To the Tune of Ode to Joy, by Beethoven

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To the Tune of Ode to Joy, by Beethoven

Organic Chem (to the tune of Ode to Joy, by Beethoven) by Cheung On Lee

------Organic Chem ------If I Am Or-gan-ic Which I Must Have C In-side Me If You Want To Name Me Then Fol-low I U P A C In-ter-na-tion-al U-ni-on Of Pu-re And Ap-plied Chem-is-try Go To Name A Or-gan-ic Thing that will be kind of ea-sy

------IUPAC ------First Find An-y Func-tion-al group at-tach to the long-est chain And then count the Long-est C Chain has How Ma-ny C With it Then in or-der, by pri-or-I-ty, put func-tion-al group, at the end. And then put the oth-er thing in, or-der by the al-pha-bet

------Alkene ------If I have C dou-ble bond C, Then I will be called alk-ene In I U PAC, I will re-place Alk-ane end with E N E A in both side, I will be called Z, If not the same side, call me E By the E-Z, is so ea-sy, just Fol-low U I P A C

------Ring ------If the long-est chain is a ring, I will be named diff-erent-ly Just add cy-clo at be-gin-ing of the long-est alk-ane chain Thing both face up, I will be called CIS, and cross each oth-er, will be trans. If you ask me, mo-re sta-ble, then the winn-er will be trans

------Alkyne ------If I have C dou-ble bond C, then I will be called alk-yne Want to name me, go and re-place, alk-ane end with Y N E Give me H 2, So-di-um in it, I will turn in-to E - Alk-ene If H 2 with Lind-lar P D, I will be-come Z - Alk-ene

------Alcohol ------what if I have, O H with me, I will be-come al-co-hol if you name me, end with O L, with the num-ber I should be What if same one high Le-vel than me, then you should call me hy-dro-xy If you ask what, P k a is, six-teen should be nor-mal-ly ------benzene ------I have 6 C, form as a ring, but I may not be hax-ane If I have 3 dou-ble bond C, I will be-come benz-ene ring Look like the same, not real-ly the same, to-tal-ly diff-erent- from hexane If you name me, end with benz-ene, o-r beg-in with phen-yl

------Alkyl halides ------what is the thing, alk-yl ha-lides, it is the thing R with X R as C chain, Go with the X, Ha-lo-gen will be the X Ha-logen is, fluo-rine or chlo-rine, bromine or iodine, that is it Just change the end, rine be-come o, put in the front that is it

------summary ------Alk-ene Alk-yne, Alk-yl Ha-lide, Things with C, H or with X Amine Amide, Ethers Ester, mo-re groups are following Aldehyde carboxylic acid, ketones alcohols benzene ring Name-ing these thing, so many thing, it is really interesting

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