Hcrs Joint Standing Committee Meeting
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Present: HCRS Staff: George Karabakakis (Chair), Tammy Maberry, Karon Eagles, Sue Hennessey, and Crystal Morey HCRS Board Representation: and Bob Margolin (Vice President, Board Member) Client Representation: KP, JP, GZ, KB, PM, LT, SH, DK, JP, RH, DC, BG, SL, AG, AG, and TF Crystal Morey, Recorder
Present by Video Conferencing: KB and Paul Cooper (Brattleboro), Courtney Seidler, Carolyn McBain, and BA (Hartford)
Welcome and Legislative Update: At 12:15 PM, George K. welcomed the group. Introductions were made including those attending the meeting by video conference from the Brattleboro and Hartford offices. The group welcomed back PM after a brief absence from the Standing Committee.
George announced that the Joint Commission conducted their on-site survey of HCRS on February 20-22. Two JCAHO surveyors met with staff and clients at area offices, residential homes, and while conducting home visits. The review went well with a couple of areas that need to be addressed. A corrective action plan is being developed to address the issues noted by the JCAHO surveyors.
HCRS is currently going through an Agency Review conducted by the Vermont Department of Mental Health in the Adult and Children’s Programs. Surveys were sent out to the local standing committees asking for feedback. Materials and reports were sent to the State last week based on the feedback provided by Program Directors, staff, and members of the local standing committees.
HCRS is the middle of conducting the annual client satisfaction survey. George noted the importance of gathering feedback from all of the clients we serve. We have received well over 450 surveys back from clients. There are approximately three weeks left in the survey period. The results will be communicated to the HCRS Board of Directors, staff, community, etc.
George reported that designated agencies may receive a 2.7% increase which will be applied to reimbursement rates for DMH, DAIL, and ADAP or a possible cut of $2.5 million dollars. It is unclear at this time what will happen, but George will provide more information as it becomes available. George attended the Statewide Standing Committee meeting where discussion took place around a certificate program for peers to become peer recovery specialists.
Mary Moulton, Interim Commissioner of Mental Health, will be resigning from her position in early July to return to her previous position at Washington County Mental Health Services. A search for a new commissioner is currently under way.
Developmental Services: An update on the DS Local Standing Committee was provided. On March 28, about 300 people took part in Disability Awareness Day in Montpelier at the State House to kick-off a year of celebrating the 20th anniversary of the closing of the Brandon Training School. Approximately 30 of those attending were clients and staff of HCRS.
Disability advocates highlight that this anniversary is a time of concern, as well as celebration, due to a proposed $2.5 million dollar policy reduction in funding for developmental services.
1 A spaghetti dinner and a game of Bingo was held on Valentine’s Day for all DS clients. It was well attended and staff and clients really enjoyed themselves.
Stories of achievements were shared by several clients who attended today’s meeting. Linda T. has a new job at the Westminster Fire Station.
HCRS has implemented a new courier service for internal mail delivery within HCRS. Every Tuesday and Thursday, a courier will deliver mail to each of the local offices. Designated drop boxes will be available in the main reception area of every HCRS office. Lori Drude, Employment Coordinator, is coordinating this project.
The next DS Standing Committee meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 13, 2013.
Adult Mental Health: The standing committee is in the process of recruiting additional members since the integration of Outpatient and CRT occurred. Any Adult Outpatient client/representative is invited to join the committee. The group is actively seeking more participants to get people active in the group. They would like to have more peers present to help provide psych support. At the last meeting, they changed the terms for members. A vote will be taking place in April for new officers.
The group is in the process of developing an ad campaign for the community to let them know there are Crisis Care Centers available in the Springfield and Brattleboro areas.
Kate Lamphere, Crisis Program Manager, would like to have peers work with the Crisis Team to help provide support in the ER. Training could be provided to peers so they could potentially share their unique experiences to help others on their road to recovery.
A pool tournament is scheduled for Thursday, March 14, at the Community Center. Twelve clients from HCRS have already signed up to participate in this event.
On March 28, there will be an Art Exhibition Show in the Board Room in Springfield from 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. All are welcome to explore the wonderful artwork created by our clients.
A couple of peers shared their thoughts on the level of support provided to them. Both Peggy and James are pleased with the level of support they receive. James is currently involved in some groups to do various activities.
HCRS Board of Directors Coordination with Standing Committees: Bob Margolin, HCRS Board Member and Board liaison, explained his role as a representative of the Board. He reports back to the Board and updates them on what is happening in the local standing committee meetings he attends. Bob acknowledged some concerns over membership and lack of participation at the meetings. He’d like to see more members on each of the committees so they can be more involved in the System of Care Plans that are developed and to provide more input at the meetings. At the State level, people want to know what these groups are doing.
Children’s Standing Committee: Donna provided an update on what is happening in the Children’s Standing Committee meetings. In the last couple of months they have had some guest speakers attend their meetings. Most recently, Catherine Bell of the Springfield School District, presented at their meeting.
At the January meeting, the committee provided input and suggestions to the Children’s System of Care Plan. In February, Kate Lamphere attended their meeting and provided an update on the services provided in Crisis. The Crisis Care Center serves 8-12 people per day in two counties and approximately four children a week. The response time has improved for crisis situations and is about 30-60 minutes.
2 They are actively recruiting new members and members are still working out their roles with the State and the system of care. They are also starting exploration of the committee – roles, membership, etc. and developing a tracking system for membership.
George asked if there was a health advocacy group for the Children’s group. He’d like to get feedback from clients and family members as changes in the Medicaid system will affect family members and clients receiving Dr. Dynasaur, VHAP, etc.
Advocacy is really important; sharing success stories and getting them out in the community is so beneficial. Claire Munat stated there is a connections group being formed and she would like to have one in Springfield and Brattleboro.
The committee is looking at training staff on crisis family safety planning.
The meeting adjourned at 1:35 PM.
Next Meeting: June 11, 2013 from 12:00 – 1:30. Lunch will be provided for all areas.
Minutes by Crystal Morey, Recorder