Absentee and Tardy Policy for High School and Junior High 5.H

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Absentee and Tardy Policy for High School and Junior High 5.H


Absentee and Tardy Policy for High School and Junior High...... 5.H Absentee and Tardy Policy for Elementary...... 6.H Academic Fairs...... 39.G Acceptable Use Policy...... 95.H Accountability of Personnel...... 28.F Accountability of School Administration...... 1.C Adjourned Board Meetings...... 11.B Administering Medicines to Students ...... 65.H Administrative Personnel...... 4.C Administrative Records/Reports...... 12.C Administrative and Supervisory Personnel...... 4.C Administrators Contracts...... 5.C Admission to School...... 11.H Admissions and Gate Receipts...... 5.D Address toward School Employee...... 94.H Adult Education...... 9.G Advanced College Placement...... 6.G Agendas...... 11.B Annual Operating Budget...... 1.D Appeal of Suspension...... 19.H ARRA Reporting Policy...... 12.D Arrangements for Substitutes...... 93.F Arrest and Criminal Proceedings of Employees Reporting...... 93.F Assemblies...... 39.G Assignment of Administrative and Supervisory Personnel...... 5.C Assignment of Personnel...... 27.F Assignment of Abandoned/Homeless Students and Students in Foster Care...... 14.H Attendance...... 2.H Attendance at Board and Board Committee Meetings...... 6.C Attendance of Students...... 3.H Attendance Policy for Elementary Schools...... 6.H Atypical Students...... 84.H Audit Procedures of School Funds...... 7.D Authorized Signatures...... 7.D Automobile Use by Students...... 75.H


Basic Instructional Program...... 3.G Bastrop High School Scheduling Requirements...... 45.G Behavior Guidelines for School Employees...... 95.F Birth Certificates...... 10.H Board Attorney...... 10.B Board Committees...... 8.B Board Functions...... 4.B Board Meeting News Coverage...... 15.B Board Meeting Procedures...... 11.B Board Member Authority...... 6.B Board Member Compensation and Expenses...... 8.B Board Member Conflict of Interest...... 19.B Board Member Oath of Office...... 7.B Board Officers...... 5.B Board-School Superintendent Relations...... 9.B Bomb Threat Procedures...... 9.A Bond Sales...... 4.D Bonded Board members...... 7.B Bonded Employees...... 6.D Bookkeeping Procedures for Parish Schools...... 7.D Budget Preparation Procedures...... 1.D Building and Grounds Managements...... 1.E Bullying Policy...... 93.H Bus Conduct...... 52.H Bus Insurance...... 16.E Bus Safety...... 17.E Bus Idling Policy (Louisiana Policy) ...... 25.E


Calculator Policy...... 26.G Cash in School Buildings...... 11.D Cell Phone and Other Electronic Device Use...... 41.G Cell Phones, Electronic Device, Games and Toys Usage by Students...... 50.H Cellular Phone (Morehouse Parish School Board Provided) Usage...... 42.G Cell Phones Usage by School Bus Operators...... 43.G Child Abuse Suspected...... 78.H Class Size...... 9.G Cleaning Program...... 10.E Coaching and Extra Duty Stipends...... 51.F Co-Curricular Activities...... 8.G Code of Ethics for Board Members...... 17.B Committees...... 11.C Communicable Disease Control...... 67.H Community Instructional Resources...... 22.G Community Relations...... 10.F Community Resource Persons...... 23.G Compensation Administrative Personnel...... 4.C Compensation and Benefits of Superintendent...... 3.C Compensation Guides...... 13.F Compensatory Time Off Policy for Non Exempt Personnel...... 25.F Complaints and Grievances...... 5.F Complaint Form (Due Process)...... 7.F Conflict of Interest...... 9.F Consequences of Violent Acts...... 55.H Contracts...... 15.F Controversial and Political Issues...... 38.G Copyrighted Material Use...... 11.G Corporal Punishment...... 59.H Correspondence Study Courses...... 6.G Criminal Offenses Affecting Sexual Immorality...... 103.F Criminal Proceedings and Arrest of Employees Reporting...... 101.F Curriculum Adoption...... 2.G Curriculum Design...... 3.G Curriculum Development...... 1.G Curriculum Pilot Projects...... 1.G


Department of Public Safety and Office of Motor Vehicle Notification...... 49.H Derogatory Language of Personnel...... 55.F Derogatory Language of Students...... 54.H Discipline...... 59.H Discussion/Limitations on Discussion...... 12.B Dismissal of Superintendent...... 3.C Dismissal of School Employee...... 33.F Dismissal of Student Precautions...... 74.H Distribution of Materials ...... 12.B Distribution of Supplies ...... 15.E Dress Code-Employees ...... 128.F Dress Code-Students ...... 57.H Driver Education and Training ...... 7.G Driver Training for Employees ...... 21.E Drug and Alcohol Usage by Employees ...... 48.F Drug Education ...... 4.G Drug Testing Policy ...... 107.F Drug Testing Policy for Employees Requiring CDL’s ...... 112.F Drug Testing for Athletes/Extracurricular Participants ...... 101.H Drug and Alcohol Testing – Post Accident ...... 104.F Due Process for Student Suspensions ...... 17.H Due Process for Parent and Student Complaints ...... 6.F Duties of Superintendent ...... 2.C


Early College Admissions ...... 7.G Educational Opportunities ...... 24.G Educational Television ...... 19.G Election of Superintendent ...... 3.C Electives for High School Students ...... 4.G Electronic Communication Policy by Employees to Students ...... 126.F Electronic Information, Services, and Networks Access ...... 19.G Closing ...... 9.A Emergency Closings ...... 9.E Emergency Drills ...... 8.E Emergency Drills for Students Safety ...... 74.H Emergency Procedures ...... 9.A Employee Relations ...... 3.F Employment of Students ...... 83.H Employment Policies at Administration/Supervisory Level ...... 16.F Employment Policies for Business Manager/Chief Financial Officer ...... 17.F Employment Policies for Non-Exempt Employees ...... 18.F Energy Management Conservation Policy ...... 23.E Entrance Requirements ...... 8.H Equal Educational Opportunities ...... 1.H Equal Opportunity Employment ...... 1.F Equipment and Merchandise Sales ...... 5.D Equipment and Supplies Management ...... 14.E Equipment and Supplies Records ...... 15.E Evaluation ...... 30.F Exchange Teaching ...... 65.F Executive Sessions ...... 15.B Expenses Reimbursements ...... 9.D Expenses ...... 49.F Expenses for Administrative and Supervisory Personnel ...... 7.C Expulsion ...... 61.H Extended Programs ...... 5.G Extended Sick Leave ...... 77.F Extended Sick Leave Exception ...... 94.F Extra Duty ...... 49.F F

Family and Medical Leave Act ...... 84.F Field Trips ...... 22.G Fire drills ...... 8.E Firearms and Knives Possession ...... 48.H Fires and Explosions ...... 10.A Fire Prevention ...... 8.E First Aid ...... 77.H Fiscal Year ...... 1.D Fixed Assets ...... 16.E Flag Displays ...... 38.G Flyers, Handouts& Leaflets ...... 106.H Food Service Management ...... 18.E Food Service Records ...... 18.E


GASB 54 Fund Balance Report Policy ...... 13.D General Section ...... 1.F Goals and Objectives ...... 1.C Grading Systems ...... 24.G Graduation Exercises ...... 26.G Graduation Requirements ...... 26.G Guidance Program ...... 23.G


Handouts ...... 106.H Hazing ...... 105.H Health Education ...... 4.G Health Examinations ...... 48.F Health Examinations for Administrative and Supervisory Personnel ...... 6.C Hearing and Vision Screening ...... 63.H High School Elective Courses ...... 4.G Homebound and Hospital Instruction ...... 7.G Homework ...... 25.G Honor Rolls ...... 25.G


In-Service Meetings ...... 29.F Indebtedness ...... 3.D Indoor Air Quality Policy ...... 27.E Inoculations ...... 64.H Instruction in Self-Examination ...... 5.G Instruction Materials ...... 10.G Instructional Arrangements ...... 9.G Instructional Program ...... 3.G Instructional Services ...... 11.G Insurance Program ...... 2.E Intercom Systems ...... 41.G Internal Organization of the Board ...... 4.B Internet Use ...... 96.H Interscholastic Athletics ...... 9.G Investigation of Employees ...... 96.F Investment of Funds ...... 5.D


Leave for Conferences and Visitations ...... 65.F Leave for Illness and Emergencies ...... 69.F Leave for Illness and Emergencies for Administrative and Supervisory Personnel ...... 7.C Leave for Marriage ...... 86.F Leave for Marriage for Administrative and Supervisory Personnel ...... 8.C Leave for Personnel Serving on Public Entities ...... 94.F Leave without Pay ...... 86.F Leave Without Pay for Administrative and Supervisory Personnel ...... 7.C Leaves and Absences ...... 56.F Lesson Plans ...... 41.G Library Selection Materials ...... 11.G Line and Staff Relations ...... 1.C Line Item Transfer Authority ...... 2.D Local Tax Revenues ...... 3.D Long Range Maintenance Program ...... 14.E Long Term Substitute Pay ...... 13.F


Ma’am/Sir Policy ...... 95.H Make-up Opportunities ...... 25.G Married Students ...... 84.H Maternity Leave ...... 84.F Maternity Leave for Administrative and Supervisory Personnel ...... 8.C Meal Charges ...... 19.E Medical Examinations for Bus Drivers ...... 12.F Medication Administration ...... 65.H Memberships in School Boards Association ...... 17.B Military Leave ...... 85.F Military Leave for Administrative and Supervisory Personnel ...... 8.C Military Family Members (Students of) ...... 106.H Mineral Leases ...... 5.D Minutes of Board Meeting ...... 14.B Miscellaneous ...... 37.G N

New Member Orientation ...... 7.B Non-Exempt Personnel Employment ...... 18.F Notification (Board Meetings) ...... 11.B Notification of Unexcused Absence and Unexcused Tardy ...... 7.H Nursing Mothers ...... 127.F


Online Account Privacy ...... 28.E Organizational Chart ...... 1a.C Orientation ...... 29.F Orientation for Student Disciplinary and Conduct Rules ...... 26.H Ownership of Buildings and Movables ...... 97.F Ownership of Facilities ...... 14.E


Parent Access to Instructional Material ...... 46.G Parent Conferences ...... 25.G Parental Notification ...... 9.F Pay Day Schedules ...... 7.D Perfect Attendance ...... 16.H Personal Online Account Privacy ...... 28.E Personnel Records ...... 11.F Philosophy, Goals, and Objectives ...... 1.B Physical Examinations of Students ...... 72.H Placement of Personnel ...... 28.F Policy Development ...... 15.B Political Activities ...... 10.F Possession of Weapons ...... 48.H Pregnant Students ...... 84.H Privacy of Employee Policy ...... 98.F Probation ...... 30.F Probation of Administrative and Supervisory Personnel ...... 5.C Probationary Employment for Non-Exempt Personnel ...... 18.F Profane Language and Acts ...... 56.F Professional Development Opportunities ...... 4.F Professional Development Opportunities for Administrative Supervisory Personnel ...... 11.C Professional Development Opportunities for School Superintendent ...... 3.C Professional Leaves and Absences ...... 7.C Professional Organizations ...... 95.F Professional Personnel ...... 12.F Promotion ...... 31.F Promotional Practices ...... 24.G Property Sales ...... 6.D Psychotropic Drug Policy ...... 73.H Public Appearances ...... 10.F Public Participation in Board Meetings ...... 14.B Publication of Budget ...... 1.D Pupil Progression Plan ...... 4.G Purchasing Procedures ...... 11.D


Qualifications for School Board Members ...... 4.A Qualifications for School Superintendent ...... 2.C Quorum ...... 12.B


Racial Discrimination and Harrassment ...... 107.H Re-admission of Student ...... 62.H Receiving/Warehouse ...... 15.E Recessed Meetings ...... 10.B Recruitment/Hiring ...... 16.F Recruitment/Hiring of Administrative and Supervisory Personnel ...... 4.C Reduction in Force ...... 42.F Regular Board Meetings ...... 10.B Removal from Office ...... 5.A Religious Beliefs ...... 38.G Rental of School Facilities ...... 11.E Repairs ...... 10.E Report Card ...... 24.G Requirements for High School Graduation ...... 26.G Resignation ...... 47.F Respect for Religious Beliefs ...... 38.G Restraint Policy for Exceptional Students ...... 111.H Retirement ...... 47.F Retirement of Administrative and Supervisory Personnel ...... 6.C Retirement of School Superintendent ...... 3.C Revenues ...... 4.D Rights and Responsibilities of Students ...... 16.H Rules of Order ...... 12.B


Sabbatical Leave ...... 56.F Sabbatical Leave for Administrative and Supervisory Personnel ...... 8.C Safe Riding Practices ...... 78.H Safety ...... 2.E Safety Inspections ...... 9.E Safety Program ...... 2.E Salary Deductions ...... 8.D Sale of Section 16 Lands ...... 5.D Sales Tax Criteria for Retirees ...... 47.F Sales Tax Criteria for Employees Terminating ...... 48.F Sanitation ...... 10.E Scheduling for Instruction ...... 10.G School Activities (and School) Funds Management ...... 80.H School Admissions ...... 11.H School and Levels Housed ...... 7.A School Attendance Areas ...... 7.A School-Away-From-School ...... 35.H School Board Authority ...... 1.A School Board Legal Status ...... 1.A School Board Member Legal Status ...... 4.A School Board Member Travel Policy ...... 10.D School Board Power and Duties ...... 2.A School Board Records ...... 16.B School Breakfast ...... 80.H School Bus Scheduling and Routing ...... 18.E School Bus Suspension ...... 63.H School Calendar ...... 8.A School Census ...... 8.A School Day ...... 8.A School District Legal Status ...... 1.A School District Organization Plan ...... 6a.A School Food Services Program ...... 79.H School Fund Raising Activities ...... 11.D School Land Rental or Lease ...... 4.D School Lunch ...... 79.H School Reports ...... 44.G School Stores (Vending Machines) ...... 39.G School Superintendent ...... 2.C School Superintendent Legal Status ...... 6.A School Visitor Policy ...... 24.H School Year ...... 8.A Search and Seizure Procedure and Policy ...... 21.H Seclusion/Restraint Policy ...... 111.H Security ...... 10.E Self-Examination Instruction ...... 5.G Separation ...... 33.F Separation of Administrative and Supervisory Personnel ...... 5.C Service Animals in Schools ...... 127.H Sexual Harassment ...... 52.F Sexual Harassment ...... 89.H Sexual Immorality ...... 101.F...... Sexual Misconduct History Request ...... 99.F Sick Leave Bank ...... 71.F Smoking at Board Meetings ...... 15.B Smoking Prohibition ...... 24.E Solicitation by Business Concerns ...... 11.F Solicitation of/by Staff Members ...... 10.F Solicitation of Students ...... 83.H Special Assignment ...... 12.H Special Board Meetings ...... 10.B Special Education ...... 8.G Special Programs ...... 7.G Staff Meetings ...... 51.F State Equalization ...... 4.D Students Accidents/First Aid ...... 77.H Student Activities ...... 80.H Student Activity Fees ...... 80.H Student Address toward School Employee ...... 95.H Student Assignment for Abandoned/Homeless Students and Students in Foster Care ...... 14.H Student Assignment to Classes ...... 11.H Student Assignment to Schools ...... 11.H Student Automobile Use ...... 75.H Student Behavior ...... 27.H Student Code of Conduct ...... 27.H Student Conduct ...... 25.H Student Derogatory Language ...... 55.H Student Disorders ...... 53.H Student Dress Code ...... 57.H Student Drop Procedure ...... 32.H Student Employment ...... 83.H Student Fees, Fines, and Charges ...... 88.H Student Government ...... 81.H Student Health ...... 63.H Student Health Services ...... 72.H Student Organizations/Clubs ...... 81.H Student Performances ...... 82.H Student Physical Examinations ...... 72.H Student Privacy Policy ...... 129.H Student Publications ...... 82.H Student Re-admission ...... 62.H Student Records-General Education ...... 86.H Student Records-Law Enforcement Officials ...... 88.H Student Records-Special Education ...... 87.H Student Released Time ...... 16.H Student Safety ...... 74.H Student Searches and Seizures ...... 20.H Student Secret Societies ...... 81.H Student Social Events ...... 82.H Student Special Assignments ...... 12.H Student Special Educational Services ...... 85.H Student Transfers and Withdrawals ...... 15.H Student Transportation ...... 78.H Student Transportation Management ...... 16.E Student Walkers and Riders ...... 79.H Student Without Permanent Residence ...... 85.H Students of Military Family Member ...... 107.H Substance Abuse Policy ...... 46.H Substitute Arrangements ...... 95.F Substitute Teaching ...... 40.G Substitute Teacher Pay rate ...... 13.F Summer Schools and Private Instruction ...... 6.G Superintendent Election and Term of Office ...... 6.B Supervision ...... 30.F Supervision of Students ...... 74.H Supervisory Personnel-Specially Funded Programs ...... 4.C Suspected Child Abuse and/or Neglect Cases ...... 78.H Suspension (Infractions requiring) ...... 29.H Suspension ...... 61.H Suspension Procedures ...... 32.H Suspension of Personnel ...... 46.F Suspension of the Rules ...... 13.B Suspension School Program ...... 34.H


Tardiness for Elementary Students ...... 7.H Tardiness for High School and Junior High Students ...... 6.H Technology Policy ...... 96.H Teacher Contracts ...... 16.F Tenure ...... 32.F Tenure of Administrative and Supervisory Personnel ...... 5.C Term of Office of Board Member ...... 5.A Test Administration ...... 36.G Test Results Dissemination ...... 37.G Test Selection and Adoption ...... 36.G Test Security ...... 27.G Textbook Selection and Adoption ...... 10.G Timekeeping Policy for Non-Exempt Employees ...... 22.F Time Schedules ...... 49.F Time Schedules for Administrative and Supervisory Personnel ...... 6.C Tobacco Use Prohibition ...... 24.E Tobacco Use ...... 46.H Traffic and Parking Control ...... 9.E Transfer of Employees ...... 32.F Transfer of Administrative and Supervisory Personnel ...... 5.C Transfer of Students ...... 15.H Transporting Students Using Personal Vehicles ...... 21.E Travel Policy ...... 9.D Truancy ...... 15.H


Unexpired Term Fulfillment of Board Member ...... 5.A Use of Athletic Facilities ...... 13.E Use of Copyrighted Materials ...... 11.G Use of School Facilities ...... 11.E Use of Personal Vehicles for Transporting Students ...... 21.E Use of Vans to Transport Students for Extracurricular Acitivities ...... 22.E


Vacation Policy ...... 9.C Vehicle Maintenance and Repair ...... 22.E Vehicle Use ...... 20.E Visitor to School Policy ...... 24.H Veterans as Students ...... 85.H Video Use ...... 14 .G Voting Method at Board Meeting ...... 13.B


Warning System ...... 8.E Wellness Policy ...... 117.F Withdrawal of Students ...... 15.H Work Load ...... 51.F Work Load of Administrative and Supervisory Personnel ...... 6.C Work Study Employment of Students ...... 83.H Work Study Programs ...... 7.G

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