Edward George Shaw & Harry James Shaw

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Edward George Shaw & Harry James Shaw


EDWARD GEORGE SHAW & HARRY JAMES SHAW 5417 – 2nd Tunnelling Company & 5418 – 2nd Tunnelling Company

Above four soldiers are the sons of Edward and Fanny Shaw, of Oroya Links, Kalgoorlie. (From the book Australia’s Fighting Sons of the Empire)

Edward ‘Ted’ George Shaw was born in Morgan, South Australia on October 19, 1881 the son of Edward Woster and Fanny (nee Delbridge) Shaw. He married Lilian Mary Fallows in 1911 in Boulder, W.A. and was a fitter by trade. In 1916 they were residing at 87 Hopkins Street, Boulder where he worked as a miner.

At thirty-four years of age Edward applied to enlist for active service abroad at the recruiting depot at Boulder, W.A. on April 17, 1916. Passing the preliminary medical examination personal particulars were taken showing he was 175cms (5ft 9ins) tall and married and his address was Post Office, Boulder, W.A. and his application was accepted by the recruiting officer.

On April 23, 1916 at the Goldfields Senior Cadets (Area 64a) Depot in Kalgoorlie, W.A. he presented his application for enlistment. Further information obtained gives his height at 176cms (5ft 9½ins) with a chest expansion of 79-89cms (31-35ins) and his religious faith was Church of England. Complexion was fair and his brown eyes tested to good vision and had brown coloured hair. Next-of-kin was his wife Mrs Lilian Mary Shaw, of initially the Grand Hotel, Boulder City, W.A. and later 167 Lord Street, East Perth, W.A allotting two-fifths of his pay to support his wife.

After attending to personal affairs he completed Attestation forms and arrived at the 66th Depot at Blackboy Hill camp about 12 miles from Perth for basic training commencing on May 1.

The following article appeared in The West Australian on May 5, 1916: SOCIAL NOTES From Kalgoorlie under date May 1:—On Saturday evening the members of the Boulder Rifle Club met together to tend farewell and bid God-speed to the club’s secretary Mr E.G. Shaw who has enlisted for service abroad. Mr Shaw makes the last of five brothers in the Australian Forces. Several speeches were made referring eulogistically to the guest’s enterprise and his indomitable spirit in the interests of the club. The chairman hoped he would with his special qualifications, rise to the commissioned ranks of the service. Mr Scott, on behalf of the members presented him with a wristlet watch and field glasses.

On May 2, 1916 he took the ‘Oath of Allegiance’ at Belmont camp and continued to train until re-allotted to the 3rd Reinforcement to the 44th Battalion on June 20 and was transferred to the Reinforcements to the Tunnelling Companies on July 3, 1916.

He was sent to the Miners’ Training camp on July 18, 1916 at Seymour, Victoria and placed with the September, 1916 Reinforcement for further training. His regimental number was 5417 and held the rank of Sapper.

On September 30, 1916 Sapper Edward Shaw was one of 168 volunteers who departed from Melbourne, Vic on the troopship HMAT A23 Suffolk. The ship arrived at Fremantle on October 10 and departed the same day. The South African port of Capetown was reached on October 30 and after an overnight stay left the following day. The vessel arrived at Dakar, West Africa on November 15, 1916 staying in the harbour until November 20, 1916. After 64 days at sea the voyage terminated at Plymouth, England on December 2, 1916. Further training was received for the front at Perham Down’s camp.

The Reinforcements departed Folkstone on board the S.S. Arundel for France on New Year’s Day, 1917 arriving at the Aust General Base Depot. Twelve days later they were attached to the 1st Aust Anzac Entrenching Battalion which was an advanced section of the Base Depot that organised works near the lines and through duties, usually of ten days duration, would accustom the reinforcements to war conditions before being assigned to a company in the field.

On March 25, 1917 he was attached to the 2nd Tunnelling Company and was taken on strength in the field on April 19, 1917.

As his Military Service Card did not survive no further information is available until June 6, 1918 when he went sick to hospital in France and admitted to the Line of Command Hospital from the F.M. Unit three days later. Sapper was evacuated on June 21 to England entering the Hospital in Cheltenham which was affiliated with the 2nd Southern General Hospital in Bristol. His condition was given as (slight) P.O.U.O. (Pyrexia (Fever) of Uncertain Origin).

His wife advised Base Records that her address was now 386 Williams Street, Perth, W.A.

He returned to his unit in France and after Peace was declared the Tunnelling Companies remained as part of the Army of Occupation assisting with rehabilitation work in their area by clearing roads and bridges of explosives and traps left by the enemy.

His company returned to England to prepare for their return to Australia.

Sapper Shaw departed on June 16, 1919 on the H.T. Ormonde for the voyage home. His wife was advised by Base Records on July 11 that her husband was returning. The ship docked at Fremantle, W.A. (5th M.D.) on July 24, 1919.

Military Discharge was issued in Perth, W.A. (5th M.D.) on September 2, 1919 as medically unfit.

For serving his country Sapper 5417 Edward George Shaw, 2nd Tunnelling Company was issued with the British War Medal (13912) and the Victory Medal (13657). The West Australian on Thursday November 20, 1924 published the following case:

THE LAW COURTS TODAY’S CASES Lilian Mary Shaw (Petitioner) Edward George Shaw (respondent) – Dissolution of Marriage.

Friday November 21, 1924

Lilian Mary Shaw asked for dissolution of her marriage with Edward George Shaw to be granted on the ground of misconduct. Petitioner said she was married to the respondent at Boulder in 1911. No children had been born to them. They lived at Boulder until April, 1916 when her husband enlisted. They had never been happy mainly owing to her husband not providing her with a home. They had always lived with relatives. Her husband returned from the war in 1919 and they lived together in Perth for a few months but they were always quarrelling. At her husband’s request she went for a holiday to Melbourne leaving in February, 1920. She remained in Melbourne for three years returning to Perth last May. Her husband did not send her any money and she had to work to support herself. On her return she called at his engineering shop in Wellington-street and asked him to make a home for her but he refused to do anything for her. She saw him subsequently at football matches and at trotting meetings and always in company with a Mrs Surridge. Respondent and Mrs Surridge were living together at Subiaco. A decree nisi, with costs, was granted to the petitioner.

The following year his residence was 188 Park Street, Perth and his occupation was a fitter.

Statements of Service were sent to the Repatriation Commission, Perth on April 9 and 24, 1940.

Edward George Shaw died on November 6, 1941 aged 60 years and his grave is marked by a War Service plaque. Funeral arrangements were published in The West Australian on November 7, 1941:

FUNERALS SHAW—The Friends of the late Edward George (Ted) Shaw, (No 5417, Sapper), beloved eldest son of Mr E.W. and the late Mrs E.W. Shaw, fond father of Bob, loved brother of Ann, Jack (deceased), Harry, Muriel, Arthur, Bob and Ivy are respectfully informed that a Church of England service conducted by Rev Canon Collitt in the Crematorium, Karrakatta at 2.20 o’clock TOMORROW (Saturday) AFTERNOON. The Funeral is appointed to leave the Service Chapel of Messrs C.H. Smith and Co, 281 Newcastle Street, Perth at 2 o’clock. Friends attending may proceed by the 2 o’clock train leaving Perth. C.H. SMITH & Co Tel B3003

Edwards’ ashes were distributed over the Crematorium Rose Garden and he is commemorated at Niche Wall site WH, position 98.

The following is his extract which appeared in the publication Australian’s Fighting Sons of the Empire:

Private Edward George Shaw was born at Morgan and educated at Broken Hill. He is 38 years of age, and in 1909 was married to Lilian May Fallows, daughter of Frank and Victoria Fallows, of Money-street, Perth. He answered the call of the Motherland in June, 1916, and after undergoing considerable training at Blackboy Camp, was transferred to Seymour Camp, Victoria. He embarked from there in October, 1916, for England. On the completion of his training he crossed to France, and went into action on the Somme. During the battles of the Somme he was severely gassed, and also contracted trench fever, and as a result was sent to England into Harefield Hospital. He returned home in July, 1919, and is now employed as a fitter at the Government Tram Sheds, Perth. HARRY JAMES SHAW 5418 – 3rd Tunnelling Company

Kapunda, South Australia was the birthplace of Harry James Shaw on August 22, 1887 and son of the above parents. He was a gardener residing at 189 Piesse Street, Boulder in 1910 and a year later in 1911 Ida May Downing became his wife. In 1916 their residence was 7 Evans Street, Boulder with the occupation of Beltman. Firearms experience was gained from two years with the Boulder Rifle Club.

An application to the enlisting officer at Boulder, W.A. on April 11, 1916 saw him pass the preliminary medical examination where personal details were entered. These show he was married residing at No. 7 Evans Street, Boulder City, W.A. and aged twenty-eight years. Height was 169cms (5ft 6½ins) with a 84cms (33ins) chest. Declared fit for active service the recruiting officer accepted his application the same day.

At the Goldfields Senior Cadets (Area 64a) Depot in Kalgoorlie, W.A. on April 23, 1916 he presented his application for enlistment. Forms of Attestation were completed adding further information that his chest expansion was 79-84cms (31-33ins) with a dark complexion and brown hair and his brown eyes testing to fair vision. Religion was Church of England. His wife Mrs Ida Mary Shaw of 7 Evans Street, Boulder was nominated was next-of-kin and allotted three-fifths of his pay in support of her and their children.

Both Shaw brothers entered Blackboy Hill camp on the same day and were assigned to the same training Battalion and took ‘The Oath’ in the same group on May 2, 1916. Harry was also transferred to the Reinforcements to the Tunnelling Company and went for further training to Seymour on July 18, 1916.

As a member of the September, 1916 Reinforcements he was given the regimental number 5418 and the rank of Sapper.

On September 30, 1916 Sapper Harry Shaw was one of 168 volunteers who departed from Melbourne, Vic on the troopship HMAT A23 Suffolk. The ship arrived at Fremantle on October 10 and departed the same day. The South African port of Capetown was reached on October 30 and after an overnight stay left the following day. The vessel arrived at Dakar, West Africa on November 15, 1916 staying in the harbour until November 20, 1916. After 64 days at sea the voyage terminated at Plymouth, England on December 2, 1916. Further training was received for the front at Perham Down’s camp.

Departure from England was on board the S.S. Arundel on New Year’s Day, 1917 and he also did service like his brother in the 1st Anzac Entrenching Battalion before his attachment with the 2nd Tunnelling Company on March 25 and taken on strength in the field on April 191, 1917.

On October 20, 1917 he was taken sick to the 138th Field Ambulance and admitted in a mental state N.Y.D. (not yet diagnosed) and was transferred to the XV C.M.D.S. at the 1/1 E. Lancashire Field Ambulance with acute alcoholism. Discharge from hospital to duty on took place on October 30, 1917 and he rejoined his unit the next day.

He was issued with Blue Chevrons to wear on his uniform for twelve months service.

An attachment was made on June 2, 1918 to the 283rd Siege Battery for several days and he returned to his unit on June 6, 1918.

Sapper Harry Shaw was with his unit when Peace was declared and remained in rehabilitation work as part of the Army of Occupation. His unit was recalled to the Aust Base Depot No.1 and left on April 26, 1919 crossing the English Channel and marching into the No. 2 Group a day later.

On June 5, 1919 Sapper Harry Shaw embarked from England on the H.T. Mahia for the voyage home. This news was sent to his wife from Base Records on June 25, 1919 and the ship arrived in Melbourne, Vic (3rd M.D.) on July 17, 1919 and he returned to Western Australia.

A medical assessment took place on July 25, 1919 at the No. 8 Aust General Hospital in Fremantle, W.A. and found to have no wounds or injury. Neuralgia caused by his teeth was the only illness and the soldier’s signed statement of ‘good, except for teeth’ was accepted. In view of this discharge was recommended.

Military Discharge on the termination of his period of enlistment was issued in Perth, W.A. (5th M.D.) on September 1, 1919.

The British War Medal (13913) and the Victory Medal (13658) were issued to Sapper 5418 Harry James Shaw, 2nd Tunnelling Company for serving his country.

The following case was published in The Western Argus on Tuesday March 13, 1923:

DIVORCE COURT GOLDFIELD CASES Ivy May Shaw, petitioned for the dissolution of her marriage with Harry James Shaw on the ground of desertion. The parties married in Boulder in 1911 and one child was born to them. Shaw went to war in 1916 and returned in 1919, the petitioner being employed during that period at the Base Hospital. Upon Shaw’s return they lived at Kalgoorlie but a month after he left her owing to his drinking habits and she went to work. They became reconciled later but he left her in October, 1919. A decree nisi returnable in six months was given, petitioner to have the custody of their child.

Harry married Bessie Gladys Carter in 1924 with the marriage registered at Coolgardie, W.A. A year later their residence was 215 Boulder Road, Kalgoorlie and his occupation was millman. In 1931 he was a miner at 79 Campbell Street, Kalgoorlie and from 1936 onwards was a prospector living at 17 Colombo Street, Victoria Park, Perth.

The Funeral Notice of his wife was reported in The West Australian on Friday December 15, 1950: FUNERALS SHAW, (Bessie Gladys); On December 14, at North Perth, passed peacefully away, the dearly beloved wife of Harry James Shaw, loved mother of Iris, Bill, Frank and Jeff, mother-in-law of Stan, Dorothy and Dorothy, nanna of Glenys, Lynette and Rita.

Harry died 20 December 1952, his ashes spread in the Crematorium Rose Garden. Harry and Bessie are commemorated at Niche Wall Site WO, position 12.

The West Australian on Wednesday December 24, 1952:

SHAW (Harry): Passed away Dec. 20, brother-in-law of Connie, fond friend of Fred, loved uncle of Vi and Lad. Always remembered.

SHAW (Harry): In memory of Pop, late foundation member of the Victoria Park Baseball Club. Inserted by his fellow clubmen.

The West Australian on Friday December 26, 1952:

SHAW (Harry): Treasured memories of our dear brother-in-law who departed this life Dec. 20, 1952. Just sleeping. Mabel and Tom Carter. The following extract comes from the book Australia’s Fighting Sons of the Empire:

5418 Sapper Harry James Shaw, who was married to Ida May Downing, daughter of Alfred and Jane Downing, of Walter-street, Kalgoorlie, in September, 1910, was born at Adelaide and educated at Broken Hill. He is 33 years of age, and enlisted in June, 1916, going in to Blackboy Camp for training. Later he was transferred to Seymour Camp, Victoria, and sailed from there for England. He was subsequently drafted to France with the 3rd Tunnelling Company, and took part in the battle of Ypres, round Hill 60, and other Somme engagements. While on service he was badly gassed, and also suffered from severe shell-shock. He returned to Melbourne in July, 1919, and came overland to W.A. by Trans-Continently Railway.

Their two brothers also served. PRIVATE / DRIVER ARTHUR PERCIVAL SHAW 2797 – 28th Battalion / 2797a – 4th Field Company Engineers

Arthur Percival Shaw was born in Broken Hill, NSW in 1893. He married Ethel Mary in Boulder, W.A. in 1914 and his occupation was a fireman.

He enlisted at Kalgoorlie, W.A. on August 7, 1915, passed the medical examination and attested the same day. Details taken reveal he was 175cms (5ft 9ins) tall, weighed 68.6kgs (151lbs) with a chest expansion of 84-92cms (33-36ins). Fair in complexion with brown eyes and had brown hair. A distinctive mark was a scar at the base of the metacarpal phalangeal joint. Church of England was his religious faith. Next-of-kin was his wife Mrs Ethel Mary Shaw of 1 Salisbury Road, Boulder, W.A. Swearing in took place that same day.

Basic training began on August 12 with the 22nd Depot Battalion and continued with the 6th Reinforcements to the 28th Battalion on October 15, 1915 at Blackboy Hill until October 27 when they moved to the Helena Vale camp. His regimental number 2797 in the rank of private.

The reinforcements embarked on November 2, 1915 and were taken on strength when they joined the Battalion. At Tel-el-Keber on March 3 they joined the 51st Battalion from Zeitoun but Private Shaw was transferred to the 4th Field Company Engineers on March 18 and taken on strength and re-mustered as a Driver the next day. This being the same unit as his brother Jack Shaw was serving with. On June 1, 1916 they embarked from Alexandria for Marseilles arriving on June 10, 1916.

On December 1, 1916 Private Shaw was wounded in action and admitted to the 1 Canadian General Hospital in Etaples with a shell wound to his right knee.

He was reported seriously ill on December 10 and transferred to England on December 31, 1916 departing on the hospital ship Dunluce Castle on New Year’s Day, 1917 where he was admitted in a serious condition to the Middlesex Hospital at Clactor-on-sea suffering gunshot wound causing amputated knee.

Driver Shaw was moved on January 9 to Hylands Hospital in Chelmsford where he progressed favourably remaining until April 7, 1917. He was admitted to the 2nd Aust Auxiliary Hospital in Southall to recuperate further until discharged to furlough on July 31, 1917. He reported back to the Hospital on August 14 and was granted furlough from August 16 to August 30 and return to Southall Hospital again but was re-admitted on August 29.

He was discharged to the Command Depot and embarked from London on February 15, 1918 as a medical patient on board the H.T. Llanstephen Castle for the voyage home for discharge due to amputation right thigh due to gunshot wound. His wife was advised by Base Records on March 2, 1918 of his impending return. The ship docked in Fremantle, W.A. (5th M.D.) on April 8, 1918. On April 26, 1918 he was issued with a Military Discharge in Perth, W.A. (5th M.D.) due to medical unfitness from his wound. The following day he was granted a pension of sixty-two shillings per fortnight with his wife receiving thirty-one shillings per fortnight along with their daughter Dorothy Myrtle who was issued with twenty shillings per fortnight.

For serving his country Driver 2797 Arthur Percival Shaw, 28th Battalion / 4th Field Company Engineers received the 1914/15 Star (4760), the British War Medal (5797) and the Victory Medal (5455).

In 1925 he was a liftman and residing at 24 Gold Street, South Fremantle and from 1931 onwards their residence was 214 Attfield Street, Fremantle with the occupation of liftman.

FATAL ACCIDENT IN GARAGE At an inquest into the death of Percival Cameron Douglas Clarke (44) proprietor of the Newmarket Garage, Hamilton Hill, in the Fremantle Courthouse yesterday, the Acting-Coroner (Mr C. Christie, J.P.) entered a verdict of accidental death. Clarke died at the Fremantle Hospital on June 17 as a result of multiple head injuries in an accident on June 7. Arthur Percival Shaw, life attendant, gave evidence that he visited the Newmarket Garage on June 8 to have his car examined. Because he only had 1 leg the controls were fitted with the standard attachment for a 1- legged driver. He drove the car slowly forward towards the garage pit. Deceased was standing at the end of the pit and directing witness, who was driving over the pit towards the deceased with his foot resting on the brake bar and using the hand throttle slightly. When witness got close to the deceased without getting a signal to stop, witness jammed his foot down on the brake, his foot slipped off the brake bar and the car moved forward and struck deceased, who was standing half-way down the pit. Witness then asked Mrs Clarke to ring for an ambulance

Tuesday March 27, 1945 GARAGE ACCIDENT £1,750 Damages Awarded A claim for damages, brought under the State statute based on the English measure known as Lord Campbell’s Act, was heard by Mr Justice Wolff in the Supreme Court yesterday.

Acting for herself and her two young children Mrs Ethel May Clark, widow, of Hamilton Hill, sought damages from Arthur Percival Shaw, of South Fremantle, life attendant, in consequence of the death of the plaintiff’s husband, Percival C.D. Clark, who died in Fremantle Hospital on June 17, 1942, from injuries accidentally sustained at his Newmarket Garage, a service station at Hamilton Hill, nine days earlier. Mr LD. Seaton appeared for the plaintiff and Mr John Hale for the defendant, who lost his right leg while on active service in the last war. On the plaintiff’s behalf it was set up that her husband had been the sole support of herself and the children. On June 8, 1942, the defendant, when driving his motor car over an inspection pit at the Newmarket Garage, for it to be examined by Clark, put his foot on the accelerator, with the result that the car’s speed increased and it collided with Clark, inflicting the injuries from which he subsequently died. For the defendant there was a denial that he was negligent in the manner alleged, and there was the alternative plea that the deceased was guilty of contributory negligence by stepping immediately in front of the car after having signalled to Shaw to drive it over the inspection-pit. The plaintiff joined issue with Shaw on his defence, and while denying contributory negligence on Clark’s part maintained that if there was any such negligence Shaw could have avoided its consequences by himself exercising reasonable care. The Judge held that the preponderant facts pointed clearly to the car not having been driven with the prudent care which the occasion demanded, he said, in imputing negligence to the defendant. There would accordingly be judgement for the plaintiff. The Judge assessed damages at £1,750, the balance £250, to be paid into Court for the two children in equal shares, the amount to remain in Court until further order.

The West Australian Friday on August 7, 1942 reported on the following accident:

Arthur Percival Shaw died on November 2, 1960 and his grave is marked with a War Grave plaque.

His extract and photo also was printed in the book Australia’s Fighting Sons of the Empire: [Driver Arthur Percival Shaw (2797), - enlisted August, 1915 - served in Egypt with 28th Battalion – served in France with 4th Field Engineers – wounded in France in December, 1916, his right leg was amputated – invalided home in April, 1918]

PRIVATE JOHN SHAW 220 / 4832 – 4th Field Company Engineers

Born at Wentworth, NSW about 1886 John ‘Jack’ Shaw was a son of Edward and Fanny Shaw. In 1910 his residence was 189 Piesse Street, Boulder, W.A. where he worked as a miner. He was the first brother to enlist on August 16, 1914 at Kalgoorlie for active duty when war was declared. Attestation papers reveal the engine driver was twenty-eight and a half years old and 172cms (5ft 7¾ins) tall, weighed 57kgs (126lbs) with a chest measurement of 89cms (35ins). Fair in complexion with brown to red hair colour and had blue eyes. Church of England was his religious faith. Next-of-kin was his father Mr E.W. Shaw of Oroya Links Gold Mine, Boulder, W.A. He was sworn in at Blackboy Hill camp on September 8, 1914.

He was allotted to the No. 3 section of the Field Engineers on September 9 and on August 31 was promoted to Driver a day later. The 3rd Field Company embarked on HMAT A2 Geelong on October 30, 1914 for the Suez and proceeded to join the M.E.F. at Gallipoli on April 5, 1915.

On August 14, 1915 he was transferred temporarily to the 2nd Australian Division and embarked on Simla from Alexandria. After a promotion to 2nd Corporal on October 17, 1915 he suffered the effects of gas and entered the 6th Field Ambulance on October 30.

A reduction in rank due to being arrested for improper behaviour at Moascar on February 4, 1916 then suffered gastro enteritis from February 10.

Promoted to Provisional Corporal was issued on March 21, 1916 and rose in rank again to Temporary sergeant on April 27, 1916.

On June 3, 1916 the announcement in the London Gazette of his award of a Distinguished Conduct Medal was published. His citation reads:

Corporal 220 J. Shaw, 4th Field Company Engineers 29th October, 1915

“For coolness and courage during rescue operations at C2 tunnel Anzac when he repeatedly entered the tunnel in his efforts to rescue the men disabled by gas from an explosion of ammonal. He several times descended a shaft of 15ft deep in his attempts to remove the disabled men although he was badly attacked by fumes during his first descent.”

He was promoted on July 1, 1916 to Sergeant.

Treatment for a Social Disease saw him treated in England at the 1st Aust Dermatological Hospital at Bulford for much of the latter half of 1917 then classed with a disability in November, 1917.

While in England he was arrested on March 4, 1918 and a District Court Martial was held at Parkhouse camp, on the charge of assault to which he pleaded not guilty. The Court’s finding was guilty and his sentence was a reduction in rank to Corporal.

Returning to France he was wounded in action for the 2nd occasion on August 10, 1918 suffering a gunshot wound to his face. Evacuated to England entered the Beaufort War Hospital until September 19 when he was moved to the 3rd Auxiliary Hospital at Dartford. After furlough he marched into London Headquarters and on October 14, 1918 returned to Parkhouse camp with the debility class B1b.

Corporal Shaw returned to Australia marked ‘Special Leave 1914’ on the H.T. Port Lyttleton embarking on October 23, 1918. His father was advised by Base Records on November 27 of his return. The ship docked at Fremantle, W.A. (5th M.D.) on December 12, 1918.

His Military Discharge was issued on February 17, 1919 in Perth, W.A. (5th M.D.)

Driver 220 / 4832 John Shaw, 4th Field Company Engineers, was entitled to wear in addition to his Distinguished Conduct Medal the 1914/15 Star (3348), the British War Medal (7073) and the Victory Medal (7045) as well as two Oak Leaves for being Mentioned in Despatches. His death was reported in The West Australian Tuesday on September 30, 1941 at 55 years of age:

FUNERALS SHAW—The friends of the late JOHN SHAW of 60 James Street, Perth, beloved son of Mr E.W. and the late Mrs E.W. Shaw, loving father of Daphne and Joan, fond brother of Ted, Ann, Harry, Muriel, Arthur, Bob and Ivy, are respectfully informed that a Church of England service will be held at the Crematorium Chapel Karrakatta at 4 o’clock THIS (Tuesday) AFTERNOON. The Funeral is appointed to leave the Service Chapel of Messrs C.H. Smith and Co. 281 Newcastle Street, Perth at 3.30 o’clock. Friends attending may proceed by the 3.45 o’clock train leaving Perth. C.S. SMITH and CO Tel B3003

His paragraph and photo were published in the book Australia’s Fighting Sons of the Empire:

[Private John Shaw (220), D.C.M. MID(2) - enlisted 1914 – served Gallipoli and awarded D.C.M. – wounded August, 1918, at Somme, returned home 23rd December, 1918.]

© Donna Baldey 2011/2013 www.tunnellers.net

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