Pork with Dijonnaise sauce, sauted garlic potatoes and French beans.

Oh La La! Serves four very generously for under £10.

Imperial Metric Ingredient 16-20 Charlotte potatoes, washed but skins on 4 Cloves garlic, peeled and finely crushed 1 tablespoon Parsley leaves, chopped 4 ounces 110 grams Butter 1 Pork tenderloin – about 12-15 inches (30-35cm) long, cut in to even slices about the width of your thumb and seasoned with salt and pepper on one side. 1 Onion, skinned and very finely chopped 12 Mushrooms, cleaned and sliced 2 dessertspoons Wholegrain Dijon mustard 1 large glass Red wine Half Pint 300ml Single cream 30 French beans, topped and tailed

Cover the potatoes in cold water in a pan and bring to a simmer – cook until just softened. Once cooked, drain and place in cold water until cool enough to handle and cut each in to 2 or 3 in to even sizes. Heat half the butter in a large pan, add potatoes, garlic and parsley – turning until golden brown then season with salt and pepper. Meanwhile, heat the remaining butter in a large frying pan and cook pork on seasoned side for about three minutes before turning and cooking for further 3 minutes. Remove and keep warm. Add the onion to the frying pan and cook for two minutes before adding the mushrooms and mustard. Cook for a couple of minutes before adding the wine and allow to reduce by half. Add the cream and stir constantly while the sauce reduces to the thickness of double cream. Return the pork to the pan and stir through to coat with the sauce. While making the sauce, place the beans in a pan of boiling water and cook for about five minutes. Serve.

My tips: If you can’t see, knowing when these potatoes are golden brown is tricky as they don’t feel different. Cook over a medium heat, turning once a minute and remove as soon as the garlic starts smelling well-done –that moment before it burns! The meat does feel different once cooked – more firm on the outside but still with some bounce in the centre – it will feel like hockey pucks if over-cooked! Having all the pans ready, all the ingredients prepared and the oven warm to heat serving dishes and plates means that this is a quick meal to cook.