Assignment 1 Role of a Teacher (HE Level 3)

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Assignment 1 Role of a Teacher (HE Level 3)


Assignment Handbook

2007-2008 (Fento Version) PGCE Assessment Structure Year / Semester 1 Year / Semester 2 Assignment 1 (HE Level 3) Assignment 5 (HE Level 5) Role of a Teacher - essay Research Project – action research

Assignment 2 (HE level 3) Assignment 6( HE Level 5) Planning Activity - case study Curriculum Studies a. Curriculum Fayre b. Evaluation of a subject-specific curriculum Assignment 3 (HE Level 3) Assignment 7 (HE Level 5) Issues Seminar Communication Seminar Seminar paper on current issues – 20 mins. presentation and discussion Assignment 4 (HE Level 3) Assignment 8 (HE Level 5) Reflection on Teaching Practice Evaluation of 2 Assessment Create a video or weblog to guide new Activities teachers on how to cope with issues in their subject. Individual Learning Plan ILP  Copy attached and on SELL website Including Fento Standards Mapping & Core Curriculum Mapping – Personal Skills Teaching Practice Portfolio  Including:  6 or more assessed Teaching Observations by tutors  TPO 1 to include reflective evaluation of 250 – 300 words  2 or more assessed Teaching Observations by mentor / subject specialist each to include reflective evaluation of 250 – 300 words  Records of at least 4 observations of experienced teachers and/or of peers  Log of 180 hours of lessons – with signed confirmation by mentor or line manager  A range of lesson plans covering at least 20 sessions (normally minimum 1 hour), or 40 hours (if sessions are normally longer than 2 hours) – with self- evaluations  Examples of resources used to teach a variety of sessions – some evaluated (formative task)  A scheme of work covering at least 20 sessions / 40 hours, together with a rationale (250 – 300 words)  Curriculum Fayre – formative task  Minimum Core Mapping – Knowledge and Understanding

* All assignments should be submitted both electronically and in paper format, in a soft-cover binder. Paper copies must be accompanied by signed assignment front sheets, and reflective statements. Individual pages should not be submitted in clear plastic wallets.


Assignment 1 – Role of a Teacher (HE Level 3) Aims and Learning Outcomes By the end of this assignment you will be able to:  review your own role and responsibilities, and the boundaries of your role as a teacher  summarise key aspects of relevant current legislative requirements and codes of practice as they affect your specialist subject  review other points of referral available to meet potential needs of learners  summarise issues of equality and diversity, and ways to promote inclusion  write a clear, well-presented essay showing evidence of appropriate style, good English, and accurate Harvard referencing of initial reading. Task Candidates are required to write an essay on “My roles and responsibilities as a teacher in the post-compulsory teaching and learning environment” You should reflect upon the range of duties you carry out in your subject and institutional setting within a typical annual cycle of teaching and learning. Key points discussed should include the need to: 1. carry out initial assessment, one-to-one tutorials and reviews with learners 2. prepare and deliver appropriate sessions to meet the needs of learners 3. maintain a duty of care for your students 4. monitor learning and standardise practice with others 5. refer students to other people and agencies for support, where appropriate 6. complete and maintain accurate student records 7. attend meetings and work collaboratively with stakeholders 8. promote courses and support the aims of the institution 9. follow professional values and ethics, and act and speak in a professional manner

Word guidance: 1000 words, (excluding bibliography and appendices). Assessment Criteria This assignment is marked on a pass/refer basis. In completing this assignment, you should be able to demonstrate evidence of FENTO Standards A1, A2,B1,B2,C1,C2,D1,D2,D6,D7,E1-E4, F1, H1,H2 Also of Personal Skills in Minimum Core, and knowledge and understanding of: Personal, social and cultural factors affecting development of language, literacy, numeracy and ICT skills


Assignment 2 – Planning – Case Study (HE Level 3)

Aims and Learning Outcomes By the end of this assignment you will be able to:  research issues of course planning and delivery, providing quotations from and references to your reading  select, plan and justify methods for initial assessment of learners  plan the delivery and evaluation of differentiated learning activities to meet the assessed needs of learners  plan for inclusive approaches to learning  develop and evaluate resources  plan for effective communication with learners  support the development of learners functional skills  work effectively with colleagues to plan and evaluate learning programmes Task Candidates are required to write a report based upon one of the case studies provided. The report should consider:-  How you could negotiate individual and group learning goals for learners?  How do you plan for inclusive learning and an inclusive curriculum?  How can you contribute to the teaching teams with an effective teaching and learning strategy?  What resources would be required?  How do you communicate within and between teams?  How do you communicate with learners? Evidence of background reading and references must be included, together with any relevant appendices that will support your report. Suggested word count 2500 maximum. Assessment Criteria This assignment is marked on a pass/refer basis. In completing this assignment, you should be able to demonstrate evidence of FENTO Standards A1,B1-B3, C1,C2, D1-D6,E2,E4 Also of Personal Skills in Minimum Core, and knowledge and understanding of: Personal, social and cultural factors affecting development of language, literacy, numeracy and ICT skills and of communication skills in language, number and ICT Example:

Planning and Enabling Learning

Choose from the case studies below and produce a report (as detailed on Assignment Sheet 2) as to how you will plan a tutorial scheme of work which needs to cover induction through to the course completion. This would be 1 of the option s It may be possible to negotiate an individual scenario with your tutor if these options are not relevant to your teaching.

Case Study 1 Background

You work closely with a team of advisors that support the Construction (could be anything) department of a large General Further Education college in the Midlands.

Your manager would like you to be more involved with planning the tutorial provision to support the teaching of the Level 1 programme. This will involve contributing to the tutorial scheme of work, joining in with group and individual tutorials and also taking the lead in the activities with you colleagues.

Learner Profile

Most of the learners you meet have not enjoyed school and have low GCSE grades with poor literacy and numeracy skills. Inappropriate behaviour is sometimes a problem and the gender mix is 17 males and 2 female. There is a broad ethnic mix, and some learners do not have English as their first language. Their ages range from 16 to 26 years old.


Assignment 3 – Communication Issues Seminar (HE Level 3)

Aims and Learning Outcomes By the end of this assignment you will be able to:  explain the principles underpinning effective communication with learners  provide examples of how this establishes and maintains an effective learning environment  show how you have used a range of communication skills and methods to present information clearly to learners and in a format that is appropriate to the subject being studied  identify how you have used your communication skills to meet the needs of specific learners and encouraged effective communication with and between learners. Task Candidates are required to write and present a seminar paper on an aspect of communication (see examples listed below*), explaining how they would: 1. communicate to students effectively 2. ensure effective communication skills of learners 3. review the learning process with learners. The seminar should be presented orally to a peer group of trainees and will be peer and tutor assessed *Topics are individually negotiated, but indicative topics include:  subject-related characteristics of an effective learning environment  non-verbal aspects of communication  models of effective interaction e.g. Transactional analysis, questioning  communication in groups; group discussion  developing independent learners: encouraging autonomy and self-reliance in learning  personal and organisational behaviour code – positive reinforcement methods in behaviour management  professional value base in relation to student-teacher interaction  entitlement – equality and inclusiveness in the learning context  specific communication issues (disability, dyslexia, ESOL, use of ICT, etc) Assessment Criteria This assignment is peer assessed and tutor marked on a pass/refer basis. In completing this assignment, you should be able to demonstrate evidence of FENTO Standards B1-B3, C1-C3, D1-D5, H1,H2 Also of Personal Skills in Minimum Core, and knowledge and understanding of: Personal, social and cultural factors affecting development of language, literacy, numeracy and ICT skills, and of appropriate communication skills and processes in language, number and ICT


Assignment 4 – Evaluation of Assessment Methods (HE Level 3)

Aims and Learning Outcomes By the end of this assignment you will be able to:  select / design and use appropriate assessment methods to measure learning and achievement in your specialist subject, having regard to fairness, accuracy, validity and reliability.  create an appropriate environment for assessment, having regard to issues of equality and diversity in the assessment process  justify your choice of assessment methods with reference to theories and principles of assessment  maintain appropriate records of assessment decisions  provide evidence of effective formative and summative feedback to learners.  make use of assessment information to review teaching and to plan future learning for individuals and groups

Task Undertake two different assessments of learners in your specialist subject: 1. an informal, formative assessment of learning 2. a formal or summative assessment For each provide  A brief contextual statement for the assessment  Copies of the assessment and marking schemes  A record of the assessment decisions, and a sample of marked work  A record of the feedback given to learners on assessment decisions  An explanation of how assessment information has been used to help learners to plan improvements in their work  A written justification for and evaluation of the effectiveness of these two assessments, with suggestions for how they could be improved for future use. This should include appropriate references and a full bibliography. (Word guide - approximately 1000 words)

Assessment Criteria This assignment is marked on a pass/refer basis. In completing this assignment, you should be able to demonstrate evidence of all of FENTO Standards B1,C1,C3, D2-D4, E3, E4, F1, F2, G2, H2 amongst others Also of Personal Skills in Minimum Core, and knowledge and understanding of: Communication skills and processes in language, number and ICT


Assignment 5 – Researching Practice (HE Level 5)

Aims and Learning Outcomes By the end of this assignment you will be able to:  identify a suitable topic and define a research question or hypothesis  provide a rationale for the research which makes reference to key, relevant literature  select and justify an appropriate research paradigm and methodology  plan and conduct a systematic data collection, having regard to any ethical issues  present and analyse the results of data collection  evaluate the results of the research, having regard to validity and reliability, and the suitability of the methods used to collect and analyse data  apply the results to the original research question and identify any implications for future practice  present the research findings in a well-structured report  summarise the findings in a seminar context to a group of peers Task Candidates are required to write a report on a research project, and to present the results to a group of peers. The topic chosen should be related directly to the candidates teaching experience of their specialist subject. It should relate to the theory and practice of teaching, learning, and assessment in their specialist subject. Candidates are encouraged to evaluate current or innovative practice and to make recommendations for improvements in systems or teaching and learning practice. Suggested report format: 1. Introduction: reasons for the study, its rationale, definitions, research question 2. Methods used and justification for choice, research paradigm 3. Data-collection process, summary and analysis of results 4. Interpretation and evaluation of results 5. An evaluation of methods used and the results obtained 6. Summary and conclusions Word guidance: 4,000 and 5,000 words (excluding bibliography and appendices) Assessment Criteria This assignment is marked on a pass/refer basis. In completing this assignment, you should be able to demonstrate evidence of FENTO Standards B1,B2, C1-C3, D1-D4, D7, F1,F2, G1 – G3, H1, H2 PGCE (PCE) Assignment 6a – Planning a Curriculum (HE Level 5) Aims and Learning Outcomes By the end of this assignment you will be able to:  research a curriculum area new to you and not within your subject area  to examine the curriculum from seven different perspectives: o The background & history of the new curriculum o The rationale of the curriculum, including staff and student aims, ambitions & expectations o The content of the new curriculum: knowledge, skills & attitudes; experiences o The practices & processes of the new curriculum: how the curriculum is delivered o The influences for change and the resistance to change in any developments o The contextual features of the new curriculum: circumstances & climate of operation o The monitoring & evaluation of the curriculum: its future  present your curriculum plan at a ‘market stall’ to other groups of peers, using a range of appropriate resources and methods  contribute to the peer evaluate of other groups’ curriculum plans

Task Within a small group, you will be required to: 1. select a subject area which none of you have taught and which is not within your collective areas of subject specialism 2. Possible methods of exploration include:  Examination of any relevant documentation (course details, course resources, accreditation body statement, student work etc)  Observation of specific learning sessions or activities  Structured interviews with or without questionnaires given to students and/or staff involved with the curriculum  Information and insights gained from contact with any other relevant people (e.g. managers, other staff, outside agencies etc). 3. present the curriculum to groups of peers through a stall at a ‘curriculum fayre’ held at the University, using innovative, active and creative methods 4. collect at least 3 evaluations from other groups at the fayre 5. plus 2 evaluations from tutors from other Colleges or from the University Assessment Criteria This assignment is self-, peer- and tutor-assessed through written evaluations. In completing this assignment, you should be able to demonstrate evidence of FENTO Standards A1, B1, B2, C1-C3, D1-D6, E2-E4, F1, G1-G3, H1


Assignment 6b – Evaluation of a Curriculum (HE Level 5) Aims and Learning Outcomes By the end of this assignment you will be able to:  select and describe a course programme in your specialist subject  analyse specific issues raised by the programme specification, course design, teaching, learning or assessment methods in relation to the needs of typical learners of this subject and level  use evaluation techniques to identify and analyse the responses of learners and colleagues to aspects of the curriculum and its delivery  explain and apply models of curriculum to their evaluation  identify strengths and weaknesses of the current programme,  propose and justify improvements to the design or delivery of the programme  justify your analysis and recommendations with reference to current research into teaching and learning, with specific reference to you specialist subject  present your evaluation in a concise, well-written and referenced report Task Candidates are required to: 1. carry out an evaluation of curriculum, teaching and learning issues in the teaching of your subject specialism 2. measure the effectiveness of teaching and learning 3. make informed conclusions and recommendations as to the future development of the programme. Suggested activities could include:  identifying your current weaknesses in and updating your subject knowledge  gathering information about syllabuses, standards and national developments in your subject  reviewing the resources available for the teaching of your subject  critically reviewing current issues in assessment related to your subject area  undertaking a comparative examination of the teaching of your subject in another establishment  discussion with experienced practitioners on proven effective strategies for planning and delivering teaching and learning. Word count 2500 maximum, excluding bibliography and appendices Assessment Criteria This assignment is marked on a pass/refer basis. In completing this assignment, you should be able to demonstrate evidence of FENTO Standards A1, B1-B3, C1-C3, D1-D7, E3, E4, F1, F2, G1, G2, H1, H2


Assignment 7 – Issues in Post-Compulsory Education Seminar (HE Level 5) Aims and Learning Outcomes By the end of this assignment you will be able to:  research an issue of current importance in post-compulsory education  analyse the issues, in the light of current research and policy contexts,  analyse discourses, and apply and critically evaluate theoretical perspectives relevant to the topic and issues,  summarise you conclusions in a logical and well-argued manner,  provide evidence of scholarly work through the use of suitable referencing and bibliography  produce a suitably structured and well-written seminar paper  present the seminar paper to a group of peers and lead a discussion of the issues raised Task Candidates are required to 1. research an agreed topic from a list provided by the Centre (it is possible to negotiate an alternative title with the agreement of the module tutor) * 2. write a seminar paper critically evaluating the issues arising from the topic, in relation to current research and debate (word count 2500 maximum, excluding bibliography and appendices) 3. present the paper to a group of peers, (20-30 minutes) and 4. lead a discussion of the issues raised, (10-15 minutes) * it is possible for 2 candidates to produce a joint seminar, provided that it is clear what each has contributed to the written paper and to the presentation. In such circumstances, the paper should extend to 4000-5000 words, and the presentation must be 30 minutes with 20 minutes for discussion. Assessment Criteria This assignment is marked on a pass/refer basis. In completing this assignment, you should be able to demonstrate evidence of FENTO Standards D6, G1, G3, H1. Also most areas of domain-wide knowledge


Assignment 8 – Reflection on Teaching Practice (HE Level 5) Aims and Learning Outcomes By the end of this assignment you will be able to:  reflect upon your experiences of professional formation  identify key conclusions from your reflection about the nature of teaching and learning in contemporary post-compulsory education  support your conclusions with examples from your own experiences of teaching practice  explain the nature of professionalism with specific reference to the teaching of your specialist subject  present your reflections in a stimulating and innovative fashion, using one or more forms of ICT Task Candidates are required to produce and ICT-based reflection upon their teaching and learning experiences as a trainee teacher. 1. examples could include a video, weblog, podcast, interactive computer programme or similar format 2. the reflection should take the form of an introduction to the PGCE teacher training process, aimed at providing information and guidance to new trainees 3. you should reflect upon your own learning experiences on the course, positive and negative 4. you should refer to issues relevant to your specialist teaching subject and use examples from your own practice 5. you should seek to convey to your audience what it means to be a professional teacher in the PCE sector, and how the experiences of training can contribute to that process of formation Approximately equivalent to a word count of 2500 maximum. Work should be submitted in the form of a VHS video, CR-rom or similar appropriate format. Assessment Criteria This assignment is marked on a pass/refer basis. In completing this assignment, you should be able to demonstrate evidence of FENTO Standards C1-C3, D1, D3, D4,D6, D7, E2, F2, G1-G3, H1, H2 as a minimum, also most Personal Skills and Attributes.

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