EDUCATION: Bachelor of Arts (Summa Cum Laude), Hastings College, 1976

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EDUCATION: Bachelor of Arts (Summa Cum Laude), Hastings College, 1976


Arlen W. Langvardt

DATE OF BIRTH: December 22, 1954

EDUCATION: Bachelor of Arts (summa cum laude), Hastings College, 1976 Juris Doctor (with distinction), University of Nebraska, 1981


Professor of Business Law, Kelley School of Business, Indiana University (IU), July 1997 to present, and Chair, Department of Business Law & Ethics, 2000 to 2009 Associate Professor of Business Law, Kelley School of Business, July 1991-June 1997 Assistant Professor of Business Law, Kelley School of Business, August 1985-June 1991


1984-85 Attorney, Jacobsen, Orr & Nelson, P.C. (Kearney, NE) (civil litigation practice) 1981-84 Attorney, Peterson, Bowman & Johanns (Lincoln, NE) (general practice with emphasis on civil litigation) 1979-81 Law clerk, Peterson, Bowman & Johanns 1976-78 Instructor of English and Journalism, Burke High School (Omaha, NE)


Teaching, Research, and Service

Recipient of Alumni Association Faculty Fellowship, Kelley School of Business, 1998-2000, and Murray Robinson Faculty Fellowship, 2000 to 2004.


Winner of 1996-97 MBA Teaching Excellence Award, given annually by MBA students at Kelley School of Business.

Listed among "Outstanding Faculty" in Kelley School of Business MBA Program, according to Business Week Guide to the Best Business Schools (5th ed. 1997).

Winner of 1995-96 Eli Lilly Alumni MBA Teaching Excellence Award, given annually by graduating MBA students at Kelley School of Business to faculty member chosen as best instructor in MBA program (cash award).

Finalist for Trustees Teaching Award, 2007, 2005; named as finalist in 2003 and 2004 but declined

1 being considered further each year.

Recipient of IU Teaching Excellence Recognition Award, 1997 and 1999 (cash award).

Selected, 1995, 1996, 1997, and 1998, for special market adjustments in salary as member of top- performing tier of Kelley School of Business faculty.

Winner of 1995 Alpha Kappa Psi Alumni Award for Teaching Excellence in Business Law, given by Alpha Kappa Psi members in graduating class of 1993.

Winner of 1993 Alpha Kappa Psi Alumni Award for Teaching Excellence in Business Law, given by Alpha Kappa Psi members in graduating class of 1991.

Winner of 1991-92 MBA Teaching Excellence Award, given annually by MBA students at School of Business.

One of several School of Business faculty members named as top instructors in MBA program, according to Business Week magazine survey of 1992 graduating class.

Winner of 1991 Harry C. Sauvain Teaching Award, given by School of Business to faculty member displaying excellence in undergraduate teaching (chosen by faculty committee) (cash award); nominee for same award, 1996 and 1999.

Selected as member of "Distinguished Faculty" group by MBA students at School of Business, 1991.

Mentioned various times by students as "Most Influential Faculty Member" in IU survey of Bloomington campus seniors in 1990 graduating class.

Finalist for Schuyler F. Otteson Undergraduate Teaching Award, each year from 1987 through 1992 (given by Delta Sigma Pi fraternity at School of Business).

Finalist for 1990 Students' Choice Award (given by IU Student Alumni Council).

Nominee for All-University Teaching Award, 1996.

Nominee for 1999 Students' Choice Award (given by IU Student Alumni Council).


Co-winner, Best Published Life Sciences Paper Award, given in 2008 by the Center for the Business of Law Sciences, Kelley School of Business, Indiana University (for Law, Information Technology, and Medical Errors: Toward a National Healthcare Information Network Approach to Improving Patient Care and Reducing Medical Malpractice Costs, 2007 University of Illinois Journal of Law, Technology, and Policy 159 (2008) (co-authors/co-winners: John Hill and Anne Massey).

Winner, 2000 Ralph C. Hoeber Award for Excellence in Research, given by Academy of Legal Studies in Business to author of article deemed outstanding (for The Incremental Strengthening of

2 First Amendment Protection for Commercial Speech: Lessons from Greater New Orleans Broadcasting, 37 American Business Law Journal 587-652 (2000).

Co-winner, 1997 Ralph C. Hoeber Best Article Award, given by Academy of Legal Studies in Business to authors of best article in volume 34 of American Business Law Journal (for The Death of Posadas and the Birth of Change in Commercial Speech Doctrine: Implications of 44 Liquormart, 34 American Business Law Journal 483-559 (1997)) (co-author/co-winner: Eric L. Richards).

Winner of 1995-96 School of Business Alumni Association Faculty Fellowship, for research proposal judged by School of Business Research Policy Committee as best one received during Fall 1995 competitive grant process (cash award to supplement standard research grant amount).

Winner of 1992 Ladas Memorial Award, given annually by Brand Names Education Foundation (an affiliate of the International Trademark Association) to article judged in international competition as best on trademark law (for Protected Marks and Protected Speech: Establishing the First Amendment Boundaries in Trademark Parody Cases, 36 Villanova Law Review 1-103 (1991)).

Invited presenter of Fifth Annual Boal Memorial Lecture (titled "Trademark Rights and First Amendment Wrongs: Protecting the Former Without Committing the Latter"), sponsored by Brand Names Education Foundation and held at Georgetown University Law Center on Oct. 27, 1992 (invitation extended in recognition of research on trademark law; other lecturers in this series have included federal court of appeals judges Richard Posner, Alex Kozinski, and Helen Nies, and intellectual property scholars J. Thomas McCarthy and Harvey Perlman).

Winner of 1990 "Best Article Published in Any Source" competition conducted by Midwest Business Law Association for articles published in 1989 (for Stopping the End-Run by Public Plaintiffs: Falwell and the Refortification of Defamation Law's Constitutional Aspects, 26 American Business Law Journal 665-708 (1989)).

Winner of 1989 Holmes/Cardozo Award, given annually by American Business Law Association to author of paper displaying excellence in legal scholarship (for A Principled Approach to Compensatory Damages in Corporate Defamation Cases, later published at 27 American Business Law Journal 491-534 (1990)).

Winner of 1989 "Best Article Published in Any Source" competition conducted by Midwest Business Law Association for articles published in 1988 (for Defamation in the Employment Discharge Context: The Emerging Doctrine of Compelled Self-Publication, 26 Duquesne Law Review 227-93 (1988)).

Winner of 1988 "Best Article Published in Any Source" competition conducted by Midwest Business Law Association for articles published in 1987 (for Media Defendants, Public Concerns, and Public Plaintiffs: Toward Fashioning Order from Confusion in Defamation Law, 49 University of Pittsburgh Law Review 91-141 (1987)).


Earned J.D. with distinction, finishing eighth in graduating class of 146 at University of Nebraska

3 College of Law.

Selected as member of Nebraska Chapter of The Order of the Coif (national honorary organization recognizing scholastic achievement in the study of law), 1981.

Associate Editor, Nebraska Law Review, 1980-81, and Assistant Editor, Nebraska Law Review, 1979-80 (selected for law review membership on basis of scholastic achievement).

Recipient of Regents Law Scholarship at University of Nebraska College of Law, 1978-79, 1979-80, 1980-81 academic years (full-tuition scholarship awarded on basis of undergraduate academic record and score on Law School Admission Test).

Earned B.A. summa cum laude, maintained 4.0 grade-point average on 4.0 scale, and finished in tie for first in 1976 graduating class at Hastings College.

PUBLICATIONS: Articles Published or In-Press

Increasing Complexity and Partisanship in Business Damages Expert Testimony: The Need for a Modified Trial Regime in Quantification of Damages, University of Pennsylvania Journal of Business Law (in press; forthcoming 2009) (with John Hill, Yassir Karam, and Paul Hogan).

Bottom-Up or Top-Down? Removing the Privacy Law Obstacles to Healthcare Reform in the National Healthcare Crisis, Indiana Law Journal Supplement (in press; forthcoming 2009) (with John Hill and Jonathan Rinehart).

The Beat Should Not Go On: Resisting Early Calls for Further Extensions of Copyright Duration, 112 Penn State Law Review 783-811 (2008).

Law, Information Technology, and Medical Errors: Toward a National Healthcare Information Network Approach to Improving Patient Care and Reducing Medical Malpractice Costs, 2007 University of Illinois Journal of Law, Technology, and Policy 159-237 (2008) (2007 volume, but actually published in 2008) (with John Hill and Anne Massey).

Unwise or Unconstitutional?: The Copyright Term Extension Act, the Eldred Decision, and the Freezing of the Public Domain for Private Benefit, 5 Minnesota Intellectual Property Review 193-292 (2004) (with Kyle Langvardt)

The Incremental Strengthening of First Amendment Protection for Commercial Speech: Lessons from Greater New Orleans Broadcasting, 37 American Business Law Journal 587-652 (2000) (winning article, 2000 Ralph C. Hoeber Award for Excellence in Research, given by Academy of Legal Studies in Business to author of article deemed outstanding).

The Death of Posadas and the Birth of Change in Commercial Speech Doctrine: Implications of 44 Liquormart, 34 American Business Law Journal 483-559 (1997) (with Eric L. Richards) (winning article, 1997 Ralph C. Hoeber Award, given by Academy of Legal Studies in Business to authors of

4 best article in volume 34 of American Business Law Journal).

The Troubling Implications of a Right of Publicity "Wheel" Spun Out of Control, 45 Kansas Law Review 329-452 (1997).

The Interface Between Competitive Market Signaling and Antitrust Law, Journal of Marketing, vol. 58 (July 1994), at 81-96 (with Oliver P. Heil).

Section 43(a), Commercial Falsehood, and the First Amendment: A Proposed Framework, 78 Minnesota Law Review 309-401 (1993).

Trademark Rights and First Amendment Wrongs: Protecting the Former Without Committing the Latter, 83 The Trademark Reporter 633-60 (1993).

Protected Marks and Protected Speech: Establishing the First Amendment Boundaries in Trademark Parody Cases, 82 The Trademark Reporter 671-764 (1992) (reprinted version, in modified form, of article cited in next entry).

Protected Marks and Protected Speech: Establishing the First Amendment Boundaries in Trademark Parody Cases, 36 Villanova Law Review 1-103 (1991) (winning article in competition for 1992 Ladas Memorial Award, given annually by Brand Names Education Foundation (an affiliate of the International Trademark Association) to author of article judged in international competition as best on trademark law).

Designing a Legal Aspects of Marketing Course, 9 Journal of Legal Studies Education 379-94 (1991).

A Principled Approach to Compensatory Damages in Corporate Defamation Cases, 27 American Business Law Journal 491-534 (1990) (winning paper, 1989 Holmes/Cardozo Award, given by American Business Law Association to author of paper displaying excellence in legal scholarship).

Defamation in the Business Setting: Basics and Practical Perspectives, Business Horizons, Vol. 33, No. 5 (September-October 1990), at 66-79.

Free Speech Versus Economic Harm: Accommodating Defamation, Commercial Speech, and Unfair Competition Considerations in the Law of Injurious Falsehood, 62 Temple Law Review 903-76 (1989).

Stopping the End-Run by Public Plaintiffs: Falwell and the Refortification of Defamation Law's Constitutional Aspects, 26 American Business Law Journal 665-708 (1989) (winning article, 1990 "Best Article Published in Any Source" competition conducted by Midwest Business Law Association).

Defamation in the Employment Discharge Context: The Emerging Doctrine of Compelled Self- Publication, 26 Duquesne Law Review 227-93 (1988) (winning article, 1989 "Best Article Published in Any Source" competition conducted by Midwest Business Law Association).

5 Media Defendants, Public Concerns, and Public Plaintiffs: Toward Fashioning Order From Confusion in Defamation Law, 49 University of Pittsburgh Law Review 91-141 (1987) (winning article, 1988 "Best Article Published in Any Source" competition conducted by Midwest Business Law Association).

Public Concern Revisited: A New Role For an Old Doctrine in the Constitutional Law of Defamation, 21 Valparaiso University Law Review 241-70 (1987).

Not on Our Shelves: A First Amendment Analysis of Library Censorship in the Public Schools, 61 Nebraska Law Review 98-137 (1982).

Beyond the Schoolhouse Gate: Protecting the Off-Campus First Amendment Freedoms of Students, 59 Nebraska Law Review 790-807 (1980).

Work in Progress

“Law in the Healthcare Crisis: the Impact of Medical Malpractice and Medicare Reimbursement Rules on Physician Compensation, Workload, and Shortages” (largely completed manuscript; with John Hill).

“Do No Harm, But How? Physicians’ Legal and Ethical Responsibilities in the Edgy World of Healthcare Rights” (with John Hill and Michael B. Metzger)

"Keeping the Right of Publicity in Check"

“Tobacco Advertising, Commercial Speech Doctrine, and the Supreme Court: Implications for Current and Future Regulatory Efforts"

“The First Amendment Implications of Altering the Traditional Contours of Copyright Protection”

Pedagogical Publications

Business Law: The Ethical, Global, and E-Commerce Environment, 14th ed. (Irwin McGraw- Hill, Inc., forthcoming 2009) (with Jane P. Mallor, A. James Barnes, and Thomas Bowers; contributed 13 of 52 chapters).

Business Law: The Ethical, Global, and E-Commerce Environment, 13th ed. (Irwin McGraw- Hill, Inc., 2006) (with Jane P. Mallor, A. James Barnes, and Thomas Bowers; contributed 13 of 52 chapters).

Instructor’s Manual to Accompany Business Law: The Ethical, Global, and E-Commerce Environment, 12th ed. (Irwin McGraw-Hill, Inc., forthcoming 2006) (with Jane P. Mallor, A. James Barnes, and Thomas Bowers; contributed 13 of 52 chapters).

Business Law: The Ethical, Global, and E-Commerce Environment, 12th ed. (Irwin McGraw- Hill, Inc., 2004) (with Jane P. Mallor, A. James Barnes, and Thomas Bowers; contributed 13 of 52

6 chapters).

Instructor’s Manual to Accompany Business Law: The Ethical, Global, and E-Commerce Environment, 12th ed. (Irwin McGraw-Hill, Inc., 2003/04) (with Jane P. Mallor, A. James Barnes, and Thomas Bowers; contributed 13 of 52 chapters).

Business Law and the Regulatory Environment: Concepts and Cases, 11th ed. (Irwin McGraw- Hill, Inc., 2000/2001) (with Jane P. Mallor, A. James Barnes, Thomas Bowers, and Michael J. Phillips; contributed ten of 53 chapters).

Instructor's Manual to Accompany Business Law and the Regulatory Environment: Concepts and Cases, 11th ed. (Irwin McGraw-Hill, Inc., 2000/2001) (with Jane P. Mallor, A. James Barnes, Thomas Bowers, and Michael J. Phillips; contributed ten of 53 chapters).

Student Study Guide and Workbook, for use with Business Law and the Regulatory Environment: Concepts and Cases, 11th ed. (Irwin McGraw-Hill, Inc., 2000/2001) (with Michael J. Phillips).

Business Law and the Regulatory Environment: Concepts and Cases, 10th ed. (Irwin McGraw- Hill, Inc., 1998) (with Jane P. Mallor, A. James Barnes, Thomas Bowers, and Michael J. Phillips; contributed ten of 53 chapters).

Instructor's Manual to Accompany Business Law and the Regulatory Environment: Concepts and Cases, 10th ed. (Irwin McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1998) (with Jane P. Mallor, A. James Barnes, Thomas Bowers, and Michael J. Phillips; contributed ten of 53 chapters).

Student Workbook to Accompany Business Law and the Regulatory Environment: Concepts and Cases, 10th ed. (Irwin McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1998) (with Michael J. Phillips).

Test Manual to Accompany Business Law and the Regulatory Environment: Concepts and Cases, 10th ed. (Irwin McGraw Hill, Inc., 1998) (with Michael J. Phillips and Thomas Bowers).

Business Law and the Regulatory Environment: Concepts and Cases, 9th ed. (Richard D. Irwin, Inc., 1995) (with Michael B. Metzger, Jane P. Mallor, A. James Barnes, Thomas Bowers, and Michael J. Phillips; contributed seven of 53 chapters).

Law of Commercial Transactions and Business Associations (Richard D. Irwin, Inc., 1995) (with Thomas Bowers, Jane P. Mallor, A. James Barnes, and Michael J. Phillips; contributed eight of 40 chapters).

Instructor's Manual to Accompany Business Law and the Regulatory Environment: Concepts and Cases, 9th ed. (Richard D. Irwin, Inc., 1995) (with Michael B. Metzger, Jane P. Mallor, A. James Barnes, Thomas Bowers, and Michael J. Phillips; contributed seven of 53 chapters).

Student Workbook to Accompany Business Law and the Regulatory Environment: Concepts and Cases, 9th ed. (Richard D. Irwin, Inc., 1995) (with Michael J. Phillips).

7 Test Manual to Accompany Business Law and the Regulatory Environment: Concepts and Cases, 9th ed. (Richard D. Irwin, Inc., 1995) (with Thomas Bowers and Frona M. Powell).

Instructor's Manual to Accompany Law of Commercial Transactions and Business Associations (Richard D. Irwin, Inc., 1995) (with Thomas Bowers, Jane P. Mallor, A. James Barnes, and Michael J. Phillips; contributed eight of 40 chapters).

Test Manual to Accompany Law of Commercial Transactions and Business Associations (Richard D. Irwin, Inc., 1995) (with Thomas Bowers, Jane P. Mallor, A. James Barnes, and Michael J. Phillips).

Student Workbook to Accompany Business Law and the Regulatory Environment: Concepts and Cases, 8th ed. (Richard D. Irwin, Inc., 1992) (with Laura Ginger).

Test Manual to Accompany Business Law and the Regulatory Environment: Concepts and Cases, 8th ed. (Richard D. Irwin, Inc., 1992) (with Thomas Bowers and Frona M. Powell).

Student Workbook to Accompany Business Law and the Regulatory Environment: Concepts and Cases, 7th ed. (Richard D. Irwin, Inc., 1989) (with Laura Ginger).

Student Workbook to Accompany Law for Business, 3d & 4th eds. (Richard D. Irwin, Inc., 1987, 1991) (with Laura Ginger).

Test Manual to Accompany Law for Business, 3d ed. (Richard D. Irwin, Inc., 1987) (with Laura Ginger).

TEACHING ASSIGNMENTS* (by course name, semester, and enrollment):

L575, Legal Issues in the Arts

Fall 2008, 25; Fall 2007, 24; Fall 2006, 18; Fall 2005, 18; Fall 2004, 16; Fall 2003, 18; Fall 2002, 23; Fall 2001, 11; Fall 2000, 12.

M525, Legal Issues in Marketing Management

Spring 2009, 40; Spring 2008, 30; Spring 2007, 31; Spring 2000, 10.

L530, Managing Legal and Ethical Risk

Spring 1999, 59 and 42 (two sections team-taught with Michael B. Metzger).

X508, Policy Core

Fall 1997 and Spring 1998, 66 and 65 (two sections team-taught with Heejoon Kang).

8 L506, Legal Concepts and Trends Affecting Business

Fall 1996, 65 and 62 (two sections); Fall 1995, 48 and 47 (two sections); Spring 1995, 60; Spring 1992, 37; Fall 1991, 49; Spring 1991, 40; Fall 1990, 41; Spring 1990, 36.

M595, Special Topics in Marketing (Topic: Legal Issues in Marketing Management)

Fall 1996, 10.

M429, Legal Aspects of Marketing**

Spring 2007, 35; Spring 2006, 31; Spring 2004, 37; Spring 2003, 33; Spring 2002, 35; Fall 2000, 35; Spring 2000, 32; Fall 1998, 25; Fall 1997, 34; Spring 1997, 62; Spring 1996, 62; Spring 1995, 90; Spring 1994, 57; Fall 1993, 65; Spring 1993, 97; Fall 1992, 69; Spring 1992, 97; Fall 1991, 70; Spring 1991, 99; Fall 1990, 90; Spring 1990, 103; Fall 1989, 59; Spring 1989, 71; Fall 1988, 64; Spring 1988, 98; Fall 1987, 68; Spring 1987, 98.

L293, Honors Legal Environment of Business

Spring 2005, 25.

L250, Law and the Arts

Fall 2005, 22; Fall 2004, 26; Fall 2003, 34; Fall 2002, 28; Fall 2001, 28; Fall 1999, 25; Fall 1998, 25; Spring 1997, 18; Spring 1996, 33.

L201, Legal Environment of Business

Spring 2002, 153; Spring 2001, 57; Spring 1993, 15 (section for Honors Division students); Fall 1992, 21 (section for Honors Division students); Fall 1989, 135; Spring 1989, 144 and 46 (two sections); Spring 1987, 94; Fall 1986, 135 and 168 (two sections); Spring 1986, 103 and 122 (two sections); Fall 1985, 128 and 167 (two sections).

L203, Commercial Law I

Spring 1988, 88; Fall 1987, 104.

L100, Personal Law

Spring 1994, 95; Fall 1993, 67.

* On sabbatical leave, Fall 1994. ** Prior to Spring 1989, course listed as M329, Consumer Policy in Marketing.

Other Teaching Responsibilities (1990 to Present)

9 Guest lecturer/discussion leader regarding selected marketing law topics in Professor Jonlee Andrews' Academy Week class for Consumer Marketing Academy students, August 2006, August 2005.

Instructor for Ethics Workshop sessions for Honors I-Core students, Spring 2006 and Fall 2005.

Instructor for sessions on trademark and patent law in Steinbeis University Off-Campus MBA Program for Executives from Small and Medium-Sized Companies (sessions arranged by Indiana International Management Institute), September 2006, September 2005, September 2004, September 2003 (compensated).

Instructor for sessions on the U.S. legal system, intellectual property, and product liability in Global Management Development Program (a Kelley School of Business program), May 2006, May 2005, May 2004, May 2003, May 2002, May 2001, May 2000, May 1999 (compensated).

Instructor for sessions on intellectual property and product liability in Global Management Development Program (a Kelley School of Business program), April 1998 (compensated).

Guest lecturer and discussion leader concerning business ethics issues in V550 class (Ethics in the Professions) offered by IU School of Public & Environmental Affairs, Fall 1996 and Fall 1998 (compensated).

Guest lecturer on First Amendment issues raised by government attempts to regulate commercial speech, in Professor Terry Dworkin’s Liberal Arts & Management program class, Spring 2002, Spring 2001.

Guest lecturer on defamation law in Professor Jane Mallor's L514 class (Cyberlaw), Spring 1996 and Spring 1997.

Panelist and presenter on effective lecturing in Professor Jane Mallor's X630 class (Doctoral Teaching Seminar I), Fall 1995.

Guest lecturer on product liability issues in X506 (MBA Functional Core), Spring 1995.

Guest lecturer and discussion leader concerning business ethics issues in X493 class (Honors Seminar in Business), Spring 1995, Spring 1996, and Spring 1999.

Instructor for Managing Business Strategies (an IU executive program) sessions on current legal trends affecting business, June 1992 (compensated).

Faculty co-sponsor and co-supervisor, for individualized major program student's Music and Entertainment Business major, Fall 2005-Spring 2007(student: Brad Morgan).

Faculty co-sponsor and co-supervisor, for individualized major program student's Music and Entertainment Business major, Fall 2003-Spring 2005 (student: Beau Jackson).

Faculty co-sponsor and co-supervisor, for individualized major program student's Music and

10 Entertainment Business major, Fall 2003-Summer 2005 (student: Ryan Seydel).

Faculty co-sponsor and co-supervisor, for individualized major program student's Music and Entertainment Business major, Fall 2002-Spring 2005 (student: John Gockman).

Faculty co-sponsor and co-supervisor, for individualized major program student's Music and Entertainment Business major, Spring 2002-Spring 2006 (student: Seth Murray).

Faculty co-sponsor and co-supervisor, for individualized major program student's Music and Entertainment Business major, Fall 2001-Spring 2005 (student: Rick Marcus).

Faculty co-sponsor and co-supervisor, for individualized major program student's Music and Entertainment Business major, Spring 2001-Spring 2004 (student: Eric Hafner).

Faculty co-sponsor and co-supervisor, for individualized major program student's Music and Entertainment Business major, Fall 1999-Summer 2001 (student: Joseph Komara).

Supervisor, Spring 2007, for MBA student's L590 independent study of marketing-related legal issues (student: Vivian Lin).

Research supervisor, Fall 2006, for Arts Administration student’s L590 research and writing project on copyright issues (student: Julie Thompson).

Research supervisor, Fall 2006, for business student’s L470 project on First Amendment Establishment Clause issues (student: Daya Pillai).

Supervisor, Fall 2006, for students' L490 independent studies of arts-related legal issues (students: Daya Pillai and Jennifer Mermelstein).

Supervisor, Fall 2006, for Individualized Major Program student's I460 tutorial on arts-related legal issues (student: Brad Morgan).

Supervisor, Fall 2008, for Arts Administration students' L590 independent studies of issues in contract law (students: Katherine Raymond and Michelle Ford).

Supervisor, Spring 2006, for Arts Administration students' L590 independent studies of issues in intellectual property law (students: Meredith Kincaid and Julie Thompson).

Research supervisor, Spring 2005, for business student’s L470 project on issues in intellectual property law (student: Camille Constantin).

Research supervisor, Spring 2005, for business student’s L470 project on issues in intellectual property law (student: Danielle Weatherford).

Research supervisor, Summer 2004, for business student’s L490 project on issues in intellectual property law (student: Nick Hildabridle).

11 Research supervisor, Spring 2004, for business student’s L470 project on issues in product liability law (student: Catherine Brill).

Research supervisor, Spring 2004, for business student’s L470 project on issues in patent law (student: Brandon Milster).

Research supervisor, Spring 2004, for business student’s L470 project on First Amendment issues (student: Pamela Alley).

Research supervisor, Fall 2003, for business student’s L490 project on issues in copyright law (student: Katherine Freytag).

Research supervisor, Fall 2003, for business student’s L490 project on issues in criminal law (student: Bernard Tsepelman).

Research supervisor, Fall 2003, for business student’s L490 project on issues in product liability law (student: David Yerks).

Research supervisor, Spring 2003, for business student’s L470 project on issues in copyright law (student: Joshua Frick).

Research supervisor, Spring 2003, for business student’s L470 project on First Amendment issues (student: Katherine McFall).

Research supervisor, Spring 2003, for business student’s L470 project on issues in health care law (student: Mitzi Wilson).

Research supervisor, Spring 2003, for business student’s L470 project on issues in product liability law (student: Katie Worsham).

Research supervisor, Fall 2002, for business student’s L490 project on issues in criminal law (student: Lauren Luke).

Research supervisor, Fall 2002, for business student’s L490 project on issues in intellectual property (student: Anjali Patel).

Research supervisor, Fall 2001, for business student’s L490 project on the First Amendment=s establishment clause (student: Wes Taylor).

Research supervisor, Fall 2001, for business student’s L490 project on tort liability under the various forms of partnerships (student: Erik Warnecke).

Research supervisor, Spring 2001, for business student’s L470 project on issues in criminal law (student: Linzi Jones).

12 Research supervisor, Spring 2001, for business student’s L470 project on issues in patent and trade secret law (student: Scott Mendelson).

Research supervisor, Spring 2001, for business student’s L470 project on trademark dilution in the Internet context (student: Michelle Petsas).

Research supervisor, Fall 2000, for business student’s L490 project on monopolization-related antitrust issues (student: Shawn Gueyser).

Research supervisor, Fall 2000, for business student’s L490 project on merger-related antitrust issues (student: Holly Lawwill).

Research supervisor, Fall 2000, for business student’s L490 project on music copyrights in the Internet context (student: Erica Maynard).

Research supervisor, Fall 2000, for business student’s L490 project on legal and NCAA issues regarding proposals for payment of financial compensation to student-athletes (student: Candi Smiley).

Research supervisor, Spring 1997, for music/business student's L490 project on issues presented by the initial contract typically offered by record companies to new recording artists (student: Peter George).

Research supervisor (with Thomas Bowers), Spring 1997, for business student's L490 project on copyright issues in the Internet context (student: Heather Hegedus).

Research supervisor, Spring 1997, for honors program student's X496 paper on jurisdictional and constitutional issues associated with FDA regulation of tobacco advertising (student: Stacy Roberts).

Research supervisor, Fall 1995, for business student's L490 project on the regulation of tobacco advertising (student: Chad Melchi).

Research supervisor, Spring 1994, for film art student's L490 project on issues in copyright law (student: Alex Stafford).

Supervisor, Spring 1992, for MBA student's L590 independent study of contract and privacy issues in employment setting (student: Larry Norris).

Supervisor, Summer 1991, for MBA student's L590 independent study of defamation and negligence issues in employment setting (student: Christine Talley).

Constituent member of examination committee for doctoral student's defense of dissertation proposal, "An Examination of the Effects of Electronic Monitoring of Employee Internet Usage," Summer 1999 (student: Andrew Urbaczewski).

Constituent member of examination committee for doctoral student's defense of dissertation proposal, "Managing the Chief Executive Officer: The Influence of Independence and Power on

13 Board Decisions," Summer 1994 (student: Alan Ellstrand).

Constituent member of examination committee for doctoral student's defense of dissertation proposal, "Three Essays on the Regional Economics of Monetary Union," Fall 1992 (student: George Hammond).

Constituent member of examination committee for doctoral student's defense of dissertation proposal, "Selected Correlates of Extra-Role Performance of Boundary Spanners: An Industrial Sales Force Investigation," Fall 1990 (student: Debra Perkins).

Led effort that resulted in approval of Managing Legal and Ethical Risk (L530) course; one of three faculty members who developed course (first offered Spring 1999).

Directed development team, Policy Core (X508) course (offered 1997-98).

Developed Legal Issues in the Arts (L575) course (first offered Fall 2000).

Developed Legal Issues in Marketing Management (M525) course (first offered Spring 2000).

Developed Law and the Arts (L250) course (first offered Spring 1996).

Developed Personal Law (L100) course (first offered Fall 1993).

SERVICE (1990 to Present):

Service to Kelley School of Business

Chair, Department of Business Law, Fall 2000 to 2009.

Chair, Business Communication Review, Fall 2007 to present.

Judge, MBA Core Case Competition, Fall 2008, Fall 2007.

Senior Lecturer Review Committee, 2006-07.

Interviewer of Kelley Scholar finalists, Spring 2006.

Acting Chair, Department of Business Law, Fall 1999.

Elected faculty representative to School of Business Academic Council for two-year term, 1996-97 and 1997-98; same role in 1991-92 and 1992-93.

Chair, Research Policy Committee, 1997-98, 1998-99, 1999-2000.

Member, Research Policy Committee, 1991-92, 1992-93, 1995-96, 1996-97.

14 Member, Accounting Graduate Programs Committee, 1996-97, 1997-98, 1998-99.

Director, MBA Policy Core Development Team, 1996-97, 1997-98.

Member, Task Force on Salary Equity, 1997-98.

Member, Ad Hoc Committee, 1996-97 (committee charged with reviewing and evaluating faculty candidates that academic departments wish to hire with tenure).

Member, Promotion and Tenure Task Force, 1995.

Member, MBA Policy Committee, 1992-93, 1993-94.

Member, Budgetary Planning Committee, 1992-93.

Member, Agenda Committee (for Academic Council), 1992-93, 1997-98.

President, Beta Gamma Sigma, 1994-95.

Member of platform party, Kelley School of Business MBA Induction Ceremony, August 2008, August 2007.

Member of platform party, Kelley School of Business Undergraduate Induction Ceremony, September 2007, September 2006, September 2005, September 2003, September 2002, September 2001.

Speaker at six sessions with corporate representatives during MBA orientation, 1997.

Speaker on copyright issues and other legal issues in the Internet setting, at meeting of World Wide Web Committee, 1997.

Participant in MBA orientation activities at Bradford Woods, 1996.

One of two readers of graduates' names at 1996 MBA Recognition Ceremony.

Maker of telephone calls to numerous MBA program applicants in effort to encourage them to enroll at IU, Spring 1993 and Spring 1994.

Speaker at Teaching Excellence Committee forum featuring award-winning instructors, 1993.

Substitute presiding officer for Academic Fairness Committee hearing, Fall 1999.

Substitute member, Academic Fairness Committee, Summer 1994 and Summer 1996.

Member, Weimer Chair Committee, 1992.

Member, Course Development Grant Selection Committee, 1992, 1997.

15 Member, Selection Committee for Price Waterhouse Faculty Fellowship, 1991.

Member, Selection Committee for Myers Undergraduate Writing Award competition, 1991.

Member, Undergraduate Policy Committee, 1990-91.

Member, Business Law Department committee on development of courses for graduate programs in accounting, 1996-97, 1997-98.

Member, Business Law Department's L506 Task Force, 1994-96.

Member, Business Law Department's Legal Studies Concentration Committee, 1994-95.

Service to Indiana University

Guest speaker on copyright law, Professor Monika Herzig’s Art Worlds class, Fall 2008.

Speaker on copyright issues at Arts Administration Alumni Symposium, Fall 2006.

Guest speaker in Prof. Monika Herzig's Introduction to Music Business class, Fall 2006.

Member, Committee to Review Liberal Arts and Management Program, 2002-03.

Member, Advisory Board, IU Institute for the Study of Intellectual Property and Education, 1997- 2002.

Member of committee charged by IU President Myles Brand with developing new university policy on fair use of copyrighted works, 1997-98.

Member, Search Committee for Dean of School of Business, 1996-97.

Member, Intellectual Property Policy Committee, 1994-96.

Participant, along with other School of Business faculty and administrators, in session designed to advise School of Education faculty on strategic and other issues (including intellectual property issues) suggested by multimedia project being considered by School of Education, Fall 1995.

Presenter of "Great Expectations" lecture to incoming freshmen, August 1993, on negligence liability in the current legal environment.

Member, Search Committee for Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Dean of Faculties, 1992- 93.

Member, Committee on Inventions and Patents, 1990-94.

Member, Copyright Policy Subcommittee, 1991-92 (subcommittee of above committee).

16 Member, Technology Transfer Advisory Committee, 1991-92, 1992-93.

Member, Faculty Leaders Group, 1991-92, 1992-93 (consisting of elected faculty representatives to governing bodies of respective schools within university).

Elected member, Merger/Reorganization/Elimination Committee, 1992-93, 1993-94.

Member, Honors Division Grants and Internships Committee, 1992-93.

Representative of Honors Division Faculty at Red Carpet Days sponsored by Admissions Office, March 1993.

Substitute member, Faculty Board of Review, 1991 (to replace regular member who could not participate in review of grievance).

Consulted regarding matters of trademark law on various occasions by IU's Director of Licensing and Trademarks, 1990-96.

Service to Students

Faculty advisor, University Division, 1991-92, 1993-94 (advising freshmen interested in pursuing admission to School of Business).

Informal pre-law counseling of large numbers of students and writing of many reference letters in connection with students' attempts to enter law school, pursue graduate study, or obtain employment.

Research supervisor for numerous students' honors papers and independent study projects (listed earlier in "Other Teaching Responsibilities" subsection).

Professional Service

Invited presenter of Fifth Annual Boal Memorial Lecture (titled "Trademark Rights and First Amendment Wrongs: Protecting the Former Without Committing the Latter"), sponsored by Brand Names Education Foundation and held at Georgetown University Law Center on Oct. 27, 1992 (compensated).

Invited speaker at Junior Faculty Research Consortium, conducted as part of annual meeting of Academy of Legal Studies in Business Annual Meeting in Portland, Maine, August 1991.

Reviewer of manuscripts submitted to American Business Law Journal, 1992-2001.

Staff Editor, American Business Law Journal, 1990-92.

Editorial Assistant, American Business Law Journal, 1990 (compensated).

17 Staff Editor, Midwest Law Review, 1990-92.

Reviewer of papers submitted for "Midwest Award of Excellence," given at March 1992 meeting of Midwest Business Law Association.

Public Service

Panel member for discussion titled "Copyright Law for Musicians," John Waldron Arts Center, Bloomington, IN, April 2006.

Girls' basketball coach, Hoosier Hoops AAU, 2001 through 2003.

Girls' basketball coach, Ellettsville AAU, 1995 through 2000.

Girls' basketball coach, Edgewood Youth Basketball League, 1993 through 1997.

Girls' softball coach, Ellettsville Little League and Richland-Bean Blossom Youth Sports Association, 1994 through 1998.

Boys' basketball coach, Edgewood Youth Basketball League, 1990.

Speaker/discussion leader on the Bill of Rights as it relates to students, at Edgewood Junior High School, January 1996.

Member, Committee on Maximizing Human Resources, Richland-Bean Blossom School Corporation, 1993.

Member, Curriculum Director Selection Committee, Richland-Bean Blossom School Corporation, 1993.

Volunteer at Shalom Center, First United Methodist Church, 2001.

Member, Discipleship Stewards, First United Methodist Church, 1999-2000.

Member, Outreach Commission, First United Methodist Church, 1999-2000.

Member, Pastor-Staff-Parish Committee, St. Mark's United Methodist Church, 1995-97.

Member, Youth Director Selection Committee, St. Mark's United Methodist Church, 1997.

Chair, Administrative Board, St. Mark's United Methodist Church, 1990-92.


Instructor for sessions on trademark and patent law in Steinbeis University Off-Campus MBA Program for Executives from Small and Medium-Sized Companies (sessions arranged by Indiana

18 International Management Institute), September 2006, September 2005, September 2004, September 2003 (compensated).

Instructor for sessions on the U.S. legal system, intellectual property, and product liability in Global Management Development Program (a Kelley School of Business program), May 2006, May 2005, May 2004, May 2003, May 2002, May 2001, May 2000, May 1999 (compensated).

Instructor for sessions on intellectual property and product liability in Global Management Development Program (a Kelley School of Business program), April 1998 (compensated).

Consultant to law firm of Stetina, Brunda & Buyan (Laguna Hills, CA) concerning trademark infringement litigation in which the firm represented No Fear, Inc., 1995 (compensated).

Consultant to law firm of Rowe, Laur & Associates (Kendallville, IN) concerning unfair competition litigation in which the firm represented Kendallville Publishing Co., 1995 (compensated).

Instructor for Managing Business Strategies (an IU executive program) sessions on current legal trends affecting business, June 1992 (compensated).

Instructor for CPA Business Law Review Course sessions on agency law, partnership law, corporation law, securities regulation, and accountants' legal responsibility, 1990-91 (compensated).

Participant in First Amendment Faculty Seminar sponsored by IU's Poynter Center, 1990-93 (participants from College of Arts and Sciences and Schools of Business, Law, Journalism, and Education met several times each year to discuss First Amendment issues).

Presenter and session leader at First Amendment Faculty seminar session on pending Supreme Court cases, May 1991.

Invited speaker at Junior Faculty Research Consortium, conducted as part of Academy of Legal Studies in Business Annual Meeting in Portland, Maine, August 1991.

Papers Presented at Scholarly Meetings

"The Troubling Implications of a Right of Publicity 'Wheel' Spun Out of Control," at Academy of Legal Studies in Business (ALSB) Annual Meeting in Milwaukee, WI, August 1995 (published at 45 Kansas Law Review 329-452 (1997)).

"Section 43(a), Commercial Falsehood, and the First Amendment: A Proposed Framework," at ALSB Annual Meeting in Charleston, S.C., August 1992 (published at 78 Minnesota Law Review 309-401 (1993)).

"Protected Marks and Protected Speech: Establishing the First Amendment Boundaries in Trademark Parody Cases," at American Business Law Association (ABLA) Annual Meeting in Toronto, Canada, August 1990 (published at 36 Villanova Law Review 1-103 (1991) and 82 The Trademark Reporter 671-764 (1992).

19 "A Principled Approach to Compensatory Damages in Corporate Defamation Cases," at ABLA Annual Meeting in Los Angeles, CA, August 1989 (winning paper in competition for Holmes/Cardozo Award, given annually by ABLA to author of paper displaying excellence in legal scholarship; published at 27 American Business Law Journal 491-534 (1990)).


Murray Robinson Faculty Fellow, 2000 to 2004.

Alumni Association Faculty Fellow, 1998-2000.

Kelley School of Business Summer Research Grants, 1997, 1996, 1994, 1993, 1992, 1991, 1990, (each competitive).

School of Business Course Development Grant, 1995 (competitive).


Admitted to Nebraska Bar and to practice before the Nebraska Supreme Court, since 1981.

Admitted to practice before the United States District Court for the District of Nebraska, since 1981.

Member of Nebraska State Bar Association, Academy of Legal Studies in Business, Tri-State Academy of Legal Studies in Business, and Beta Gamma Sigma.

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