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Leadership and Organizational Management s4

Legacy High School A Global Studies School

Course Expectations 2017-2018 AP Spanish Language and Culture

Instructor: Sra. Ruggles LHS Room 715 Phone: (702) 799-1777 Voice Mail 3715 Email: [email protected] Website Address: www.legacyhigh.net

Course Scope:

The AP® Spanish Language and Culture course is a rigorous course taught exclusively in Spanish that requires students to improve their proficiency across the three modes of communication. The course focuses on the integration of authentic resources including online print, audio, and audiovisual resources; as well as traditional print resources that include literature, essays, and magazine and newspaper articles; and also a combination of visual/print resources such as charts, tables, and graphs; all with the goal of providing a diverse learning experience. Students communicate using rich, advanced vocabulary and linguistic structures as they build proficiency in all modes of communication toward the pre-advanced level. Central to communication is the following premise from the Curriculum Framework: When communicating, students in the AP Spanish Language and Culture course demonstrate an understanding of the culture(s), incorporate interdisciplinary topics (Connections), make comparisons between the native language and the target language and between cultures (Comparisons), and use the target language in real-life settings (Communities).

Course Goals:

This is an ongoing interpretive communication assignment, with 4 entries turned in monthly and as previous summer work, which continuously supports all thematic units. I use a two-part document: the first section of two pages with instructions, themes, contexts, and essential questions to consider; and the second part consisting of two log sheets on which to document their analysis and reflection. As such, students routinely connect to authentic resources outside the classroom that incorporate themes and recommended contexts, as well as pondering essential questions. Once the log sheets or tablas are returned, I extend the interpretive assignment to interpersonal face-to-face, whole class discussions to reflect further on the topics while integrating new vocabulary. This provides an extra opportunity for making cultural comparisons as we do in real-life when discussing world happenings and events.

Legacy High School Page: 1 Al estudiante:

Para completar los dos lados de la tabla, es importante que escojas una variedad de temas para ganar una experiencia muy diversa y para aprender vocabulario tematico nuevo. A continuacion veras los seis temas de AP, ademas de los temas secundarios para extender tu analisis y reflexion. Refiere a estos temas constantemente para enriquecer tu experiencia. Es imprescindible escoger fuentes de todos los temas y contextos. Evaluaré también tus conclusiones y tu analisis del contenido de cada fuente. Usa los siguientes enlaces si prefieres, o busca por tu propia cuenta en Internet.

Lo que aprendi del tema o El titulo Vocabulario Tema y acontecimiento/event o ( 2-3 ¿Cuanto FUENTE: (el enlace completo nuevo y Contexto frases completas con mi Fecha tiempo o periodico) de articulo, definiciones/ (1A, 2C, analisis/evaluacion al pasé? ¿Auditiva/Escrita? noticiero o explicaciones en etc.) considerar las preguntas video espanol esenciales)

http://audiria.com/ http://cadena3.com/ http://clear.msu.edu/teaching/online/ria/ http://contenido.com.mx/ http://cvc.cervantes.es/ensenanza/actividades_ave/aveteca.htm http://imow.org/ http://lab.chass.utoronto.ca/rescentre/spanish/ http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/spanish/programmes/estudio_834/ http://www.20minutos.es/ http://www.abc.es/ http://www.bbc.co.uk/mundo/

http://www.bowdoin.edu/~eyepes/latam index.html http://www.ciudadseva.com/ http://www.elmundo.es http://www.elnuevoherald.com/ http://www.elpais.com/tecnologia/ http://www.eluniverso.com http://www.informador.com.mx/ http://www.ivoox.com http://www.lagaceta.com.ar/ http://www.laits.utexas.edu/spe/ http://www.lasexta.com/noticias/ http://www.masvoces.org

http://www.nacion.com/ http://www.polleverywhere.com/ http://www.radioteca.net/ http://www.rae.es/rae.html http://www.rnw.nl/espanol/radioprogramme/informativo-internacional http://www.spanishnewsnetwork.com/ http://www.telecinco.es/informativos/ http://www.un.org/spanish/News/

http://www.unesco.org http://www.univision.com/ http://www.unmultimedia.org/radio/spanish/ http://www.ver-taal.com/

Student is expected to periodically visit https://apstudent.collegeboard.org/apcourse/ap- spanish-language for tips and information

Legacy High School Page: 2 Unidades tematicas, comunicacion y cultura:

These units are totally organized and based on the themes, recommended contexts, and essential questions of the Curriculum Framework, as well as focusing on integrating the six primary learning objectives of effective communication as I prepare students for the AP® Spanish Language and Culture Exam in May.

In addition, culture is central to content as we explore products, practices, and perspectives of various countries. Students are guided to develop a deeper understanding of what the people of a particular culture believe and how they view the world. They also make constant comparisons between Spanish- speaking communities of the world and their own home culture in preparation for the presentational speaking exam task.

It is also important to note that, although this syllabus is structured as studying one thematic unit at a time, we are in fact integrating aspects of many themes and contexts as we explore real life. There is an inherent interconnectedness among the six thematic units; they do not exist in isolation.

Moreover, this interwoven nature of the themes is even more obvious as we use the Internet to delve into everyday world events and news through Spanish language news and Web sites of organizations and foundations. This is real-life: Using the lens of the Internet to view what is happening in the world and discussing the plethora of news and events among ourselves. As we do this we naturally synthesize through comparing and contrasting, evaluating, analyzing, making predictions, inferring, and drawing conclusions.

Legacy High School Page: 3 Basic Unit Design

This beautifully developed design and organization is based on Triångulo aprobado, a program which is totally built on authentic resources that not only provide the major content of the thematic units and contexts within each, but which also present students with an excess of cultural content through which to explore products, practices, and perspectives of the Spanish speaking world. Triångulo Aprobado is the primary resource or anchor for the course, very aligned and written in concert with the guidelines and explanations in the Curriculum Framework. All units begin with Preguntas esenciales and are also structured to include six contextual lessons, each reflecting a recommended context of the Curriculum Framework. By both starting and ending with the essential questions, backward design is easily accomplished, thinking first of what it is that I want the students to know and be able to communicate about, as we explore authentic materials within Spanish-speaking cultures of the world in which we live.

In addition, each thematic unit includes:

 Léxico sections that present students with thematic vocabulary appropriate to the

context studied, through a meaningful, contextualized process.

 Estructuras sections integrated appropriately to reinforce challenging

grammatical structures encountered within the authentic readings and audios, and

taught in meaningful contexts.

 Ortografia y puntuacion sections that provide students with explanations and

practice activities.

 Cinemateca – A cortometraje that presents students with an authentic audiovisual

resource synthesizing the unit theme. Each includes: Estrategias, Palabras clave, Sobre el corto, Antes de ver, Mentras miras and Después de ver activities and strategies that aid in comprehension and provide opportunities for practicing all modes of communication as students make connections to the theme.

 Al final, Integracion del tema, ENSAYO section where students return to the Preguntas esenciales, think more deeply about the theme and topics explored, and research as necessary, in preparation for writing an ensayo. There is a different type ensayo per theme such as: Ensayo de comparacion, Informe de investigacion, Ensayo narrativo, Ensayo argumentativo, and Ensayo de opinion. Each ensayo includes the essential questions, an Antes de escribir, Escribir el borrador, and Escribir la version final section, as well as Estrategias appropriate to the ensayo genre.

Legacy High School Page: 4  Unit One Tema 1: Families and Communities / Las familias y las comunidades  Contextualized Chapters or Contextos: • Education Communities / Las comunidades educativas • Social Networking / Las redes sociales • Human Geography / La geografia humana • Customs and Values / Las tradiciones y los valores • Global Citizenship / La ciudadania global • Family Structure / La estructura de la familia  Essential Questions:  • ¿Como se define la familia en distintas sociedades? • ¿Como contribuyen los individuos al bienestar de las comunidades? • ¿Cuales son las diferencias en los papeles que asumen las comunidades y las familias en las diferentes sociedades del mundo?  Connections also to the themes of: Los desafios mundiales, La vida contemporanea, La belleza y la estética, Las identidades personales y publicas, La ciencia y la tecnologia


The following text(s) will be utilized in this course: Triångulo Aprobado by Barbara Gatsky and John McMullan Wayside Publishing learning site Cuernos Largos on Flextext (Abriendo paso by Jose Diaz text and Gramma book) (Encuentros maravillosos

Student Supplies

Students are expected to have and maintain the following supplies all year:  2” Binder with paper or note-book  Pencil, pen with black or blue ink  Flashdrive

Tardy Policy

Tardiness is a serious disruption to the educational program. Every student is required to be in his/her seat when the tardy bell rings. With that in mind, the Legacy High School Tardy Policy will be strictly enforced. On the first and second tardy, the student will be warned; on the third tardy, the parent will be contacted; on the fourth tardy, a detention will be assigned; on the fifth and all subsequent tardies, the student will be sent to the deans’ office and placed on a Required Parent Conference.

Legacy High School Page: 5 Grading Policy

 Grading Scale: 90% - 100% A 80% - 89% B 70% - 79% C 60% - 69% D Below 60% F

 Rounding policy: I will round up percentages. If a student has an 89, I will round up to 90%.   Description of Grading Procedures- identify:  1• Tests and quizzes 30% 2 3 Projects, formal compositions, presentations 30% 4 • Homework, class work, oral/written 30%

5• Book Report - Final- 10% 6  Semester Grades: 40% Quarter 1/3 Grade 40% Quarter 2/4 Grade 20% Semester Examination

Classroom participation is very important and it has a great impact on the student’s grade. Participation is 25% of the student grade, for example: writing, raising his/her hand to answer questions, volunteer in different activities, and keeping the classwork up-to-date. This is an AP class, try not to be absent

Legacy High School’s Homework Policy is aligned with Clark County School District Regulation 6143. Specifically, “homework” shall refer to those assignments to be prepared by the student outside of the school day or completed independently outside of the classroom

1. Homework assignments will:

 Be assigned as needed by all teachers regardless of subject area  Maximum homework assigned in this AP class will be sixty (60) minutes per day. Completion time will vary with student. Student is to leave HW in basket on due day at the end of class, if teacher has not asked for it.  Be relevant to the course and topic/subject being studied  Be used to extend or reinforce classroom learning  Be graded, returned, and posted no more than three (3) meeting days after collection Students are to turn in homework assignment (on due date even if not asked by the teacher) in the basket to the left of the classroom.

Special Projects/Reports

Legacy High School Page: 6 Special projects/reports include but are not limited to research papers, book reports, visual presentations, and oral presentations. These projects will be used to assess student learning beyond the standard test of quiz or to enrich student learning through application.

1. Special projects/reports will:  Be periodically assigned  Be assigned in addition or instead of the regular assigned homework  Be graded according to a rubric communicated and discussed with the students in advance

2. Special projects will require additional time for grading/assessing by the teacher

. You must be prepared to be graded on your spelling, grammar, neatness, and turning in assignments in a timely manner to adhere to the standards of which you will be graded on.

Make-up work- Opportunity will be provided for a student to make up missed work due to any absence, and students shall be held accountable for the work. After any absence, student is required to initiate contact with the teacher(s) to obtain appropriate make-up work within three school days, immediately following the absence. That specific makeup work must be completed and return to the teacher(s) within a reasonable length of time (unless other arrangements with the teachers are made). The make-up work will be located to the left of the room as you come in. Again, this is an AP class, try not to be absent.

Tests/Quizzes- While it is our goal that students master the required curriculum, we believe it is in the students’ best academic interest to show mastery of the content on the day of assessment. If students are absent on the day of a test/quiz, then the students are responsible for getting/requesting make-up tests/quizzes and scheduling before or after school time. If more time is needed, an appropriate accommodation will be made.

 Hours of Availability-

I will be available Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday after school (2:00 pm) to assist students. Students will contact me to schedule an appointment for special assistance. Parent Teacher Conference will be available by appointment at 702-799-1777. My preps are 5th and 6th periods. Extension 3715 Parents, is fastest to communicate through email!

Attendance After the seventh unexcused absence, students will be denied credit and will receive an “F” for the course.

Tardies (1/2 hour tardy = one absence)

Classroom Behavior Expectations

Welcome to a new, productive, and positive school year. In order to insure that our classroom runs as smoothly as possible, I would like to introduce you to our school and classroom discipline plan.

Legacy High School Page: 7 At Legacy High School, we ask all our students to practice consistently the fundamental behaviors to learn, achieve, grow socially, and become responsible citizens for life.


1. Get to class on time. Tardiness will not be accepted. 2. Enter the room in an orderly fashion. 3. Once you have arrived, please sit in your seat. 4. Sit and start working on the opening activity when the bell rings. 5. Do not speak while others are speaking. 6. Bring all books and materials to class. 7. Follow directions the first time they are given. 8. Raise your hand if you need help and wait to be called on. 9. Respect your teacher and your classmates. 10. Respect the rights and property of others. 11. No food, drinks, or gum in the classroom. 12. Heads must remain off the desks at all times. 13. The teacher dismiss the class not the bell. Please put the text-book back . 14. In order to use the bathroom, you need to sign the Log sheet. 15. Only one student will use the bathroom at a time. 16. No Cell Phones, unless the teacher requires their use. Cell phones will be confiscated by the teacher and given back at the end of the day, or may be picked up at the Dean’s office, even if it is just on top of the desk.

Care of school and personal property  Citizenship-

 When you see a paper on the floor that doesn’t belong, bend and pick it up. We follow district and school rules, including dress codes.

I expect that these rules will be followed at all times. If you fail to follow these rules, I will follow the progressive discipline plan:

Legacy High School Page: 8  First infraction – Verbal warning  Second Infraction – Verbal warning; possible detention; phone call home.  Third Infraction – Detention, phone call home, referral to counselor  Fourth Infraction – Detention, Parent conference, referral to dean.  Fifth and beyond – Dean referral

Please complete this page, remove from packet and return to school by September 13, 2017.

Acknowledgement of Course Expectations AP Spanish Language and Culture

We have read and discussed the course description and expectations.


Legacy High School Page: 9 Student’s name, print [last, first] Student’s Signature

______Parent Name Parent Signature

______Home phone Work/Cell phone

Email Address: ______

Electronic Textbook

If my child’s course has an electronic version of the textbook, that can be accessed at home through the internet, I am giving permission to not check out a text book for this course. I have internet access at home to use the electronic version.

Note: Not all classes offer an electronic version and a textbook may or may not be checked out to the student.

Parent Signature: ______

Legacy High School Page: 10

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