Curriculum Council Meeting
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Central Intermediate Unit # 10
Curriculum Council Meeting
Wednesday, Sept. 26, 2012
Clearfield Room
8:30-9:00 A.M. Light Breakfast
9:00 A.M. – 11:30 A.M. Curriculum Council Meeting
Lunch: Baked Chicken, Potatoes, Salad, Dessert
Bobbie W. Pfingstler, Ed.D., Director of Continuous School Improvement;
Sam Peterson, Consultant; Susan Bickford, Ph.D., Consultant, Bethann McCain, Consultant,
Luann Boulton, Administrative Assistant
(Please log on to ) You will be able to access all PowerPoints and documents from the PAIUCC meetings as links to be used for specific meetings in your school district.
I. Welcome and Introductions
II. Request for Current Information for Curriculum Council, Charter School Curriculum Council, Special Education Directors, ESL Directors, and High School, Middle, and Elementary Principal Information (Complete Handout and Return to Luann Boulton.)
III. 2012-2013 Curriculum Council Meetings. (Refer to )
IV. Oct. 24, 2012 at the Learning Forward event at Harrisburg Hilton. (Refer to handouts on CIU # 10 Curriculum Council Web site)
V. Leadership Symposium Oct. 23, 2012 with Paula Bevan. See registration on Home Page of
VI. SAS Institute – Dec. 2, 3, 4, 5, 2012: Monday, December 3rd is Teacher, Principal Effectiveness; Tuesday, December 4th is SAS: Common Core, CDT, Performance Based Assessments…; Wednesday, December 5th is Performance Assessment: School Performance Profiles
VII. Bureau of Teaching and Learning Support Updates – Dr. Ed Vollbrecht
A. Announced his retirement
B. Ed introduced Dr. Rita D. Perez. She will be working with SAS and many of the other initiatives in the Bureau. Rita comes from Allentown School District. C. Bureau Information a. Bureau is moving from the 8th floor because of the reduction in staff b. A new phone system will be installed the first week of November – so it may be difficult to reach PDE. c. 5th floor will be Bob Staver’s work – ACT 48 and Comprehensive Plan d. Federal Programs will be on 7th e. 12th floor will be Shirley Black – standards, curriculum, content areas and bureau director’s office VIII.School Performance Profiles (Refer to handouts on CIU # 10 Curriculum Council Web site)
IX. Algebra I Work at CIU #10
A. Review of the Work Session - participants, presenters, moving forward
B. Formative Tasks are being organized for review by Kevin Mauro and also Charlie Wayne (PDE) and will then go under review with DRC. Will send draft to Alg. 1 teachers. When final approval is given, will send again.
C. Alg. I Resources – (Refer to Alg. 1 Link under Leadership. Agenda for Sept. 20, 2012, Module 1 and Module 2 Standards, Assessment Anchors, and Eligible Content; Mathematics Resources
D. Vision for the Group/Let’s CC Discuss: Target an Assessment Task, Create a Lesson Plan (district specific), Teach the Lesson/Videotape one Lesson to Observe Students, Bring back student samples to critique (Leaders: Allen Muir, Jared Campbell, Bobbie Pfingstler, Christine Sanker and Michelle Hammersla- Quick)
E. Additional Information on SAS: An Algebra I resource center, which includes resources for teachers and students, was developed within the Standards Aligned System (SAS) was developed as part of the PA LEADS initiative, in preparation for the upcoming Algebra 1 Keystone exams.
j.i. A new Algebra I Voluntary Model Curriculum Map was developed based on the work from the Curriculum Framework Revisit to support the PA Common Core Standards and the Keystone Assessment Anchors and Eligible Content. X. Curriculum Framework Revisit A. In June of 2012, PA educators in Mathematics, English Language Arts, Social Studies and Science gathered to revisit the existing curriculum frameworks. Transfer goals, new big ideas and essential questions that span from Kindergarten to 12th grade were created. Grade level concepts, competencies and vocabulary were revised. B. The drafts are currently being reviewed by experts in the field. XI. PA Common Core Transition Train the Trainer Sessions A. Four sessions were conducted across the Commonwealth for IU mathematics and English language arts coordinators. B. The IU personnel will provide training to the school districts. (Bobbie Pfingstler and Susan Bickford) XII. PA Accountability Block Grants (ABG) A. A total of $100 million was appropriated for Accountability Block Grants in FY 2012-13. Funds can be used for any one or a combination of the sixteen research-proven strategies found in the ABG legislation (24 PS § 25-2599.2). B. B. In the August 2012 Unipay, 326 districts received 50% payment of their allocations, authorized by the fact that they had started their applications in the eGrants system, and another 162 received 100% payment because their applications were final approved. XIII. Alternative Certification
A. Terry Barnaby, Content Advisor for Higher Education on Alternative Certification (Refer to handouts on CIU # 10 Curriculum Council Web site)
XIV. Dr. Rich Maraschiello and John Weiss, Bureau of Assessment and Accountability A. All Online Testing – must go through e-Direct . (Can access through SAS.) o Choose Winter Keystone Exam from the drop down menu and you’ll see a list of ALL materials – former presentations, etc… o There is a tremendous Checklist that is available here o Same rules for HomeSchoolers for Keystones as for PSSA B. Demographics are updated in PIMS – so a student who took a test 2 yrs. ago and was IEP – but no longer is – will be identified as non IEP now C. Although for graduation – it is required to have 1 year of remediation – that is not required for purposes of AYP. D. . 8th grade students currently enrolled in Algebra – will take the test at the end of the course – but they are also required to meet graduation requirements – that includes the requirement for remediation of a year. E. Keystone Exam Scale Score and Raw Score Ranges o Please notes – scale score ranges remain constant from administration to administration. However, raw scores may change slightly to adjust for differences in overall test difficulty. Raw scores may change slightly to adjust for differences in overall test difficulty. Raw scores are from the spring 2011 administration. F. Although not approved – PDE has received email notice from the US Department of Education indicating there should not be an issue. o The part not submitted are the AMAO’s o Will be requesting changes to AMAO’s for Keystones as they are a new test – regardless of the AMAO that gets approved… o It will be 100% the following year – as it will be 2014 G. Question about Biology Keystone – there is no “target” for AYP purposes – participation or otherwise… however, failing to meet the 95% participation rate will show up on the school profile report. XV. Comprehensive Planning Updates: Jason Conway and Jeff Byrem – Comprehensive Planning Updates
A. (Refer to handouts on CIU # 10 Curriculum Council Web site)
B. Ron Matchock, Curwensville Area School District previews Phase I Plan.
XVI. PVAAS Update: Jennifer Ross and Joan Perkupka (Refer to handouts on CIU # 10 Curriculum Council Web site)
A. LEA Reporting Site to go live September 24, 2012 B. Public Reporting Site – TBD C. Register for Overview and/or Full Day PVAAS Sessions at CIU # 10 Oct 1 (Overview), October 5, and Nov. 8 (Full Day Sessions at CIU # 10, 2012 (Refer to handouts on CIU # 10 Curriculum Council Web site) XVII. Comprehensive Literacy Plan – Rosanne Javorsky and Cindy Anderson
A. The plan is on SAS – anyone is able to use and access
a. Links are updated quarterly B. The comprehensive Literacy Plan template for district use is also available on SAS and districts not receiving KtO funds are welcome to access the plan XVIII. Katherine C Simchock, Bureau of Career and Technical Education
(Refer to handouts on CIU # 10 Curriculum Council Web site)
XIX. Principal Effectiveness Tool/High School Feedback Reports/Tech Readiness Checklist - Dave Volkman and Len Sweeney (Refer to handouts on CIU # 10 Curriculum Council Web site) A. Measuring Principal Effectiveness
B. Technology Readiness for Online Testing
C. Keystone Exams and PSSAs will be available online and paper/pencil in 2012-13
o LEAs will determine delivery mode (online and/or paper/pencil) o The winter test windows for Keystone Exams are: o December 5-14, 2012 and Jan. 9 – 23, 2012 D. Technology Readiness for Educator Effectiveness (Teachscape) o New Window for TeachScape licenses – Sept 17-28 E. High School Feedback Reporting F. PA eSTARS (Pennsylvania Electronic Student Transcripts And Records System – formerly known as eTranscripts) XX. Classroom Diagnostic Tools – Bobbie Pfingstler and Cindy Mierzejewski
A. Live Demonstration and Preview to Show Enhancements A.i.1.a. Learning Progression Map A.i.1.b. Group Learning Progression Map A.i.1.c. Go to PA eDIRECT website XXI. ESL Meeting Dates A. Thursday, November 1 (Building an Equitable School Climate) (Refer to handout on CIU # 10 Curriculum Council Web site) B. Thursday, January 31, 2013; Thursday, February 27, 2013; Tuesday, April 23, 2013 XXII. Other Agenda Items XXIII. Next Meeting - October 24, 2012