Research “Historical Report” (Biography) Graphic organizer

Introduction (1st paragraph):  3rd person only  “HOOK” the reader’s interest, and possibly tie your person to modern times.

 Give a brief introduction of your person

 A ONE/TWO sentence description of your historical time period (ex. The Renaissance, The Reformation, etc.)

. Your Thesis (teacher approval needed…. See “Thesis Statement Worksheet”) (LAST SENTENCE OF THE FIRST PARAGRAPH)

Body Paragraphs  Each should be focused on one topic that supports thesis(include topic sentence)  Organized  Include transition words  Supporting evidence –Facts, paraphrases, & quotes as needed (followed by a citation---- to be explained in class)  Transitions to next paragraph  3rd person only Body paragraph #1: Description of the European Renaissance, Scientific Revolution, Protestant Reformation, or Age of Exploration Topic:

Subtopic: Evidence (fact, quote, or Commentary (your words): paraphrase)

Citation ( ) Subtopic: Evidence (quote, fact, or Commentary: paraphrase)

Citation ( ) Use transition Subtopic (if needed): Evidence (quote, fact, or Commentary: words… paraphrase) Before After Now Next Then Citation ( ) Finally Because Since So Body paragraph #2: Describe the accomplishments of your person During While Topic: First Last Also Subtopic: Evidence (quote, fact, or Commentary(your words): Another Like paraphrase) Similar And Although However Instead Still Citation ( ) Yet But Subtopic: Evidence (quote, fact, or Commentary: On the other hand paraphrase)

Citation ( ) Subtopic (if needed): Evidence (quote, fact, or Commentary: paraphrase)

Citation ( ) Body paragraph #3: Describe how your person’s accomplishments affected Use transition his/her own time ……….our world today???. words… Topic: Before After Now Next Subtopic: Evidence (quote, fact, or Commentary(your words): Then paraphrase) Finally Because Since So During While First Citation ( ) Last Also Subtopic: Evidence (quote, fact, or Commentary: Another paraphrase) Like Similar And Although However Instead Still Citation ( ) Yet Subtopic (if needed): Evidence (quote, fact, or Commentary: But On the other paraphrase) hand

Citation ( )

Conclusion  Summary  Restatement of thesis (re-word your original)  Why this person is an inspiration or should be studied  Final thought?