Village of Arkport s1

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Village of Arkport s1

MINUTES VILLAGE OF ARKPORT REGULAR BOARD MEETING ****** August 20, 2013 ****** 6 Park Ave., Arkport, NY

Call to order: Regular Board Meeting, 7:00PM Pledge to the Flag: Roll Call: Mayor Charles Flanders Trustee Mike Brewer Trustee Ezra Geist Trustee Jon Hedges Trustee Susan Thompson Absent Call: None

Others Present: Jennifer Bush, Clerk; Diane Jewell, Treasurer; Tom Hunt, Cemetery; Bill Rusby, Codes; Bob Mauro, DPW; Sue White, Ken Thompson, Steve Jewell.

Approval of Minutes: No corrections or additions to the July 16th Regular Board meeting minutes and the Special Board meeting minutes for July 30, 2013 and August 13, 2013, as written and distributed. M26 Motion made by Trustee Geist, seconded by Trustee Brewer, to approve the July 16th, July 30th and the August 13, 2013 minutes as written. Roll call. All ayes. Motion carried.

Reports: Cemetery – Tom Hunt – Report on file (gray) – One lot sold for the month of July. Two burials.

Code Enforcement Officer- Bill Rusby – Report on file (green) - Two building permits issued in the month of July, Tom Hunt and Bradley Reisman. Bill is working with Bob Crowell who neglected to get a building permit to build his garage. Upon application for the permit it was determined his building does not meet the required front set back. He will be applying for a variance. A Stop Work order was issued until the variance issue can be resolved. Bill will also issue an appearance ticket to Mr. Crowell and Chris Sliter for not complying with the Stop Work order and continuing to build the garage. He will also contact Judge Plank and the Village attorney. The Board suggested we raise the fee for building without a permit. The Planning Board is looking at adjusting set-backs.

Motion made by Trustee Thompson to amend the penalty for building without a permit and increase the fee from $100.00 to $500.00 for building without a permit and impose a penalty of $1,000.00 on the contractor for not making sure there is a building permit to build. No second to the motion. Motion dead.

Three letters sent out regarding dilapidated and unsafe buildings in the Village. They need immediate repair or demolition. Bill would like to see some process set up to help people get rid of the unsafe buildings in great disrepair on their properties and therefore benefit the look of the Village. Maybe we could have a specific period of time we would waive the demolition fee and offer a roll back dumpster for disposal of rubble.

DPW/Water Department – Bob Mauro – Report on file (blue) – Chipper has another problem, working on getting the fuel pump replaced. Have noticed a couple of trees in the Park that will need to come down this winter, along with two trees in the Cemetery. Still working on the gutters and drive-way aprons on Park Ave. in conjunction with replacement of the entrances and Page | 1 Aug. 20, 2013a exit to the Bank and Post Office. The Post Office is completed. Bob did talk with Larry Jones at Cy’s Shurfine and he would like the roadway that abuts his parking lot repaired. Bob will patch the pot holes. Motion number 13, voted on at the July 16th Board meeting did not officially pass. Must vote again. M27 Motion made by Trustee Brewer, seconded by Trustee Geist, to have Bob talk with Larry Jones concerning filling the aprons and the pot holes in the Village street as needed or offer a similar deal as we offered the Bank and Post Office to get Main St. repaired. Roll call. Trustee Hedges recused himself from his vote due to a conflict of interest; Trustee Thompson, yes; Trustee Brewer, yes; Trustee Geist, yes; Mayor Flanders, yes. Motion carried.

Mayor explained to Bob Mauro, the comp. hrs. would be paid at the current rate and not the rate when they were earned. Bob will be paid a total of $150.93 , Brad will be paid a total of $26.04, and Jennifer will be paid $9.06. M28 Motion made by Trustee Geist, seconded by Trustee Hedges, to pay the adjusted outstanding comp. time owed from 2011 and 2012; Bob Mauro $150.93; Brad Pucula $26.04 and Jennifer Bush $9.06, due to under payment. Roll call. All Ayes. Motion carried.

Book Center – Cathy Smith – Report on file (pink) – Absent. Trustee Thompson read report. There were a total of 438 books checked out for the month of July, 309 Arkport owned books, 91 STLS and 38 Interlibrary. 231 people visited the Book Center. 68 children have signed up for the summer reading program, “Dig into Reading” which started July 15th. A wrap-up pizza party was held August 14th at 10:00am in the Village Community Room. Pat White from the Cornell Cooperative Ext. will complete the weekly Youth Nutrition Program on August 28th. Many bags of books and DVDs have been donated to the Book Center.

Treasurer – Diane Jewell – Report on file (white) - General Fund and Water Fund

Resolution#13-5 Supplemental Appropriation to the 2013-2014 General Fund Budget: Decrease Contingent Appropriations (GF) $601.96 and increase Garage/DPW Equipment $601.96. No net change to budget. M29 Motion made by Trustee Brewer, seconded by Trustee Thompson, to approve Resolution 13-5 as read. Roll call. All ayes. Motion carried.

M30 Motion made by Trustee Hedges, seconded by Trustee Thompson, to approve Treasurer’s General Fund and Water Fund reports as distributed.

Diane Jewell previously gave a memo to the Board to look at the policy for using up comp. time. She would like to discuss at another meeting, not tonight.

Public Comment:

Old Business & Tabled Items:  Building acquisition Main St. and West Ave. update was discussed at the 6:00 meeting.

New Business:  Planning Board proposal for additional fencing requirement:

Page | 2 Aug. 20, 2013a Addendum to Zoning Article VIII, Special Classifications, Chapter 56 §56-47, Fencing Requirements, add #4 to letter A : Any fence, wood, stockade, chain link or other type of fence, shall have the smooth side or finished side facing to the outside of the property owner installing the fence. Fence posts will be placed on the inside of the fence. No motion made to accept this proposal and send to our attorney for review. Tabled for now.

 DPW building safety audit on July 24th by PERMA : Bob is aware of the two items they requested a change on.

Ratification of Abstract #2, Voucher #23 thru #63, in the amount of $40,434.50.

M31 Motion made by Mayor Flanders, seconded by Trustee Geist, to approve ratification of Abstract #2 as read. Roll call. All ayes. Motion carried.

M32 Motion made by Trustee Geist, seconded by Trustee Brewer, to spend a maximum of $2,750.00 for JHL Tecture, John Lusk, to prepare a feasibility study for the purchase of 3 Main St. Arkport. Roll call. All ayes. Motion carried.

Next Meeting Date: September 17, 2013

Adjournment. M33 Motion made by Trustee Geist, seconded by Trustee Brewer, to adjourn the meeting at 8:09pm. Roll call. All ayes. Motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted, Jennifer Bush, Clerk

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