx. £3000 a year on Churchyard maintenance etc – this cost likely to increase in future years. Awaiting response. Tree Planting Scheme at St Gwendoline’s Churchyard – Extension area – Tree / Shrub Planting at St Gwendoline’s Churchyard – Extension area – Cllr A Bufton and Cllr R Reid previously agreed to meet on site to suggest ideas of suitable path areas etc for Town Councillors to consider.

16/21 CORRESPONDENCE/INFORMATION RECEIVED DURING THE MONTH (NOT ON AGENDA) & DISCUSSED – FOR ACTION/INFORMATION/ON CIRCULATION- PCC - Powys Archives Winter Newsletter BBNPA - Agenda for Planning, Access and Rights of Way, Tuesday, 12th January, 2016, 1.30 pm BBNPA - Agenda for National Park Authority, Tuesday, 12th January, 2016, 1.00 pm BBNPA - Meeting Friday, 29th April, 2016, 10.00 am, Audit and Scrutiny Committee BBNPA - Destination News from the Brecon Beacons – Received the new destination newsletter which will be coming out regularly now that the paper version is no longer affordable. BBNPA are grateful to Visit Wales for the funding to enable this to happen and to Julia at BBT for designing the newsletter and collating the information. OVW - Invitation for Nominations – New Year 2017 Honours Round. OVW - Appointment of Independent Member to the Board of Community Health Councils in Wales PAVO - PAVO Conference Report - Turning the Tables PAVO - Members e-briefing for January 2016 PAVO - Children's Advocacy Services - PCC, on behalf of the Mid and West Wales Regional Programme Board, will be commencing the procurement of Independent Professional Advocacy services for the region of Powys, Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion and Pembrokeshire local authorities, in January 2016. There will be a 'Meet the Buyer' event for all organisations wishing to find out more about this contract and the procurement exercise at 10.30am - 12.30pm on Friday 8 January 2016 at the PAVO Offices, Llandrindod Wells. PAVO - Have your Say: Opportunities for Play in Powys The Queen's 90th Birthday Beacons - Guide to Taking Part - 21st April 2016 Clerks & Councils Direct – Jan 2016 Issue 103

16/22 AMOUNTS RECEIVED Hall Hire – Perthyn Group – £856.50 Hall Hire – GP Biotec Liaison meeting £12.00 Hall Hire – Zumba Wynona £143.00 Hall Hire – Zumba Mel Barker £77.00 Hall Hire – Talgarth YFC £95.00 Hall Hire – Parkinson group meeting £12.00 Hall Hire – D Beven Table Tennis £10.00 Hall Hire – Sharon Healthcare meeting £12.00 Hall Hire – Fit Steps – Helen £110.00 Hall Hire – TIRC – 3 meetings @ £5 each £15.00 Hall Hire – Brecknock YFC Event £25.00 R W Evans & Son, Monumental Mason – Cremation Tablet TB & GB dec’d £66.00 J T Davies – Memorial Stone – JPRS dec’d (H block) £93.50 Glyn Jones – Fee for Cremation Tablet MJ dec’d £66.00 One third Precept 30/12/2015 £13,417.00

16/23 ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT Edmundson Electrical – Xmas Lights maintenance £99.39 + £19.88 VAT £119.27 HMRC – Oct – Dec, NI, Income Tax etc 1 employee £558.94 V W Cleaning Services – Town Hall Invoice 428 – 5hrs Deep Cleaning @ £10.50 per hr = £52.50 + Open/Close gates 10 mins per visit 8 hrs @ £6.70 = £53.60 –Total £106.10. J Rumsey, Clerk – Jan Salary £826.59 Less Tax £165.20 = £661.39 Tel Rent £16.19, Broadband £16.85, Home Office £35, Travel £2.25 £731.68 Healthmatic – Public Conveniences Cleaning – 1/10/15 – 31/12/15 (£1,687.50 + £337.50 VAT £2,025.00 Welsh Water – Public Conveniences – 31/7/15 – 6/1/16 £192.18 Welsh Water – Town Hall water – 1/7/15 – 6/1/16 £217.71 Sports Direct – 10 x Table Tennis bats - £4.99 each + Del £4.00 £54.89 Border Office Supplies – Stationery A4 Paper & File covers, Tags, Printer Cartridge, Toilet Rolls - £83.08 + £16.62 VAT £99.70 PAVO – Oct – Dec – Payroll fee for 1 employee £30.00 Brecon Fire & Security – Fire Alarm & Emerg Light Testing - £95 + £19 VAT £114.00

16/24 FINANCIAL STATEMENT Current Account - £755.88 High Interest Account - £54,478.82 There was no further business and the meeting closed at 9.15pm. SIGNED: …………………………………….. DATE: ………………………………………..

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