Scranton School District

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Scranton School District


Office of Safe and Healthy Students Grant Grant Project Director: Kimberly Mecca, M.A., Ed.S. Certified School Psychologist Email: [email protected]

Community Resources

1 Important Points

 CHIP (Children’s Health Insurance Program) provides health insurance to uninsured children and teens who are not eligible or enrolled in Medical Assistance.  For most families, CHIP is free or is provided to families at a very low cost.  Apply for CHIP online on

 Visit for more information on CHIP

 Also, on, you can apply for: o Health Insurance o Medicare o Supplemental Security Income (SSI) o Social Security o Unemployment Compensation o Veterans Affairs o Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) o Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program o Section 8 Housing o HUD Public Housing o Head Start o Child Support o Pennsylvania Pre-K Counts o Home and Community Based Services (Waiver Programs)

2 Table of Contents

Clothing…………………………………..…… page 4 Drug and Alcohol Treatment…………………page 5 Employment/Job Training…………………… page 6 Family Support/Family Planning……….…… page 7-8 Financial Assistance….…………………..……page 9 Food Pantry…………………………………… page 10 Hospitals/Medical Services……………………page 11 HOTLINES…………………………………… page 12 Housing……………………………………..… page 13 Legal Services………………………………… page 14 Mental Health………………………………… page 15 Probation, Parole, Re-Entry……………….… page 16 Shelters/Homeless Services………………..…. page 17 Transportation…………………………………page 18 Veterans Services………………………………page 19 Vocational Counseling/Education………….…page 20 Women’s Services………………………..…… page 21

3 Clothing

Available to assist with free or inexpensive clothing

Dress for Success Lackawanna…………………………….570-941-0339 431 N. 7th Ave., Scranton

Friends of the Poor……………………………………………570-348-4428 148 Meridian Ave., Scranton

Safety Net………………………………………………………570-347-4730 550 Madison Ave., Scranton

Salvation Army Thrift Store…………………………………..570-346-0711 1155 River St., Scranton

United Neighborhood Center – Angel’s Attic………………570-343-8835 410 Olive St., Scranton

4 Drug and Alcohol Treatment Available to persons in recovery from drug or alcohol abuse, or those seeking to obtain treatment and counseling

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)…………………………………………570-654-0488

Al-Anon (Family Support)……………………………………………570-603-0541

Narcotics Anonymous (NA)……………………………...…………1-800-503-9456

A Better Today………………………………………………………..570-344-1444 1339 N. Main Ave., Scranton

Clearbrook Manor……………………………………………………570-823-1171 1100 E. Northampton St., Wilkes-Barre

Community Intervention Center (CIC)……………………………..570-342-4298 445 N. 6th Ave, Scranton

DATS (Drug and Alcohol Treatment Services)…………………...570-961-1997 441 Wyoming Ave., Scranton

Lackawanna/Susquehanna Office of Drug & Alcohol Programs..570-963-6315 507 Linden St., Fifth floor, Scranton

Marworth………………………………………………………………570-563-1112 Lily Lake Rd., Waverly

Salvation Army Adult Rehabilitation Program…………………….570-346-0007 610 S. Washington Ave., Scranton

5 Employment/Job Training

Available to assist persons in need of employment

EOTC………………………………………………………………570-348-6484 431 N. 7th Ave., Scranton

Goodwill Industries………………………………………………570-343-1166 925 Prospect Ave., Scranton

Lackawanna County Assistance Office……………………….570-963-4525 100 Lackawanna Ave., Scranton

Office of Vocational Rehab……………………………………..570-826-2011 300G Laird St., Wilkes-Barre

PA Career Link…………………………………………………...570-963-4671 135 Franklin Ave., Scranton

Scranton-Lackawanna Human Development Agency………570-963-6836 Bank Towers, 321 Spruce St., Scranton

6 Family Support/Family Planning

Available to assist with various needs of families

Catholic Social Services…………………………………..……….570-207-2283 516 Fig St., Scranton

CONCERN…………………………………………………………...570-876-3800 829 Scranton Carbondale Highway, Eynon

Domestic Relations…………………………………………………570-963-6721 1300 Old Plank Road, Mayfield

Friendship House…………………………………………………..570-342-8305 1509 Maple St., Scranton

Jewish Family Services……………………………………………570-344-1186 615 Jefferson Ave., Scranton

Lackawanna County Office of Youth and Family Services…….570-963-6781 200 Adams Ave., Scranton

Lackawanna County Family Court………………………………..570-963-5692 200 Adams Ave., 1st Floor, Scranton

Lourdesmont…………………………………………………………570-702-8360 1327 Wyoming Ave., Scranton

Maternal and Family Health Services (WIC)………………………570-961-5550 315 Colfax Ave., Scranton

Planned Parenthood…………………………………………………570-344-2626 316 Penn Ave., Scranton

Scranton Area Family Center………………………………………..570-348-6484 431 N. 7th Ave., Scranton

Scranton Counseling Center………………………………………..570-348-6100 326 Adams Ave., Scranton

Scranton Lackawanna Human Development Agency……………570-963-6836 Bank Towers, 321 Spruce St., Scranton

St. Joseph’s Center Maternity and Family Services..…………….570-342-8379 2010 Adams Ave., Scranton

7 Family Support/Family Planning continued

St. Joseph’s Baby Pantry…………………………………………….570-963-1261 320 S. Blakely St., Dunmore

YMCA Greater Scranton……………………………………………..570-342-8115 706 N. Blakely St., Dunmore

8 Financial Assistance

Available to persons in need of temporary financial assistance or financial counseling

Catholic Social Services………………………………………….570-207-2283 516 Fig St., Scranton

Consumer Credit Counseling Services…………………………570-602-2227 401 Laurel St., Pittston

Lackawanna County Assistance Office…………………………570-963-4525 100 Lackawanna Ave., Scranton

Safety Net…………………………………………………………..570-347-4730 550 Madison Ave., Scranton

Salvation Army Corp. Community Center………………………570-963-6399 500 S. Washington Ave., Scranton

Scranton-Lackawanna Human Development Agency…………570-963-6836 Bank Towers, 321 Spruce St., Scranton

United Neighborhood Center……………………………….……570-346-0759 425 Alder St., Scranton

Voluntary Action Center…………………………………………..570-347-5616 538 Spruce St., Suite 420, Scranton

9 Food Pantry

Available to persons in need of food in emergency situations

Bread Basket of NEPA……………………………………….570-343-2324 550 Madison Ave., Scranton

Catherine McAuley Center…………………………………..570-342-1342 709 Madison Ave., Scranton

Friends of the Poor……………………………………………570-348-4428 148 Meridian Ave., Scranton

Green Ridge Assembly of God……………………………...570-343-4600 825 Green Ridge St., Scranton

Keystone Rescue Mission Alliance, Inc……………………570-871-4795 8 W. Olive St., Scranton

Lackawanna County Assistance Office……………………570-963-4525 100 Lackawanna Ave., Scranton

Safety Net……………………………………………………...570-347-4730 550 Madison Ave., Scranton

Salvation Army Corp. Community Center………………….570-963-6399 500 S. Washington Ave., Scranton

St. Francis of Assisi Kitchen…………………………………570-342-5556 500 Penn Ave., Scranton

United Neighborhood Centers………………………………570-343-8835 410 Olive St., Scranton

10 Hospitals/Medical Services

Available to persons in need of medical or emergency services

Allied Services Rehabilitation Hospital………………………….570-348-1359 475 Morgan Highway, Scranton

Geisinger-Community Medical Center………………………….570-703-8000 1800 Mulberry St., Scranton

Horizon Medical Corporation (accepts Medical Assistance)…570-969-9575 3 W. Olive St., Scranton

Jewish Family Services (Dental)….……………………………..570-344-1186 615 Jefferson Ave., Scranton

Lackawanna County AIDS Council……………………………..570-842-2448 637 Clifton Beach Rd., Clifton Twp.

Medical Associates of NEPA (accepts Medical Assistance)….570-969-1904 1789 Keyser Ave., #1, Scranton

Moses Taylor Hospital…………………………………………….570-770-5000 700 Quincy Ave., Scranton

PA Dept. of Health………………………………………………..570-963-4567 100 Lackawanna Ave., Scranton

Regional Hospital…………………………………………………570-348-7100 746 Jefferson Ave., Scranton

Scranton Primary Health Care (accepts Medical Assistance)..570-344-3519 959 Wyoming Ave., Scranton

The Leahy Community Health and Family Center…………….570-941-6112 240 Kessler Court Entrance, Basement of McGurrin Hall, University of Scranton

The Wright Center…………………………………………………570-343-2383 501 Madison Ave., Scranton

11 Hotlines

Available to provide support for various crisis situations

FIRST – Free information and Referral, 24 hours………………570-961-1234

Advocacy Alliance………………………………………………….877-315-6855 846 Jefferson Ave., Scranton

ChildLine (Child Abuse Hotline)…………………………………..800-932-0313

Community Intervention Center…………………………………...570-342-4298 445 N. 6th Ave., Scranton

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline……………………………..1-800-273-8255

Scranton Counseling Center………………………………………570-348-6100

Women’s Resource Center………………………………………..570-346-4671

In case of emergency, immediately call 911

12 Housing

Available for assistance with finding a temporary or permanent place to reside within Lackawanna County

Catherine McAuley Center (Women Only)..…………….570-342-1342 430 Pittston Ave., Scranton

Catholic Social Services ………………………………….570-207-2283 516 Fig St., Scranton

Lackawanna County Housing Authority…………………570-342-7629 2019 W. Pine St., Dunmore

Neighborhood Housing Services of Lacka. County…….570-558-2490

Scranton Housing Authority ………………………………570-348-4400 400 Adams Ave., Scranton

United Cerebral Palsy of NEPA…………………………..570-347-3357

United Neighborhood Centers……………………………570-346-0759 425 Alder St., Scranton

United Neighborhood Centers Transitional Housing…..570-343-8835

13 Legal Services Available to persons in need of a lawyer or other legal services

Advocacy Alliance……………………………………………………570-342-7762 846 Jefferson Ave., Scranton

Bureau of Consumer Protection……………………………………570-963-4913 417 Lackawanna Ave., Scranton

Disability Rights Network of Pennsylvania………………………..800-692-7443 1414 N. Cameron St., Suite C, Harrisburg

Lackawanna County District Attorney’s Office (DA)………………570-963-6717 409-415 Spruce St., Scranton

Lackawanna County Public Defender’s Office……………………570-963-6761 200 N. Washington Ave., Scranton

Lackawanna County ProBono……………………………………..570-961-2714 321 Spruce St., 5th Floor, Scranton

North Penn Legal Service…………………………………………..570-342-0184 1142 Sanderson Ave., Suite 1, Scranton

14 Mental Health

Available for persons in need of counseling or other supportive services

Aaron Center………………………………………………………..570-489-5561 851 Commerce Blvd. #107, Dickson City

Advanced Community Services Associates (ACSA)……………570-963-2079 1141 Clay Ave., #2, Scranton

Advocacy Alliance………………………………………………….877-315-6855 846 Jefferson Ave., Scranton

Allied Services………………………………………………………570-348-1300 475 Morgan Highway, Scranton

Catholic Social Services……………………………………………570-207-2283 516 Fig St., Scranton

Community Intervention Services (CIC)………………………….570-342-4298 445 N. 6th Ave., Scranton

Family Enrichment Center…………………………………………570-342-4665 403 North South Rd., Scranton

Friendship House…………………………………………………...570-342-8305 1509 Maple St., Scranton

Jewish Family Services…………..….……………………………..570-344-1186 615 Jefferson Ave., Scranton

Lackawanna-Susquehanna Behavioral Health/Intellectual Disabilities/Early Intervention Program………………………………………………570-346-1047 507 Linden St., Scranton

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)………………………570-342-1047 846 Jefferson Ave., Scranton

North Western Human Services (NHS)………………………….570-282-1732 185 Fallbrook St., Carbondale

Scranton Counseling Center……………………………………..570-348-6100 326 Adams Ave., Scranton

Youth Advocate Programs, Inc……………………………………570-489-1609 1418 Main St. #101, Peckville

15 Probation, Parole, & Re-Entry

Available for persons on probation or parole

Community Corrections……………………………………….570-963-6630 1371 N. Washington Ave., Scranton

Lackawanna County Probation Office………………………570-963-6876 130 N. Washington Ave., Scranton

PA State Parole Office………………………………………..570-963-4326 430 Penn Ave., Scranton

US Probation Office……………………………………………570-207-5840 235 N. Washington Ave., Scranton

16 Shelters/Homeless Services

Available to persons who are in need of temporary shelter

Catherine McAuley Center (Women Only)…………………………….570-342- 1342 430 Pittston Ave., Scranton

Catholic Social Services (St. Anthony’s Haven)………………………570-342- 1295 409 Olive St., Scranton

Community Intervention Shelter………………………………………..570-342-4298 445 N. 6th Ave., Scranton

17 Transportation

Available to persons in need of transportation services

COLTS………………………………………………………………570-346-2061 800 North South Rd., Scranton

Dept. of Motor Vehicles (Driver’s License Services)…………..800-932-4600 81 Keystone Industrial Park, Dunmore

Lacka. County Medical Assistance Transportation Prgm……..570-963-6482

McCarthy Cabs…………………………………………………….570-344-5000 1932 Cedar Ave., Scranton

Martz Trailways…………………………………………………….570-342-0166 23 Lackawanna Ave., Scranton

18 Veteran’s Services Available to veterans in need of counseling or other services

Catholic Social Services……………………………………………570-207-2283 516 Fig St., Scranton

Department of Veterans Affairs…………………………………...570-403-5441 1111 E. End Blvd, Wilkes-Barre

Gino J. Merli Veteran Center……………………………………….570-961-4300 401 Penn Ave., Scranton

Lackawanna County Veterans Affairs……………………………570-963-6778 224 Adams Ave., Scranton

VET Center……………………………………………………………570-344-2676 1002 Pittston Ave., Scranton

19 Vocational Counseling, Education Available to persons who are interested in employment or employment-related education

Career Technology Center………………………………………..570-346-5955 3201 Rockwell Ave., Scranton

Educational Opportunity Center (EOC)………………………….570-496-0296 431 N. 7th Ave., Scranton

EOTC…………………………………………………………………570-348-6484 431 N. 7th Ave., Scranton

Goodwill Industries………………………………………………….570-343-1166 925 Prospect Ave., Scranton

Lackawanna College GED Testing………………………………..570-961-7882 501 Vine St., Scranton

Marywood University Adult Basic Literacy Education GED Program………………………………………………………..570-961-4558 ESL Program…………………………………………………………570-961-4501 2300 Adams Ave., Scranton

United Neighborhood Centers - SCOLA (Adult Literacy)……….570-346-6203 629 Cedar Ave., Scranton

20 Women’s Services

Available to women and children in need of various services

Care Net……………………………………………………………….570-207-1907 310 Adams Ave., Scranton

Catherine McAuley Center………………………………………….570-342-1342 430 Pittston Ave., Scranton

EOTC………………………………………………………………….570-348-6484 431 N. 7th Ave., Scranton

Maternal and Family Health Services (WIC)………………………570-961-5550 315 Colfax Ave., Scranton

Planned Parenthood…………………………………………………570-344-2626 316 Penn Ave., Scranton

St. Joseph’s Center Maternity and Family Services..…………….570-342-8379 2010 Adams Av Depare., Scranton

St. Joseph’s Baby Pantry…………………………………………….570-963-1261 320 S. Blakely St., Dunmore

Women’s Resource Center…………………………………………..570-346-4671 PO Box 975, Scranton 570-346-4460

21 Emergency Numbers

Scranton Police Department………………………………………570-348-4130

Scranton Fire Chief…………………………………………………570-348-4132

Poison Control……………………………………………………1 (800) 222-1222

ChildLine………………………………………………………….1 (800) 932-0313

Scranton Counseling Center………………………………………570-348-6100

In case of emergency, call 911

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