Literacy by Design: the Bake Sale Battle Level Q s1
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Name Date The B-Day Box: Level V Here are this weeks Vocabulary Words souvenirs concentration possessions panicking nervous terrified mysterious protectively Other words: ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, ______
Monday Tuesday Meet With Mr. O Meet with Mr. O Begin The B-Day Box Cont. The B-Day Box /8 Complete vocabulary (pg. 2) /20 SW: Prepositions (pg.5) Class Strategy Worksheet /15 HW: Prepositions (pg.6) Wednesday Thursday Meet with Mr. O Meet with Mr. O Cont. The B-Day Box Cont. The B-Day Box /8 SW: Creating Images (p.7) /24 SW: Genre Horror (p.9-10) /8 HW: Creating Images (p.8) /24 HW: Genre Horror (p. 11-12) Class Strategy Worksheet Class Strategy Worksheet Friday Finish Agenda, Weekly quizzes Literal /16 Inferential /16 Please Note: Early finishers: Once you have completed you may begin Independent Reading.
The B-Day Box Vocabulary Words ___/ 8
1 souvenirs concentration possessions panicking nervous terrified mysterious protectively
Write each vocabulary word neatly in cursive in a sentence below. Please underline each vocabulary word. ------
CC.1.2.4.J Acquire and use accurately grade appropriate conversational, general academic, and domain‐specific words and phrases, including those that signal precise actions, emotions, or states of being and that are basic to a particular topic. E04.B‐V.4.1.1 E04.B‐V.4.1.2. The B-Day Box – Syllables
2 SEATWORK- Tuesday
Preposition Song
Sung to the tune of “Yankee Doodle”
Aboard, about, above, across Against, along, around Amid, among, after, at Except, for, during, down
Behind, below, beneath, beside Between, before, beyond By, in, from, off, on, over, of Until, unto, upon
Under, underneath, since, up Like, near, past, throughout, through With, within, without, instead Toward, inside, into, to
D on’t like this version ? v=986gWXSCarw
3 What Is a Preposition, Anyway? What is a preposition? Sometimes it helps to start with examples and pictures. Think of a preposition as any word that describes the relationship between a caterpillar and an apple. In the picture below, all of the prepositions are underlined.
What is a preposition? element in the rest of It is any word that the sentence. describes the relationship between a caterpillar and an apple.
Now it's definition time. Brace yourself. The following definition will sound complicated, but with the help of some examples and a little more of an explanation, you will know exactly what these little babies are.
Prepositions are words that show the relationship between a noun or a pronoun and some other word or
Now you know exactly what a preposition is, right? Okay, maybe that is a little much to wrap your head around. Let's break that down with a few example sentences.
She swam across the lake.
Across connects the noun lake with the verb swam. It tells us where she swam. Do you see how the preposition tells us the relationship between lake and swam?
Here's another example.
The cupcake with sprinkles is mine.
4 In this example, the preposition with is showing the relationship between the noun sprinkles and the noun cupcake. It tells us which cupcake she is referring to.
The B-Day Box – Prepositions Seatwork – Tuesday ___/ 20 Fill in the blanks with these words: against, at, by, for, from, in, like, near, of, on, to, up, with.
1. She is doing a degree course _____ a university.
2. His trousers were washed _____ the washing machine.
3. We had to climb slowly _____ the hill.
4. His house looks _____ a castle.
5. How many _____ the members will join the trip?
6. Don't lean that ladder _____ the wall.
7. I don't usually feel tired _____ the morning.
8. Have you heard anything _____ him yet?
9. My house is quite _____ to your school.
10. Put this _____ your drawer and do not let anyone see it.
11. A university is where you study _____ a degree.
12. Which of these roads will lead _____ the school?
13. He sometimes drives to work _____ the neighbor.
14. I think there is a salesman _____ the door.
15. Her next birthday will be _____ a Sunday.
16. Even the new drug could not cure him _____ his cold.
17. He was given a prison sentence _____ forgetting his homework.
5 18. The cat likes to rub its head _____ my legs.
19. The store was robbed because ELMO was _____ guard duty.
20. Mr. O’Hara rode ______Batman in the Batmobile. CC.1.4.4.F Demonstrate a grade appropriate command of the conventions of standard English grammar, usage, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. E04.D.1.1.1 E04.D.1.1.2 E04.D.1.1.3 E04.D.1.1.4 E04.D.1.1.5 E04.D.1.1.6 E04.D.1.1.7 E04.D.1.1.8 E04.D.1.2.1 E04.D.1.2.2 E04.D.1.2.3 The B-Day Box – Prepositions ___/ 15 HOMEWORK- Tuesday Fill in the blanks with these words: about, across, after, along, among, behind, beside, off, since, through, under, without.
1. The referee ordered two players _____ the field.
2. I could see her _____ the window.
3. He sings whenever he is _____ the influence of love.
4. We have not met _____ early last year.
5. She came up and sat _____ me.
6. Mr. Adlin wants to know all _____ it and is calling for witnesses.
7. Innocent students were _____ those who had their homework eaten.
8. Please shut the door _____ you.
9. How long can you survive _____ light or heating?
10. Who is looking _____ you when your parents are not in?
Exercise on Prepositions
Complete the exercise with the correct prepositions.
1. The first McDonald’s restaurant was opened ______Dick and Mac McDonald ______the 15th ______May 1940. 2. The best selling products ______their restaurant were hamburgers.
6 3. So the McDonald brothers thought ______a way to produce hamburgers more quickly. 4. The first franchised McDonald’s restaurant was opened ______1953, and today you can find McDonald’s restaurants ______more than 100 countries. 5. The meats ______the burgers vary ______the country.
CC.1.4.4.F Demonstrate a grade appropriate command of the conventions of standard English grammar, usage, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. E04.D.1.1.1 E04.D.1.1.2 E04.D.1.1.3 E04.D.1.1.4 E04.D.1.1.5 E04.D.1.1.6 E04.D.1.1.7 E04.D.1.1.8 E04.D.1.2.1 E04.D.1.2.2 E04.D.1.2.3 The B-Day Box – Creating Images
Seatwork- Wednesday ___/ 8
As you read you should use the descriptions in the text to create images in your minds that help you picture what is going on in the story.
Reread Chapter 2. “Nadira gasped. Terrified, Alexis grabbed Nadira’s arm and squeezed much harder than she meant to. There was a creak on the stairs, then another.”
Illustrate this selection. Please use at least four colors in your picture.
7 CC.1.3.4.G Make connections between the text of a story or drama and a visual or oral presentation of the text, identifying where each version reflects specific descriptions and directions in the text.
The B-Day Box – Creating Images
Homework- Wednesday ___/ 8
As you read you should use the descriptions in the text to create images in your minds that help you picture what is going on in the story.
Reread Chapter 7. “Nadira glanced around her, coming very close to panicking. She felt trapped. It was as though the walls were going to fall in on her. “
Illustrate this selection. Please use at least four colors in your picture.
8 CC.1.3.4.G Make connections between the text of a story or drama and a visual or oral presentation of the text, identifying where each version reflects specific descriptions and directions in the text.
The B-Day Box – Genre Study: Horror Seatwork- Thursday Here is an example of a scary story. Read the passages and answer the questions that follow. The Hitchhiker
A young couple just returned from their vacation in California and now were returning to their house in Oregon. Determined to make it up there in two days, the couple alternated on the driving every 6 hours until they reached home. At this point on the first day of their trip home it was the third shift, at 11:00 that night, and the husband, Paul, was driving. Paul’s eyes were really weary; he could barely keep his eyes on the road. He turned to his wife, Morgan. She was fast asleep against the door of the old station wagon. Paul needed the company, but he decided against waking up his wife.
Paul continued driving along the deserted road, when suddenly, his high beams picked up a man in a trench coat. As Paul approached the man, he noticed his thumb was extended and he had a small carpetbag off to his left. As Paul continued driving, closer and closer to the hitchhiker, his mind raced on whether or not he should pick him up. He really needed the company, and there was no one else on the road. The poor guy wouldn’t get picked up for hours. Then again, Morgan would really disapprove. She had a thing for never picking up hitchhikers. Also, what type of person would try to hitchhike in the middle of the night like this? He had to have been some sort of lunatic. Paul quickly passed the guy. He appeared strange, fuzzy, or even ghostly. He was relieved that he didn’t stop to pick him up. Not to mention, the guy looked somewhat less than sane. He had this crazy glare on his face, which wasn’t exactly comforting.
9 As Paul was going on through the last 40 minutes of his shift, about 20 minutes after the hitchhiker experience. Paul noticed some steam coming out of the hood of the car. “Oh Great!” Paul said as he pulled the car off to the side of the road. He quickly hopped out and popped the hood to the station wagon. He looked around at the engine and noticed that the radiator hose had burst and water was spraying everywhere. “How could this have happened?” Paul said aloud. “I just got the car back from the shop.” As soon as those words escaped his mouth Paul noticed a man in a trench coat about 200 yards away. “That can’t be the hitchhiker!” Paul exclaimed. “Its humanly impossible to go 30 miles in 20 minutes without some sort of vehicle. He’s just walking too. How could he…” Paul didn’t have time to think of this, he had to fix that hose and fast, that’s all he knew. Paul raced to the trunk searching for the duct tape. He scurried about looking for it, where could it have been? He grabbed a rubber box and found the duct tape inside. As he ran back to the front of the car, he looked back and saw that the hitchhiker was only about 75 yards away know. How could he go that fast in 30 seconds? Paul didn’t know who the hitchhiker was or what the hitchhiker was, but he had to improvise the radiator hose fast, before that “thing” got to the car. Paul quickly found the hose and taped it up as fast as he could and jumped back into the car. As he found his keys, he tried starting up the car, but it wouldn’t start. He tried again, but still it wouldn’t start. He looked behind him and saw the hitchhiker was right next to the car, making a grab for the door as Paul started up the car and sped off, leaving the hitchhiker in the dust. Paul gave a sigh of relief, if only Morgan knew how close they were to danger. He decided against telling them when it was time for Morgan to drive. He turned to the sleeping passenger, instead to see the grinning, ghostly face of the hitchhiker.
The B-Day Box – Genre Study: Horror Seatwork- Thursday ___/24
What is the setting of this horror story? (4 pts.) ______
What is happening in the first paragraph? (4 pts.) ______
10 ______
What is happening in the second paragraph? (4 pts.) ______
Why did Paul refuse to stop and pick up the hitchhiker? (4 pts.) ______
This story does contain some elements that make the story part of the horror genre. Give at least three details or situations that make this a horror story. (8 pts.) ______
11 ______CC.1.3.4.C Describe in depth a character, setting, or event in a story or drama, drawing on specific details in the text. E04.A‐K.1.1.3 The B-Day Box – Genre Study: Horror Homework- Thursday Here is another example of a scary story. Read the passages and answer the questions that follow.
There was an old woman who had no family still living. Her only friend was a little white dog who went everywhere with her - with one exception. The dog loved the fireplace in winter, and after the old woman went to bed he would sometimes go and lie in front of the warm coals. Usually though, the dog slept at the very edge of the bed on a throw rug.
The woman wouldn't allow the dog on the bed with her, but if she became frightened or had a nightmare, she would put her hand down to the little white dog and he would lick it reassuringly.
One night the woman was reading her newspaper just before going to sleep. She shivered and pulled the comforter up around her as she read that a wild creature was lurking in the woods. No one had ever seen such a creature before. No one knew if it was dangerous or not; they suspected it had attacked several people who lived near the woods.
The woman turned out the lights and tried to sleep, but she was frightened, and tossed and turned fitfully. Finally, she reached down to where the little white dog slept. Sure enough she felt the warm, soft fur on her hand. The woman felt reassured and safe, and left her hand dangling off the bed as she turned and settled in comfortably. She opened her eyes for a moment and looked through the open door into the living room.
12 There in front of the fireplace, sat her little white dog, gazing at the coals and wagging his tail.
Down beside the bed, something furry was still there!
The B-Day Box – Genre Study: Horror Homework- Thursday ___/24
What is the setting of this horror story? (4 pts.) ______
What is happening in the first paragraph? (4 pts.) ______
What is explained in the second and third paragraphs? (4 pts.) ______
13 ______
Why was the woman tossing and turning and frightened? (4 pts.) ______
This story does contain some elements that make the story part of the horror genre. Give at least three detail or situations that make this a horror story. (8 pts.) ______CC.1.3.4.C Describe in depth a character, setting, or event in a story or drama, drawing on specific details in the text. E04.A‐K.1.1.3 The B-Day Box
14 Comprehension Questions /16 literal /16 inferential
Each question is worth 4 points.
1. What is the strange object in Nadira’s B-Day Box?
_ _ _ / 4 li t ______
2. What or who was missing from the strange birthday photo?
___/4 lit ______
3. How are Nadira’s parents’ responses to the strange photo alike?
___/4 lit ______
15 4. What does Naveen think about the strange photo? ___/ 4 lit ______
CC.1.2.4.C Explain events, procedures, ideas, or concepts in a text, including what happened and why, based on specific information in the text. E04.B‐K.1.1.3
5. Why do you think Nadira’s hands shake when she picks up the strange photograph of her 11th birthday?
___/4 inf ______
6. Why do you think Nadira and Alexis exchange nervous glances when Grandma says that the old man who sold her the B-Day box could have appeared out of thin air?
___/4 inf ______
16 7. What do you think Nadira should do with her B-Day Box? ___/4 inf ______
8. Why do you think Nadira’s parents think the photo was made on the computer?
___/4inf ______
CC.1.3.4.B Cite relevant details from text to support what the text says explicitly and make inferences. E04.A‐K.1.1.1
I live on a small farm, far out in the country. Every year, my dad puts out scarecrows in our fields because he thinks they're effective in not only keeping the crows out, but evil spirits as well. I guess he's a little superstitious. The scarecrows he sets out are the same ones, year after year. After so much wear and tear, they were showing their age.
This October started out just like any other October. The weather was turning cool and the leaves were beginning to change into brilliant orange and yellow colors. One Saturday, us kids got together and decided to make a new scarecrow. Being creative, we gathered our supplies and got to work. This scarecrow was to be different. This was my special design. I wanted a creepy scarecrow, much scarier than the others. Hours later, we finished up. Indeed, he was the ugliest, most frightening scarecrow I've ever seen. I was so proud.
17 Mom called us for supper so we planted the scarecrow out in the cornfield, where I could see it from my bedroom window. Not giving it any more thought, we went in and ate. Soon, the wind picked up and it began lightening. No storm was forecasted but it looked like we were in for a rough night.
Light rain began falling as I went up to bed. I was worried about my new scarecrow so I peeked out my window. What I saw shocked me. He was there alright, but not where we had placed him. It appeared to me that he was several feet to the right. Puzzled, I stood at the window and watched intently. The lightening was bright and every time it flashed, I could see my scarecrow. The problem was, it looked as if he was moving when the sky was dark, only to turn up in another spot when the sky lit up.
Thinking that I must be imagining things, I put my pajamas on and went to bed. Later on, a loud CRACK of thunder woke me up. By now, the rain was pounding down, making it difficult to see out my window. I slipped on my shoes and snuck outside to check on my scarecrow. Not sure where he was, I walked around in the thunderstorm, half blinded by the cold, stinging rain. Clumsily, I stumbled over a fallen branch and fell face down in a patch of mud. When I looked up, there was my scarecrow glaring down at me. His eyes were huge and glowing red. I couldn't pick myself up fast enough. I ran screaming to the house and never looked back.
After tossing and turning the rest of the night, I woke up to bright sunshine and the smell of bacon. Not wanting to tell my parents what had happened, I sat quietly and ate breakfast. Anxious and apprehensive, I then went outside to look around. My dad was already looking for damage to the buildings but I was looking for my scarecrow. I could see the other scarecrows, all in their usual places but my scarecrow was nowhere to be found.
Full of confusion, I began crying. Not because of losing the scarecrow, but because of pure, unadulterated fear. My father told me that he probably blew away and would be discovered in a field during harvest. I knew better. Some how, some way, that scarecrow came alive. How, I don't know.
Years have passed and to this day, I have never seen my scarecrow again. What happened that stormy night? Do scarecrows really keep out evil spirits or can they be possessed by one? I don't live on that farm anymore, but I've never ventured outside during a thunderstorm again.
Syllabication Rules & Tips
A syllable is a single speech part which has only one vowel sound, even tho it may have more than one adjoining vowels. Multiple
18 vowels may make the vowel sound together. e.g. dead, true, weak. There may or may not be combined consonant sounds. When you speak a syllable, your mouth opens and closes-- your jaw drops once. Every time you speak a syllable, your speech has a single beat. The number of vowel sounds (not vowels, but the sounds!) shows you how many syllables a word has. As you learn the rules below, you will soon see the pattern of syllabication in other words.
1. P/R/S: Divide between prefixes, root words, and suffixes. e.g. sing- er, re-do, walk-ing
2. VC/CV: Two consonants between two vowels are split between consonants. e.g. per-haps, ac-cept, won-der.
2a. If the two consonants form a blend (called a diagraph), do not divide them. e.g. wish-ing, tough-er, ring-ing. These are some diagraphs: ch, sh, th, wh, ng, nk, ng, ck.
3. V/CV: One consonant between two vowels is split between vowel and following consonant, if the vowel is long. e.g. clo-ver, stu-pid, be- have, di-ver. See how the consonant goes with the second vowel?
4. VC/V: One consonant between two vowels is split after the consonant, if the vowel is accented & short. e.g. tep-id, drag-on, cam- el, riv-er. See how the consonant goes with the first vowel?
5. V/V: If the vowels have different sounds. split the word between them. e.g. ra-di-o,
6. When the last three letters are consonant and le, split before the consonant, e.g. a-ble, ta-ble, mis-er-a-ble.
7. Compound words are divided into the original two words. e.g. tom-boy, wet-suit, beach-ball. If either or both of the original words have more than one vowel sound, that word should also be divided into syllables. e.g. bask/et-ball, book-keep/er, trans-at/lan/tic.
Mom gave me a pep talk on the first day of school. “Relax, Tim,” she said.“ Just be yourself.” Mom said that fourth grade would be a new beginning. I hoped so. In third grade, I didn’t have many friends. Fourth grade got off to a bad start. No one sat beside me
19 on the bus. But things got better during lunch. A boy from my neighborhood sat down beside me. He showed me a cardinal feather that he found at summer camp. Chen said he always carried the feather with him for good luck. “I could use a lucky feather, too!” I exclaimed.
Chen suggested that we go out looking for my lucky feather that very day, right after school.
Tim is nervous about making friends. The author doesn’t give many details about the school, but focuses on the idea of friendship. She uses words such as “new beginning.” Maybe the author wrote the story to help kids who don’t easily make friends.
Directions: Read the following editorial column. Then answer the questions on the worksheet provided. What's Bugging Jessie? By Amy Chang Read this story. Use it to complete the next page.
SCENE: School hallway, in front of Matt's locker
NARRATOR: Jessie and Matt have been friends from way back, but a special prize is about to put their friendship to the test. JESSIE: (running up to Man, excited) Matt! I won the story contest! It says so, right here. (She shows the announcement and then suddenly shouts.) OH NO! MATT: What's up with you? JESSIE: (unhappy) Look. The winner has to read her story in front of the whole class! That means me. MATT: (not understanding Jessie's tone) That's great. Everyone will get to hear your story. JESSIE: Great? It sounds horrible. Forget it, No way. MATT: (Ignoring her) Man, everybody'll love your story The crowds will go wild and demand to hear it again. JESSIE: (taking her anger out on Matt) You just want to see me make a fool of myself in front of the whole school! MATT: (defensively) No, I think you're acting like a fool. Your story's obviously good. It won the prize, didn't it? JESSIE: If you like it so much, you can read it at the assembly. MATT: (sarcastically) Great idea, genius. I'll make a great Jessica Peters. JESSIE: If you're so smart, help me find a way out.
20 MATT: You don't need a way out. It'll be fun. JESSIE: No, it won't. If you were really a friend, you'd help me. Thanks a lot, traitor. (She stomps off in a huff) MATT: (confused) Man, what happened? NARRATOR: Will Jessie overcome her fear and speak at the assembly? Or will Matt help her get out of speaking? Will Matt and Jessie still be friends when it's all over? Stay tuned to find out. Evaluate Author's Purpose Read this checklist about "What's Bugging Jessie?" Write a check mark to answer "Yes" or "No" to each question. Then use the checklist to answer the questions below.
YES NO Do you think the people in the story really exist? Did you learn specific facts from the story? Does the author tell you what to do? Does the author try to make you believe something? Does the story have interesting characters that make you want to know more about them? Does the author get you to enjoy what the characters say and do? Does the author explain something or make something easier to understand? 1. What is the author's main purpose in writing?
2. What details in the story helped you decide what the author's purpose was?
Phantom Soccer Star
By Maddie Lynch
Monroe School, Hinsdale
“Hey what’s going on!”, said Jordyn on the Cheetahs. “The soccer ball is racing around with no one in control of it!”
It’s Halloween evening and my team, the Hawks, is in a scorching soccer game against the Cheetahs. There had been some unexplainable ball movements during the game. At the end, both teams enter their locker rooms.
In our locker room during our water break, we hear a voice rooting for our team and giving us a pep talk. We had no idea where the voice was coming from. As we looked around the room, we started getting scared and very suspicious. Suddenly, we see a movement of a young girl about our age. As team captain I approach her, “Who are you, where did you come from?” I
21 ask her. She responds, “My name is Sarah” in a serious but low voice. “I live at 510 S. Janson Road.”
I recognize this as the abandoned shack on the corner. For about as long as I lived here, I thought that shack always had been abandoned.
After that thought, I see her face starting to get blurry. Next thing I notice she’s gone.