IWTC 15 Papers Classification According to Topic and Session

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IWTC 15 Papers Classification According to Topic and Session

Fifteenth International Water Technology Conference, IWTC15 2011 Alexandria, Egypt 1


Thursday – March 31, 2011 ======10:00 – 20:00 Registration at Helnan Palestine Hotel 11:00- 13:00 Technical Session (12 ),(22) 12:00 - 13:00 Plenary Session (1) Water Scarcity from global Perspective. From where to go? Magdy Abou Rayan “European Funded Research projects for MENA countries” Thomas Ammerl 13:00 – 15:00 Technical Sessions (1), (9) , (14) 15:00 - 16:00 Coffee Break 16:00 – 18:00 Technical Sessions (8), (10),(13) 18:30 – 19:30 Opening Ceremonies 19:30 – 20:00 Exhibition Opening 20:30 –––––– Dinner .

Friday – April 1st, 2011 ======09:00 - 09:30 Plenary Session(2) “Geologic storage of carbon dioxide to mitigate global warming and resulting water resources changes" Yousif K. Kharaka 09:30 – 11:30 Technical Sessions (3), (11), (7). 11:30 - 12:00 Plenary Session (3) 12:00 - 13:30 Break 13:30 – 15:30 Technical Sessions (19),(15),(6) 15:30 – 16:00 Coffee Break 16:00 – 18:00 Technical Sessions (16), (4) & (23) 20:00 –––––– Dinner Fifteenth International Water Technology Conference, IWTC15 2011 Alexandria, Egypt 2

Saturday – April 2nd , 2011 ======09:00 - 12:30 CLIMB Stakeholder Meeting 09:00 - 11:00 Technical Sessions (5), (17) 12:30 – 14:30 Technical Sessions (18), (21), (20) 14:30 - 15:00 Coffee Break 15:00 – 17:30 Water Security Workshop,Technical session (2) 17:30 - 18:30 Closing ceremony & Press Conference 18:30 - 19:00 Organizing Committee meeting & Announcement of IWTC16 20:30 –––––– Dinner


Session 1

Water resources integrated management (WR) Thursday – March 30, 2011 13:00 – 15:00

Chair Badr Mabrouk, Fathi Elgamal

"Augmenting Short Hydrological Records To Improve Water Resources Studies" Zeyad S. Tarawneh The Hashemite University, Jordan Fifteenth International Water Technology Conference, IWTC15 2011 Alexandria, Egypt 3


"Towards A Lake Nasser Management Plan: Results of A Pilot Test On Integrated Water Resources Management" S. S. Zaghloul1, N. Pacini2, Karl Schwaiger3, Pierre Henry de Villeneuve4 1 Sohair Saad Zaghloul National Water Research Center, Egypt 2Nic Pacini, Department of Ecology, University of Calabria, Italy 3Karl Schwaiger, International Water Policy, Ministry of Environment, Austria 4Pierre Henry de Villeneuve, Office International de l’Eau, France G39-HW18-WR03

"(Management Of Lake Burullus) Integrated Coastal Zone Managemen" Al sayed Ibrahim Diwedar National Research Center, Egypt G87-HW38-WR04

" Effect Of New Upper Nile Projects On The Integrated Management Of The Basin: Review And Methodology" Sayed M. Ramadan1, Abdelazim M. Negm2, and Talaat M. Owais3 1 Assistant lecturer, Water and Water Structures Eng. Dept. 2 Professor of Hydraulics,Vice Dean of Engineering Faculty 3 Professor of Civil Engineering, Water and Water Structures Eng. Dept., Zagazig University, Egypt G105-HW49-WR05


Session 2

Water resources sustainable development (WD) Thursday – March 30, 2011 13:00 – 15:00 Fifteenth International Water Technology Conference, IWTC15 2011 Alexandria, Egypt 4

Chair Abdul Azim Nagm, Badr Mabrouk

"Development of Design Storm Hyetograph for Arid Watersheds" Eman Ahmed Hassan El-Sayed Water Resources Research Institute, National Water Research Center, Egypt G66-HW27-WD03

"Potential Areas for Development in Sinai Peninsula, Egypt" Eman A. H. El-Sayed1 , M. Samir Farid2 1Researcher, 2 Emeritus Prof., Water Resource Research Institute, National Water Research Center, Egypt. G67-HW28-WD04

"Improve The Management Of Water Intended To Irrigate Vegetables In Plastic Houses In Palestine" Majed Subhi Abu Sharkh1, and Aws Hafez Mujahd2 1Associate Professor, University Nizwa, Nizwa, Sultanate of Oman 2Project Coordinator, World Vision, Beit Lahim-West Bank, Palestine G69-HW29-WD05

"Water Resources Systems In The Bui Plateau: Options For Sustainable Management" 1*Tume, S.J.P. and 2Abanda, F.H. 1Department of Geography, University of Buea, Cameroon G92-HW40-WD06

======Session 3

GIS and remote sensing applications (GS) Thursday – March 30, 2011 13:00 – 15:00

Chair: J. F. Creataux, A. Kostianoy Fifteenth International Water Technology Conference, IWTC15 2011 Alexandria, Egypt 5

"Investigation of River Flow Regimes in Mountainous Watersheds Using Remote Sensing Data.( Case Study : Koohrang River) " R. Fatahi1, S. Rahmati2, M. Naderi3, H. Samadi4 1 Assistant prof. SKU , 2 Msc. Student SKU ,3 Assistant prof. SKU , 4 Assistant prof. SKU Faculty of Agriculture, Shahrekord University, IRAN G03-HW02-GS02

"SATELLITE MONITORING OF WATER RESOURCES IN TURKMENISTAN" Andrey G. Kostianoy (1), Sergey A. Lebedev (2), Dmytro M. Solovyov (3) P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia Geophysical Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia Marine Hydrophysical Institute, Sevastopol, Ukraine G17-HW05-GS04

"Satellite Imagery’s Utilization In Urban Analysis" S. Fawad[1] GIS Specialist, The Urban Unit, Planning & Development Department, Government of Punjab, Pakistan, G58-HW24-GS07

"From Mapping To Monitoring: Remote Sensing Applications In Hydrology Over The African Continent" Jean-François Crétaux, Philippe Maisongrande, Muriel Bergé-Nguyen , Mélanie Becker, and Stephane Calmant CNES/LEGOS, France G117- HW53-GS10

"A Completely Remote-Sensing-Based Approach To Monitoring Reservoirs Water Volume " Ron Abileah, jOmegak, San Carlos CA, USA Stefano Vignudelli, National Research Council (CNR-IBF), Pisa, Italy G135- HW58-GS11

1 Fifteenth International Water Technology Conference, IWTC15 2011 Alexandria, Egypt 6


Session 4

Groundwater flow and contamination: evaluation and case studies (GW) Thursday – March 30, 2011 16:00 – 18:00

Chair: B. El Mansouri, Badr Mabrouk

"Evaluation For Surface And Ground Water Of Some Water Treatment Plants In Egypt" 1Mona M. Abdel-Magied and Ahmed M. Ihab 2 1, 2 Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt G27-HW12-GW02

"Hydro-Salinity Behavior Of Shallow Groundwater Aquifer Underlain By Salty Groundwater In Sindh Pakistan" Qureshi A. L.1, Lashari B. K.2, and Kori, S. M.3, and Lashari, G. A.4 1, 2, 3 IWREM, MUET, Jamshoro, Pakistan 4Irrigation and Power Department, Government of Sindh, Pakistan G43-HW21-GW03

"Groundwater Stress and Vulnerability To Pollution Of Saiss Basin Shallow Aquifer, Morocco" L. Benaabidate1, and M. Cholli2 1, 2 Laboratory of Georesources and Environment, USMBA, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Fez – 30000, Morocco G59-HW25-GW04

"The Nitrate Contamination Of Well Water: A Case Study Janzour City _ Libya" Ennajeh A. Rahil1, Abd ulghffar.m.f.Elosta1, Abdanasser Moktar1 Tarek Ali1 Biotechnology Research Center ,Libya1 Fifteenth International Water Technology Conference, IWTC15 2011 Alexandria, Egypt 7


"Impact Of Casablanca Municipal Landfill On Groundwater Resources" A. Fekri 1, B. El Mansouri 2, O. El Hammoumi 3, C. Marrakchi 4 1 Fekri, Université Hassan II of Mohammedia, Faculté des Sciences Ben, Morocco 2 El Mansouri, Université IBN Tofail, Faculté des sciences Kenitra, Morocco 3 El Hammoumi, Université Hassan II of Mohammedia, Faculté des Sciences Ben M’sik Casablanca, Morocco 4 Marrakchi, Université Hassan II of Mohammedia, Faculté des Sciences Ben M’sik Casablanca, Morocco. G96-HW44-GW06

"Saturated And Unsaturated River Nile/Groundwater Aquifer Interaction Systems In The Nile Valley" Mohamed A. Dawoud(1) and Shrine S. Ismail(2) Associate Professor, Research Institute for Groundwater, NWRC, El Kanter El Khairia, Kalubia, Egypt. Associate Professor, Nile Research Institute, NWRC, El Kanter El Khairia, Kalubia, Egypt, G133-HW57-GW09

" Assessment Of Groundwater Quality For Pilot Treatment Units Intake In Kuwait" Mohamed Al-Senafy Water Resources Division – Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research,KUWAIT G137-DT07-GW10

Session 5

Groundwater Flow And Contamination: Hydroinformatics (GW) Thursday – March 30, 2011 16:00 – 18:00

Chair: B. El Mansouri, Badr Mabrouk

“Hydroinformatic and water resources managament” Fifteenth International Water Technology Conference, IWTC15 2011 Alexandria, Egypt 8

El Mansouri B University Ibn Tofail, Faculty of Sciences, Kénitra. Morocco G94-HW42-HI01

"Solution Of Release History Recovery Problems Of Groundwater Pollution Sources Using Harmony Search Optimization Algorithm" M. Tamer Ayvaz1 1 Department of Civil Engineering, Pamukkale University, Turkey G120-HW55-GW08

"Assessment Of Groundwater Resources In Northeastern Sinai Peninsula Constrained By Mathematical Modeling Techniques." M. A. El Samanoudi1, G. S. Ebid2,Nabil N. Rofail3, Y. L. Ismail4, S. A. F. Hawash5 1, 2 Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, EGYPT 3, 4 Hydrology Department, Desert Research Center,EGYPT 5 National Water Research Center, Mech. & Elect. Institute,EGYPT G25-HW10-GW01

“General Numerical tools for water management applied to Gharb basin (Morocco)” Mridekh A., Mansouri A., El Mansouri B., Kili M., Chao J., & Echerfaoui H. University Ibn Tofail, Faculty of Sciences, Kénitra. Morocco G95-HW43-HI02


Session 6

Climatic Change And Water Resources (CC) Thursday – March 30, 2011 16:00 – 18:00

Chair: R. Ludwig, D. Thiery Fifteenth International Water Technology Conference, IWTC15 2011 Alexandria, Egypt 9

"Climate Change Impacts On Water Quality Indices Of The Southern Part Of Aswan High Dam Reservoir, Lake Nubia " M. Elshemy1, and G. Meon2 1 Faculty of Engineering, Tanta University, Egypt 2 Leichtweiss-Institute for Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources (LWI), University of Braunschweig, Germany G32-HW14-CC01

"Determination Of Agro-Climatic Zones In Egypt Using A Robust Statistical Procedure" Fouad Khalil1, Samiha Ouda2, Nemat Allah Osman3, and Abed El-Hady Ghamis4" 1,2,3,4 Water Requirements and Field Irrigation Research Department; Soil, Water, and Environment Research Institute; Agricultural Research Center; Egypt G98-AG05-CC03

"Prediction Of Total Water Requirements For Agriculture In The Arab World Under Climate Change" Samiha Ouda1, Fouad Khalil2, Gamal El Afendi3 and Sayed Abd El-Hafez4 1,2,4 Water Requirements and Field I rrigation Research Department; Soil, Water, and Environment Research Institute; Agricultural Research Center; Egypt. 3 Al Azhar University; Faculty of science; Department of Astronomy and Meteorology; Egypt. G102-HW47-CC04

"Impact Of Climate Change On Water Resources Of The Ouergha Watershed (Rif, Morocco)" S. Boukrim1, A. Lahrach2, and A. Chaouni3 1. 2 Sciences & Technology Faculty, Fez, Morocco 3 Polydisciplinary Faculty, Taza, Morocco G128-HW56-CC05

“Influence Of Climate Change On Groundwater Resources. Applications To The Basins Of The Somme And The Loire (France)" D. Thiéry, A. Ducharne, F. Moatar, J. Boé, V. Bustillo, M. Déqué, S. Gascoin, F. Habets, A. Hachour, E. Ledoux, E. Martin, L. Oudin, C. Pagé, P. Ribstein, E. Sauquet, L. Terray, P. Viennot BRGM, Groundwater Division. Orléans, France G79-HW33-CC02

"CLIMB - Climate Induced Changes On The Hydrology Of Mediterranean Basins – Reducing Uncertainty And Quantifying Risk" Fifteenth International Water Technology Conference, IWTC15 2011 Alexandria, Egypt 10

Ralf Ludwig The CLIMB consortium Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen, Department of Geography, Germany G140-HW60-CC06

"Climate Change Impacts In The Nile Delta – A Perspective From The Climb Project" Badr Mabrouk1, Jochen Maier2, Ralf Ludwig2 1) Zagazig University, Department of Geology, Garden City, Cairo, Egypt 2) Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet, Department of Geography, Munich, Germany G141-HW61-CC07


Session 7

Water quality assessment and protection (WQ) Friday – April 1st, 2011 09:30 – 11:30

Chair: S. Bortnikova, E. Dotsika

"Water Quality Of Middle Nile Delta Deterioration Due To Urbanizations Expansion (A Case Study From Egypt)" S. S. Zaghloul1, Hussein Elwan2 1 Sohair Saad Zaghloul National Water Research Center, Egypt, 2 Hussein Elwan, Minister Advisor, Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation, Egypt. G40-HW19-WQ04

"Estimation Of Water And Bottom Sediments Composition In Small Rivers Of The Novosibirsk City " Svetlana B. Bortnikova, Anna Y. Devyatova, Nataliya V.Yurkevich Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics SB RAS, G84-HW35-WQ07 Fifteenth International Water Technology Conference, IWTC15 2011 Alexandria, Egypt 11


"Geochemistry Of Natural Waters In The Vicinity Of The Storage Facility Of Low-Level Radioactive Wastes" Olga L. Gaskova1, Anatoly E. Boguslavsky2 1, 2 Institute of Geology and Mineralogy SB RAS G119-HW54-WQ11


"Lead Isotopes As Tracers Of Corrosion In Water Pipelines At La Spezia, Italy" Gianpiero Brozzo1, Matteo Doveri 2, Luigi Marini3, and Brunella Raco4 1, 2ACAM Acque S.p.A., Italy, 3 Dip.Te.Ris. University of Genova, Italy, 4 Institute of Geosciences and Earth Resources-CNR, Italy, G112-HS16-IM05

“Comparison Of Sampling Techniques For Isotopic Analysis Of Marine Carbonates From Coasts Of The Northern Greece" D. Psomiadis, E. Dotsika 1, K. Albanakis2, D. Poutoukis 3 1 NCSR Demokritos, Athens, Greece 2 Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece 3 General Secretariat for Research and Technology, Athens, Greece G114-HW52-IM04

======Fifteenth International Water Technology Conference, IWTC15 2011 Alexandria, Egypt 12

Session 8

-0 Instrumentation and measurement (IM) Friday – April 1st, 2011 09:30 – 11:30

Chair: F. Soldovieri, V. Lapenna

"Influence Of Water Content On The Electrical Conductivity Of Peat" M. Ponziani1, E.C. Slob2, D.J.M. Ngan-Tillard3, and H. Vanhala4 1, 2, 3 Delft University of Technology 4 Geological Survey of Finland G35-HW17-IM01

"Estimation Of Hydraulic Conductivity In A Large Scale Laboratory Model By Means Of The Self-Potential Method " S. Straface1,2, E. Rizzo2, V. Gianpaolo2 and F. Chidichimo1 1 Dipartimento Difesa del Suolo; Università della Calabria, Rende (CS), Italy, 2 Hydrogeophysics Laboratory; CNR-IMAA, Marsico Nuovo (PZ), Italy, G70-HW30-IM03

“Applications Of Ground Penetrating Radar And Microwave Tomography In Water Monitoring And Management" F. Soldovieri1, L. Crocco1, A. Brancaccio2, R. Solimene2 and R. Persico3 1 Institute for Electromagnetic Sensing of the Environment, 2 Second University of Naples, 3 Institute for Archaeological and Monumental Heritage G147-HW62-IM05

” Electrical Resistivity Tomography For Coastal Salt Water Intrusion Characterization Along The Ionian Coast Of Basilicata Region (Southern Italy)" Satriani A., Loperte A., Proto M. Institute of Methodologies for Environmental Analysis - CNR, Tito Scalo (PZ) – Italy G148-HW63-IM06 Fifteenth International Water Technology Conference, IWTC15 2011 Alexandria, Egypt 13

"High Resolution Hydrogeophysical Imaging And Characterisation" J. van der Kruk1, A. Klotzsche1, F. Lavoué1, G.A. Meles2, A. Mester1, R.W. Jacob3, J.A. Doetsch2, N. Linde4, H. Maurer2, A.G. Green2, and H. Vereecken1 1 Research Center Jülich, Germany 2 ETH Zürich, Switzerland 3 Bucknell University, U.S.A. 4 University Lausanne, Switzerland G100-HW46-GS09

"An Experimental Approach To Soil Water Content Estimation Using Ground Penetrating Radar And Time Domain Reflectometry." Elena Pettinelli, PhD Dipartimento di Fisica, Università Roma Tre, Italy G152-HW64 –IM07


Session 9

Water pipelines and Pumps (WP) Friday – April 1st, 2011 09:30 – 11:30

Chair Sadek Kasab , El-Sawaf

"Water Leaks Detection: Assessment Of Wireless Communication Through Water And Sand Media In Buried Supply Pipes." S. Mekid1*, S. Ho2, A. Khalifa1, R. Mansour1, S. Sarma2. 1 KFUPM, Mechanical Engineering Department, KSA. 2 MIT, Mechanical Engineering Department, Cambridge, USA. G99-HS13-WP02 Fifteenth International Water Technology Conference, IWTC15 2011 Alexandria, Egypt 14

"Optimal Operation Of Pipeline Systems Using Genetic Algorithm" M.H. AFSHAR1, M. ROHANI2 1 Associate professor, Iran University of Science and Technology, IRAN 2 M.Sc. student, Iran University of Science and Technology ,IRAN G106-HS15-WP03

"Study Of The Different Parameters That Influence On The Performance Of Water Jet Pump" I. A. El-Sawaf1, M.A. Halawa2, M. A. Younes3 and I.R. Teaima4 1Professor, Mechanical Power Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Port-Said University, Egypt. 2Assistant professor, Mechanical Power Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Al-Azhar University, Egypt. 3Professor, MERI, NWRC, Egypt, 4Assistant Researcher, MERI, NWRC, Egypt, G15-HS05-WT01

"Experimental Study Of Water Jet Pump Used To Suck Up Floating Oils " I. A. El-Sawaf1, M.A. Halawa2, M. A. Younes3, M.A.Hashim4 1Professor of Mechanical Power Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Port-Said University, Egypt 2Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering Al-Azhar University, Egypt 3Professor, MERI, NWRC 4 Assistant Researcher, MERI, NWRC, Egypt, G16-HS06-WT02

"Dynamic Performance Application Of A Variable Speed Centrifugal Pump" Sobhy, M. Ghoneam 1, Samir, M. Abdel-Rahman 2, and Dalia, M.El–Gazzar 3 1 2 3 Mechanical & Electrical Research Institute, National Water Research Center, Ministry of Water Resources& Irrigation, Egypt G23-HS09-WT03

"Using Photovoltaic Array For Solar Water Pumping In Toshka Region, Egypt " Helmy E. Gad 1 and Safya M. El-Gayar 2 1 Mechanical Power Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering,Mansoura University,Egypt 2 Senior researcher, Agric. Eng. Res. Inst., A. R. C, Giza,Egypt G103 -HS14-WT05 Fifteenth International Water Technology Conference, IWTC15 2011 Alexandria, Egypt 15


Session 10

Water management, control and regulation (WM) Friday – April 1st, 2011 13:30 – 15:30

Chair Fathi Elgamal Abdul Azim Nagm

"Preparation Of Floodplain Inundation Map Of Arial Khan-Naria Khal River Reach In Bangladesh" M. RAKIBUL HASSAN KHAN1, M. SAFAT SIKDER 1 1.Junior Professional, Research and Development Division, Centre for environmental and geographic information services(CEGIS)Bangladesh G08-HS02-WM01

"Geodesy And Geotechnical Assessments For Improving El-Zayat Drainage Lake" Nahed E. Marei1, Hala M. Ebaid2, Magdy M. Hosny3 1 Professor, Geotechnical Eng. Consultant, Survey Research Institute 2 Researcher, Survey Research Institute, 3 Professor, Director of Survey Research Institute, G19-HS08-WM02

"Impact Of Future Discharges On Damietta Branch Morphology" Abdel-Azim M. Negm¹, Tarek M.Abdel-Aziz², Mohamed N. Salem³ and Wessam Yousef4 Vice Dean and Professor of Hydraulics, Faculty of Engineering, Zagazig University,Egypt 1 ,Professor, Secretary General of Nile Research Institute 2 National Water Research Center , Egypt ,Professor of Irrigation and Drainage Structures, Faculty of Engineering 3 Zagazig University,Egypt Fifteenth International Water Technology Conference, IWTC15 2011 Alexandria, Egypt 16

.Civil Engineer, Ministry of Housing, Utilities, and Urban Development, Egypt 4 G60-HS11-WM03


Session 11

Erosion, scour and sediment transport (ES) Maintenance and rehabilitation of hydraulic structures (MS ) Friday – April 1st, 2011 13:30 – 15:30

Fathi Elgamal, Abdulazim Negm

"Riverbank Erosion And Sustainable Protection Strategies" Md.Shofiul Islam Senior Scientific Officer, River Research Institute (RRI), Faridpur G04-HS01-ES01

"The Effects Of The Sediment Bed Thickness On The Incipient Motion Of Particles In A Rigid Rectangular Channel" Ahmeda M. Salem Higher Institute of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Soukna- Libya G18-HS07-ES02

"Protection Of Open Channels From Sand Dunes Movements (Case Study - Toshka Project)" M. S. Abdelmoaty1, H. M. Ibrahim2, and Tarek A. El Samman3 Assistant Researcher, 2Prof., Deputy Director ,3Prof., Director Channel Maintenance Research Institute, National Water Research Center,Egypt. G10-HS03-MS01

"Response Of River Nile Dredging On Water Levels"


3 Fifteenth International Water Technology Conference, IWTC15 2011 Alexandria, Egypt 17

Sherine S. Ismail1, Magdy G. Samuel2 1,2Assoc. Prof., Nile Research Institute,Egypt G130-HS-MS03


Session 12

Desalination Technology: (A) Friday – April 1st, 2011 13:30 – 15:30

Chair: B. Freeman, Helmy Gad

"Swro Capacity Expansion Through The Use Of Nanocomposite Membranes" CJ Kurth1, R. Burk2, and J. Green3 1 VP of Research and Development, NanoH2O, Inc. USA 2 Chief Scientific Officer, NanoH2O, Inc. USA 3 Chief Executive Officer, NanoH2O, Inc. USA G78-DT02-MT01

"Studying The Effects Of Organic And Hydraulic Shock Loads On The Membrane Bioreactor (Mbr) By Using Gps-X Mathematical Model" Abdel_Kader, Amr M. Civil Eng. Dept., Faculty of Eng., Northern Border University, Saudi Arabia G139-DT07-MT02

"Impact Of Desalination Of Seawater On The Environment In The Station Mainis.Wilaya Of Chlef." Ms. Chenaoui Bakhta Department of Hydraulics, University of Chlef, Algeria G81-DT03-OM01 Fifteenth International Water Technology Conference, IWTC15 2011 Alexandria, Egypt 18

"Utilization Of Fresnel Lens Solar Collector In Water Heating For Desalination By Humidification-Dehumidification Process" Mohamed Salah Mahmoud*, Asma Abd El-Sattar Mohamed Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Minia University, Egypt G76-DT01-SD01

"Performance Of A Solar Still With Clothes Moving Wick" Helmy E. Gad 1, Safya M. El-Gayar 2 and Hisham E. Gad3 1 Mechanical Power Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University, Egypt 2 Senior researcher, Agric. Eng. Res. Inst., Egypt G110-DT04-SD02

"Simulation Of Hdh Desalination System Using Tilted, Two-Pass Solar Air Heater" A. A. Shabaneh1, P. Gandhidasan1, M. A. Antar1* and H. Baig2 1 Mechanical Engineering Department, KFUPM, Saudi Arabia 2 CoRERE, Research Institute, KFUPM, Saudi Arabia G125-DT05-SD3


Session 13

Desalination Technology: (B) Friday – April 1st, 2011 16:00 – 18:00

Chair Hassan Elbana Fath

" Integrated Salts Precipitation (Sp) And Nano Filtration (Nf) As Pre-Treatment Of Multi Stage Flash (Msf) Desalination System" Aiman E. Al-Rawajfeh*1, Hassan E. S. Fath2, A. A. Mabrouk3 1 Tafila Technical University (TTU), Department of Chemical Engineering,, Jordan. Fifteenth International Water Technology Conference, IWTC15 2011 Alexandria, Egypt 19

2 Alexandria University, Mechanical Engineering Department, Alexandria, Egypt, 3 Suez Canal University, Engineering Science Department, Faculty of Petroleum & Mining Engineering, Egypt, G142-DT08-SD03

"Technical Design Of Solar Thermal Unit To Drive Msf Desalination Plant" Medhat M. Sorour*, Hassan E. S. Fath and Mostafa M. Zaytoun Mechanical Engineering Dept., Alexandria University, Alexandria Egypt G143-DT09-SD04

” Exergy And Techno-Economic Analysis Of Existing Msf Desalination Plants Integrated With Nano Filtration Pre-Treatment" Abdel Nasser A. Mabrouk1, Hassan El-banna S. Fath2 and Aiman E. Al-Rawajfeh3 1 Suez Canal University, Engineering Science Department, Faculty of Petroleum & Mining Engineering, Egyp. 2 Alexandria University, Mechanical Engineering Dept., Faculty of Engineering, Egypt 3Tafila Technical University (TTU), Department of Chemical Engineering G144-DT10-SD05

"Techno-Economic Considerations For Different Solar Techniques Assisted 5000m3/D Multi-Stage Flash Desalination Plant" M.A. Sharafa*, H.E. Fathb aDepartment of Engineering Science, Faculty of Petroleum & Mining Engineering, Suez Canal University, Suez, Egypt bDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria Univ G145-DT11-SD06

"Computational Fluid Dynamics Study Of Msf Flash Chambers Su-Components; I- Vapor Flow Through Demister" M. Khamis Mansour*, Hassan E. S. Fath, and El-Samni O. Mech. Eng. Dept., Alexandria University G146-DT12-SD07


Session 14

Wastewater Reuses (WW) Fifteenth International Water Technology Conference, IWTC15 2011 Alexandria, Egypt 20

Friday – April 1st, 2011 16:00 – 18:00 Chair Badr Mabrouk, Jaber Almedejj

"Wastewater Influent Model Development By Considering Seasonal Variation Pattern" Jaber Almedeij and Rawa Aljarallah Civil Engineering Department, Kuwait University, P.O. Box5969, Safat 13060, Kuwait G12-WT03-WW02

"The Suitability Of Water In Khartoum State Industrial Area For Food Processing" Abdel Moneim E. Sulieman1, Batran E. El Hilali and Mohammed O. Babekir2 1Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, University of Gezira , Wad-Medani, Sudan. 2Department of Applied Chemistry and chemical Technology, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, University of Gezira , Wad-Medani, Sudan. G52-WT15-WW04

"Biosorptive Removal Of Direct Dyes By Non- Viable Macro Fungi Pleurotus Sajor- Caju" K.Thasilu*, M. Srimurali ** and J.Karthikeyan ** *Research Scholar, ** Professor Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati – 517 502, Andhra Pradesh, India. G122-WT34-WW07

"Optimal Utilisation Of Nutrients In Municipal Wastewater By A Novel Concept Of Controlled Wastewater Irrigation" J. Karthikeyan, Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, Sri Venkateswara University, TIRUPATI–517 502, INDIA. G124-WT35-WW08

======Fifteenth International Water Technology Conference, IWTC15 2011 Alexandria, Egypt 21

Session 15, 16

Industrial water treatment (IW)

Session 15

Friday – April 1st, 2011 13:30 – 15:30

Chair Natalie Chubar, Ibrahim Garelalam

"Reconstituted textile effluent Decolourization using coagulation/flocculation, nanofiltration and enzymatic processes" I. KHOUNI1, B. MARROT2, P. MOULIN3 and R. BEN AMAR4 Laboratoire Sciences de Matériaux et Environnement, Faculté des sciences de Sfax, Tunisie. Université Paul Cézanne, Laboratoire de Mécanique, Modélisation et Procédés Propres, Europole de l’Arbois, Bat. Laennec, Hall C, France. Université Paul Cézanne, UMR 6181, M2P2, Laboratoire de Mécanique, Modélisation et Procédés Propres, Europole de l’Arbois, Bat. France. Laboratoire Sciences de Matériaux et Environnement, Faculté des sciences de Sfax,Tunisie G30-WT05-IW01

"Dilution of sulfuric acid by using filtered water: impact on the construction material of the acid cooler" H. Hassoune1,*, K. Morsli1, N. Semlal1, Y. Lahmiti2, A. Bourras2, A. Hanine2, R. Boulif1, and A. Kossir1 1 R&D Direction, OCP Group, Jorf Lasfar, El Jadida. Morocco 2 Maroc Phosphore, OCP Group, Jorf Lasfar, El Jadida. Morocco G36-WT07-IW02

"PERLITE AND SEPIOLITE – NOVEL MATERIALS FOR IMMOBILIZATION OF PHOSPHATE-ACCUMULATING BACTERIA IN WASTEWATER TREATMENT" Tomislav Ivankovica*, Jasna Hrenovica, Darko Tibljasb, Davor Kovacevicc a University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Division of Biology, Rooseveltov Croatia b University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Division of Geology, Horvatovac Croatia Fifteenth International Water Technology Conference, IWTC15 2011 Alexandria, Egypt 22 c University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Division of Chemistry, Horvatovac, Croatia G42-WT10-IW04

"New inorganic (an)ion exchangers based on (alkoxide-free) sol-gel generated layered Mg-Alhydrous oxides for target anions (arsenate, arsenite, fluoride, bromide, bromate, selenate) removal" Natalia Chubar Department of Earth Sciences - Geochemistry, Faculty of Geosciences, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands G73-WT24-IW07

"THE SUITABILITY OF WATER IN KHARTOUM STATE INDUSTRIAL AREA FOR FOOD PROCESSING " Abdel Moneim E. Sulieman1, Batran E. El Hilali and Mohammed O. Babekir2 1-Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, University of Gezira , Sudan. 2-Department of Applied Chemistry and chemical Technology, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, University of Gezira ,Sudan. G88-WT27-IW09

Session 16

Friday – April 1st, 2011 16:00 – 18:00

Chair Natalie Chubar and Ibrahim Garelalam

"Tuberose Sticks As An Adsorbent In The Removal Of Methylene Blue From Aqueous Solution" Ahsan Habib, Zahidul Hasan and A S M Shajedur Rahman Department of Chemistry, University of Dhaka, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh G109-WT30-IW10

"Removal Of Fluoride From Water Using -Low-Cost Materials" C.M.Vivek Vardhan1 and J.Karthikeyan2 1Assistant Professor, Dept of Civil Engineering, Veltech Hightech Dr.RR, Dr.SR Engineering College, Avadi, Chennai,india G126-WT36-IW11 Fifteenth International Water Technology Conference, IWTC15 2011 Alexandria, Egypt 23

"The Wealth In Brewery Effluent – Water And Nutrient Recovery Using Alternative Technologies" Jones CLW, Britz P, Davies MTT, Scheepers R, Cilliers A and Crous L Department of Ichthyology and Fisheries Science, Rhodes University, South Africa G127-WT37-IW12

"Electrochemical Treatment For Industrial Wastewater Using Of Pb/Pbo2 Anodes" W. A. Shehab El-Dein *a,b, A. A. Al-Sarawy b a Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Jazan University, Jazan, Saudi Arabia. b Department of Mathematics & Physical Science, Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt. G134-WT40-IW13


Session 17

Sanitary drainage treatment (ST) Saturday – April 2nd, 2011 09:00 - 11:00

Chair Hamdy Seif

"Down Flow Hanging Sponge Bio–Tower A Self-Sustainable Method For Waste Water Treatment For Developing Countries" Rakesh Kumar Bhardwaj*, 1), Rajpal Singh 2) Hariom Sharma3), and Surender Kumar Bhardwaj4) 1) Department of Chemistry, Dyal Singh College INDIA 2) Department of Geography, Dyal Singh College,INDIA 3) PWD Water Supply, Water Testing Laboratory INDIA 4) Botanical Garden/Herbal Garden, M. D. University India. G01-WT01-ST01

"Economic and Environmental Assessment of Sewage Sludge Treatment Processes Application in Egypt" M. R. Ghazy, T. Dockhorn and N. Dichtl Fifteenth International Water Technology Conference, IWTC15 2011 Alexandria, Egypt 24

Institute of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany. G31-WT06-ST02

"Evaluation Of Water And Sanitation Supply In Edo State, Nigeria" Olotu Yahaya1 and Idogho P.O2 1 Department of Agricultural Engineering, Auchi Polytechnic, Auchi, Edo state Nigeria 2The Rector, Auchi Polytechnic, Auchi, Edo state, Nigeria G45-WT11-ST03

"Uv Treatment Efficiency For E. Coli In Combined Sewer Overflow Stormwater" Nafa Khalaf2 , Shawn P. McElmurry1, Shawn M. Ingram1, and Gopu Pillai2 1Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering Wayne State University,Detroit, USA 2Detroit Contracting, Inc.Detroit,Egypt G48-WT12-ST04

"Environmental Flow Assessment With Regarding To The Wetland Physical Characteristics" Ali Torabi Haghighi1, Bjørn Kløve2 1, 2 University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland G51-WT14-ST05

"Assessment Of Microbiological And Chemical Quality Of Water Used In Food Industry In Wad Medani City" Sousan Mohammed Misskien Yousif Faculty of Engineering and Technology,Department of Food Science and Technology ,Egypt G62-WT19-ST06


Session 18

-0 Purification plants and networks (PP) Saturday – April 2nd, 2011 Fifteenth International Water Technology Conference, IWTC15 2011 Alexandria, Egypt 25

09:00 - 11:00

Chair Hamdy Seif ,Ibrahim Garelalam

"Performance Of The Pilot-Scale Mulch Tower System In Treatment Of Greywater From A Low-Cost Housing Development In The Buffalo City, South Africa". K. Whittington-Jones1, R. Tandlich2*, B. M. Zuma2, S. Hoossein1, M. H. Villet3 1 Coastal & Environmental Service, South Africa 2 Division of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Rhodes University, South Africa,

3 Department of Zoology and Entomology, Rhodes University South Africa G37-WT08-PP01

"Intake Filter For Flash Flood Control: Case Study Of Nepal" Nam Raj Khatri WHO Nepal, G53-WT16-PP02

"Estimate The Concentration Of Some Important Elements In Bottled Drinking Water In Libya" Ayman Emhemed, Kalied Alturkey ,Najwa.Alnaaas, Alnagah Rahee Biotechnology Research Center G64-WT21-PP03

"Testing Commercial Water Magnetizers: A Study Of Tds And Ph" Rameen Sayed AbdelTawab****, Mohammed Adel Younes***, Ahmed Ibrahim**, Mohammed Mamdouh AbdleAziz* 1 Researcher Assistant, Mechanical and Electrical Institute, National Water Research Center, Egypt 2 Professor Doctor, Mechanical and Electrical Institute, National Water Research Center, Egypt 3, 4 Assistant Professor, Electrical Power and Machine Department, Cairo University, Egypt G72-WT23-PP05

"The Effect Of Ph Control On Turbidity And Nom Removal In Conventional Water Treatment" Fifteenth International Water Technology Conference, IWTC15 2011 Alexandria, Egypt 26

Ahamed Fadel Ashery1, Kamal Radwan2, and Mohamed I. Gar Al-Alm Rashed3. 1Public Works Department, Faculty of Engineering – Mansoura University,Egypt G118-WT32-PP06


Session 19

-1 Environmental impact and assessment (EF) Saturday – April 2nd, 2011 12:30 – 14:30

Chair: S. Bortnikova, E. Dotsika

"Pit Lakes In Kuzbass, Russia: The Ecological Risk Assesment And The Ways Of Treatment " Nataliya V. Yurkevich, Olga P. Saeva Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics SB RAS, G90-WT28-EF01

"Geochemistry Of Interaction Of Mine Drainage Of Mednogorsk Geotechnical System With Rivers As A Natural Hydrochemical Barriers" Tatiana V. Korneeva1, Pavel G. Aminov2 1 Trofimuk Institute of petroleum geology and geophysics SB RAS 2 Institute of mineralogy UB RAS, G91-WT29-EF02

“Msw Landfills And European Integration Process From National Diversities: A Cooperation Strategy For A Common Approach To Environmental Monitoring (The Case Of Komotini, Greece)" Raco Brunella1, Dotsika Elissavet2, Doveri Marco1, Lelli Matteo1 and Raffaele Battaglini 3 1 Institute of Geosciences and Earth Resources, National Research Council, Italy 2 NCSR Demokritos, Athens, Greece 3 MASSA spin-off S.r.l.,Firenze, Italy Fifteenth International Water Technology Conference, IWTC15 2011 Alexandria, Egypt 27

G113- WT31-EF03

"Farmer.S Willingness To Pay For Treated Wastewater Generated From Decentralizing Wastewater Treatment Plants" Bara.a Ali Yousef Al-Khatib University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan G132-WT39-EF04

"Numerical Models Of Pollution From Industry Sources In The Novosibirsk City By\ Gis Methods." Devyatova A.Y..1 , Bortnokova S.B 21 Trofimuk Institute Of Petroleum Geology And Geophysics SB RAS , Russia 2 Trofimuk Institute Of Petroleum Geology And Geophysics SB RAS, Russia G85-HW36-GS08


Session (20)

Water Policies: (WP) Saturday – April 2nd, 2011 12:30 – 14:30

Chair Eric Dannenmaeir

"Are The Virtual Water Flows In Cereals Trade Reducing The Water Scarcity In The North Africa Region? " Mohamed Altabei Alboghdady Alfateh University – Faculty of Economics and Political Sciences G129-AG-VW01

"Modelling Alternatives Of Transboundary Water Management Options For West Bank Using Weap" Salam Abu Hantash1, Deeb Abdelghafour2 and Anan Jayyousi 3 1,2 Palestinian Water Authority, Palestine Fifteenth International Water Technology Conference, IWTC15 2011 Alexandria, Egypt 28

3 An Najah University, Palestine G123-WP-WE02

"Virtual Water Trade As A Solution For Water Scarcity In Egypt" Alaa El-Sadek* *Water Resources Management Program, Arabian Gulf University, Manama, Bahrain G136-WP05-WE03

"Water Resources And Environmental Quality As Factors Affecting The Dynamic And The Security Of Populations." F. Pedrazzini Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Institute of Clinical Physiology, Italy G86-HW37-WQ08

"Competition And Conflicts Among Multiple Users Of Gravitational Irrigation Systems" C. Karthikeyan1 1 Associate Professor , Department of Agricultural and Rural Management , Centre for Agricultural and Rural Development Studies Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, India G05-WP01-RP01

"Economic And Social Value Of Irrigation Water: Implications For Sustainability" C. Karthikeyan Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural and Rural Management, Centre for Agricultural and Rural Development Studies , Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, India G06-WP02-RP02


Session (21)

Agricultural issues (AG) Saturday – April 2nd, 2011 12:30 – 14:30 Fifteenth International Water Technology Conference, IWTC15 2011 Alexandria, Egypt 29

Chair Samy Elfelaly, Hamdy Elhosiny

"Native Plant Establishment In Late Summer" Joeseph Paternoster1, Heidi Lynn Lechner2 1, 2 DriWater Inc.USA G14-AG01-ID01

"Reforms In The Irrigation Sector Of Sindh, Pakistan: A Way Forward To Water And Food Security" Bakhshal Lashari Professor, IIDE, MUET Jamshoro, Sindh Pakistan, G54-AG03-ID03

"Irrigation With Magnetized Water, A Novel Tool For Improving Crop Production In Egypt " 1Mahmoud Hozayn , 2Amany A. Abdel-Monem and 3Amira M.S. Abdul Qados 1 Agronomy Department, Agricultural and Biology Division, National Research Centre,Egypt. 2 Botany Department, Agricultural and Biology Division, National Research Centre, Egypt 3Botany Department, Princess Nora Bint Abdul Rahman University,K.S.A G57-AG04-ID04

"Water Relations And Yield Of Wheat Under Different N Fertilizer Forms And Scheduling Irrigation. " 1Abdou, S.M.M.; 2FARRAG, F.R.M.; 3El-AKRAM, M.F.I. AND 4Ashry, M.R.K. Soil, Water and Environment Res. Inst., A.R.C., Giza, Egypt G111-AG07-ID05

"Irrigation water qualities-soil pollution (heavy metals and salinity) in Mornag irrigated perimeter (SW Tunisia) " Abdelkrim Charef1 , Lamia Ayed1,2 and Rim Azzouzi1 1 Laboratoire de Georessources. 2Laboratoire d’Analyse, Traitement et Valorisation des Polluants de l’Environnement et des Produits, Faculté de Pharmacie,Tunisia G115-AG08-ID06

======Fifteenth International Water Technology Conference, IWTC15 2011 Alexandria, Egypt 30

Session (22)

New Trends In Technologies Thursday – March 31, 201 11:00- 13:00

Chair Kamal Elnahas ======

Session (23)

Artificial recharge of aquifers (WR) Saturday – April 2nd, 2011 12:30 – 14:30

Chair: M. Azaroual

“Reactive Transport Induced By Aquifer Recharge Management Using Treated Wastewaters" M. Azaroual, M. Pettenati, N. Croiset, J. Casanova, K. Besnard, N. Rampnoux BRGM, Groundwater Division. Orléans, France G71-HW31-AR02

“Optimizition Of Recharge And Pumping Regimes Of The Charf El Aquab Aquifer (Tangier, Morocco)” M. Jaait1, B. Haddouchi2 1 International Institute for Water and Sanitation IEA- ONEP 2 Mohammadia School of Engineers :EMI G61-HW26-AR01

“The Use Of Gis Technology In Water Resources Development: The Case Of Artificial Recharge Of Aquifers” El Mansouri B, Kili M., Chao J, Echerfaoui H, Mridekh A. University Ibn Tofail, Faculty of Sciences, Kénitra. Morocco Fifteenth International Water Technology Conference, IWTC15 2011 Alexandria, Egypt 31







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