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East Dunbartonshire Council

East Dunbartonshire Council

Physical Education



Name: ______

Class: ______

Teacher: ______Unit Assessment Outline Part 1: Covering: 1.2 – Evaluating impact of positive and negative factors on performance. 1.1 – Analysing methods used to identify factors impacting on performance. 1.3 – Explaining approaches to performance development based on these evaluations.

Part 2: Covering: 2.1 – Producing a personal development plan that sets appropriate development targets. 2.4 (part i) – Evaluating the effectiveness of the development plan. 2.2 – Selecting methods to record and monitor 2.3 – Implementing the development plan. 2.4 (part ii) – Evaluating the effectiveness of the development plan 2.5 – Identifying and justifying decisions relating to future personal development needs


Factors and Features Impacting on Performance 1 Outcome 1 Outcome 1 - 1.2 2 Outcome 1 - 1.1 5 Outcome 1 - 1.3 8 Outcome 2

Outcome 2 - 2.1 10 Outcome 2 - 2.4 (Part i) 12 Outcome 2 - 2.2 13 Outcome 2 - 2.4 (Part ii) 14 Outcome 2 - 2.5 15 Staff Comment sheet 17 Factors and Features Impacting on Performance

PHYSICAL SOCIAL FITNESS SKILLS TACTICS Cooperating / competing CRE Timing Personal S+W Contributing to a team/group Working in isolation Muscular Rhythm Team S+W Endurance Relationships Consistenc Role demands Role/responsibility for performance Speed Team dynamic Endurance y Oppositions Flexibility Etiquette Imaginatio Previous Respect for self and others Strength n history Inclusion Fair play Speed Flair Environmental conditions Ethics Power Creativity Width Codes of conduct Agility Fluency Depth Conduct of self, players, crowd and officials Balance Effort Delay Social responsibility Penetration Core Accuracy Role models Support Citizenship Stability Control Extrinsic / Intrinsic Motivation Reaction Communicatio Touch Environmental Issues Time n Adjustment Coordinatio Creativity n Tempo

MENTAL EMOTIONAL Level of Arousal (under/over) Happiness / Sadness (Affecting confidence, self belief, own ability, Anxiety resilience) Concentration/Focus Anger (Affecting decision making, self-control, Motivation controlling or channelling aggression, hostility, frustration) Decision Making Fear Problem Solving (Affecting decision making, confidence, realising potential, panic, confusion, stress, Attention Span anxiety, nervousness)

Mental Toughness Trust (Affecting self respect, mutual respect, Processing Information personal responsibility, team responsibility, adaptability) Anticipation Surprise (Affecting decision making, confidence,

4 resilience, determination)

Outcome 1 – Analyse and evaluate factors that impact on performance in physical activities (Candidates can focus on their own performance or someone else’s performance).

1.2 Evaluate the impact of these factors on performance. The evaluation must include ONE negative and ONE positive impact on performance

Choose two of the following factors: Physical Mental Emotional Social Factor 1 :- ______Factor 2 :- ______

How did Factor 1 have a Positive and Negative impact on your performance? Factor 1 :- ______

______5 | P a g e ______

How did Factor 2 have a Positive and Negative impact on your performance?

Factor 2 :- ______

______6 ______7 | P a g e ______1.1 Analysing methods used to identify factors impacting on a performance.

Choose two of the following factors: Physical Mental Emotional Social Factor 1 :- ______Factor 2 :- ______Analyse ONE method you used to gather information on Factor 1. ( Give at least two relevant aspects of each method )

______8 ______

Factor 2 :- ______Analyse ONE different method you used to gather information on Factor 2. ( Give at least two relevant aspects of each method )

9 | P a g e ______

10 ______1.3 Explaining approaches to performance development based on these evaluations

Choose two different approaches to develop the positive or negative impacts chosen in 1.2. ( Candidates may choose to focus on only one factor from 1.2 or they may choose to focus on one approach for each factor. )

Approach 1 :- ______Approach 2 :- ______

Explain how approach 1 could improve the positive or negative factors evaluated in section 1.2

11 | P a g e ______

12 Explain how approach 2 could improve the positive or negative factors evaluated in section 1.2 ______

Outcome 2 – Evaluate the process of personal performance development

(Candidates must focus on their own personal development plan). 13 | P a g e 2.1 Producing a personal development plan that sets appropriate development targets Candidates must construct a personal development plan that contains a different development target for two different factors that impact on performance. ( mental, emotional, social or physical). INSERT YOUR PERSONAL DEVELPOMENT PLAN. THIS SHOULD ALSO INCLUDE SIGNATURES TO INDICATE THAT THIS TRAINING PROGRAMME HAS TAKEN PLACE ( TO COVER 2.3 ) Specify your aim in this activity- ______Choose two factors which impact upon performance. Factor 1 :- ______

Target 1 :- ______Factor 2 :- ______Target 2 :- ______For each target identified above, select two approaches you would choose to develop your performance. Target 1 :- ______Approach 1 :- ______Target 2 :- ______Approach 2 :- ______

(2.1+2.2+2.3 additional question) Briefly describe your personal development plan. (Include - your aims/targets, approaches to be used and why chosen, how you will progress plan and why, how you will monitor and why. Any problems, or why you changed your plan.)

______14 ______15 | P a g e ______2.4 ( Part i ) Evaluate the effectiveness of your personal development plan, described in 2.1. Evaluate the effectiveness of your development programme. You must give two evaluative points in response to the success of your programme.

(You may wish to evaluate the approaches used or any adaptations/changes you had to make to your training, justify with any evidence of improvements you made. )

Comment 1 ______Comment 2 ______

16 ______

2.2 Selecting methods to record and monitor development Select a method you have used to record performance development: ______Provide at least two reasons for the selection of one method used to record performance development.

Reason 1 ______Reason 2 ______17 | P a g e ______

2.2 Selecting methods to record and monitor development.

Select a different method you have used to monitor performance development: ______

Provide two different reasons for the selection of a different method to monitor performance development.

Reason1 ______Reason 2 ______

18 2.4 ( Part ii ) Evaluating the effectiveness of the development plan and the methods used to monitor development

Evaluate the effectiveness of the method used to monitor development. You may choose to comment upon an advantage or a disadvantage.


19 | P a g e 2.5 Identifying and justifying decisions relating to future personal development needs.

Identify and justify two future development needs from two different factors from below:- Physical Mental Emotional Social

Factor 1 :- ______Development need 1 ______Justify why this is a development need:


Development need 2 ______

Justify why this is a development need:

______Factor 2 :- ______

Development need 1

20 Justify why this is a development need:


Development need 2

Justify why this is a development need: ______

21 | P a g e For Staff Use Only

Assessment Nat 5 Comments Marked Cross marked Standard









22 | P a g e

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