State Capitol and Executive Residence Board s1

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State Capitol and Executive Residence Board s1

State Capitol and Executive Residence Board Meeting Minutes Executive Residence, 99 Cambridge Road March 6, 2006 at 1:00 p.m. ______

1. Call to Order The meeting of the State Capitol and Executive Residence Board (SCERB) was called to order by the Chairperson, Senator Fred Risser at 1:10 p.m.

2. Roll Call Mr. Michael Stark, SCERB Secretary, called the roll. A quorum was present.

Members Present: Ms. Sally Basting, Citizen Member; Mr. Robert Cramer, Administrator, DOA, Division of State Facilities; Mr. John J. Fernholz, Landscape Architect; Mr. David Haley, State Chief Architect, DOA, Division of State Facilities; Mr. Arlan Kay, Architect; Mr. Robert E. Lewcock, Interior Designer; Eugene Potente, Interior Designer; Mr. Anthony Puttnam, Architect; Senator Fred A. Risser; Representative Marlin Schneider; Senator Dale W. Schultz; Mr. James Sewell, SHS Senior Preservation Architect. Ms. Debra Woodward, Interior Designer. (13 Members Present).

Members Absent: Representative Jean Hundertmark; Senator Joseph Leibham; Representative Carol Owens; (3 Members Absent).

Guests Present: Mr. Michael Stark, SCERB Secretary; Mr. Michael Bath, DOA, Division of State Facilities; Mr. Daniel Stephans, DOA, Division of State Facilities; Mr. William Beckman, DOA, Division of State Facilities; Mr. Gil Funk, DOA, Division of State Facilities; Mr. Rollie Boeding , DOA, Division of Risk Management; Ms. Sarah Briganti, support staff for Senator Fred Risser; Ms. Jacque Dicks, support staff for Representative Carol Owens; Mr. Edward Hood, staff with Mr. Eugene Potente; Mr. Jason Rostan, support staff for Representative Jean Hundertmark; Dr. Robert Ross, USDA Forest Products Laboratory; Dr. Xiping Wang, USDA Forest Products Laboratory; Dr. Bruce Allison, Allison Tree Care, Inc.; Ms. Teri Nelson, DOA, Division of State Facilities.

3. Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes Representative Marlin Schneider pointed out a typographical error in the previous meeting minutes. Under item #8, SCERB Handbook the correct word should be posterity not prosperity. Additionally, under item #7, Wisconsin Society of Land Surveyors Plaque in the Capitol, Mr. Fernholz would like the minutes to mention the small marker will include the elevation above sea level as well as designating the center of a section corner. Ms. Basting agreed with this addition. Secretary Stark indicated he would make the corrections to the October 31, 2005 meeting minutes as discussed.

1 Motion #1: Senator Dale Schultz moved to accept the minutes as recorded from the October 31, 2005 SCERB meeting with the two additions noted above. Seconded by Representative Marlin Schneider.

Motion #1 approved by a unanimous voice vote as amended.

4. Executive Residence Reception Room Repairs and Renovation Mr. Daniel Stephans presented SCERB members with an update on the leaks on the balcony deck outside the 2nd floor bedroom suite. Leaks were found and the roof has been repaired. The project has been approved to repair the ceiling, replace woodwork as necessary, and replace the wall-paper with paint. Senator Risser asked how long this project would take. Mr. Stephans stated that it may take up to six weeks. Work is scheduled to be completed in July 2006. Colors have been selected to match the other rooms along with some shades of gold to match the existing carpet.

Motion #2: Mr. Potente moved to approve the project in concept and defer any details to the Executive Residence Subcommittee. This was seconded by Mr. Fernholz.

Motion #2 approved by a unanimous voice vote.

5. Executive Residence Security Update Mr. Stephans reported on the plan to appropriately upgrade the security at the Executive Residence. A consulting company has been working on what needs to be done for the upgrade. It has been divided into two projects. The first project will be done as a small project. The balance will be considered during the budget process and will hopefully be done in the next biennium.

6. Executive Residence Foyer Accessible Ramp - Update Mr. Stephans reported that the foyer ramp implementation and installation will be coordinated with the Executive Residence. The ramp will have a more uniform slope. The carpet will have a neutral color to better blend in with the adjacent floor. Work should be completed in the next several months.

7. Capitol Park Tree Hazard Report Senator Risser introduced Dr. Bruce Allison, a professional arborist and owner of Allison Tree Care, Inc. Dr. Allison introduced two guests Dr. Robert Ross from USDA Forest Products Lab and Dr. Xiping Wang from USDA Forest Products Lab and the University of Minnesota.

A Power Point slide presentation was shown starting with a brief history of the Capitol Park trees. Mr. John Nolen was the Landscape Architect of the Capitol Park grounds from 1907-1912. He was hired to re-design the park to complement the new Capitol. Mr. Nolen carefully arranged trees uniformly on the park grounds. By the 1960’s Nolan’s trees were maturing and over shading the lawn areas. The trees remaining today are now over 110 years old. As expected, some of them have significant decay and defect problems documented in a detailed Tree Hazard Report study completed by Dr. Allison. The original perimeter Norway maple trees are in a state of decline. Four of these trees were recently removed due to imminent safety 2 reasons and the great potential for complete failure. Due to soil compaction, surrounding asphalt and girdling roots, all the original Norway maple trees are at risk of root decay and anchorage problems.

Dr. Allison continued to explain how each of the 153 trees in the Capitol Park have been thoroughly tested for structural stability using six different methods. Results of these tests indicate 11 trees should be removed immediately and another 11 trees should, at the very least, be watched closely if not completely removed due to significant structural problems and potential safety issues.

Mr. Beckman, Department of Administration, Division of State Facilities, State Capitol Grounds Supervisor, discussed the plan for tree removal. Mr. Beckman handed out a drawing of the Capitol Park grounds showing the trees that need to be removed. This plan is part of the Tree Hazard Report. As discussed earlier in the meeting, four trees were recently taken down as recommended by the detailed study. The four trees are red oak #123, American linden #214, white ash #416, and the red oak #307. They had to be removed immediately for safety reasons. Additionally, another 11 trees need to be taken down; most are maples on the terrace or promenade area.

Representative Schneider asked if we have a liability if a tree damages something or injures a person. Mr. Rollie Boeding, Director of the Bureau of Risk Management with the State of Wisconsin, indicated he recently spoke with the Wisconsin Department of Justice. Mr. Boeding stated we are liable if we know of defects in the trees and no action is taken.

Mr. Puttnam expressed concern with regards to uniformity when planting new trees. There will be a mixture of older and newer trees of varying size. He is concerned this appearance will destroy the Capitol Park Master Plan. He believes uniformity is important on the Capitol Park grounds.

Mr. Stephans stated the plan approved by SCERB at a previous meeting shows uniform, formal plantings along the promenade. The plan includes uniform tree size and species in the 1/8 of the square project. Five trees will be removed in this area and replaced with seven new trees.

Mr. Potente feels that along with notifying the newspapers of our intent there should be lawn signs placed around the area to alert the public as to what is going on and the reason why the trees are being taken down.

Mr. Fernholz suggested perhaps Dr. Allison should be the person writing to the editor and/or talking to the media rather than a staff person. Senator Risser feels staff is more appropriate with Dr. Allison as the back up person to meet with editorial boards.

Mr. Schneider believes a staff person should meet with the editorial boards and explain the tree removal master plan to them instead of going to the media directly or issuing a press release. This way it will be at the editorial level and the public will have a better understanding of what is being done.

3 Mr. Sewell feels the public should be told there is a master plan to restore and replace the trees that are being taken down. Mr. Beckman commented that the trees in the 1/8 of the square project will be removed and replaced in August of this year. Mr. Crammer noted it is better to over communicate than under communicate. Dr. Allison wants to make sure everyone understands the techniques and the standards he used to test the trees for the report.

Mr. Stephans explained nurseries are available to grow trees for the project. Paying for them as they are needed. This approach would ensure all the trees are approximately the same age and size.

Motion #3A: Mr. Sewell moved to accept the Tree Hazard Report. Seconded by Ms. Basting. Motion #3A approved by a unanimous voice vote.

Motion #3B: Representative Schneider moved to take down 11 trees as recommended in the Tree Hazard Report and by DOA staff. Seconded by Mr. Fernholz. Motion #3B approved by a unanimous voice vote.

Motion #3C: Mr. Fernholz moved to have DOA communicate with editorial boards as soon as possible. Additionally, DOA should post signage throughout the Capitol Park to inform the public the trees are being removed for public safety reasons. Seconded by Representative Schneider. Motion #3C approved by a unanimous voice vote.

8. Capitol Park Promenade Construction - Update Mr. Stephans reported construction on the promenade will begin in April of this year and the 1/8 of the square project will be completed in mid-August. The actual location is along Pinckney Street between East Washington Avenue and King Street/Main Street. The City of Madison along with the Dane County Farmer’s Market has already been informed of the pending construction. This will hopefully eliminate any miscommunication or negative press. The project site will be fenced off for security and safety reasons.

9. Capitol Building 10-Year Maintenance Plan - Capital Budget Items Mr. Stephans reported on the status of the 10-Year Capitol Maintenance Plan. The report is complete, but quite lengthy and will take a significant amount of time to go over. Mr. Cramer indicated DOA will determine in September of this year which items in the plan will be funded. Senator Risser asked Mr. Stephans to send the report out to all SCERB members for their review. Members were advised to contact Mr. Stephans directly if they have any questions.

10. Sound System Upgrades, Capitol Rotunda and North Hearing Room Mr. Stephans discussed the sound system in the Capitol Rotunda. This system was installed in approximately 1995 as part of the Capitol Restoration Project. There is reason to believe the sound system could be improved as significant advances have been made in audio systems in the past 10 years. At the very least some tweaking of the existing system is required.

4 Mr. Stephans also indicated he will be looking into the sound system in the North Hearing Room. The sound system in this room is much older and needs to be significantly upgraded. Mr. Cramer indicated funding for these projects will be discussed and decided this fall.

The Supreme Court sound system was upgraded as part of the East Wing Restoration Project. Mr. Stephans explained it is working very well and the Supreme Court is pleased with the results.

11. RFP for Maintenance of Audio/Visual Equipment in Capitol Public Hearing Rooms Mr. Stephans is working on preparing an RFP (Request for Proposal) for the operation, troubleshooting, and repairs of the AV equipment in the major public hearing rooms at the Capitol. The Senate, Assembly, and Chief Clerk’s offices have approved and would like to see this work done. The Senate, Assembly, and Chief Clerk’s offices will pay the outside contractor directly for any work that will need to be done to maintain these systems and keep them operational.

12. Wisconsin Veteran's Memorial in the State Capitol - Proposed Changes to the Existing Memorial Mr. Stephans explained the current proposal is to modify the existing Veterans Memorial located on the first floor of the Rotunda at the base of the West Wing to include another plaque. Representative Schneider would like to see this monument updated and leave room for honoring upcoming historical events.

Motion #4: Representative Schneider moved to allow DOA to find options on how the existing Veterans Memorial can be modified and to report back to SCERB. Any updates to this memorial need to be approved first by SCERB. Seconded by Mr. Kay.

Motion #4 approved by a unanimous voice vote.

13. WisconsinEye Update. Mr. Stephans explained the scope of work proposed by WisconsinEye has been greatly reduced. There is a new timeline and plan. Mr. Stephans will send out a revised schedule and plan to all SCERB members. Senator Risser stated former Assembly Speaker Tom Loftus is the new lead person for WisconsinEye replacing Jeff Roberts. WisconsinEye now seems to be better organized and they have revised their goals. Mr. Stephans added a studio in the Capitol Building is no longer included in their plans. They will be working with an organization that currently does web site screening. This may possibly be done in conjunction with Wisconsin Public Radio or Television. Mr. Fernholz is concerned if low income citizens will be able to see our legislature on television. Mr. Stephans stated that is a possibility with Wisconsin Public Radio or Television.

14. Request to Modify Podium in the Senate Chambers - Update Mr. Stephans reported work has begun on a piece of furniture designed to sit on top of the podium in the Senate Chambers. This will be a temporary piece of furniture and will not cause any permanent damage or changes to the podium.

5 15. Other Business Mr. Cramer handed out an organizational chart showing the recently organized Division of State Facilities. The chart showed the division being broken down into four Bureaus; the Bureau of Operations Management, the Bureau of Portfolio Management, the Bureau of Architecture and Engineering and the Bureau of Facilities Management.

The Bureau of Facilities Management is divided into three sections. The Facilities Management Section 1 will handle the day-to-day management at the State Capitol and Executive Residence.

Representative Schneider commented on the picture of the 9/11 Traveling Monument handed out before the meeting by a staff member of Representative Owens. Representative Schneider believes Representative Owens would like to have the monument placed permanently in the Capitol. Representative Schneider believes this is where the memorial should remain as a permanent home.

Mr. Potente expressed concern that no upgrades have been made to security measures at the Capitol since the 9/11. Senator Risser indicated additional security cameras have been added around the outside of the building.

16. Next Meeting Senator Risser indicated the next meeting will be on September 26, 2006 if there are items for the agenda. He would like to discuss the Capitol 10-Year Maintenance Plan at this time.

17. Adjournment Senator Risser, Legislative Chairperson, adjourned the meeting at 3:09 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Michael M. Stark, Secretary State Capitol and Executive Residence Board


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