Lansdowne Borough Council s3

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Lansdowne Borough Council s3

Lansdowne Borough Council General Meeting September 19, 2012


The Lansdowne Borough Council General Meeting was held on Wednesday, September 19, 20122 at 7:00 p.m. in Borough Hall. Present were President Coleman, Ms. Lustgarten, Mr. Radich, Mrs. Saylor, Mr. Schleigh, Ms English, and Mr. Wagner Borough Treasurer Bartley, Borough Solicitor Scott and Police Chief Kortan. Also in attendance were Mayor Young, Borough Manager Totaro. Borough Secretary Henry was absent, Fire Chief Young was also absent.

The pledge of allegiance was led by the Mayor.

Approval of Agenda: The agenda was approved with no changes but for the assignment of Ms. Lustgarten to motion number 4.

President Coleman stated that this meeting would be aired on July 23rd on Comcast channel 10, RCN channel 52 and Verizon channel 44.

Approval of Minutes:

Mr. Schleigh moved to approve the minutes of the August 15th, 2012 Business Meeting of Council. Mr. Radich seconded. Vote: unanimous.

Announcements and Presentations:

Treasurer’s Report: Mr. Bartley presented the August 31st, 2012 Treasurer’s Report as follows: General Fund beginning balance $ 468,146; ending balance $ 1,905,652. Sewer Fund beginning balance $542,300; ending balance $ 1,066,391. Liquid Fuels Fund beginning balance $ 389,227; ending balance $ 564,253. Capital Reserve Fund beginning balance $ 100,533; ending balance $ 94,574. Non-uniformed pension plan beginning balance $ 1,618,384; ending balance $ 1,786,408. Police Pension Fund beginning balance $ 6,187,712; ending balance $ 6,357,402. Mr. Bartley mentioned that there were sufficient funds on hand to meet all current obligations. President Coleman asked if the expenses seemed to be at the appropriate level, to which Mr. Bartley replied in the affirmative.

Solicitor’s Report: Mr. Scott had no formal report and stated he would present one Executive Session item at that time.

Mayor’s Report:

Mayor Young announced that 11-27-2012 the Movie Precious was to be shown at the Lansdowne Library through the sponsorship of the Lansdowne No Place for Hate organization. The Mayor stated that this would be a free screening of the 2009 Academy Award winning film and that a discussion would follow the film. Lansdowne Borough Council General Meeting September 19th, 2012

The Mayor announced that the Lansdowne Folk Club is holding shows at 1st Presbyterian Church Irwin Hall 140 North Lansdowne Avenue and that the next show is September 27, 2012 featuring Jonathan Byrd and Chris Kokesh (the Barn Birds). The October 25 show is bluegrass band extraordinaire Special Consensus.

The Mayor announced that the next Salon Sunday, a series sponsored by the Lansdowne Arts Board will be held on September 30 and would focus on Art & Participation: A Look at Community-Based Arts. This event will be held at Sycamore restaurant located at 4 South Lansdowne Avenue. The moderator and presenter of this event is Carolyn Chernoff who is a teacher, scholar, cultural worker, and performer. Carolyn’s career has focused on ethnographic and qualitative research, and she serves on the Board of Directors of the Leeway Foundation. Carolyn has taught at Ursinus College, Moore College of Art and Design, and University of Pennsylvania. She is currently a joint PhD candidate in Sociology and Education/Culture/Society at the University of Pennsylvania. She will discuss the role of art in community and society.

The Mayor reminded all that the voter registration deadline is October 9th and that the courts are still working through the new/proposed rules. Registration forms are available at the YMCA, and the Borough Hall has literature from both Margo Davidson and Representative Micozzi. The Mayor reminded residents that it is important to know the rules about what ID qualifies as a voting document.

Council President’s Report:

Council President Coleman announced two upcoming Elm Street Program events:

First, a rain garden planting. This DIY stormwater management for homeowners event will be held on Saturday October 6 at 9:30 am at 79 South Wycombe Avenue in Lansdowne. The event will provide free parking at the lot on Wycombe between Bartram & Nyack. The event will instruct people on how to plant a home rain garden and about the importance of native plants. The President communicated that it is recommended that if you attend to wear clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty. For more information call 610-745-4013 or email [email protected].

The second event is a bike rodeo the purpose of which is to instruct participants in bicycle safety and to receive a free bike tune up. This event will be held on Saturday, October 13th at 10 am until 2 pm in the parking lot at the Yeadon Community Park which is located at 400 South Union Avenue. The president noted that if you bring your bike to the event for assessment you can learn important bike safety tips and your bike will be fixed include flats, brake adjustments, and an overall bike diagnoses

In other news the President reminded all of the Building One PA / Southeastern PA First Suburbs Project’s key issues which include infrastructure, education, and housing. The president announced that the FSP is working with its key federal contacts David Agnew and Shawn Donovan and will hold an October 13th event to promote sustainable, inclusive and economically prosperous communities. This meeting will be a Statewide and Public Meeting and it will begin at 10 am run until 11:30 a.m.. The doors will open at 9:30 for registration. The location of the meeting is the Franklin Commons building located at 400 Franklin Avenue, Phoenixville, PA. At this meeting a new agreement to have this region as a model for a HUD program and funding for

2 Lansdowne Borough Council General Meeting September 19th, 2012 special needs will be presented. In related news the president reported that next week a group will go to DC to testify on the costing study.


Public Health and Safety –

Mr. Schleigh extended congratulations to the police department, the Yeadon police department, SEPTA and other organizations who participated in the National Night Out. Mr. Schleigh noted that for SEPTA, who has jumpstarted this program in Lansdowne last year did so as first in a small borough. In the future the NNO will migrate to another municipality but if you are interested in continuing involvement please contact Mr. Schleigh.

Committee updates from Mr. Schleigh included consideration of the proposed ½ hour free parking in municipal lots. It was noted that implementation would require a $1,000 kiosk reprogramming fee and that because the current rate is only .25 cents it does not make economic sense to call for this change.

The Committee reviewed the status of the Board of Health as related to the state enacted legislation removing Home Rule authority and the subsequent implications of what the board of health should be and do going forward. It was noted that the Health Board oversees a range of business and that the committee would continue to rethink the purpose of the board going forward. The committee is seeking two additional health board members. Those interested should contact Mr. Schleigh.

Finance and Administration –

Ms. Lustgarten reported that the Borough has applied for a loan from the Delaware Valley Regional Finance Agency (DVRFA) and that the bond rating assigned to the Borough was an A rating. This rating will allow the borough to receive the best rate of interest for the loan.

Ms. Lustgarten reported that the Municipal Pension Aid from the state exceeded the budgeted amount by $42,0000. Also, that health insurance premiums for uniformed staff are expected to increase up to 16%. Expected increase for non-uniform staff is 10%.

Ms. Lustgarten encouraged all to attend the 10-1-12 FC meeting to review a first draft of a consolidated budget


Ms. Saylor reported that a topic of discussion at the last meeting of the Environment Committee was the 2013 budget and included input from the Director of Parks and Recreation Ms. Sollberger. Ms. Saylor reported that The Community Design Collaborative conducted a field view of the Hoffman Park pavilion area and would be holding a public meeting on September 24th for input to the design of the pavilion area and that a second public meeting would be held in November. Ms. Saylor reported that work by Ms. Sollberger to initiate a community meeting for repurposing the newly acquired land at 129 Fairview is underway. Ms. Saylor noted that the committee continues to contemplate adjustments to the sanitation division including items noted in the recently distributed insurance underwriters review such as side of the road, idling etc.. Also

3 Lansdowne Borough Council General Meeting September 19th, 2012 noted was that on September 29th through October 2nd the Upper Darby Police and the DEA will hold a local site for the national take back initiative (dispose of Rx) at the UD high school.

Finally, Ms. Saylor communicated the date of the next meeting as October 11th 2012.

Community Relations:

Mr. Radich reported that the committee has yet to hold its September meeting. At the September meeting the committee will review the Lansdowne Library budget. At the most recent Library Board meeting it was reported that patronage is up 12% over last year and that the LB continues to work on a strategic plan. The LB also is in search of one additional board member.

Infrastructure and Public Works –

Ms. English reported on several items including the ongoing preparation of bids for a new firehouse roof. Also, Ms. English reports that a significant amount of gas main replacement work will take place in the south-central part of town and is expected to commence in the late part of 2012 and continue through the first quarter of 2013. Ms. English also reported that Borough staff recommends rejection of the recently opened bids for recycling materials and processing in order to maintain the advantage of a price floor and to better align a future bid request with the market variables to which revenues are pegged.

Mr. Schleigh moved to suspend Roberts Rules of Order to hear visitor comments. Ms. Lustgarten seconded. Vote: unanimous.

Visitor Comments: 1. Jennifer Hoff of Runnemeade Avenue communicated that the Lansdowne Farmers Market will continue through the fall, Poet in the Park is coming up, and the Elm Street Farmers market will happen in Yeadon Community Park Thursday September 27th. Also that the Holiday Arts sale is coming up in November. 2. Mr. Martin Wright – 115 Walsh Road presented his situation where a tree fell on his car.

Mr. Schleigh moved to Resume Roberts Rules of Order. Ms. Lustgarten seconded. Vote: unanimous.

Old Business:

1. 2013 Budget – No further discussion is warranted at this time.

2. DVRFA Update (Delaware Valley Regional Finance Authority) Action items this evening include a Resolution to authorize the conversion of existing General Obligation Bonds to a fixed rate and repealing inconsistent resolutions. Also is a motion to adopt an ordinance to authorize the incurrence of non-electoral debt by the Borough of Lansdowne, Delaware County Pennsylvania pursuant to the issuance of the general obligation notes, 2012 series in the aggregate principal amount of $2,812,000.

Rates will be finalized the following day and are expected to be set at approximately 2%. The loan will originate on approximately October 25th. Ms. Coleman summarized the lead up to this action which included the need to finance the fire house roof and other projects over the next three years which then led to the opportunity to refinance which led to the need to secure a rating which is an outcome of the recession and collapse of the financial markets in 2008.

4 Lansdowne Borough Council General Meeting September 19th, 2012

Upper Darby / PennDOT Island

After discussion Mr. Schleigh introduced a motion to contribute to the project up to $5,000 and with the condition that approval of the design of the sign be made through the Borough Council. After further discussion the same motion was made by Ms. Lustgarten without a sign restriction was seconded by Mr. Radich and unanimously approved.

RACP Status Mr. Totaro gave an update to the status of the 20th Century Club rehabilitation project.

After discussion as to the state of the emergency alert system a motion was made by Mr. Schleigh to approve the installation of the Delco County Communications antenna on Borough Hall and the motion was seconded by Ms. Lustgarten and approved unanimously.

Action Items: XVI. Action Items

Ms. Lustgarten motioned to approve bills for the period. Ms. Lustgarten requested additional information on the payments for fireman training and requested the check be held pending further documentation. Ms. Coleman requested additional information for payment of $9,000 to PECO for streetlights. It was explained that this was more than one month.

After this discussion the motion was seconded by Ms. Saylor and unanimously approved.

Ms. English motioned to reject recycling bids Ms. Lustgarten seconded the motion and the motion was unanimously approved.

Ms. Lustgarten motioned to adopt Resolution 2012-14, a Resolution authorizing and directing the conversion of all or a portion of the General Obligation Note, 2005 Series (the ‘participant note”) issued by the Borough of Lansdowne (the “Borough”or the “Participant”) to a loan fixed rate and repealing inconsistent resolutions. The motion was seconded by Mr. Radich and unanimously approved

Ms. Lustgarten motioned to adopt Ordinance 1275 an ordinance that authorizes the incurrence of non-electoral debt by the Borough of Lansdowne, Delaware County Pennsylvania pursuant to the issuance of the general obligation notes, 2012 series in the aggregate principal amount of $2,812,000. The motion was seconded by Mr. Schleigh and unanimously approved.

Ms. Lustgarten motioned to advertise Ordinance 1274, an ordinance of the Borough of Lansdowne Amending Chapter 294 of the Code of the Borough of Lansdowne, entitled “Streets and Sidewalks,” by adding a new article VI thereto entitled “Sidewalk and Outdoor Café Dining” authorizing, inter alia, the Borough Zoning Officer to issue permits for sidewalk or outdoor café dining under certain circumstances; establishing standards for sidewalk or outdoor café dining; and establishing penalties for violations of said Article VI; and amending Chapter 120 of the Code of the Borough of Lansdowne, entitled “Alcoholic Beverages” to permit the consumption of alcoholic beverages on sidewalks which are within areas for which a sidewalk café dining permit has been issued. After discussion the motion was revised to reflect the requirement for the borough to be added as an additional insured on the endorsements and declaration page for the policy that we are requiring to be presented and that prior to issuing such permit all defective

5 Lansdowne Borough Council General Meeting September 19th, 2012 sidewalks be set into good order. The motion was seconded by Ms. English and approved unanimously.

Ms. Lustgarten motioned to adopt Ordinance 1273 an ordinance that authorizes the incurrence of non-electoral debt by the Borough of Lansdowne, Delaware County Pennsylvania pursuant to the issuance of the general obligation notes, 2012 series in the aggregate principal amount of $2,812,000. The motion was seconded by Mr. Radich and unanimously approved.

A motion was made by Ms. English to issue a change order for the 2011-12 Ordinary Street and Sewer contract to JMC Contractors and AF Damon, extending contract for a period of 45 days. The motion was seconded by Ms. Saylor and unanimously approved.

Executive Session – Mr. Schleigh moved to adjourn to executive session to discuss a personnel issue. Ms. Lustgarten seconded. Vote: unanimous. The meeting adjourned to executive session at 8:50 pm.

Public Session

Adjourn – Ms. Lustgarten moved to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Radich seconded. Vote: unanimous. The meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Craig Totaro Assistant Borough Secretary


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