Crickhowell Town Council

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Crickhowell Town Council


The following are the minutes of the Council Meeting that was held on Tuesday, 16th September 2014 in the Crickhowell Resource and Information Centre, Beaufort Street, Crickhowell, commencing at 7.48pm.

PRESENT: Councillors: A Jeremiah, G J Jackson, P Williams, S Roach, D Williams, R Dykes, A M D'Anna, I Kovaleva, C M Dietz, A Hughes, E Jones and the Mayor, V P Games.


IN ATTENDANCE: 2 members of the public, County Councillor John Morris and Mrs J Pritchard, Clerk.

To Receive Declarations of Interest in Items on the Agenda: None.

PREVIOUS MEETING 4728 Cllr Dykes wished to make an amendment to the July minutes, this was agreed and on a proposal by Cllr Jeremiah, seconded by Cllr Hughes it was agreed by all those who had been present at the meeting, that the minutes of the meeting held on the 15th July 2014 be signed as a true record of that which took place.

MATTERS ARISING from the previous meeting (for information only). 4729

(4716 & 4702) SID Sign - Cllr Jeremiah asked if there was an update on moving the sign to another location, Cllr D Williams said that he would chase this up with Powys County Council's Alan Davies and report back at the next meeting.

(4722) Withdrawal of Services from PCC working party group - Cllr Kovaleva asked if she could join this group, agreed.


Welsh Government Cabinet Re-shuffle - County Councillor Morris began with the news that Leighton Andrews had been appointed Minister for Public Services which he said is interesting as it is likely that he will push through the Williams Report which will have a knock on effect for Town and Community Councils, he urged Councillors to keep an eye on Leighton Andrews's statements.

220 PCC Budget Seminar - County Councillor Morris had attended this seminar earlier in the day and reported that the County will try and offload everything that is non- statutory and suggested that the group set up by this Council to discuss the devolution of PCC services meets as soon as possible to discuss the List of Statutory and Non-Statutory services. Library Service - The County are going to restrict the opening hours of all Libraries by 20% to save Money, Councillor Morris also said that Crickhowell Library could be located somewhere else for example the High School. Leisure - The High School are going to take on the responsibility of the indoor leisure facilities at the High School where the facilities will be open more than in the past, they are appointing a Recreation Manager to encourage greater use of the facilities by opening up more to the general public. Sports Association - The Cricket, Bowls and Tennis Clubs have set up a Sports Association who will lease the recreation grounds for 25 years, they have come across a stumbling block in regards to the Insurance for the Pavilion but PCC may continue to cover this. PCC are offloading more recreation facilities and this may affect the Oakfield Drive Jubilee Park, Cllr Dykes asked Cllr Morris about the deeds for this ground which she said should have been handed over to the Fields in Trust when the park won the right to become a Jubilee park. Highways - Cllr Morris is meeting with PC Andy Pole and Jo Lancey from Highways to discuss what can be done at Bellfountain Road and in front of JEF Jones' garage. Cwrt y Gollen Resubmitted Plans 12/08575/OUT - County Cllr Morris pointed out that there is no community gain regarding the planning application 12/08575/OUT for either the Vale of Grwyney or Crickhowell and that the Planning Authority (BBNPA) manage Community Gain whilst Powys County Council are the Housing Authority. Cllr D Williams said that at the recent meeting with BBNPA officers regarding the Town Plan Mr Greaney had explained the Community Infrastructure Levy and the S106 planning obligations where money can be drawn down from developers to pay for local infrastructure and Cllr Williams suggested quoting the minutes of this meeting to the BBNPA officers regarding Cwrt y Gollen. Cllr Jackson proposed that this Council write a stern letter asking the BBNPA to explain themselves regarding this resubmitted outline planning application, including the above quote, this was seconded by Cllr Roach and unanimously agreed. Ty Canol Flats - Cllr Dietz asked County Cllr Morris if he had received a date for the maintenance needed on the Flats as PCC had originally said they would be done in September with residents being re-located for the duration of the work, County Cllr Morris had not been given a date and suggested that the Town Council write a letter chasing it up. Cllr Dietz asked that this be an agenda item at next months meeting. Crickhowell Toilets- Cllr Jeremiah asked County Cllr Morris if he knew that the soap had been taken out of the CRiC toilets because of contamination risks, Cllr Morris knew about this and thought that the soap and new dispensers should now be back in the toilets.

There being no further questions County Cllr Morris then left the meeting at 8.30pm.

221 TRANSFER OF SPORTING RECREATION ASSETS FROM PCC 4731 Cllr's D'Anna, Jeremiah and D Williams attended a meeting in the Sports Pavilion with representatives from all 3 clubs who have formed a Sporting Association and are ready to sign the 25 year lease subject to solving some boundary problems. Council was told that this is a 5 Councils issue as membership of the clubs is open to Crickhowell and the surrounding areas with 65% of the Cricket Club, 38% of the Bowls Club and 37% of the Tennis Club members residing in Crickhowell. Cllr Dietz suggested that as Crickhowell is hosting the next 5 Councils meeting this be an agenda item, this was agreed and Cllr Jeremiah proposed that this Council be mindful to help if needed and congratulate the sporting association on their progress so far, this was seconded by Cllr D Williams and unanimously agreed.


1. One Voice Wales re Conference and AGM 2014. V P Games to attend. 2. Helen Fry re Town Plan. Noted. 3. Lee Evans re Tour of Britain. Noted. 4. Cllr D Williams, re Brian Price, PCC re Access Issues. Cllr D Williams had also prepared a letter to Brecknock Access Group and Mr Michael Butterfield, both of whom had addressed this Council on Access issues in the past and this was agreed to be sent from Council updating them on the work done so far. 5. Maria James, Vale of Grwyney re Reforming Local Government. Cllr Dietz had attended a meeting putting together a response to this White Paper and had submitted her report. 6. rekk limited re Youth Shelter order. Agenda Item. 7. Stephan Butcher re Community Asset Transfer. Noted. 7a. Stephan Butcher email re Community Asset Transfer. Noted. 8 Roger Austin, copy of email to County Cllr Morris re Parking. Noted. 9. Kirsty Williams re Crickhowell Police Station. Noted. 10. Bob Cule, invitation to Council to discuss Sports Pavilion and Surrounds. Noted. 11. Mid and West Wales Fire & Rescue letter re Safer Communities. Noted. 12. Carol Williams Rural Alliances - Get Snapping. Noted. 13. Hay on Wye Town Council invitation to Town Plan Stakeholder meeting. Cllr's D Williams and A Jeremiah attended to view the process and verbally reported to Council their findings. 14. PCC - Invitation to a budget conversation. Cllr`s D Williams, I Kovaleva & C Dietz volunteered to attend. 15. PC Andy Pole re Summer Policing Priority. Noted. 16. PCC - Temporary Traffic Management for Tour of Britain. Noted. 17. Cllr D'Anna re Rural Alliances Town Map. Cllr D'Anna thanked everyone for their responses and Cllr Kovaleva congratulated Cllr D'Anna on his efforts. 18. PC Andy Pole, copy of letter to High School re under age drinking and graffiti. Noted. 19. BDO re Audit for the year ended 31 March 2014. Agenda Item. 20. Crickhowell Primary School invite to School Council meeting. Members were asked to give Cllr Hughes a response to this invitation. 222 21. Cllr D Williams report and costings of Youth Shelter purchase. Agenda Item. 22. Cllr Dietz report - Reforming Local Government" Consultation Paper. Noted. 23. Cllr D'Anna email re Castle Grounds Matters. Agenda Item. 24. Cllr Jeremiah - possible places for Wild flower planting. Agenda Item.


1. Clerks & Councils Direct. 2. The Clerk (SLCC) Magazine. 3. BBNPA Action for Tourism Magazine. 4. Play for Wales Magazine. 5. One Voice Wales Training Courses

ACCOUNTS 4733 On a proposal by Cllr Games, seconded by Cllr P Williams, Council approved the finances for September.

Members authorised payment of the following: HM Revenue & Customs, (September) £210.02 Mr M Lewis (September Salary) £895.58 Mrs J Pritchard (September Salary) £912.07 Office £35, Postage £16.50, B.Band £5, (September) £ 56.50 Dell Ink £ 97.76 Powys County Council (Grounds Maintenance £1537.34 BDO, Council Audit £354.00 One Voice Wales (Devolution of Services Training) £258.72 Lewis & Logan (Empty Bunker in Cemetery) £300.00 One Voice Wales (Cllr Games to attend 2014 Conference) £ 70.00 CRIC (Hire of Room for Bloom Meetings) £ 36.00 Webbs (Fertiliser & Strimmer Cord) £ 21.79 Viking Direct (Stationary) £ 37.63 Clarence Hall Management Committee (Hire of Hall) £ 31.00 Petals Florist (Flowers for Presentation Evening) £ 30.00

Members noted the receipt of the following: C C James (Interment: Greenhill D338) £ 80.00 V A Peterson Funeral Services (Interment: Morgan GOR 284) £160.00

ANNUAL RETURN for 2013/14 4734 On a proposal from Cllr Jeremiah, seconded by Cllr D Williams the completed Annual Return for the year ended 31st March 2014 was unanimously agreed and approved by Council following the completed Audit by BDO Stoy Hayward.

223 YOUTH SHELTER 4735 Cllr D Williams had circulated a report prior to the meeting explaining the financing of the Youth Shelter so far and said that Powys County Council have a clause in their grant which requires a pay back amount if the achieved cost is lower than estimated when making the grant application. Cllr D Williams then proposed that Council agree to the installation of Bluetooth, drop kerb stones and a sign acknowleding all those who have contributed to the project and pay back Powys County Council nothing with the Town Council making up the difference of £399.97 out of Town Council Funds, this was seconded by Cllr D'Anna and unanimously agreed. Cllr D'Anna then congratulated Cllr D Williams on a fabulous job which has taken many hours of his own time. GRANT FORM 4736 Cllr D Williams had put together a newer version of the Town Council Grant Application Form which he had circulated prior to the meeting for member's approval. The revised form has a Criteria page added to the back to help applicants fill in the form and submit all of the required information. Following a brief discussion Cllr D Williams proposed that Council accept the revised form, this was seconded by Cllr Hughes and unanimously agreed.

DONATION REQUESTS 4737 It was agreed to defer the consideration of donation requests from Brecon Advice Centre and Brecon and District Disabled Club until the October meeting.

ROUNDABOUT IN CRICKHOWELL CASTLE GROUNDS 4738 Cllr D'Anna had circulated a report on his findings regarding the replacement or repair of the Roundabout in the Castle Grounds play area, it was noted that the ROSPA safety check gave the roundabout a "low risk" in the report therefore members agreed to keep the current roundabout and ask the groundsman to paint it during the winter months.

WILD FLOWER PLANTING 4739 Cllr Jeremiah reported that she and Cllr Jones had measured the areas around the town which they thought were suitable for wild flower planting and explained that the grass would have to be sprayed off during the Autumn and Spring in readiness for the planting, the ground would then have to be rotavated and rollered before sowing the seeds. This Council had previously agreed a sum of £1000 to plant pollinating plants which has not yet been used therefore Cllr Jeremiah proposed that Council use this budget to purchase the seeds and pay for any spraying required, this was seconded by Cllr Hughes and unanimously agreed.

224 BMX BIKE TRACK 4740 As the bike track at Ty'r Ash had proved very popular with local children Cllr D Williams asked whether an area of ground could be set aside for a bike track in the Bull Pit meadow. PC Andy Pole had mentioned earlier in the Planning meeting about letting the grass grow in the meadow and cutting paths for walkers to prevent anti social behaviour and with the cuts to grounds maintenance by the County Council Cllr D Williams thought that the Bull Pit Meadow may be handed over to the Town Council, he proposed that this Council consider turning it into a meadow and play area should Powys County Council make it available, For 10, Against 1, Abstentions 1. TOWN COUNCIL WEBSITE 4741 Cllr Dietz reported that she had updated the news section of the website with information about the Speed Indication Devise and asked whether it was appropriate to put in a link to the resubmitted Cwrt y Gollen planning application, this was agreed. CRICKHOWELL IN BLOOM 4742 The reports of the Crickhowell in Bloom Committee meetings which were held on the 10th July and 28th August 2014, previously circulated, were received, proposed by Cllr Jackson and accepted as a true record. MATTERS ARISING FOR BURIAL BOARD, RECREATION & FINANCE 4743 Finance - Cllr D Williams reminded the group put together to look at Donation Requests (Cllr D Williams, Cllr P Williams, Cllr Kovaleva & Cllr Dietz) need to get together before the next Full Council meeting to review 2 applications for funding. OTHER MEETINGS ATTENDED BY COUNCILLORS 4744  One Voice Wales - Monday 20th June, Cllr V P Games ITEMS FOR INCLUSION ON FUTURE AGENDA'S 4745  Purchase of Ground for New cemetery  Ty Canol Flats  Draft Minutes  3-5year Budget  Recreation Ground Matters  Donation Requests  Website The Mayor closed the meeting at 9.34pm.

Signature of Mayor ………….…………………. Date………….…….……2014 Cllr V P Games 225

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